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Old Lake Herman Roa…
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Old Lake Herman Road

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Thanks Richard.

Anyone know exactly where the Yours saw the "coon hunters"? I’ve never been certain.

Posted : January 30, 2018 11:20 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

By the entrance of the Marshall Ranch. @38.0970431,-122.1432131,279a,35y,44.88t/data=!3m1!1e3″> https://www.google.co.uk/maps/dir/38.09 … a=!3m1!1e3

Posted : January 31, 2018 12:12 am
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

By the entrance of the Marshall Ranch. @38.0970431,-122.1432131,279a,35y,44.88t/data=!3m1!1e3″> https://www.google.co.uk/maps/dir/38.09 … a=!3m1!1e3

Thanks again. I was never sure exactly which road, or drive I suppose I should call it, they were at.

I’ve always found those guys suspicious as hell. Roaming the area at the same time with guns, and gave some conflicting accounts. I’m not sure the police looked into them much other than testing the ballistics of their guns.

Posted : January 31, 2018 2:11 am
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Sandy may know what time the recreation area was open until, but my guess is it was locked by the time Faraday and Jensen arrived. It was Frank Gasser and Robert Connelly that saw the Rambler on the south side of the turnout facing the bank, not the Yours. http://www.zodiackiller.com/LHRPR24.html

I guess what I am trying to figure out is if Faraday moved his car after it was first spotted in the turnout.

Posted : January 31, 2018 3:20 am
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Sandy may know what time the recreation area was open until, but my guess is it was locked by the time Faraday and Jensen arrived. It was Frank Gasser and Robert Connelly that saw the Rambler on the south side of the turnout facing the bank, not the Yours. http://www.zodiackiller.com/LHRPR24.html

I guess what I am trying to figure out is if Faraday moved his car after it was first spotted in the turnout.

Not to beat it to death, but the Yours statement on your site states that the car “was facing the road”.

Posted : January 31, 2018 8:18 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

This is the part on my site about the Yours, including the police report "At approximately 11.00 pm Peggy and Homer Your were returning from Sacramento, heading west on Lake Herman Road. Homer Your wanted to check some pipes, as he worked for a construction company laying pipes in the area. As they passed the turnout Peggy Your would recollect in the police report: "As they were driving west on Lake Herman Road at the turn off to the Benicia Water Pumping Station, she observed a Rambler station wagon parked with front end heading east, there were two Caucasians in the front seat, male and female, when the lights from the car came upon the station wagon, the male sat up in the seat. Mrs Your said it was a cold night and she noticed no frost on the station wagon". They proceeded toward the Marshall Ranch, approximately 30 seconds driving time beyond the turnout, where they encountered the two raccoon hunters Frank Gasser and Robert Connelly as they turned into the gated entrance. They noticed one of the men had a long barreled gun, the other had a flashlight, so decided to reverse and head east back to Benicia. When they passed the turnout for a second time, the Rambler of David Faraday and Betty Lou Jensen was still there. The time now was a few minutes after 11.00 pm.
If you can expand on the part of where I wrote "was facing the road” that would be of help.
Supposedly the Faraday Rambler parked in a south-easterly direction in the turnout and didn’t move throughout, but the police did question the Connelly and Gasser recollection by saying in the police report they gave details of" "a light colored 1960 Rambler station wagon was parked at the gate. It was parked southwest of where we finally found the car. This discrepancy wasn’t noticed at first."

Posted : January 31, 2018 12:58 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

In terms of the question by Curious Cat about the Lake Herman Road recreation area. Here is a point of debate:
Detective Pierre Bidou was executing a drugs seizure at ‘The Cottage’, located 0.4 miles west of Gate #10 at the recreation area. In other words 0.4 miles towards Vallejo from the turnout. If somebody was dealing in drugs at the recreation area and it was locked up during evening hours, then access by the two men arrested, and whoever else was there, would have been restricted to vehicles. So anybody wanting to park up on LHR would have to park at the nearest available turnout ie; the turnout where David and Betty eventually parked up. A driver and passenger free white Chevrolet Impala was spotted by Bingo Wesner and Connelly/Gasser at 10.00 pm in the Faraday/Jensen turnout . We don’t know how long this White Chevrolet remained in situ, but the walking time from this turnout to The Cottage at the recreation area is 9 minutes. That is 18 minutes round trip. Was this Chevrolet Impala connected to the ‘drug dealing’ at The Cottage. This could be the reason it was observed so late at night without any occupants. They didn’t park at the entrance of the Marshall Ranch because in 1968 it was just a gated entrance and not a turnout. The Faraday/Jensen turnout was the closest and safest parking area to The Cottage. Helen Axe claimed she saw a vehicle in the turnout (believed to be the Faraday Rambler) at 10.15 pm. She could be mistaken and the vehicle she observed was the Chevrolet Impala- after all she said she passed at 10.15 pm and returned again 15 minutes later at 10.30 pm, stating the vehicle had shifted position. The Chevrolet Impala may have deliberately forced William Crow from the turnout to park up. It was then spotted once the occupants had left the vehicle by Wesner, Connelly and Gasser. The occupants walking to The Cottage to buy drugs and walk back would be 18-20 minutes walking time and 5-10 minutes to do a deal etc, placing them back at the Chevrolet Impala at around 10.30 pm- the time Helen Axe saw the vehicle shift in position, to ultimately depart the scene.

