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Vallejo area Drive-in movies ?

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ace ventura
Posts: 435
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The point about David and Betty parking way out on LHR made by welsh chapie a good one and sparked a thought . How many drive-in theaters were there in the area in those days ?
if a cop would see a single man in a car parked by a couple "getting it on" they would likely shew off the couple and likely check out the man thouroghly.
but at a drive-in theater he would be ok. And if he stalked couples in part for arrousal the drive-in movie was sure to deliver.
I and several dates were observed by men at our drive-in back in the mid 70’s ,most notably my nexdoor neighbor and the owner of the drive-in.
Many single men and married wanting to be alone ,prefered drive-in’s as it was more relaxing than a reg theater and you brought a 6-pack of beer,snacks Z may have scoped out couples getting busy at a drive-in theater, then if he saw the car again parked at say BRS or else where he knew who he had . he may have been a regular at them . also a lot of the movies were very action packed and violent.

Posted : January 8, 2014 4:57 am
Posts: 48
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I am kind of confused with this post. There was very little in the way of buildings on LHR – practically a deserted area. There were certainly no drive-in theaters there.

What does drive-in theaters have to do with the Faraday/Jensen case?

Posted : May 2, 2014 8:49 pm
Posts: 273
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I think it’s trying to say that Z may have been someone who frequented drive-in movies alone, you know like a perv would do back in the day. And then would see young couples like maybe David and Betty Lou getting it on, and would rise his emotions to go and kill some kids parked. Or maybe follow a David and Betty Lou and when they went to park in an isolated area, attack them….

I hear ya Train that’s a stretch on so many levels, and an absolute unprovable thing to bring up. The perv keeps his perversion close to the vest, no one would announce hey I like to go to Drive-Ins alone and watch kids get it on. So no one would typically know that the perv is doing this, so how could anyone remotely link it to Z?

Posted : May 3, 2014 3:36 am
Posts: 48
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Thanks for your input, B/A 60’s – there is some logic to what you said, and I agree that there is no corroborating evidence, but with a pervert like that, anything is possible.

Not being familiar with Vallejo, I am sure they had a drive-in movie place somewhere – every town did in the 1950’s thru the early 1970’s. Some places still do.
And yes, many young kids came there to "park," not actually watch the movie.



Posted : May 3, 2014 9:04 pm
ace ventura
Posts: 435
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Hey someone answered my post!

Yeah it is a theory, if Z did frequent Drive In movie theaters who would remember from 40+ yrs ago , but I have not seen a thread here talking about the drive- in movie . It was a big thing in the 60’s and 70’s ,kinda what young adults did on a weekly basis and a heavy make out place , esp when a R rated movie played .

In the post about a Kmart ,there is a big drive -in theater in that picture ,I am sure there were many in and around the bay area.
As I remember them ,many a older man (40-70) would go alone to a drive in movie not to spy on a make out session ,but he could smoke ,drink a beer , and maybe he liked the type of movies better, and you could see that 2-5 yr old movie you liked ( no VCR yet). I have gone alone like a dozen times , back in the day .
I imagine Valejo and Solano Co did a few traps for Z with younger officers parking at makeout pts .
Z studying a car at a drive -in would give him a chance to ID the car and people to attack later with out risking him getting it wrong.
Maybe even Z worked at a drive -in theater. ever have to pick up a lot at one ?
pick up enough used rubbers and diapers and you will think about doing bad things to the culprits

Posted : May 4, 2014 11:36 pm
Posts: 273
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Being a Bay Area teen at the time I can tell you we were never allowed to park near a single guy in a car, the gals we were with wouldn’t allow it. How many times did I have to move when a single male pulled next to us, behind us, in front of us. The gals were hip to what may be taking place, and they didn’t like it. In the 60’s – 70’s you could be sure there’d be unmarked cop cars at the drive in. We did more smoking than drinking, and the cops all caught on to that. so either way in the Bay Area back then a single male in a car at the drive in was bad news.
One thing about Z is once he announced himself to the Bay Area world, he never went back to those lover lane places at night. He was probably at least that smart to realize cops would be putting them on their regular route and on the lookout for anyone matching Z’s description.

Posted : May 5, 2014 12:51 pm
Posts: 48
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One thing we do know is that Z never committed a crime in the same area. LHR and BRS were in different jurisdictions.

Posted : May 5, 2014 9:47 pm
Posts: 32
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I believe there to be two drive-in theaters in Vallejo. One on Benicia Road next to a cemetery. The other theater was located on Fairgrounds drive next to a trailer park and race track. My grandparents lived in the trailer park, and my brothers and I would sneak behind the trailer park to watch movies.

Posted : May 6, 2014 3:25 am
ace ventura
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I just remembered a weird thing about our near by theater. this was in the early 70’s
this theater was very popular as it had the best movies and a good location and as such would sell out many a summer night,esp. on the weekends .So there was a road on a ridge that gave a view of the screen and coupes mostly ,would park by the side there to still view the movie at least .
Some businesses were there but closed and woods . one night a coupe was attacked sitting in the car by a man that walked up and pulled a gun but said nothing then shot and killed ,I think him and wounded the girl . At first it was thought to be a revenge killing from a former boyfriend of hers ,but later another man said the same thing happened to them but they got away unscathed.
I will try to find an article about it from the KC StaR

Posted : May 6, 2014 8:44 pm
Posts: 48
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Was the newspaper the Kansas City Star?

Just in case it is, and the crime happened in that state, then I would doubt it would be Z because that crime would automatically bring the FBI in. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of perverts running loose. If anyone thinks that fact has changed, look at all the mass shootings/killings.

Posted : May 6, 2014 10:01 pm
ace ventura
Posts: 435
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It was in KC so yes it would be in the KC Star , very hard to find it with out a date , I have searched for zodiac articles but no luck. the theater was at 8200 E 63rd st and 50 hiway still there but a swap /shop now . i think it may have been in the late sixty’s even when this happened.

Posted : May 7, 2014 6:23 am