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The Many Places Donna Could Be…

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DNA could be extracted sure, but is any of Donna family convicted felons with DNA in the Database? If not, DNA is useless without a source to compare with and match to.

Donna’s sister Mary provided a blood sample of her own.

http://www.tahoedailytribune.com/news/3 … /news-none

…."The report aside, last week Conner collected a blood sample from Lass’ older sister, Mary Pilker, 66, and ran a check on Lass’ social security card and nursing license.

The blood sample was taken with hopes of finding a genetic match through the database maintained by the Department of Justice.

"There is the possibility that her remains have already been found and entered into the data bank," Conner said. "If we get a match at least we’ll know where she was found. Hopefully that would be some kind of closure for the family."

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : April 13, 2014 5:59 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

That’s fair enough but I mention DNA etc hypothetically because I don’t think, in reality, that Donna’s remains will ever be found now. What is it the homicide and/or FBI statistics say in relation to abductions? If you don’t find the abducted within the first 24 hours of their being taken then this cuts the chances of finding that person alive, or even finding them at all, by around half. (At least I think it half, maybe I am wrong and someone will correct me on that. I could ask my friend Google because he knows absolutely everything it seems but I am simply too lazy hehe.)

If they say the odds are dramatically reduced for a successful outcome and even ever finding the person abducted if you don’t find them in the first 24 hours, then I wonder what odds they’d offer you if you said the passing of time in the instance you refer to is just a little bit longer than that, and when they ask how many days longer, you tell them you don’t know how many days but in years it’s 45, they’ll probably give you a % of finding her now that has before it a – or minus sign. As sad as it is, I think we’ll never know the who or the where even the why. And around that general area back then there was quite an active construction effort going on with the boom of mob involved casino building and it could very well be that whoever is responsible (if indeed there even is a person responsible and she didn’t wander off and fall off a cliff for exaggerated example) for Donna’s demise has put her remains in what is now today the foundations of a large casino.

Now Tahoe you know that I take no pleasure in overruling your comment if it challenges something I said, I really wish I didn’t have to do it and you just accept that the one thing that is not open for debate which is, I have not been wrong since 1992 and even then that was someone elses fault, obviously, so I think we can all agree that if I tell you something like, lets say, America is on Continent of South Africa, then America is where I say it is, in this instance, South Africa. And you may not believe me, but I hate having to always be correct, it simply becomes a burden upon ones shoulders. Muhahaha

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 16, 2014 12:07 am
Posts: 2309
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As luck would have it Chappie, I just found a current story about two young girls whose remains were found after 42 years.

Remains of two teens, 1960 Studebaker, found in S.D. creek 42 years after mysterious disappearance

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa … z2yzyfdon9

I think we probably all agree that something serious happened to Donna and she is not likely among the living. It’s the not knowing what happened that keeps us discussing and asking questions. It’s the hope of some sort of resolution to Donna’s case that we yearn for along with her family. Old cases do get solved, the missing get found and some families find a measure of peace with that knowledge. I wish all of them could be resolved but realize that is not going to happen, I think we all do.


Posted : April 16, 2014 3:08 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

Just read the article and feel for the two girls mentioned. What should have been a happy and memorable occasion ended in tragedy. Glad they were finally discovered though. But if I were to play Devils Advocate Deb, which is so unlike me as you know, then I could say that these two young women the victims of a tragic car accident and not foul play and therefor they were never purposely hidden by a 3rd party in a deliberate attempt to make anyone discovering the remains as unlikely as possible. I could make that point if I wanted to be pedantic, but I won’t because I’m not. :-)

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 16, 2014 5:33 am
Posts: 2309
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Oh. I thoroughly realize that they were not the victims of foul play but an unfortunate accident. That didn’t stop people from thinking they met with foul play all these years though, so much so that someone was arrested for their murders. And that could be the same case with Donna, she met with an unfortunate accident.


