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Sick Sense -Introdu…
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Sick Sense -Introduction

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Hi all! I go by Sick Sense and believe that I have one just like many of you.That’s why were here.My background is that I spent 6 years in the Navy,went to college and got a B.S. in biology.After that worked as a health inspector for 27 years.Now I like walking trails with my dog,reading,and having a beer. This is my first time that I ever blogged! Do not know much about it.
I have been researching 2 crimes(4 victims) in western N.Y.State for two years.Have walked both sites various times and they are very similar.They occurred in 1963 & 1966. First got interested after reading a book by a writer who lived on the victim’s street in 1966.Very,very interesting.I have met with the retired detective helping with the book. They have a different suspect in mind for the 1966 killings than me.The person(s) who committed these double homicides was never found. Why I came to this site is that I found a person with a definite profile who lived and worked very close to both sites.At some point after the 1966 killings,he escaped from a mental institution,and went to California.He had an older sister living in the L.A.area.Also had an uncle somewhere in the state.Also may have had another sister living there.He is the youngest son of a big family.No wife or kids that I know of.Again,why I’m here is that the crimes committed by my suspect are very similar to some of the Zodiac.Tried to talk to a distant relation of his in California,but she said that he was "estranged from the family for many,many years". Lost track of him after going to California.May have come back to N.Y.S. for rehab?Don’t know why but he may have ended up in Arizona or California.I only know of two people that would have known him.That would be his nephew and niece.Have not tried to contact them because I don’t want to scare them off.Need help in doing this.Also the Goletta Beach murders in 1963 were very similar to the 1963 murders here,just two months before. Have to go but when I come back will tell more why he’s my suspect here and possibly California.

Posted : February 27, 2018 4:36 am
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Hello again. I’m here to explain my interest in this person.At the time of the 1963 murders he was 31.If alive today he would be 87.The victims were Shari Smoyer(18) and John King(17). It was their first and last date.John was from another town about 30 miles one way.Shari and her family moved to their house about 8 months before.She was at college for most of the time but was home for summer vacation.She was described as very pretty and not a partier.Her house was 1.5 miles from where she and John were killed. My suspect lived lived 5 miles away,straight shot except for a right turn at the Barge Canal.They were executed down a obscure tree lined gravel road that that dead ended at Irondequoit Creek.My suspected killer lived 700 feet from the same large creek.Tomorrow, I’ll resume,thanks.

Posted : February 28, 2018 4:38 am
Posts: 810
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Hi sicksense,

There is a section of this board called Non-Zodiac crimes. Your descriptions about the case should be posted there. I suppose it doesn’t have to be but I think you would likely get more exposure. I’m interested in reading about the details of the crime and such. Curious, where is Russo’s gravel pit in relation to this lovers lane area they parked at after the movie? Any ideas why they made the leap from one local to the other?


Posted : February 28, 2018 4:57 am
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Soze,thank’s for the reply. Russo’s gravel pit is adjacent to the crime scene. I believe they also own the old gravel road used by the pair in 1963. You cannot drive down that road anymore because of a gate.The road is now overgrown with thick weeds.The pair on that fateful night did not stop at any lover’s lane on their own accord. Shari had a curfew of 1:30 A.M and the movie ended late. They were seen rushing to get Sheri home a few miles from her house. The time was 1:50,early Sunday morning. They were abducted around this time but brutally murdered around 5A.M. What happened in between the start and finish? Well,the kill site was taken until 3:30A.M.. There was some teenagers who got their car stuck back there.A cop and tow truck driver were also there until getting them out. After that it was clear to drive down the gravel road to the creek.
I have a hunch that the suspect is a stalker and a location idealist.Why did he drive around for three hours with his victims to murder them there? He knew the spot and felt comfortable there.
He must have fantasized of doing evil there.My suspect probably was driving around looking for possible opportunities when he spotted Sheri.He took a liking and stalked her.When he seen where she lived,his fantasy started to become a reality. Her house backed up to the Barge Canal.Well,if you walk the canal towpath 1.5 miles west,you will end up at the entrance to the gravel road. This whole area was tree lined and overgrown but you could still walk the towpath.My theory is that the killer observed from his car down the street, or from the towpath,making sure Sheri left for the evening.He could now drive around and then park his car somewhere between her house and Irondequoit Creek. There were a few spots not to draw attention.He walked and waited on the path behind her house until she came home.Then he took out his pistol and abducted them in the driveway.He must have seen the activity at the kill site and decided to drive around untill it was clear.It had to be THERE! The killer shot John once in the back of the head and 3 times in the back with a .45 caliber pistol.He shot Sheri twice in the back.Then he proceeded to smash the back of her head in.They were found together face down,Their clothes were very orderly,except John’s shoes were off. The killer at this point got on the towpath and walked unobserved back to his car. This is my theory the with the known facts before I knew anything about the ZODIAC. After reading about his crimes I saw many similarities.My next part of this blog will be the mutilation killings of the two teenage girls in1966 and how it’s tied together with this crime.

Posted : March 1, 2018 11:03 pm