I’m Cropshy and I’m a lurker. This will probably be the only time I ever post here because honestly I’d rather read the amazing array of information, theories, etc. that the rest of you post than add my inanities.
I’ve been interested in the Zodiac since 1987 when I read my sister’s copy of the yellow book that was in a box of stuff she sent back from college. I’ve been hooked ever since. I’ve been a member at Tom Voight’s and Mike Butterfield’s forums but never posted much if anything because, like I said, I’m a lurker.
Welcome Cropshy,
Hope to see you post sometime when you feel like it but in the meantime just wanted to say hello!
When in doubt, don’t.
Lurking good but it’s safe here, so please feel free to post.
Lot’s of diverse personalities here & it’s fun when you interact!
If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote