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D.B. Cooper Letters
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D.B. Cooper Letters

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StitchMallone, Subject: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:22 am

Not saying D.B. is Zodiac cause I know the real Zodiac is Hunter S. Thompson lol. The Don Bujok suspect got me thinking of Cooper cause of his initials also being DB. After the hijacking on November 24 1971 with in 5 days four letters was sent out to newspapers.The first was sent to Reno Evening Gazette mailed from Oakdale California.


Thanks for the hospitality.

Was in a rut.

Letter 2
A second, hand-written letter signed "D.B. Cooper" was sent to the Vancouver Province, British Columbia’s largest newspaper, between November 30 and December 2, 1971. It made an odd claim that the first composite drawing of the Cooper suspect "did not represent the truth." The letter was mailed from Vancouver. Additionally, the note read:

I enjoyed the "Grey Cup" game.

Am leaving Vancouver.

Thanks for the hospitality.

Letter 3
A third, cut-and-paste letter, mailed from Oregon, was directed to the Portland Oregonian and mailed December 1 from a zip code that starts with "970," which is one of the Oregon zip codes but not Portland. It read:

Am alive and doing well in hometown. P.O.

The system that beats the system.

Letter 4
A fourth letter, as reported by the December 3 article in the Reno Evening Gazette, was mailed December 1 from US Postal Server 956, in the Sacramento area. The letter was cancelled in Sacramento but could have been mailed "at any one of 50 or 60 post offices in the Sacramento area," which included the town where the first letter was mailed: Oakdale, California. The letter was again a paste up like the first letter that read:

Plan ahead for retirement income
D.B. Cooper

Think there is another one sent to both New York Times and LA Times also but the FBI still has most of them. The one that says was in a rut to me sounds very Zodiac like and the letters being sent out to different newspapers at a rather quick period of time. What is the chance Zodiac sent these just to mess with LE ?

StitchMallone, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:35 am

Here is the 3rd letter that the FBI was nice enough to release and notice the writing on the envelope and the double postage stamp. Sorry its not the best quality but the only one I could find.

StitchMallone, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:49 am

Here is what the other one says that was sent out on DEC 15.

The week of Dec 15, 1971, the New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and the Seattle Times each received a copy of a letter signed "D.B. Cooper".

The NYT letter said:

I knew from the start that I wouldn’t be caught.
I didn’t rob Northwest Orient because I thought it would be romantic, heroic or any of the other euphemisms that seem to attach to situations of high risks.
I’m no modern day Robin Hood. Unfortunately I do have only 14 months to live.
My life has been one of hate, turmoil, hunger and more hate; this seemed to be the fastest and most profitable way to gain a few fast grains of peace of mind.
I don’t blame people for hating me for what I’ve done nor do I blame anybody for wanting me to be caught and punished, though this can never happen.
Here are some (not all) of the things working against the authorities:
I’m not a boasting man
I left no fingerprints
I wore a toupee
I wore putty make-up
They could add or subtract from the composite a hundred times and not come up with an accurate description; and we both know it.
I’ve come and gone on several airline flights already and am not holed up in some obscure backwoods town. Neither am I a psycopathic [sic] killer. As a matter of fact I’ve never even received a speeding ticket.
Thank you for your attention."

StitchMallone, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:01 am

Just for fun lol

StitchMallone, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:05 am


morf13, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:29 am

Wow Stitch, I see some double postage on that one letter, and the writing has at least some similarity…interesting

Nin, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:53 am

And this one:

http://photos.oregonlive.com/oregonian/ … ead_4.html

Good thread, stitch.


StitchMallone, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:21 am

Thanks Morf and thanks Nin for posting that other letter and couldn’t find it anywhere. That letter you posted Nin seems even a little to blocky for Z’s taste but who knows. Does kind resemble some of the other unconfirmed Z letters though.

morf13, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:25 am

Thanks Morf and thanks Nin for posting that other letter and couldn’t find it anywhere. That letter you posted Nin seems even a little to blocky for Z’s taste but who knows. Does kind resemble some of the other unconfirmed Z letters though.

The "blocky" letter looks a bit like the possible ALBANY, NY letter from Z

Nin, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:30 am

Thanks Morf and thanks Nin for posting that other letter and couldn’t find it anywhere. That letter you posted Nin seems even a little to blocky for Z’s taste but who knows. Does kind resemble some of the other unconfirmed Z letters though.

Stitch, but it shows the "creativity" of the writer to disguise his handwriting.


Nin, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:30 am

Thanks Morf and thanks Nin for posting that other letter and couldn’t find it anywhere. That letter you posted Nin seems even a little to blocky for Z’s taste but who knows. Does kind resemble some of the other unconfirmed Z letters though.

The "blocky" letter looks a bit like the possible ALBANY, NY letter from Z


, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:46 am

I agree too Morph, the S.F.Chronicle main heading on the Bus Bomb envelope also is blocky, I like the writing on the other envelope here too. Don’t think the Z had the metal to pull off what D.B.Cooper did but it would be interesting if he wrote these letters (Seeing as I feel the real DB could have ended up dead as a doornail somewhere out there.)

morf13, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:58 am

And this one:

http://photos.oregonlive.com/oregonian/ … ead_4.html

Good thread, stitch.


