Hi, I thought I’d better start by introducing myself, and then I thought better of it in case the real killer is still out there (or a time traveler, more on that later…) and I get too close to revealing their true identity. Suffice to say I may, or may not live in Australia and I may, or may not have my house booby trapped.
I’ve been surfing these boards for sometime now and I’ve developed my own brand of wildly speculative conjecture surrounding the case; my family are sick of hearing all about it and so I’ve decided to let it loose among you fine people.
Wildly speculative conjecture? come on in .
Yes, dyslexia is probably my first undiagnosed language.
Wildly speculative conjecture? come on in
Oh thanks that sounds fun! The news says it may actually be cold enough here to snow in Napa CA tonight so I’ve got the heater on and lots of blankets, and be in a crazy mood to listen to some wild stories to distract me!
So Time Traveler like Dr Who traveling through space and time? Or Terminator to kill a specific person? One of the couples give birth to someone who ends humanity so the traveler goes back to…? Gee I don’t know, fill us in! M