Well if Mr X is one of the named suspects, his name can now be released in the documents because I just googled him, "Mr X Dies Nov. 2, 2013 aged 94!!
Yes…and you can use his real name now. viewtopic.php?f=44&t=1069
Not sure I want to T with it being Norwegian lol.
Kjell Qvale. How does one pronounce that…
kahhh – vah….
Kel vah….
Kuha va….
Mr X is it then…Lol. (According to an article recently published: Kjell Qvale (pronounced shell KAH-vah-leh)
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
We can now use his real name but we still can’t say it.
We can now use his real name but we still can’t say it.
This is true entro, that I why I will continue to refer to him as either Mr X, or ‘He that spokeith with Armond Pelissetti’. Either one is good enough lol.
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
But on the subject of FOIA Requests, I received a reply yesterday to one (of many pending) requests. Having been told that their Central Records System search identified no main file records for ‘LAWRENCE KANE’, I tried ‘LAWRENCE CANE’ and yesterday got the same response….’No files or records responsive to your request’.
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
But on the subject of FOIA Requests, I received a reply yesterday to one (of many pending) requests. Having been told that their Central Records System search identified no main file records for ‘LAWRENCE KANE’, I tried ‘LAWRENCE CANE’ and yesterday got the same response….’No files or records responsive to your request’.
Did you try his birth name LAWRENCE KLEIN?
But on the subject of FOIA Requests, I received a reply yesterday to one (of many pending) requests. Having been told that their Central Records System search identified no main file records for ‘LAWRENCE KANE’, I tried ‘LAWRENCE CANE’ and yesterday got the same response….’No files or records responsive to your request’.
Did you try his birth name LAWRENCE KLEIN?
Not yet, that’s what I plan on next. See the problem is that I need to provide proof of his death and I can do that for Lawrence Cane, as that is what he is buried as. I tried LAWRENCE KANE explaining he had several aliases including CANE, KANE, and that I believe his birth name was KLEIN but they said nothing responsive was found.
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
Great stuff Chappie, good work!
A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….
Great stuff Chappie, good work!
Thank you.
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
Not sure I want to T with it being Norwegian lol.
Kjell Qvale. How does one pronounce that…
kahhh – vah….
Kel vah….
Kuha va….
Mr X is it then…Lol. (According to an article recently published: Kjell Qvale (pronounced shell KAH-vah-leh)
I can’t help with the last name but the first name is pronounced Shell
If anyone is able to get hold of a photo of Robert West and post it then that would be great. I read the other day that the Church that Robert West was affiliated with, The Church of Christ, first came to San Francisco in 1969. This could be purely coincidental but, a point of interest.
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
If anyone is able to get hold of a photo of Robert West and post it then that would be great. I read the other day that the Church that Robert West was affiliated with, The Church of Christ, first came to San Francisco in 1969. This could be purely coincidental but, a point of interest.
This is Robert Hale West profile including a photo of himself on Flickr.com
Hi, english is not my first language so please bear with me
If anyone is able to get hold of a photo of Robert West and post it then that would be great. I read the other day that the Church that Robert West was affiliated with, The Church of Christ, first came to San Francisco in 1969. This could be purely coincidental but, a point of interest.
This is Robert Hale West profile including a photo of himself on Flickr.com
Thank you, much appreciated Any chance of finding a photo of him from the late 60’s/early 70’s?
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
If anyone is able to get hold of a photo of Robert West and post it then that would be great. I read the other day that the Church that Robert West was affiliated with, The Church of Christ, first came to San Francisco in 1969. This could be purely coincidental but, a point of interest.
This is Robert Hale West profile including a photo of himself on Flickr.com
Wish there were more pics of him. But the one, just try picturing him in his younger days…
If anyone is interested in contacting the church in Milpitas to ask some questions (do some snooping ), here is contact info… http://www.churches-of-christ.net/usa/ca_m_r.html
Plenty of writing from West… http://www.biblepage.org/mmenu.html
Not handwriting, btw
A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….
Hm…good work WC,
it appears as if they checked five subjects on this matter (fingerprint id) with only one to be identified by the witness. FBI regularly used, if already named, only the last name of the subjects. Appears as if the last name had six letters. And it could very well have been one of the other persons than West, out of those five. It’d be good to hear from the eight-year old whom he had possibly recognized..
Of course we can now play with the my-name-is-cipher…e.g.
PAUL A B A 1 2 3 4 5 6
would lead to a three letter middle name, for example. However with first and third letter being the same. Couldn’t find many useful 3-letter-names with such a structure.
Would be the same with RICK, MIKE etc. btw.