Posted : April 16, 2014 5:49 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

Tell you what I don’t quite get is the idea that because Donna’s last entry in her works log book seemed to end abruptly with the pen being dragged to the bottom of the page leaving a clear line of scribble that it’s suspected that she may have been grabbed at that point and dragged away without anyone seeing this or hearing a scream. And if this were her point of abduction, then her abductor forced her back to her vehicle and drove with her back to her apartment where they got out of the car and walked off somewhere else.

I think it’s far more likely that her abductor, if there was one, was waiting near her residence and grabbed her as she got out of her car and forced her into his and if that didn’t happen and she went willingly with her eventual killer from her apartment to wherever she ended up then she surely knew who he was.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 16, 2014 6:49 am
Posts: 5315
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W.C. – Donna didn’t drive her car to work that evening. Her friend was meeting her at work because and they were going back to Donna’s new apt. together. I confirmed this with that friend, although she was unaware how Donna go to work that night. It has been mentioned she would walk on occasion.

The last line in the log book is of interest for sure, but it has also been mentioned it didn’t look like Donna’s handwriting. Considering when the book was found, what pages were missing, etc., leaves questions in my mind, but it should certainly be noted and could very well have something to do with her disappearance, or not.

If Donna ended up in Lake Tahoe, she may never be found. If she was buried somewhere, the possibility exists and all we can do at this point is hold out hope.

–Thanks for sharing that article Seagull. Very sad, but so glad they were found. Strange some of their personal items were found in such good condition.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : April 16, 2014 9:21 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Tell you what I don’t quite get is the idea that because Donna’s last entry in her works log book seemed to end abruptly with the pen being dragged to the bottom of the page leaving a clear line of scribble that it’s suspected that she may have been grabbed at that point and dragged away without anyone seeing this or hearing a scream. And if this were her point of abduction, then her abductor forced her back to her vehicle and drove with her back to her apartment where they got out of the car and walked off somewhere else.

I think it’s far more likely that her abductor, if there was one, was waiting near her residence and grabbed her as she got out of her car and forced her into his and if that didn’t happen and she went willingly with her eventual killer from her apartment to wherever she ended up then she surely knew who he was.

as far as I know her log book was simply not completed/finished…is there any information that there was a line ‘dragged to the bottom’? IMO Donna just had to wait too long for her friend (she was late, wasn’t she) and simply walked back. And wasn’t she even seen on the next day?



Posted : April 16, 2014 11:19 pm
Posts: 5315
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Donna’s sister saw the log book.

I don’t think her friend was later than expected, I’d have to go back and look at my notes from when I spoke with her.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : April 16, 2014 11:21 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Donna’s sister saw the log book.

I don’t think her friend was later than expected, I’d have to go back and look at my notes from when I spoke with her.

I think she even signed it 10 minutes before her shift had actually ended anyway..

http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/fo … pic=168432

IMO there is not even a hint that she had been abducted from Sahara. My personal theory is that she had walked or hitchhiked back and that she may or may not have passed the ‘Paradice’ motel, where she possibly had met Z. The ‘Paradice’ turned up after many years guessing why paradice had been written with c in the Z letter..now afterwards some people mention that it could have been sort of any place close to casino or paradise city etc..my personal opinion is that Z had stayed at Paradice, met Donna on her way home, e.g. after his Casino visit or during his stay at Paradice Motel, and just had taken her away. Later giving the hint in one of his letters.

I’d be damn curious to see the guest book of that motel during those months..


Here is some more detail about how she wrote in her log-book..

http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/fo … 8432&st=15

However the user was banned from the forum, so it may or may not be true what he said.



