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Questions from new guy on forum

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Maybe some of these questions were already answered, but I would like your opinions about them. So please, be kind with me – I have some theories about Zodiac which I´ll present here too (not about who did that – but about why he acted at some moments like he did).

My questions:
1.) Halloween card – he mentioned 4 ways how he got his slaves in "paradice" – gun, knife, rope, fire. I think that there is huge gap, because it seems we dont know about all Zodiac crimes. Rope was used to bind Bryan and Cecellia before using a knife – so in their case, it would not be "rope", but knife as weapon mentioned in card. Then – there have to be obvious question – what he meant by rope and fire? I know that people may consider his messages as truth mixed with bunch of lies to confuse investigation and cause panic among public, but he was bragging type of character and I never saw any explanation, what fire and rope meant in that card. I honestly think that in his warped way, it really means he burnt someone to death and strangled someone with rope. So – there might be at least two more killing acts we have no idea about.

2.) I still think about how much cold-blooded killer he was and what was motive behind his actions. He obviously didnt care about who he killed, I mean – in serial murders, victims are related to motive of killer – even if they didnt know each other – it might be warped sexual thrill… in this case? Absolutely not. Victims didnt matter to him at all. Slaves for afterlife? I dont think it was real motive…. When you read his letters, his disdain to police is obvious. It seems that his killing spree didnt have motive in killing itself, but did they ever consider that it might have been sort of revenge against police? I know people often think that it was atrocious "cat and mouse" game, but it must have been started by something in Zodiac´s life. In life of every serial killer (unless he is completely mad person), you can find starting motive. Zodiac was obviously intelligent guy, so what was starting point for his decision to kill?

3.) Did he really stop killing after Paul Stine murder? There is over four years gap between Stine murder and last letter – so he was obviously free and didnt commit anything in those four years? It seems that as soon as he stopped to announce "this was my crime", his crimes stopped. I dont think its the case – I think there are murders, which were done by Zodiac – maybe with different m.o. (like suggested in Halloween card). There are various speculations about what happened with him later – I think there is possibilty he was convicted for "other" murder (or crime) without ever discovering it was also Zodiac.

4.) There is one thing which is beyond my comprehension. His handwriting style is so unique that it´s mindblowing it has never been recognized…. No I dont believe he "faked" different style as part of "Zodiac act", I think it was his normal handwriting. From message left on car door, there is one obvious thing – he was right-handed (the gap in by knif"e" would look different if it was written by left hand). Was his handwriting style ever used as crucial part of investigation? Not only as ruling out suspect, but as trying to find out suspects?

And now one of my theories:
There was a question about hood used in his Lake Berryesa attack. I think the reasons were two. First – after first attack, both victims died. After second attack, one of victims survived. That must have been shock for Zodiac (noone was supposed to survive… Zodiac sort of… failed) – and surviving victim means you have a witness. He used hood to scare victims, but mainly to avoid any possible identification if anyone of them survived. It also might be explanation, why he changed his way of acting – he may felt that being faced against two people might have been too risky.

Posted : December 21, 2020 1:43 pm