@38.095222,-122.1480648,1198m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!4m1!3e2″> https://www.google.co.uk/maps/dir/38.09 … m2!4m1!3e2

Posted : January 31, 2018 1:54 pm
Posts: 27
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Further down in the post there is a more complete review of the statement by Mrs. Your. posted by Morf. She confuses the truck of the hunters by mentioning car. Then she states that a car was facing the road. Not that big a deal, but I was just trying to figure out what she was a actually trying to relate.

Posted : January 31, 2018 7:31 pm
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

In terms of the question by Curious Cat about the Lake Herman Road recreation area. Here is a point of debate:
Detective Pierre Bidou was executing a drugs seizure at ‘The Cottage’, located 0.4 miles west of Gate #10 at the recreation area. In other words 0.4 miles towards Vallejo from the turnout. If somebody was dealing in drugs at the recreation area and it was locked up during evening hours, then access by the two men arrested, and whoever else was there, would have been restricted to vehicles. So anybody wanting to park up on LHR would have to park at the nearest available turnout ie; the turnout where David and Betty eventually parked up. A driver and passenger free white Chevrolet Impala was spotted by Bingo Wesner and Connelly/Gasser at 10.00 pm in the Faraday/Jensen turnout . We don’t know how long this White Chevrolet remained in situ, but the walking time from this turnout to The Cottage at the recreation area is 9 minutes. That is 18 minutes round trip. Was this Chevrolet Impala connected to the ‘drug dealing’ at The Cottage. This could be the reason it was observed so late at night without any occupants.

I’d say there’s a good chance the Impala was someone involved in the drug deal. I have never seen much about that actual drug bust itself, I don’t know if they had a car impounded or what. It’s quite possible, if the gate was locked at that time and they knew no one would be around, like a park ranger, someone might have dropped off the two who were arrested, they walked into the "Cottage" and were awaiting the buyer. But then, I don’t know if the two arrested were both sellers, or were the seller AND the buyer.

I’ve always wondered about that white Impala because from what I know the Yours didn’t see it there when they passed by and apparently neither did the hunters. Seems like it was gone by that time. I don’t know how the police happened on that drug buy, but it’s possible that Impala was an undercover police, or even their snitch, involved in the bust. Maybe they parked there and walked to the "Cottage".

Owens didn’t remember the make or color of the car he saw, seems he would remember a white car. I mean, that would be a noticeable color.

I don’t know, trying to make heads or tails out of all this can make your head spin. All I’m certain of is there was some strange crap going on in that area that night. A large drug bust, a guy getting chased by another car, hunters roaming around and to cap it all off a double murder.

Posted : January 31, 2018 8:55 pm
Posts: 27
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This is the part on my site about the Yours, including the police report "At approximately 11.00 pm Peggy and Homer Your were returning from Sacramento, heading west on Lake Herman Road. Homer Your wanted to check some pipes, as he worked for a construction company laying pipes in the area. As they passed the turnout Peggy Your would recollect in the police report: "As they were driving west on Lake Herman Road at the turn off to the Benicia Water Pumping Station, she observed a Rambler station wagon parked with front end heading east, there were two Caucasians in the front seat, male and female, when the lights from the car came upon the station wagon, the male sat up in the seat. Mrs Your said it was a cold night and she noticed no frost on the station wagon". They proceeded toward the Marshall Ranch, approximately 30 seconds driving time beyond the turnout, where they encountered the two raccoon hunters Frank Gasser and Robert Connelly as they turned into the gated entrance. They noticed one of the men had a long barreled gun, the other had a flashlight, so decided to reverse and head east back to Benicia. When they passed the turnout for a second time, the Rambler of David Faraday and Betty Lou Jensen was still there. The time now was a few minutes after 11.00 pm.
If you can expand on the part of where I wrote "was facing the road” that would be of help.
Supposedly the Faraday Rambler parked in a south-easterly direction in the turnout and didn’t move throughout, but the police did question the Connelly and Gasser recollection by saying in the police report they gave details of" "a light colored 1960 Rambler station wagon was parked at the gate. It was parked southwest of where we finally found the car. This discrepancy wasn’t noticed at first."

That is pretty clear. Thank you. Further in the post Morf gives a more detailed account of her statement. She confuses the issue by stating car when she is describing the truck of the hunters. Then she states that the car is facing the road. Just enough to confuse this old man newbie.

Posted : February 1, 2018 4:42 am
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