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New Ripper Docu-And…
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New Ripper Docu-And New Hope for Z?

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Posts: 262
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I would like you to post some citations to this info, re. Kosminksi’s DNA. Getting clobbered on the head – I don’t know, maybe its just me, but I would rather see facts than tirades, like I said, its probably just ME.

Nope, tmm, its not just you :D

Posted : July 9, 2015 10:28 am
Posts: 56
Trusted Member

The 95% DNA match only applies to EDDOWES DNA, not the DNA linked to Kozminkski.

There are in fact TWO DNA profiles, one of which, yes, matches to a rather large pool of Brits, likely because Eddowes was a native Brit. Kozminkski’s putative DNA on the other hand is a different thing altogether.

The fact of the matter is that the shawl is linked to Eddowes historically, and contains a *SECOND* DNA profile that matches to that of Kozminski’s familial mtDNA, which is not comparable to 95 to 99% of England’s DNA pool.

I really wish people would stop lying and misrepresenting facts to keep this stupid true crime narrative alive. If you cannot get the facts right, go do something else, like collect stamps. Same goes for the fools on Wikipedia who think there is only ONE DNA profile, when there are in fact……TWO!

Or what about the tubular arterial spray of human blood located on the shawl? Even if you discard the "Eddowes DNA", you have to admit there is plenty of evidence the shawl was at the scene of a murder. Even if one of Eddowes’ descendants cut their finger over the shawl, a preposterous claim, you still have to explain why the article of clothing is clearly drenched in a jetting pattern of human blood. Isn’t the claim of finding this shawl at the Eddowes crime scene far more likely than the counterclaim of finding it at another murder, and that its provenance just so happened to get confused in the minds of the those who originally collected and stored the shawl?

It was Kozminski. It was ALWAYS Kozminski.

Hell, if you go through the short list of contemporary suspects, examining each one, you can scratch them all out for a variety of good reasons, which I will not do here. After you’ve finished, the only guy remaining is Kozminski. Are you trying to tell me then that the cops at the time didn’t properly execute their duties, but so-called Ripperologists are going to somehow "solve the case" more than a century later, even though most of the police documentation, which apparently at least partly pointed to Kozminski, per Swanson and Anderson, is long gone????

What a heaping load of steaming fantastical manure. Nothing but wishful thinking and daydreaming.

Why would Swanson and Anderson say he was their prime suspect? Why would McNaughten say he was a favored suspect? Why did the killings stop after he was placed under surveillance? Why is his familial mtDNA on the shawl? Why did Hazelwood and Douglas claim that someone like either him or Cohen were likely the killer? Why are all the murders in a circular pattern around his home at the time? Why would a non-Jew scrawl those words above the bloodied cloth? Why does Kozminski’s profile so greatly resemble so many other similar killers throughout criminal history?

And don’t give that rubbish about howhe couldn’t speak proper English. The dude appeared at an inquest for a dog muzzling charge and apparently spoke accented English just fine. And all that crap about him not having the ability to lead prostitutes into darkened corners…what a load of bollocks! They were prostitutes! Like they cared about the guy’s linguistic capabilities, and like they’re going to fornicate in the light! And these victims weren’t high class hookers. Instead they were penniless, often quite sick street urchins. They would have screwed a dog for a dime!

I am without a doubt so sick of this case. I am so sick of people constantly inventing new suspects and new nonsense just to perpetuate it. It’s OVER. You will never ever get any closer to proving "some guy" was the killer than that that was already done back in 1888-89. And back then, the police thought they had their man. You know his name. Aaron Mordke Kozminski.

Really, you think the guy tried to attack his sister with a knife, a virtual recreation of all the Ripper’s crimes, because he was a nice, non-violent guy??? Nice non-violent guys don’t attack siblings with sharp weapons. Psychotic homicidal lunatics do!

I really have to wonder if it’s political-correctness that compels people to keep suggesting native white Brits instead of a swarthy Polish Jew who, in the words of the contemporary police, was their only real suspect….well I have news for ya: immigrants kill people, too. Shocking news, I know, but it’s actually true. Political-correctness be damned.

I swear, by the fall of this century, a billion people will have been labeled the killer, even though the far most likely perpetrator was there before you the entire time: a dirty, crazy, paranoid, violent, alienated young sex-craved fatherless Jewish immigrant named Aaron Mordke Kozminski. Deal with it or stay in Wonderland. Your choice.

P.S. As far as the Zodiac vis-a-vis the Ripper…good luck with that. Some guy examines the few, fragmented extant records, finds "some name", and then constructs an entirely selective and coincidental case against him (like we haven’t seen THAT before!) and what? What does that mean? He’s "solved the case"? Give me a break. That’s not how criminal cases are solved. Ever. That’s not how detectives operate. That’s how bored people on the Internet pass their time: pretending to be Sherlock Holmes, who was himself a total work of fiction, a fact people seem to forget.

Like I said….good luck with that. You’ll be here fifty, five hundred, years from now trying to pass off John Doe #2165133614 as the Zodiac and John Doe #9461352212214968581325448 as Jack the Ripper. The sun will turn into a red giant, consuming the earth, and the last surviving human will be trying to prove The eighth Duke Of Sandwich was both killers.

Shaking my damned head.

P.P.S: Who is Rumblelow and why doesn’t he know the difference between touch DNA, which wouldn’t last decades on the shawl’s surface, and interior DNA retrieved via a novel pipette method? Is Rumblelow a trained scientist? An expert in criminal forensics? If not, why is he offering his inexpert laymen opinion, and why is it repeated on Wikipedia?

Dude, I loved reading your post, I really did. One thing though, no one can ever be sure that the Kosminski suspect of the time was even called Aaron (he was named 100 years later). In fact, Anderson had only ever claimed a POLISH Jew (not Russian) called Kosminski and NOT Aaron Kosminski.

Posted : August 30, 2015 11:33 pm
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