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Zodiac DNA being wo…
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Zodiac DNA being worked on by SFPD & VALLEJO PD

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Posts: 653
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That’s another thing – this BS with ‘stuff being held back’.

The current incarnation of LE working the case — if there even is anyone working the case besides Det Poyser — and my guess is he’s working it on his own dime and own time — wouldn’t likely even know what IS being held back.

Whatever LE may or may not have ‘held back’ . . . it didn’t work in 50 years.

Open the friggen files, and see if the public can help.

Posted : April 1, 2019 3:35 am
Posts: 653
Honorable Member

<Anyway, just to reiterate, if there is a piece of evidence such as a stamp or an envelope, it can be tested in about 6-7 hours if there is urgency.>

Separating 50 year old unpreserved genetic material from 50 year old glue, and then building a profile from it, is tricky. And that’s assuming there is genetic material present.

The SFPD lab tried it once and failed. Yes, we have more sensitive techniques than 15 years ago, but what they’re attempting is a crapshoot.

Agreed, either way it shouldn’t take this long, to succeed or fail.

The 3 letters and 2 envelopes were reportedly submitted to a lab in the fall of 2017.

Posted : April 1, 2019 3:46 am
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

However, I can envision scenarios where finding DNA and developing a strong profile still isn’t the final nail in the coffin. I know Poyser said when they were running down the GSK DNA match through GEDmatch, they had finally narrowed it down to 5 and while JJD was one of those five, he wasn’t a standout suspect until they matched his DNA they acquired through following him. They had used age, location and a few other things to narrow the list down to those 5. So I assume those other 5 were still just as likely to be GSK until that point.

If in this case it gets narrowed down to that many or even more it could take even longer.

Quoting what I said here to re-iterate the point, and also to make a correction, it was Paul Holes that made that statement, not Poyser.

I’m of the mind that is what is going on now, that Tom got good info, it just wasn’t supposed to be made public, and they are in the process of going through databases and family trees in search of the suspect.

Posted : April 1, 2019 3:54 am
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

Surely there’s isn’t that much crime in California that the testing takes this long.

40 million people in California. That’s larger than many countries, so yeah, there’s quite a list. I know Poyser said they went the cheaper route in not using expedited testing. I have no idea how long that means, but they probably kept getting bumped down the list. This lab they used is not doing all the testing for the state of California, I assume, so it does seem they should have completed the testing by now.

Posted : April 1, 2019 4:03 am
Posts: 139
Estimable Member

I’m of the mind that is what is going on now, that Tom got good info, it just wasn’t supposed to be made public, and they are in the process of going through databases and family trees in search of the suspect.

What Tom said when he dropped the DNA news on 3/26/2019 at Reddit…

https://www.reddit.com/r/serialkillers/ … ac_killer/

"DNA was recovered from the evidence submitted last year by the Vallejo Police Department. I don’t believe anything has been done with it yet, this happened yesterday.

My source asked to remain anonymous, however I’m sure the mainstream media will eventually corroborate this information."

If what Tom is saying is true. They just got the DNA. LE is not GedMatching and combing through trees for ancestors.

Many people want to think LE is doing Genealogical Forensics based on Zodiac’s DNA. With no proof DNA was obtained.
Leap of Faith? Wishful Thinking? Desperation? Frustration? Wishing the case was over?

Posted : April 1, 2019 4:33 am
Posts: 653
Honorable Member

Surely there’s isn’t that much crime in California that the testing takes this long.

40 million people in California. That’s larger than many countries, so yeah, there’s quite a list. I know Poyser said they went the cheaper route in not using expedited testing. I have no idea how long that means, but they probably kept getting bumped down the list. This lab they used is not doing all the testing for the state of California, I assume, so it does seem they should have completed the testing by now.

That part’s a bunch of crap. We’re talking 18 months. Dozens of cold cases have been solved nationwide under the same method since DeAngelo.

Until proven otherwise, I’m taking Paul Holes at his word in the Monster Podcast, where he implied the VPD lab hadn’t had any success pulling DNA — and he didn’t seem optimistic that would change.

Posted : April 1, 2019 4:33 am
Posts: 193
Estimable Member

Xcaliber, I hope you feel the love when I post, because I’m not trying to make anybody angry. I’ve just seen the process as it’s conducted, and I’ve litigated it dozens of times.

