Zodiac Discussion Forum

I watched the movie…
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I watched the movie Zodiac. I have some questions.

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1) I remember a girl in the movie who was in the prison for some reason. Who was she?

2)Through the end of the movie I remember that Gyllenhaal’s character found out that Arthur Leigh Allen was living close to one of his victim’s house. Is this true? Who said this to him? How did the police couldn’t prove anything?

2) How did Arthur Leigh Allen wasn’t got proven to be the zodiac killer despite many, so many things. Like they found 9mm guns and knifes covered up with bloods.

Let’s find out who the Zodiac killer is!

Posted : July 2, 2020 7:02 pm
Posts: 52
Trusted Member

1. Linda was at party and Darlene Ferrin’s sister if I am not mistaken.

2. I believe the answer is yes but there was separation of the time that each lived there.

3. Handwriting analysis?

(No bibliography here so I have no credibility unless I am correct.)

For your health: Take iodine and Vitamin D (which isn’t a vitamin) and cut out most simple and complex carbohydrate and move to a Keto diet. Do it over time. You’ll thank me later.

Posted : July 3, 2020 1:29 am
Posts: 16
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1. Linda was at party and Darlene Ferrin’s sister if I am not mistaken.

2. I believe the answer is yes but there was separation of the time that each lived there.

3. Handwriting analysis?

(No bibliography here so I have no credibility unless I am correct.)

thanks dude.

Posted : July 4, 2020 5:15 pm
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

Hand write and finger prints, at least doent match with allen. Its said that dna too, but too complex to be sure.

All allen data is very intoxicate by don cheney

Posted : July 5, 2020 2:09 am
Posts: 76
Trusted Member

I think that anything in the Zodiac movie should be totally dismissed as an outlier and in no way be considered any credible evidence….it was a movie…..akin to the JFK movie that I laughed at throughout the movie…people see these movies and think that everything is real like it’s a a documentary…..yes, it started a new wave of researchers, but the movie should not be included in any proof or evidence or truth….

Posted : December 26, 2020 7:55 pm