Posted : April 17, 2014 2:08 am
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

I’ve always liked the idea that Donna walked to work that day…She has just moved and from what I remember of moves the car tended to get trashed up a bit, and would be the last thing you would get to cleaning. She has 2 people coming to visit, and I’m sure the little bit of time she would have would be preparing a place for them to sleep. Maybe finding a plate or two or some silverware. Making sure the bathroom is a little set up for folks.
Donna’s plan was that her friend Joanne and another gal were coming up to meet Donna when she got off work, they were going to take Joanne’s car and hit the nightlife. So Donna having her car at the Sahara would be useless and could become an inconvenience, and something she would have to take care of before she headed home, and depending where they wound up that morning it could be an unneeded trip to the Sahara if she had simply walked into work she wouldn’t need to worry about it.
Something happened in the nurses station with that log book. Her abductor may have startled her and that’s the reason for the scribble, but that wouldn’t explain the previous page being ripped out of the log book. Her abductor may have visited her earlier that evening with some sort of injury/emergency, which she would have logged into that previous page, probably right while her future abductor is sitting there, so he knows his visit is documented. They found a letter to another friend that Donna was writing to. I doubt a gal would leave that lying around for anyone to see.
I’ve heard that Donna’s sister, Mary Pilker, was less then impressed with the LE effort in following through on the case. I wonder if they ever ran prints in that log book?

Posted : April 17, 2014 7:39 am
Posts: 5315
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Actually, Donna’s friend came up by herself and made that VERY clear in our phone conversation. There was also a newspaper article after Donna went missing with an interview with her friend Joanne being the only one mentioned. How it got misconstrued, I have no idea.

I think some have been curious about Donna’s light being left on in her apartment, but I think it was simply because she and Joanne would have been arriving so late in the evening….or early a.m. shall we say.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : April 17, 2014 7:48 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

W.C. – Donna didn’t drive her car to work that evening. Her friend was meeting her at work because and they were going back to Donna’s new apt. together. I confirmed this with that friend, although she was unaware how Donna go to work that night. It has been mentioned she would walk on occasion.

Yes but that doesn’t alter my argument. Reason? Nothing alters my argument :-)

Just kidding. No I wasn’t aware that Donna did not drive to work in her own vehicle the night she vanished. That answers why her vehicle is found parked outside her apartment building.

" Her friend was meeting her at work because and they were going back to Donna’s new apt. together."

Now you mention it Tahoe I do remember reading her friends statement in which she said Herself and Donna had arranged to meet up. I must have overlooked, or simply forgotten, that the friend was also supposed to be taxing Donna from work back to Donna’s new place alswel.

Me – 96, Tahoe – 1. Hehe.

No but in all seriousness Tahoe as always I am happy, even thankful, to have someone correct me on something or make a point regarding an issue that I am not aware of.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 17, 2014 5:17 pm
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

Tahoe Stated….
"Actually, Donna’s friend came up by herself and made that VERY clear in our phone conversation. There was also a newspaper article after Donna went missing with an interview with her friend Joanne being the only one mentioned. How it got misconstrued, I have no idea.
I think some have been curious about Donna’s light being left on in her apartment, but I think it was simply because she and Joanne would have been arriving so late in the evening….or early a.m. shall we say."

I would think the light on would show that Donna was thinking ahead, could have been an oversight on her part, but sounds like she was a very heady person who would think of that. Yeah everything I’ve ever read had Joanne and some friend of her’s? coming up together, but Joanne coming up on her own would make sense too. And what I’ve gotten from Joanne’s detail of her trip up there and what she knew was that she didn’t even have Donna’s new address? I wonder if on that trip Joanne made any contact with Donna’s previous roommates (the married couple Donna lived with), before her move to Monte Verde? I guess it’s Mary’s son now, Donna’s nephew, who has taken on Donna’s investigation for the family?

Posted : April 21, 2014 8:05 am
Posts: 556
Honorable Member

I think she was left somewhere off of Donner Pass. The Sierra Club lodge is there. He had left a Lincoln stamp with the postcard and Donner Pass/Sierra Club Lodge are off Lincoln Highway which is the 80. Additionally Donner Pass rhymes with Donna Lass which is strange. (If taking Pat Tan into account at Mt. Tam as being a Z victim maybe Donna’s murder followed the same methodology?)

Posted : June 16, 2015 10:02 am
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