………It wasn’t down to a deliberate, conscious decision on Zodiac’s part to let Bryan live. Bryan survived being stabbed six times, many others have succumbed to being stabbed once. Brayn was rather lucky in the sense that none of his stab wounds penetrated vital organs such as his heart. It simply isn’t logical, or plausible, to suggest that Zodiac’s plan was to stab someone six times with a 12 inch blade with no intention for the person to die.
I agree 100%. It was pure luck that Hartnell survived after 6 stab wounds.
Remember Zodiac called Napa Police to report a double Murder. He assumed that his attack was successful, he assumed the remoteness and the 40+ minute drive to the Napa Car Wash phone booth gave plenty of time for the victims to bleed out and he assumed no survivors this time. Perhaps these are reasons for attacking at Berryessa with a knife.
Yep, and he probably used a knife at Lake B because it’s a fairly public area and his attack was in daytime hours so shooting a gun would almost certainly attract unwanted attention. And yeah, when he phoned to report his crime, he even corrected himself to say "I want to report a murder….no, a double murder"
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
I do wish he’d said "This is the Zodiac (killer), and I want to report another double murder."
I’d have said that, even if I was a copycat.
Still, there it is. I mustn’t be greedy.
I do wish he’d said "This is the Zodiac (killer), and I want to report another double murder."
I’d have said that, even if I was a copycat.
Still, there it is. I mustn’t be greedy.
Good point you raise there Smithy about Zodiac never identifying himself when calling to report his own crimes. I hadn’t really though much about, or even realized, until you just pointed it out. Considering he opened all his written communications/confession’s with "This is the Zodiac Speaking", you’d expect that he might do the same when confessing via phone call. It would have an even greater impact to announce ‘This is the Zodiac speaking, I want to report a double murder’ over the phone and hearing him say that than it would just reading the words on paper. I wonder why he didn’t announce who he was when phoning? He would only tell Nancy Slover "I also killed those kids last year….Goodbyeeee" and informed Dave Slaight that "I’m the one that did it." He told them both what he had done, but not who it was that had done it. Hmmm. Got me thinking now Smithy lol.
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
I do wish he’d said "This is the Zodiac (killer), and I want to report another double murder."
I’d have said that, even if I was a copycat.
Still, there it is. I mustn’t be greedy.Good point you raise there Smithy about Zodiac never identifying himself when calling to report his own crimes. I hadn’t really though much about, or even realized, until you just pointed it out. Considering he opened all his written communications/confession’s with "This is the Zodiac Speaking", you’d expect that he might do the same when confessing via phone call. It would have an even greater impact to announce ‘This is the Zodiac speaking, I want to report a double murder’ over the phone and hearing him say that than it would just reading the words on paper. I wonder why he didn’t announce who he was when phoning? He would only tell Nancy Slover "I also killed those kids last year….Goodbyeeee" and informed Dave Slaight that "I’m the one that did it." He told them both what he had done, but not who it was that had done it. Hmmm. Got me thinking now Smithy lol.
At BRS he had not taken on the Zodiac persona yet.
Zodiac had only used "Zodiac" in one letter prior to LB. Maybe he hadn’t gotten quite used to it yet either…or it wasn’t him.
At BRS he had not taken on the Zodiac persona yet.
Zodiac had only used "Zodiac" in one letter prior to LB. Maybe he hadn’t gotten quite used to it yet either…or it wasn’t him.
But he had been using the Zodiac symbol and Z. Thoughts?
"Jerry, just remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it." George Costanza from Seinfeld
I do wish he’d said "This is the Zodiac (killer), and I want to report another double murder."
I’d have said that, even if I was a copycat.
