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Psychic finds body …
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Psychic finds body of 11 year old murdered boy in

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A Woman had a dream that led to her contacting police in Lake Forest California about a missing 11 year old boy. The woman’s dream was about a boy laying down under a tree, and when they searched the property around his house the found the boys body!

http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2013/07/ … ce-concur/

Posted : July 19, 2013 9:15 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

Greetings Jay :-)

I’ve heard one or two claims similar to that in the past. My reaction is, if the psychic really did walk out into 200 acres of forest and undergroath (say for example) and went directly to a spot where a missing person was laying dead, then I must admit that is an extremely impressive thing and if I were a detective at the scene seeing it happen, I would be so impressed, i’d arrest the psychic on the spot for the murder of the deceased person.

I am guessing Jay that we will have the mirror opposite opinions and views on these ‘Psychic Mediums’. My belief is preety straight forward and non complicated….

Every man or women that claim they are able to communicate with dead people is either a fraud and con artist that is out to exploit the most vulnerable people that are grieving the loss of a recent loved one, or they may really hear the odd voice speaking to them, but that is not the dead soles of mankind, that is called Psychosis and or Schizophrenia. You have actually found one of my absolute pet hates in life Jay lol. To exploit, lets say, a mother’s desperate desire for someone to tell her that her 2 year old son who died 3 months ago is safe now and make a huge amount of cash out of it is, to me, the most dispicaple and disgusting thing one person can do to another.

They are all the same and their ‘act’ isn’t even half convincing…. "Ok I’ve got a gentleman who seems to have suffered with a chest condition as he passes over to spirit" Hmmm, that is going to be a safe guarantee that at least 20% of the audience will probably be able to relate to that. "His name sounds like…… It’s a p, or b, D sounding name" Now half the audience know someone that could fit this description. But after someone says "Yes, that sounds like my uncle Pete who passesd away of a heart attack". And there will be a bit of back and forth fishing and what not, and then the Psychic will always say something like "Is Pete the Uncle on your Fathers Side? Audience member "Yes". and he’ll say "Yes that’s right because he just said to me that his brother loved you so mutch and that he comes and sees you every night". Now this always leaves me withmuch confusion because 7 minutes previously, the spirit could not even pass on its own name to the psychic and now he, the medium, has established a connection with someone who said they recognised the description of a male, who had a chest problem and who’s mane was, umm P … or B, ….Maybe D sounding, the psychic is somehow able to now hold a conversation with the spirit who, like all other spirits, seemd to have forgotten his name in life at the start. It must make them go to bedfeeling great about themselves thinking "Today I conned an arena of grieving relatives out of money to the tune of £20 Grand.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : July 24, 2013 3:44 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

Aboout two week back, I read an AOL headline that made my blood boil, almost literally lol. The headline was regarding that idiotic, ear piece wearing muppet ‘Psychic’ Sally Morgan. The news story told how one of the Big British Tabloids had agree to pay this….(I really am having to stop myself using very offensive words here) woman the sum of One Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand Pounds in damages (around a quarter million US dollars) because a journalist wrote an aarticle stating that Sally Morgan may not be a genuine Psychic, and may be using a ear piece radio. Sally made no secret of the actual wording she was claiming were frivolous, it was "Sally Morgan may use a ear piece radio". She repeatedy denied this was true but it was interesting to me that she never once made any mention of the "Sally Morgan may be Fake" claim said in general without the ear piece mentioned. The first thing that came into my mind was ‘There are children dying in this World ever few seconds because of poverty, and we as a society has just awarded a woman £125.000 in damages because someone publically made a direct challenge to her ability of actually being psychic. What that has done,, and the message it gives to us is "We, as a society will allow vultures and disgraceful people to con people out of as much cash as the con artist would wish to do so. We cannot intervene because these people are claiming to provide a legitimate service that they can do via a gift that is not able to be seen, tested or validated by any other person and we must take the word of the person making the claim. And if any Citizen dares to question this non ability that is not apparent to anyone else as to its authenticity, then you will be liable for a huge compensation payout to the person’s who’s image you may have damaged.
You know what is so ironic about it, in reality what has happened is we have decided that this Tabloid over here has written something about a con artist and Charleton that we think it may have damaged this fraud’s image, so we will award the Fraudulent, conning, piece of scum lying sack of rubbish £125.000 to add to her already enormous wealth she has in the bank that has been accumulated as a result of the proceedes of Crime. I feel that strongly about these frauds that the best thing I would suggest that could befall every psychic is they get hit by a bus, a bus that is going 70MPH preferably and then they can becoe residents of the world of which we hear them talk about so much. I would love to be in a position to one day attend the funeral of Colin Fry so I could st his grave side while the priests is preying and I would simply stand there with my middle finger extended in the direction of Colins new home in the ground. (Colin Fry, formally known as Lincoln until a name change came about after ‘Lincoln’ was caught in a blatant act of fakery that involved him, a table, and a trumpet)

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : July 24, 2013 4:14 am