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Holes on the Mt. Di…
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Holes on the Mt. Diablo Map

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Posts: 567
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Devil’s Postpile National Monument is in that area near number 4.

Those holes may have been made by Zodiac himself if he’d tacked the map to a bulletin board he owned.

Posted : November 19, 2017 6:05 am
Posts: 810
Prominent Member

I wonder if the hydroelectric dam that was proposed for devils postpile was for San Francisco and an early attempt before hetch hetchy? Thinking out loud……


Posted : November 19, 2017 7:53 am
Posts: 810
Prominent Member

Not that I know what it means, if anything at all but, it would appear that there was a proposal to blast devils postpile and use the materials to build the dam for hetch hetchy.


Posted : November 19, 2017 8:58 pm
Posts: 11
Active Member

Big Pine would be behind Portola Valley (near Menlo Park) – bottom/middle just left of center.

Yosemite is behind Pleasonton/Livermore.

so I am not certain I understand what is meant by "whatever it is on the backside of the map" Was there someone on the backside that was marked around? was there a hole poked through the area of Yosemite? or was there markings on the backside of the map, in the yosemite area.

Is there any way of knowing (if there is a hole in the map) did the hole push through into the livermore/Pleasonton area, or did it poke in from the Yosemite area side.

thank you

Posted : November 21, 2017 8:44 am
Posts: 810
Prominent Member

There is a suspected zodiac letter concerning Donna Lass commonly known as the peak through the pines communication. My questions regarding the back of the Phillips 66 map portion that was sent with code are in relation to the peak through the pines communication. While some believe the peak through the pines card points to an area north of lake tahoe, I personally, believe the communication points farther south; between the area of Yosemite and Big Pine. Although the map wasn’t clear I did suspect one of the green areas was Yosemite. What I didn’t know for certain was whether or not big pines was there. Since the area marked in red was the area of the Phillips 66 map sent with code I became curious what Yosemite and Big pines would have covered on that side of the map. I was quite interested in the fact that Yosemite covered the area of Pleasanton/Livermore. Pleasanton is the city a known Zodiac communication was mailed from. Livermore is the city I believe pertinent to the solving of the Phillips 66 map and code. I have no idea about Portola Valley. Menlo park on the other hand is a little different. A very large portion of Menlo Park was owned by the federal government at one time and known as camp fremont. Another large portion was owned by a man named Timothy Hopkins. When Timothy Hopkins died a portion of his land was bought by the government and another portion sold to Stanford University. Stanford University founders, Leland and Jane Stanford, are connected to the very corner where Paul Stine was found deceased. Jane Stanford is aunt to the woman who lived at the home to the right of the cab. All of the above just things peaking my interest. No pin holes, that I am aware of, are to the locations of Yosemite and Big pine.


Posted : November 21, 2017 10:32 am
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