The process of getting to the biological sample is not difficult at all. If I were doing it, I’d sterilize the outside as the envelopes as much as I could. Then I’d snip a small piece of the enevelope with a pair of scissors. I’d place the whole piece of envelope (without trying to separate the seal) into a test tube with the reagents. Presto-changeo. The process begins. If the outside is sterilized well, there won’t be any contamination from the years of storage and handling. The material that comprised the envelope can be removed through various cleansers, but even if it were not then it wouldn’t cause any trouble. The next stage (the amplification, or the PCR stage) will only amplify DNA. It ignores the other stuff.


Posted : April 1, 2019 4:48 am
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

If what Tom is saying is true. They just got the DNA. LE is not GedMatching and combing through trees for ancestors.

If they got DNA I’m pretty sure they are already trying to match it.

Many people want to think LE is doing Genealogical Forensics based on Zodiac’s DNA. With no proof DNA was obtained.
Leap of Faith? Wishful Thinking? Desperation? Frustration? Wishing the case was over?

It’s most certainly wishful thinking on my part. Something wrong with that?

Posted : April 1, 2019 5:00 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

Until proven otherwise, I’m taking Paul Holes at his word in the Monster Podcast, where he implied the VPD lab hadn’t had any success pulling DNA — and he didn’t seem optimistic that would change.

Holes was referring to the attempts from a decade ago or more.

Posted : April 1, 2019 5:03 am
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

Surely there’s isn’t that much crime in California that the testing takes this long.

40 million people in California. That’s larger than many countries, so yeah, there’s quite a list. I know Poyser said they went the cheaper route in not using expedited testing. I have no idea how long that means, but they probably kept getting bumped down the list. This lab they used is not doing all the testing for the state of California, I assume, so it does seem they should have completed the testing by now.

That part’s a bunch of crap.

What part?

40 million people in California?

That Vallejo said they went the cheaper route and didn’t expedite?

Where I said it seems they should have completed the testing by now?

What’s crap?

Posted : April 1, 2019 5:06 am
Posts: 5
Active Member

Until proven otherwise, I’m taking Paul Holes at his word in the Monster Podcast, where he implied the VPD lab hadn’t had any success pulling DNA — and he didn’t seem optimistic that would change.

Holes was referring to the attempts from a decade ago or more.

Put up. Or shut the f up. I’m tired of the explanations without explanations. If you can’t talk about it, just shut the f up.

Posted : April 1, 2019 5:33 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

Put up. Or shut the f up. I’m tired of the explanations without explanations. If you can’t talk about it, just shut the f up.

Holes was referring to the attempts from a decade ago or more.

Posted : April 1, 2019 5:39 am
Posts: 5
Active Member

Put up. Or shut the f up. I’m tired of the explanations without explanations. If you can’t talk about it, just shut the f up.

Holes was referring to the attempts from a decade ago or more.

I get that. I’m referring to you. I’m one of the many who you keep banning on your reddit sub for simply disagreeing with you. Go silent. Quit talking about anything z related unless you have new information. You’re burning up your credibility. Just put up or shut up.

Also, please quit saying a Male GSK victim was raped.

Posted : April 1, 2019 5:51 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

I’m one of the many who you keep banning on your reddit sub for simply disagreeing with you.

Naah. If you were banned, it was because you are a foul-mouthed piece of ignorant Internet garbage, just like you are here.

Posted : April 1, 2019 6:37 am
Posts: 653
Honorable Member

Xcaliber, I hope you feel the love when I post, because I’m not trying to make anybody angry. I’ve just seen the process as it’s conducted, and I’ve litigated it dozens of times.

The process of getting to the biological sample is not difficult at all. If I were doing it, I’d sterilize the outside as the envelopes as much as I could. Then I’d snip a small piece of the enevelope with a pair of scissors. I’d place the whole piece of envelope (without trying to separate the seal) into a test tube with the reagents. Presto-changeo. The process begins. If the outside is sterilized well, there won’t be any contamination from the years of storage and handling. The material that comprised the envelope can be removed through various cleansers, but even if it were not then it wouldn’t cause any trouble. The next stage (the amplification, or the PCR stage) will only amplify DNA. It ignores the other stuff.


Hey, contact the lab, and we can finally solve the case. Sounds like you know more than they do!

Posted : April 1, 2019 7:30 am
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