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Norwegian connections ?

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HI Folks,

Sorry this is my first post please be gentle with me. Is it possible that he had some sort of connect to Norway. The reason i say this is :-

1) Slaves in Paradice -In Norse Paganism Masters slaves were killed to be used as slaves in the afterlife
2) The symbol of the envelope of the Halloween card looks like a Tent Cipher which were frequently used by Vikings
3) The reference on the Slay letter stating an old Norse word meaning "kill."

Also as we know he liked Tim Holt Comics the attached from the #32 does reminded me of the Lake Berryessa murder.

Posted : September 28, 2018 10:33 pm
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

Look up Kjell Qvale. ;)

Posted : September 28, 2018 11:51 pm
Posts: 838
Prominent Member


Ding, ding, ding! Uh, yeah there are many Norse connections in the Zodiac letters. In fact, there are a hell of a lot more down there than just the ones you cited. I go into them in depth in my book, The Hunt for Zodiac.


@mikerodelli (forTweets on the "Zodiac DNA" from someone who lived it in 2002)

Mike Rodelli

Author, The Hunt for Zodiac; 3.9 stars on Amazon and
In The Shadow of Mt. Diablo: The Shocking True Identity of the Zodiac Killer, a second edition in print format. 4.3 Amazon stars and great Editorial reviews. Twitter:@mikerodelli

Posted : September 29, 2018 6:41 pm
Posts: 419
Reputable Member

Where to buy your book???

Posted : October 4, 2018 7:25 am
Posts: 45
Trusted Member

I still think the symbol on the Halloween card is a "gibo auja" or "good luck" Norse rune. If you do an image search on this you’ll immediately see the similarity, although most (but not all!) are missing the dots. I think it is a taunt from Zodiac, and I think the symbol is slightly off because it is drawn from memory (in the same manner that he slightly misquotes Mikado in his letters).

I think Zodiac will turn out to be someone who had not been publicly named as a suspect, but considering the possible Norwegian connections I realise it is time for me to buy Mike’s book.

Posted : October 4, 2018 10:02 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Oddly enough, almost every single person or thing I have ever researched in the case, I have found a link to Kjell Qvale, even if it was a very small link.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : October 14, 2018 2:57 pm
Posts: 84
Trusted Member

Ted Kaczynski has a literary connection. See Doug Oswell’s book "The Unabomber and the Zodiac." He makes connection between TK’s love of Wager’s Ring Cycle and the letters.

Among the books in TK’s cabin, the FBI found a copy of the Prose Edda.


The Prose Edda, also known as the Younger Edda, Snorri’s Edda (Icelandic: Snorra Edda) or, historically, simply as Edda, is an Old Norse work of literature written in Iceland in the early 13th century. The work is often assumed to have been written, or at least compiled, by the Icelandic scholar, lawspeaker and historian Snorri Sturluson around the year 1220.

It begins with a euhemerized Prologue, a section on the Norse cosmogony, pantheon and myths.[1] This is followed by three distinct books: Gylfaginning (consisting of around 20,000 words), Skáldskaparmál (around 50,000 words) and Háttatal (around 20,000 words). Seven manuscripts, dating from around 1300 to around 1600, have independent textual value. Sturluson planned the collection as a textbook. It was to enable Icelandic poets and readers to understand the subtleties of alliterative verse, and to grasp the meaning behind the many kenningar (compounds) that were used in skaldic poetry.

Zodiac was a screwup. He left behind five breathing victims, two survivors, bootprints, possibly fingerprints and palmprints, tiretracks, eyewitnesses, and earwitnesses. If the APB had gone out for a WMA he would have been locked up in ’69.

Posted : October 14, 2018 9:32 pm
Posts: 44
Eminent Member

HI Folks,

Sorry this is my first post please be gentle with me. Is it possible that he had some sort of connect to Norway. The reason i say this is :-

1) Slaves in Paradice -In Norse Paganism Masters slaves were killed to be used as slaves in the afterlife
2) The symbol of the envelope of the Halloween card looks like a Tent Cipher which were frequently used by Vikings
3) The reference on the Slay letter stating an old Norse word meaning "kill."

Also as we know he liked Tim Holt Comics the attached from the #32 does reminded me of the Lake Berryessa murder.

1) Why would he use the word "Paradise" instead of Valhala? Zodiac’s victims were not his slaves in life prior to their murders, so the connection is off.
2) A far simpler interpretation of the symbol on the Halloween Card is that it represents the skyline of Mt. Diablo, with the dots representing the 4 murder sites.
3) I don’t even know if Z sent the Sla letter.

If he read Tim Holt comics, the symbol on the Halloween Card is more likely a the cattle brand from the comics. But why include that in the Halloween Card? Reference to the Wheel of Death? maybe. It’s a stretch. Why would he think Paul Avery would make that connection.

Why would the killer include Norse runes in the Halloween Card if it was unlikely that Avery would recognize them?

Posted : March 26, 2021 11:33 pm