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Hi from Sweden

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Hey everyone

My name is Andreas and I’m 37 years old, I live in Sweden. Read about the case before the 2007 movie, but it was the movie that made me google ALA. I got drawn in again after watching History channels The Hunt For The Zodiac Killer. The Zodiac case is a mystery and I really want to know who was behind it all. So I’ve been visiting this forum frequently lately, spending hours reading. There’s alot of interesting topics, theories and suspects.

I don’t think I’ll have much to contribute, but there is one idea I’d like to mention. I’m guessing someone already came up with it though, but I’ll say it anyways. It’s for the coders/cipher guys. Not sure it would help but if the cipher solvers need computing power would it be a good idea to make something like SETI@HOME? Don’t know if it exists anymore, but it was a program that downloaded data from SETI and analyzed it. Not even sure something similiar would be possible for a zodiac cipher solver, just a thought I had.

Anyways, looking forward to keep reading on this forum, and I really hope the case will be solved one day!


Posted : March 28, 2018 12:24 am
Posts: 3583
Member Moderator

Hi Andreas,

Welcome to the forum and thanks for joining us. :)


I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : March 28, 2018 1:52 am
smokie treats
Posts: 1626
Noble Member

Welcome, and good idea. :)

I think it’s about time SETI shared their code with us so we can set up a global run on this thing. Anyone know their phone number? lol

doranchak, Subject: Re: Z340 Dissected   Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:37 am

I think it’s about time SETI shared their code with us so we can set up a global run on this thing. Anyone know their phone number? lol

SETI@Home runs on the BOINC platform. It is rather easy to set up a project in BOINC:


The challenge is figuring out what kind of experiment to run (and, of course, getting enough volunteers). A million people running ZKD on the same transcription is likely to yield nothing useful. But a million people trying out variations of the transcriptions (to test different encipherment hypotheses) might be useful.


My last idea was an application that people could download and use to help solve the 340. Merge alleged wildcards into one symbol, or do whatever else you think should be done. It would probably take years for one computer to check all of the possibilities. But with many computers working together, it could go faster. A master program that delegates and manages the tasks of all of the application programs, and application programs that work in concert with the master program and each other to solve. Sort of like how people can download an application to help SETI look at tiny pictures of the universe for radio waves from other intelligent life in the universe. Everybody who wants to participate could and it would truly be a group effort. I think that if a solution could be found that way, it would provide a great deal of satisfaction to all of the participants.


I would like to have much more time for working on z340 and some tools. It would be so cool to have your solver open source and platform independent and/or GPU supported. Do you remember my proof-of-concept solver for monoalphabetic substitutions? This is of course no comparison to your powerful AZDecrypt, but it runs on macOS, Linux (+ Raspberry PI) and Windows. The advantage is that it builds up a network and you can share all the resources of your local IT. I have 4 Raspberry PI standing around, which are slow but together have a total of 13 cores (1x Raspi 1, 2x Raspi 2, 1x Raspi 3). If you keep dreaming about it, you’ll end up with a kind of "Zodiac@Home" (spooky name, I know…), which works exactly like Seti@Home. =)


I keep getting drawn back into it also. I like the codes part the best. With this case you can have a niche within the case!

Posted : March 28, 2018 2:59 pm
Posts: 11
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I´m not surprised someone already thought about that heh :D

Posted : March 28, 2018 11:37 pm