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Is the Zodiac Sign The Clock Face of Fortune

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Maybe something already discussed but I’m so new please forgiveme, but here goes…

I think that there is an emphasis by the killer about the times that attacks occur just as much as how he kills. I think his game is to match the method of attack with the time on a clock face.

So if we assume the zodiac sign is actually a clock face (not crosshairs), and split the 4 quarters as follows:
12-3 o’clock is death by fire
3-6 is death by rope
6-9 is death by knife
9-12 is death by gun

Then we are using the four methods outlined in the Halloween card and also the dots have been shown to supperimpose onto just these 4 choices from the Tim Holt wheel of fortune. Therefore we get this:

Jensen & Faraday attack at 11.30pm – falls in 4th quarter of clock face = death by gun
Ferrin & Mageau attack shown at about midnight – falls in 4th quarter of clock face = death by gun
Cecilia & Hartnell attack 6.30pm – falls in 3rd quarter of watch face = death by knife (maybe overlap with 2nd quarter hence rope was used initially) Killer needed to add time on Hartnell door since bodies mightn’t be found for long time.
Stine attack at 9.55pm – falls in 4th quarter = death by gun
Katheleen Johns car attacked after midnight – falls in 1st quarter of watch face = burnt out/fire

And if Leigh did get the watch in 1967 from his mom then it supercedes the attacks and the first known use of the Zodiac name. Adds further to him being the killer. Shows he does have higher IQ as believed and fits the profile best aswell (lives with mother, discharged from navy, his pedophilia explains no sexual assault on victims etc) He’d easily outwit the Police evidence tests. Just needs a wig during the crimes right? And Zodiac did say he looks different than normal when commiting his crimes.

Would appreciate any thoughts. Thanks

Posted : December 15, 2020 2:58 am