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Satanic influence?

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Always found the dates of the Cheri Jo Bates events kind of interesting…

Cheri Jo was obviously killed late at night on 10/30/66 (the night before Halloween). The Confession letter was sent one month afterwards and the Bates letters were mailed on 4/30/67, six months to the date after her murder. Of interest, is that the murder and Bates letters correspond with two of the three most important Satanic holidays (Halloween, Walpurgisnacht and an individual’s own birthday).


SPECIAL RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS: The highest holiday in the Satanic religion is one’s own birthday. Every man is a God as he chooses to recognize that fact. After one’s birthday, Walpurgisnacht (April 30) and Halloween are most important. April 30 is the grand climax of the spring equinox and Halloween was one of the times of the great fire festivals among the ancient Druids. The solstices and equinoxes – which fall in March, June, September, and December and mark the first day of the new seasons – are also celebrated.

4/30/67 was also the one-year anniversary of the founding of Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan (founded in San Francisco on Walpurgisnacht in 1966). In some parts of the country, October 30th is called Mischief Night or Devil’s night, an opportunity for teenage vandalism and sometimes more nefarious stuff like setting fires.


I’m not suggesting that Zodiac was a Satanist or necessarily had any Satanic beliefs but since he killed on the winter solstice and sent his own Halloween card, I think it’s worth considering this as a possible influence on a fledgling Zodiac. Thoughts?

Posted : October 9, 2013 11:11 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

This is an extract from my site. I am too lazy to write it again.
On October 31st 1987, three days after the mailing of the debatable Zodiac 1987 letter , Shannon Olson (15) disappeared from the South East Wichita area after she had decided to venture out with friends on All Hallows Eve.
Within hours she was found floating in a pond by two fishermen, in an industrial area off the now I-35 and K-96 in North Wichita. Shannon Olson had been repeatedly stabbed over forty times, her hands bound behind her back with her own bra. It was surmised her body had been dumped there, after possibly being abducted sometime earlier.
The letter and the murder are in within days of each other, with the crime occurring on Halloween night. The killer could have used his car in the crime to lure or disable the victim, similar to the Tamalpais Valley Attack.
Shannon was only a kid of 15 years, bound and killed in what clearly was a frenzied attack of over 40 knife wounds, an overkill bearing partial traits of the Lake Berryessa Attack, the Hood/Garcia Murders and the Domingos/Edwards slayings, all discovered near water.
October 31st 1987 was also a Saturday, bearing in mind the Zodiac’s four confirmed attacks at Lake Herman Road, Blue Rock Springs, Lake Berryessa and Presidio Heights all took place on a Friday or Saturday.
It is believed by some that the Zodiac murders and correspondence were part influenced by an occultist theme.
The Church of Satan was founded by author and occultist Anton Szandor LaVey, almost to the day, six months prior to All Hallows Eve on April 30th 1966 at the Black House, 6114 California Street, San Francisco, California, close to the Presidio Heights district where Paul Stine was killed, but the building was later demolished in 2001.
It was also exactly six months later that Cheri Jo Bates was murdered outside the Riverside City College Library on October 30th 1966. The San Francisco Chronicle and Los Angeles Times ran articles on LaVey calling him ‘The Black Pope’.
Anton LaVey, knew the Tamalpais Valley area well, having attended Tamalpais High School in Mill Valley until the age of 16.
He died on October 29th 1997, but curiously his death certificate stated his passing on Halloween morning.
Was the Zodiac a integral member or part influenced by the Anton LaVey movement and the press coverage.
In a television interview Paul Avery, who had become the subject of the killers Halloween Card, received a phone call from LaVey stating that he thought the Zodiac Killer may have been one of his parishioners, subsequently providing Paul Avery with some material, leading Avery to comically allude to the fact, that the ‘Zodiac was so bad even the Church of Satan didn’t want him’.
The Zodiac mentioned the 1977 film The Car, about a satanically possessed vehicle that embarks on a murderous rampage, Anton LaVey was awarded the title of Technical Advisor in the movies credits, with a quote from his Satanic Bible.