Still, there it is. I mustn’t be greedy.Good point you raise there Smithy about Zodiac never identifying himself when calling to report his own crimes. I hadn’t really though much about, or even realized, until you just pointed it out. Considering he opened all his written communications/confession’s with "This is the Zodiac Speaking", you’d expect that he might do the same when confessing via phone call. It would have an even greater impact to announce ‘This is the Zodiac speaking, I want to report a double murder’ over the phone and hearing him say that than it would just reading the words on paper. I wonder why he didn’t announce who he was when phoning? He would only tell Nancy Slover "I also killed those kids last year….Goodbyeeee" and informed Dave Slaight that "I’m the one that did it." He told them both what he had done, but not who it was that had done it. Hmmm. Got me thinking now Smithy lol.
At BRS he had not taken on the Zodiac persona yet.
Zodiac had only used "Zodiac" in one letter prior to LB. Maybe he hadn’t gotten quite used to it yet either…or it wasn’t him.
True, He hadn’t used the name ‘Zodiac’ prior to BRS, and in his first three ‘confession’ letters to the three newspapers on July 31, he only ID’d himself as ‘the murderer’. It is 4 days later that he first identifies himself as ‘The Zodiac’ in his reply to police asking for more proof that he was responsible. So, ok, fair point, we could theorise that he hdn’ quite ‘evolved’ into ‘Zodiac’ the serial killer until Aug 4th, but we’re still left with the Sep 27th phone call to Dave Slaight where he ‘wants to report a murder…. No, a double murder’ and will only offer that ‘I’m the one the did it’.
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
I mean if his letters are a blueprint, then we should expect him to be over eager to announce to Dave Slaight that he is Zodiac. The first statement he makes in the majority of his letters is an impact statement, designed to have an immediate impact on whoever opens and first reads the words "This is the Zodiac Speaking". This same statement would have an even greater impact on a person on the other end of a phone line who doesn’t expect to be called by ‘The Zodiac’.
It’s strange really because…
Lake Herman Rd: Does not make phone call to police announcing crime nor take credit in written form until almost 8 months later and after his second attack.
Blue Rock Springs: Phones to report a double murder and takes credit for it in writing with letters to three newspapers, one being the Chronicle, which would later become his preferred platform.
Lake Berryessa: Again phones authorities to report a murder… no, a double murder, but does not write a letter to the Chronicle, or any other paper, bragging about, and taking credit for, being responsible. Writes several dates, the words ‘By Knife’, & the Crosshairs on door of Bryans car.
Presidio Heights. Makes no phone call to report his crime, but almost immediately sends letter to S.F Chronicle saying ‘This is the Zodiac Speaking – I am the murderer of the taxi driver over my Washington & cherry streets last night’.
No consistency in his credit taking at all really. I mean I think we could explain zodiac not calling police to report his Presidio attack simply because he knew police were already aware of the crime because he’d encountered them responding to it as he was casually ‘Ambling, stumbling, lumbering and limping’ away down the street lol. But the rest, who knows?
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
I think the Berryessa attack and Z’s behaviour looks less unusual if you factor in his possible life pre-LHR. If we take a look at a potential timeline that I think most people would agree is quite credible:
1963 – Domingos-Edwards. (I think it is agreed there is a very good chance this is Z).
1966 – Bates murder. Personally I only rate this a 50/50 likelihood of being Z. If it isn’t then it’s just an extended break, if it is, then we have solo murder, first letters to media etc.
1967 – Molina-Rodriguez – Thanks to Morf for digging this up, I think there’s a good possibility this is Z.
1968 – Farraday-Jensen
1969 – Mageau-Ferrin
1969 – Hartnell-Shepard
1969 – Stine
There may well be more, but that would not really affect my reasoning. If the above list is looked at as a whole, it’s the Stine murder than seems out of place, not Berryessa (which further highlights Stine as being a ‘make-up’ rushed murder to atone for Hartnell and Mageau). In many ways LB can be seen as a simple escalation of the ritual which is common serial killer behaviour.
When it comes to the hood, is there any evidence to suggest he didn’t wear it for all the murders pre-Mageau/Ferrin? For all we know it was his normal MO right up until BRS, obviously couldn’t use it for Stine once Hartnell’s story became public. I don’t necessarily believe he did, but it’s an example of how the hood might not be that unusual for him.
