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Serial Killer made in Brazil

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Hello everyone
It is with no much pride, but I will present this topic serial killers Brazilians source wikipedia and google translation.
I assure you, I am not, I will not and never have been a serial killer. :D

Pedro Rodrigues Filho, aka Pedrinho Matador (Santa Rita do Sapucai, 1954) is a Brazilian homicidal psychopath serial killer.

Pedrinho Matador persecuted and killed other criminals, discharging his killer instinct in those who consider "bad".

Killed for the first time at fourteen and continued killing. Today accumulates over a hundred murders, including his own father, and that 47 people were killed inside prisons by which passed. Still did not answer for all the crimes, but has already been sentenced to nearly four years in prison, the greater deprivation of liberty already applied in Brazil.

Was born on a farm in Santa Rita do Sapucai, southern Minas Gerais, with the injured skull, the result of kicks that struck the father in the womb during a fight. Says he had wanted to kill the first time at age 13. A fight with an older cousin, pushed the boy into a press for crushing cane. He did not die for pouco.1

At 14 he killed the deputy mayor [who?] Santa Rita do Sapucai, Minas Gerais, with gunshots in front of the town hall, for firing her father, a school guard, at the time accused of stealing school lunches . Then he killed another guard who was supposed to be the real thief. Took refuge in Mogi das Cruzes in São Paulo, where he began stealing mouths-of-smoke and kill traffickers. Met the widow of a leader of trafficking, nicknamed Ankle, and were living together. Assumed the duties of the deceased and was soon forced to eliminate some rivals, killing three former cronies. Lived there until Bootie was executed by the police. Pedrinho escaped, but did not leave the sale of drugs. Enlisted soldiers and mounted the negócio.1 own

Seeking revenge for the murder of his companion, tortured and killed several people, trying to find those responsible. The principal, an old rival, was denounced by his ex-wife. Pedrinho and four friends visited him during a wedding party. Left a trail of seven killed and sixteen wounded. The killer was not yet 18 years old.

Still Mogi, his father ran into the city jail after he killed his mother with a machete 21. The revenge of the son was cruel: beyond 22 stab wounds, pulled his father’s heart, chewed a piece and then spat, said second program on Rede Record with journalist Marcelo Rezende.1

Pedrinho stepped in jail for the first time on May 24, 1973 and lived there throughout adulthood. It is said that once the police was put in a police van to be transported by the PM along with another inmate, both handcuffed, and when the rear of the car were open the other inmate was dead and Pedrinho claimed responsibility for the crime justifying that mate was rapist. [citation needed] in 2003, despite already sentenced to 126 years in prison, was to be released, because Brazilian law forbids anyone to spend more than 30 years behind bars, although a decree of 1934, signed by President Getúlio Vargas, allow psychopaths can be maintained indefinitely in psychiatric facilities for treatment. Also because of crimes committed within prison, which increased its penalties for almost 400 years, his stay in prison was extended by Justice until 2017 Pedrinho had the freedom to remake his life with his girlfriend to an ex-convict named he does not reveal. They met exchanging letters. After serving a sentence of 12 years for theft, she was released and visited Pedrinho in prison Taubaté.

Jurado death by fellow prisoners, Pedrinho is a phenomenon of survival in the harsh prison regime. Hardly a tough incarcerated so long. Killed and wounded dozens of companions not to die. Once attacked by five prisoners, killed three and put the other two to run. Killed a cellmate because ‘snored too’ and others as’ not going to his face. To leave no doubt about his willingness to kill, tattooed on his left arm: ‘Mato for pleasure’, recently covered by another tattoo.

Pedrinho is the perfect description of what medicine calls psychopath – someone with no remorse and no sympathy for the similar. Psychiatrists who evaluated it in 1982 for an expert opinion, wrote that the greatest motivation of his life was ‘a violent affirmation of self.’ Diagnosed "paranoid and anti-social character ‘.

After spending 34 years in prison, was released on April 24, 2007 2 Information Intelligence National Security Force indicate that he was in the Northeast, more precisely to Fortaleza in Ceara. On September 15, 2011 the day catarinense local media reported that Pedrinho Matador was arrested at his home in the countryside, where she worked as a home in Balneario Camboriu, Santa Catarina coast. According to RBS news newscast, he will have to serve time for charges including riot and unlawful imprisonment.

