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Suspect Believed To Be ‘Zodiac Killer’ Arrested In Henderson Nevada
By George Drivas – April 4, 2016 31 26556

LEFT: A sketch of the Zodiac Killer. RIGHT: Walter Gotberg prior to his arrest in connection with the ‘Zodiac’ killings.
After 48-years of evading justice, the Henderson, Nevada, Police Department have taken custody of a suspect believed to be the infamous serial killer dubbed the ‘Zodiac Killer’.

Walter Gotberg, the 74-year old Nevada resident was taken into Henderson P.D custody late Sunday evening. According to police statements, officers arrived at Gotberg’s home located in Henderson’s Sunnybrook mobile-home community at approximately 7:08 PM. Police Sergeant Colin Leigh told reporters that Gotberg maintained a calm demeanor and did not resist the arresting officers.

Gotberg was born and raised in San Jose, California. According to records, Gotberg was in and out of foster homes between the ages of 14 – 17 after losing both of his parents to an automobile accident in 1946. Gotberg, who was viewed as an intelligent, yet troubled youth fled the system when he ran away from the home he shared with foster parents Dale and Judy McCarthy in 1949.

It’s believed that Gotberg spent the majority of his life living in Northern California and Nevada. According to reports, Gotberg primarily supported himself with under the table odd jobs including maintenance and appliance repair work.

According to police records, Gotberg spent the majority of his adult life in and out of correctional facilities for infractions including theft, domestic disturbances, and drug related offenses. Gotberg was paroled from the Henderson County Detention Center on January 4th 2016 after serving 3 years on a domestic violence charge involving his live-in girlfriend Vanessa Patrick.

Shortly after Gotberg’s January 2016 release from the Henderson County Detention Center, information was provided to Henderson County Detention Center correctional officers by one of Gotberg’s fellow inmates implicating Gotberg as the infamous Zodiac Killer. According to statements made by the Henderson County Detention inmate, Gotberg had bragged to him about the 1969 murders and made the comment, “a 3-year sentence is nothing for the crimes I’ve gotten away with”.

According to reports, the inmate’s claims were not initially taken seriously by investigating officers as according to investigating officer Matthew Carlson, “several people have unsuccessfully claimed responsibility for the Zodiac murders over the past 4 decades”. According to police reports, Walter Gotberg wasn’t officially listed as a suspect in the unsolved murders until laboratory results provided a match between Gotberg’s DNA and the DNA profile created by saliva found on stamps and envelopes used by the Zodiac Killer to send cryptic messages to media reporters and police.

Gotberg is currently being held at the Henderson County Detention Center, however will most likely be extradited to California where he will face trial.

TAGSarrestarrestedcaCaliforniacorrectional institutedeath sentencehendersonkillkillermurdermurdererNevadanvp.dpolicepolice departmentprisonserialserial killerunsolvedunsolved murdervictimvictimszodiaczodiac killer

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George Drivas


Posted : April 22, 2016 10:33 am
Posts: 810
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Posted : April 22, 2016 10:49 am
Posts: 3583
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http://hoax-alert.leadstories.com/84767 … -hoax.html

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : April 22, 2016 1:16 pm
Posts: 794
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How many times have we been here before?

Posted : April 22, 2016 5:40 pm
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I see now it was just a hoax. What a terrible thing for someone to do. I personally hoped that the story was true as it would have cleared my father, George Saxberg. Now I have to keep on wondering if my own flesh and blood is a killer. How do these people get away with writing these lies? This is just wrong


Posted : April 22, 2016 8:26 pm
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It’s beyond me tbh. One good thing I suppose is it at least shows, if even just to ourselves, that our ‘discussions’ on all aspects of the case are useful. I didn’t assume this was a hoax until I did a search and found the page I posted the link to. What I did realize whilst first reading it is he was quite probably too young, the DNA aspect was possibly contradictory or at least conflicting with things that have been brought up about it by various posters and the whole jailhouse confession thing just sounded too hokey or , again at the very least, weak. Made me think ALA.

The one thing I did note, and I did wonder if it was a conscious or lucky accident, was that his name had 13 characters. I’m not sure if it had the correct symbol to letter use ratio but it certainly looked good at a cursory glance. Kudos at least for that small detail.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : April 22, 2016 8:50 pm
Posts: 810
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I see now it was just a hoax. What a terrible thing for someone to do. I personally hoped that the story was true as it would have cleared my father, George Saxberg. Now I have to keep on wondering if my own flesh and blood is a killer. How do these people get away with writing these lies? This is just wrong

You believe your father was the Zodiac killer?


Posted : April 22, 2016 8:52 pm
Posts: 810
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How many times have we been here before?

Seeing this about a "suspect arrested" was actually a first for me but didn’t hesitate with the eye roll. I think it would have been all over the news if it were true.


Posted : April 22, 2016 8:56 pm
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Yes, I believe he may have been. Look under the George Saxberg thread on this site


Posted : April 22, 2016 9:46 pm
Posts: 810
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I certainly will

Posted : April 22, 2016 10:07 pm
Posts: 3583
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Now I have to keep on wondering if my own flesh and blood is a killer.

I have had a read through the thread on your father to re-familiarize myself with the details. These are just my own thoughts which is why I’m posting them here rather than on the thread itself.

Reading the police reports it really does seem that the only reason your father’s name is associated with the case is that he, as stated, claimed to be the Zodiac whilst under arrest and intoxicated. He himself claimed that he didn’t even remember making the statement so that is a good indicator as to how intoxicated and how it affected him. I believe that his reasons for this when questioned are entirely plausible. I think he accepted that he had made the statement and wanted to set the record straight by accepting that whilst he couldn’t recall saying it he had been reading about it in the newspapers and that was most likely why he said it.

The handwriting I have looked at and I don’t find anything all that interesting in it. Some marked differences from Zodiac’s writing and as such I agree with the official opinion on that.

As for looking like the composite well … he does but you have to remember it’s a bit like putting a jigsaw together with no image to refer to. You can find many pieces that fit but until you have finished the puzzle you can’t be sure they are all right and part of it. The police appear to have two rather circumstantial pieces here but are obliged to follow through. Even with the composite I can see differences – most notably the chin. One of the parts that appears to have received attention in the amended version.

Now there may be other aspects to all this that we don’t know but tbh there isn’t even anything in the reports, that I can see, to suggest that. I don’t think the reports even mention anything about firearms, if he owned any, and/or requesting them for testing. Just the routine stuff fingerprints, handwriting etc. Even the way the report mentions his resemblance to the composite almost feels like they were saying "look we have to process this but lets just do the minimum … he does look a lot like the wanted poster though, doesn’t he?"

My tuppence worth.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : April 22, 2016 11:13 pm
Posts: 64
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Although I disagree with some of your observations, such as the handwriting, I still value your opinions on this.


Posted : April 22, 2016 11:45 pm