Hello. I got interested in the Zodiac years ago by reading Steve Hodel’s first book. I empathized with the victims, because they were about the age I was in ’68 and ’69. Yeah, I’m an old lady! It interested me for one thing about Z’s possible connection to the Navy. I also collect old sewing machines (what a combination of interests! Mysteries and SMs). Singer made a 221 Featherweight SM for the Navy during WW II, painting a black crackle/crinkle finish on the tiny machines, that supposedly resisted rusting from the salt air. I wondered if Z either had one of these machines or had access to one to make his LB costume. That’s how I got interested. I have no memory from the time of hearing about all the hoopla in CA at the time of the murders. Maybe the E. Coast TV stations didn’t publish as much info as was done on the W. Coast. I have read quite a bit of this forum (and others) and learned much. I don’t really have a POI. I just look at all of them. I don’t have any particular skills. Like a former LE background. Just don’t like unsolved mysteries.
Today is New Year’s, 2017. So HAPPY NEW YEARS TO YOU ALL. Featherweight
I believe the lake b costume is actually a welder’s hood taken from a local military base construction or maintenance shop and converted
I believe the lake b costume is actually a welder’s hood taken from a local military base construction or maintenance shop and converted
I had looked into a guy who was a welder at Mare Island a couple years back. I can see if I posted the name anywhere if you’d like.
A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….
Cheri Jo Bates’ father was a Navy Machinist. I believe he was stationed on mare Island at one point.
However, I don’t believe it’s a welding mask personally, but certainly possible.