To some extent, even the Bates CONFESSION LETTER Envelope:

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:05 am

Quagmire, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:14 am

Anyone else see any similarities here…?

, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:19 am

Quag, poss similarities there. Also from August apparently someone has provided the FBI with a new lead in the Cooper case.

http://www.seattlepi.com/local/article/ … 666409.php

StitchMallone, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:24 am

Thanks Morf and thanks Nin for posting that other letter and couldn’t find it anywhere. That letter you posted Nin seems even a little to blocky for Z’s taste but who knows. Does kind resemble some of the other unconfirmed Z letters though.

The "blocky" letter looks a bit like the possible ALBANY, NY letter from Z

Funny Morf I was just reading up on the letter the other day and you are right it does.

StitchMallone, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:34 am

I agree too Morph, the S.F.Chronicle main heading on the Bus Bomb envelope also is blocky, I like the writing on the other envelope here too. Don’t think the Z had the metal to pull off what D.B.Cooper did but it would be interesting if he wrote these letters (Seeing as I feel the real DB could have ended up dead as a doornail somewhere out there.)

I don’t think Z is Cooper either but think it gave Zodiac a free shot to mess with LE. With very little chance of it comeback on him and like you said Zodiac also probably figured Cooper to be dead. That’s if Zodiac did write these letters of course.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:37 am

Anyone else see any similarities here…?

A little bit.

Was Edwards out of prison when the skyjacking took place?

That "Editor" does look somewhat like the Zodiac style of "Editor". Maybe someone can do a side by side.

StitchMallone, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:39 am

Quag, poss similarities there. Also from August apparently someone has provided the FBI with a new lead in the Cooper case.

http://www.seattlepi.com/local/article/ … 666409.php

Read that when it first came out a women accused her uncle of being D.B and think his last name was Cooper also. She turned over a guitar strap of his to the FBI for finger prints but then FBI turned around and said there was no prints on it or something close to that.

Quagmire, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:49 am

Was Edwards out of prison when the skyjacking took place?

Yes – he was free throughout the canonical Z murders and for all the letters and was free for the sky-jacking and the DB Cooper letters. He also spent time in Portland, Oregon.

I must add that I don’t think he was D B Cooper but Edwards was a massive attention seeker and conman and spent the early 70s promoting his autobiography to all and sundry. It really wouldn’t surprise me if he wrote hoax letters to the papers to see himself in print and needle the cops/press.

EDIT: And by the way, Edwards was living in Atlanta, Georgia when the Atlanta Child Murders letters started rolling in… ;)

StitchMallone, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:16 am

Thanks Morf and thanks Nin for posting that other letter and couldn’t find it anywhere. That letter you posted Nin seems even a little to blocky for Z’s taste but who knows. Does kind resemble some of the other unconfirmed Z letters though.

Stitch, but it shows the "creativity" of the writer to disguise his handwriting.


That’s a very good point Nin.

Nin, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:20 am

I agree too Morph, the S.F.Chronicle main heading on the Bus Bomb envelope also is blocky, I like the writing on the other envelope here too. Don’t think the Z had the metal to pull off what D.B.Cooper did but it would be interesting if he wrote these letters (Seeing as I feel the real DB could have ended up dead as a doornail somewhere out there.)

I like that thought A LOT, Solar Pons.


Nin, Subject: Re: D.B. Cooper Letters Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:27 am


Was Edwards out of prison when the skyjacking took place?


Yes, he was out of prison busy giving lectures and selling his book all over the place.


Posted : May 30, 2013 11:37 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

If I had my way, i’d pass new legislation that make it compulsory for this man to be taught in Histroy lessons in high scools. I mean this is a man who decided to do to the Government what they do to people every. They demand we pay give them some of our wage every pay day and call it "tax’, if you refuse, we’ll put you in a cage for a few years. Cooper simply played them at their own game by demanding money without giving the other party a choice with threats of violence.

In my mind I like to imagine that as Coopers plane lifts off with his ransomdemand having been delivered, FBI agents, Police, Swat members, army personal and the negoation specialist all flood round a rader screen as The Army General phones througt to his near-by base to order Fighter jets to be on stadby and ready, the FBI agent is on the radio directing ground agents to where the plane seems to be heading, Swat are called to the planes designated point of origin and while this very well planned strategy is being deployed to capture Cooper, and all eyes are following the blip on the radar monitor ‘following the money’, Cooper was glyding silently above the tree-tops with 200K also enjoying the ride lol.

I can also picture SWAT storming the plane, flash grenade detinated over there, smoke grenade over here, and then i’d have paid to see their faces when the pilot told them "well the alarm in the cockpit went off mid flight to say the undercarrage door had been opened, then the stewardess said he vanished. Lol.

I watched a documentrary not so long ago and the documentary was to portray Cooper as a hero, and showcased the songs that have been written about him, the books written, and even an entire shop dedicated to D.B Cooper alone. When they interviwed the FBI Agent and they asked ‘So, how do you feel about the majority of the public seeing Cooper as a hero…. Not only did he take back from them for once, managed to stay undetected against FBI and their massive amout of sources?" I thought the Agent was going to throw a left hook at one point lol, he looked absolutely raging lol. I, for one, salute you, Mr Cooper.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : May 31, 2013 4:10 am