Posted : October 9, 2013 3:40 pm
Posts: 491
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Hmm… I’m actually quite familiar with the Shannon Olson case because she was considered as a very possible BTK victim, especially since she was found bound by her hands and feet. Perhaps Rader (BTK) channeled Zodiac’s apparent interest in Halloween if he is indeed responsible for this murder? If this occurred closer to "home", it would certainly be considered a possible Zodiac case but I think the distance makes it far less likely.

Posted : October 9, 2013 5:50 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

Hmm… I’m actually quite familiar with the Shannon Olson case because she was considered as a very possible BTK victim, especially since she was found bound by her hands and feet. Perhaps Rader (BTK) channeled Zodiac’s apparent interest in Halloween if he is indeed responsible for this murder? If this occurred closer to "home", it would certainly be considered a possible Zodiac case but I think the distance makes it far less likely.

Yes I am not convinced it is a Zodiac crime, due to the location, it was just the closeness to the 1987 Halloween Letter that spiked my interest, although it does not strike me as a BTK crime either. Dennis Rader suffocated or strangled all his victims, apart from Kathryn Bright whom he stabbed twice. In this case 40 times is definitely overkill and seems so far removed to anything Rader had done before. He got his kicks from slow torture, rather than what is evident in the Shannon Olsen case.

Posted : October 9, 2013 9:06 pm
Posts: 217
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Ref Disparaging commentary on women and a possible cult connection

"Jerry, just remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it." George Costanza from Seinfeld

Posted : October 10, 2013 1:27 am
Posts: 491
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On Walpurgisnacht, April 30, 1966, he ritualistically shaved his head, allegedly "in the tradition of ancient executioners", declared the founding of the Church of Satan and proclaimed 1966 as "the year one",

Lavay was frustrated with Crowley because he was a hypricate when it came to admitting his satanism.

Lavay started his own church out of frustration from the Golden Dawn.

Lavay proclaimed 1966 and the Church of Satan “the year one”

Cheri Jo Bates was a sacrifice in 1966 for “the year one” the beginning of the ”Church of Satan” it was also lavay breaking away from the Golden Dawn and mocking Crowley for being a hypocrite.


Interesting, Daniel. I obviously DO find it interesting that CJB’s murder and the Bates letters correspond to not only two important Satanic holidays but the two Satanic holidays (barring Z’s birthday of which we don’t know the date) following the founding of LaVey’s Church of Satan in San Francisco.

It could be total coincidence or a red herring to make investigators think CJB’s killer had some Satanic connection. It could be that a fledgling Z held some identification with Satanism or the Church of Satan. California in 1966 was a pretty weird place…

Posted : October 14, 2013 6:54 pm
Posts: 491
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This is an extract from my site. I am too lazy to write it again.
On October 31st 1987, three days after the mailing of the debatable Zodiac 1987 letter , Shannon Olson (15) disappeared from the South East Wichita area after she had decided to venture out with friends on All Hallows Eve.
Within hours she was found floating in a pond by two fishermen, in an industrial area off the now I-35 and K-96 in North Wichita. Shannon Olson had been repeatedly stabbed over forty times, her hands bound behind her back with her own bra. It was surmised her body had been dumped there, after possibly being abducted sometime earlier.
The letter and the murder are in within days of each other, with the crime occurring on Halloween night. The killer could have used his car in the crime to lure or disable the victim, similar to the Tamalpais Valley Attack.
Shannon was only a kid of 15 years, bound and killed in what clearly was a frenzied attack of over 40 knife wounds, an overkill bearing partial traits of the Lake Berryessa Attack, the Hood/Garcia Murders and the Domingos/Edwards slayings, all discovered near water.
October 31st 1987 was also a Saturday, bearing in mind the Zodiac’s four confirmed attacks at Lake Herman Road, Blue Rock Springs, Lake Berryessa and Presidio Heights all took place on a Friday or Saturday.
It is believed by some that the Zodiac murders and correspondence were part influenced by an occultist theme.
The Church of Satan was founded by author and occultist Anton Szandor LaVey, almost to the day, six months prior to All Hallows Eve on April 30th 1966 at the Black House, 6114 California Street, San Francisco, California, close to the Presidio Heights district where Paul Stine was killed, but the building was later demolished in 2001.
It was also exactly six months later that Cheri Jo Bates was murdered outside the Riverside City College Library on October 30th 1966. The San Francisco Chronicle and Los Angeles Times ran articles on LaVey calling him ‘The Black Pope’.
Anton LaVey, knew the Tamalpais Valley area well, having attended Tamalpais High School in Mill Valley until the age of 16.
He died on October 29th 1997, but curiously his death certificate stated his passing on Halloween morning.
Was the Zodiac a integral member or part influenced by the Anton LaVey movement and the press coverage.
In a television interview Paul Avery, who had become the subject of the killers Halloween Card, received a phone call from LaVey stating that he thought the Zodiac Killer may have been one of his parishioners, subsequently providing Paul Avery with some material, leading Avery to comically allude to the fact, that the ‘Zodiac was so bad even the Church of Satan didn’t want him’.
The Zodiac mentioned the 1977 film The Car, about a satanically possessed vehicle that embarks on a murderous rampage, Anton LaVey was awarded the title of Technical Advisor in the movies credits, with a quote from his Satanic Bible.

