Good idea. You put a lot of good, hard work into all that trav! I should have known to look for that, but sometimes forget where things are located.
Apologize if I missed this, but has anyone found an online database for historical car registrations in California?
He stated ‘he climbed over the back seat to get away from the shooting. Finally the subject quit shooting him and turned the gun on Dea and started shooting her again and again. The subject then turned around and started to walk back to his vehicle. Michael stated he could not tell if he meant to yell at the subject or yell from pain, but he let out some type of yell. At this time the subject apparently hearing him came back and shot him once in the back and once in the left leg’. He goes on to say ‘he reached outside and opened the car door and fell outside on the ground. As he fell onto the ground, the vehicle the subject was in, backed up in a turning movement and then took off.
While you write this, I wonder about a few questions:
– Z did shoot Mike Mageau first, why? Could Mike have been the assailants’ main victim? (to the opposite Z had written that Mike had ‘spoiled his aim’..)
– Z went back to shoot Mike again. This either because of he wanted him to be dead for sure or, another possibility, to make him silent (coup de grace might be ruled out..). Why would Z want to make sure that Mike was dead, which even made him going back to shoot again?
– It was only when Mike had fallen out of the car that Z drove away. As far as I know, the car was to the right of the victim’s car, passing them by in North-West direction. If Z had seen Mike falling out of the car, why didn’t he continue to ‘finish his job’, while a moment earlier he had indeed done so?
He stated ‘he climbed over the back seat to get away from the shooting. Finally the subject quit shooting him and turned the gun on Dea and started shooting her again and again. The subject then turned around and started to walk back to his vehicle. Michael stated he could not tell if he meant to yell at the subject or yell from pain, but he let out some type of yell. At this time the subject apparently hearing him came back and shot him once in the back and once in the left leg’. He goes on to say ‘he reached outside and opened the car door and fell outside on the ground. As he fell onto the ground, the vehicle the subject was in, backed up in a turning movement and then took off.
While you write this, I wonder about a few questions:
– Z did shoot Mike Mageau first, why? Could Mike have been the assailants’ main victim? (to the opposite Z had written that Mike had ‘spoiled his aim’..)
– Z went back to shoot Mike again. This either because of he wanted him to be dead for sure or, another possibility, to make him silent (coup de grace might be ruled out..). Why would Z want to make sure that Mike was dead, which even made him going back to shoot again?
– It was only when Mike had fallen out of the car that Z drove away. As far as I know, the car was to the right of the victim’s car, passing them by in North-West direction. If Z had seen Mike falling out of the car, why didn’t he continue to ‘finish his job’, while a moment earlier he had indeed done so?QT
Maybe he was out of ammo after the 2nd volley of shots or maybe he would have had to reload his magazine/clip which
would have taken too much time.
IIRC 9 shots in total were fired, most 9mm pistols of that era held 8 rounds in the magazine/clip +1 in the chamber so
he was probably out of ammo and didn’t have a spare magazine/clip.