And as for his taking credit for his actions, another simple pattern emerges :
Pre 1969: 2 confirmed, possibly upwards of 6 victims. During this time only one potential event leads to contact (Bates murder), maybe does nothing for him at that time, so we have a strong pattern of no contact, none at all if he didn’t commit the Bates murder.
1969: Getting a bit bored with simple murder after BRS, craving some more excitement so decides to start up contact again to see where it leads. May as well take credit for LHR at this time as well, let everyone know he means business. Calls again after LB and leaves writing on car, slow escalation again.
As for the difference in style between his opening lines both spoken and written, this has been covered in detail on other forums and I don’t think it really amounts to much, especially when you take into account the differing emotional/mental states he must have been in when making calls to when being at home writing the letters.
Check out my website: www.darkideas.net
If we KNEW those people were victims, it would make sense, but we don’t. Considering Zodiac wanted us to know who he killed from LHR on, I have a hard time guessing who potential vicitms may have been…if there were any at all.
If we KNEW those people were victims, it would make sense, but we don’t. Considering Zodiac wanted us to know who he killed from LHR on, I have a hard time guessing who potential vicitms may have been…if there were any at all.
I’d have to agree with that Tahoe. If Zodiac wanted to tell us who he was, and who his victims were post LHR, then why didn’t he pre LHR?
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
He said he started his collection of slaves with the electric gunsight at LHR, but then claimed Riverside, and that there were "a hell of a lot more" down there, nuh? Not to be trusted, the naughty man.
He said he started his collection of slaves with the electric gunsight at LHR, but then claimed Riverside, and that there were "a hell of a lot more" down there, nuh? Not to be trusted, the naughty man.
Exactly. IMO, all those claims of responsibility for other crimes were to scatter LE and "free" publicity.
"Jerry, just remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it." George Costanza from Seinfeld
He said he started his collection of slaves with the electric gunsight at LHR, but then claimed Riverside, and that there were "a hell of a lot more" down there, nuh? Not to be trusted, the naughty man.
Yeah I always used to point to that comment made by Zodiac, the ‘Ps. To prove I am Zodiac, ask the Vallejo cop about my electric gun sight I used to start my collecting of slaves’ as evidence for the idea that he wasn’t responsible for CJB’s murder, and I still don’t believe he was. As I’ve said previous, Zodiac does not take credit for, or even mention at all, the Riverside murder of Cheri Jo. It’s only after Avery publically claims to have ‘linked’ the two together that Zodiac proclaims that he hasto give them credit for stumbling across his Riverside Activity, a kind of "Ahh, Damn, you got me. Well done!" I just think Zodiac was playing along with Paul’s latest claim, but I dn’t think for one moment he was actually responsible. When the Police asked him for ‘more proof’ of his involvement in the Lake Herman & Blue Rock Springs shootings, he responded with "In answer to your asking for more details about the good times I have had in Vallejo, I shall be very happy to supply even more material" and then went on to list what gun was used, the bullets, the position of the bodies etc etc. And again, when the S.F Chief of Inspectors, Martin Lee, said publically in the Chronicle that ‘Zodiac is a liar – he was not in the park that night like he claims to have been’ Zodiac replies by telling Lee that he was in the area, and to prove it states " Hey blue pig I was in the park — you were useing firetrucks to mask the sound of your cruzeing prowl cars. The dogs never came within 2 blocks of me + they were to the west + there was only 2 groups of parkingabout 10 min apart then the motor cicles went by about 150 ft away going fromsouth to north west."
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
WC, I like it when we agree.
…..I shall be very happy to supply even more material" and then went on to list what gun was used, the bullets, the position of the bodies etc etc.
Steady though!
WC, I like it when we agree.
Re:…..I shall be very happy to supply even more material" and then went on to list what gun was used, the bullets, the position of the bodies etc etc.
Steady though!
" WC, I like it when we agree. "
Me too, Smithy. We must cherish these moments of agreement because, as we both know, it will probably only last for this one post and it will be at least 3 months before we agree on the next point lol.
Must be the English – Welsh thing. Hehe
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.