UKS, For what it’s worth, I agree that Shannon Olson is not the strongest potential BTK victim but I think the M.O. of her hands being tied behind her back with her own bra and legs tied was what made many people wonder. Rader also clearly had pedophilic tendencies so her age certainly doesn’t rule her out. I’m not aware of Rader having any Satanic influences (other than the claim of a being influenced by a demon) but I also don’t take his "scorecard" at face value any more than I accept Zodiac’s claim of killing 37 people. We know he carried a knife and wasn’t averse to stabbing people (Brights) so I don’t think he can be ruled out based on the way Shannon Olson was killed. We really have no idea what happened to her and my thought has always been that Rader may have avoided taking credit for crimes that were unsuccessful (Kathryn Bright), embarrassing or reveal something about him that he didn’t want to acknowledge (like pedophilia).

Posted : October 14, 2013 7:15 pm
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

This is only marginally related. I receive some strange emails at times and this is the contents of one. If you live in the area where this event is happening you might want to make contact with LaVey’s daughter Zeena. She might have some insight as to who LaVey thought was the Zodiac Killer.

ZEENA SCHRECK – LIVE in New York at Performa 13 !!!
November 8, 2013, for the 11th Anniversary of the Sethian Liberation Movement!
Tickets $15 reserve NOW – https://www.eventbrite.com/event/8198727615

Zeena’s first performance granted to her native country since her expatriation to Europe in 1990 – this is the only performance in the U.S. this year!

FRANK HAINES presents:…

ZEENA, accompanied by New York musician Hisham Bharoocha (first percussion) and Danish musician Anders Hermund (second percussion), in a vocal based work as chant that taps into the ritual use of vocalized sacred syllables from Vajrayana, Shaktism and Sethian-Typhonian left-way tantric practices, originating from emptiness, gradually transforming into a sound and voice collage on a stage set design by Frank Haines. Zeena’s wardrobe by Ohne Title.

Event Description: http://13.performa-arts.org/event/frank … na-schreck
Artist’s page Zeena Schreck: http://13.performa-arts.org/artists/zeena-schreck
Artist’s page Frank Haines: http://13.performa-arts.org/artists/frank-haynes

When: Friday, November 8, 8:00 pm
Where: Community Church of New York, 40 E 35th Street

Tickets: $15 on sale NOW at: https://www.eventbrite.com/event/8198727615

A Performa 13 Project for the New Visual Art Performance Biennial – Curated by Mark Beasley.

In other news:

Read Zeena’s latest articles for her VICE Magazine column ‘From the Eye of the Storm,’ uploaded to the archives page in NOTES on Zeena’s official Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/#!/notes/zeena … 0478553226


Posted : October 14, 2013 8:04 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

Hi Daniel,

You may have said this somewhere already, but by any chance was LaVey referred to as "Lav" by any who knew him?


Posted : October 14, 2013 10:21 pm