From north to south [edit | edit source code]
Pedrinho Matador was recaptured on September 14, 2011, in the resort town of Balneario Camboriu, on the north coast of Santa Catarina. The criminal, who claims to have killed over a hundred people, including the father, was arrested at home around 11am, civilian police officers of the Criminal Investigation Division of the city of Balneario Camboriu. The civil police officer spotted him account:. "Received anonymous information that Pedrinho Matador was hiding at a site in the municipality of De Camboriu possession of this information efforts were made to locate more precisely the location where Pedrinho be and actually was said. confirmed the information we have moved to the area and we made the arrest. ".

According to delegated Luana Backes, the Criminal Investigation Division of Balneario Camboriu, Pedrinho Matador already served the penalty for homicide – more than half committed within the chain – but was convicted again in August this year by participating in six riots and deprivation of liberty a prison official during one of the riots.

Besides the amount of deaths, Pedrinho Matador gained notoriety in the country by promising to kill criminals as Maniac Park, who acted in Sao Paulo. He used to strangle the victim.

Because the list of crimes and behavior in jail, joined the list of serial killers cited by the writer Ilana Casoy the book Serial Killer – Made in Brazil. The publication tells the stories of gangsters like Vampire Niterói and Chico Beef Stew.

Under Brazilian criminal law, a person must be set at liberty after serving 30 years in prison, but a decree of 1934, signed by then-President Getulio Vargas, allows psychopaths can be maintained indefinitely in psychiatric facilities for treatment DECREE N. 20.889 – OF DECEMBER 30, 1931.


Posted : September 10, 2014 2:38 am
Posts: 301
Reputable Member

That ’30 year’ rule is crazy! Then again I have seen what prisons like Carandiru are like in Brazil, it’s likely most prisoners wouldn’t make 30 years.
And to think the courts actually went ahead and allowed him out. Maybe they also took into account his good behaviour for only killing 47 times whilst in prison, that is only an average of 1.5 times a year after all……

Check out my website: www.darkideas.net

Posted : September 10, 2014 6:34 pm
Posts: 764
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Yes, the Brazilian penal death penalty do not exist , but in some of our Brazilian presidios be sentenced is worse than being sentenced to death.

On the other hand, I see how absurd kill criminals, and "good behavior" being released less than 10 years of condemnation as the case that follows, a famous actor here, also killed a beautiful famous actress, and now this free !!!
(It became a preacher of the church)

If Daniella Perez
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caso_Daniella_Perez

Daniella Perez worked at the same television series of his killer

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The death of actress Daniella Perez was one of the notorious police cases of the twentieth century in Brazil. Occurred on December 28, 1992, received widespread press coverage and popular commotion caused. Daniella, who at the time was a soap opera of great national audience, In Body and Soul, which was Yasmin, was murdered by Guilherme de Padua, which was romantic pair with the victim in the plot, and Paula Thomaz, wife of William. The body of the actress was found in a forest region in Barra da Tijuca, in Rio de Janeiro, with 18 blows of dagger, which caused his death. The case shocked Brazilians involved in the case are well-known artists and working together. The first news of the case was made public a day later, on December 29, 1992, when it was reported along with other big news of national impact, the impeachment of President Fernando Collor de Mello.1 The two murderers were convicted by jury and released in 1999.2 3

Contents [hide]
1 History
1.1 Murder
1.2 Rebound
1.3 Popular Amendment
1.4 Prison
1.5 Motivation of the crime
2 The murder weapon
3 Forethought
4 References
5 External links
History [edit | edit source code]
Murder [edit | edit source code]
In 1992 the actress Daniella Perez played in the novel Of Body and Soul, written by his mother Gloria Perez, the character Yasmin, romantic couple character Bira, lived by actor Guilherme de Padua.

On the afternoon of December 28, Daniella and William recorded the scene from the end of the novel Yasmin and Bira. Shortly after the recording, the actor had a crying and restless searched for Daniella several times in the dressing room, which was attended by maids studio. According to those housekeepers, he gave Daniella two tickets, which the young man refused to say what these were, looking very nervous. In the police and justice, which was also confirmed by the testimony of Paula Thomaz, William said he was nervous because he believed that his role was being reduced in the novel, since that week, had not appeared in two chapters.

In the late afternoon, William left the studio Tycoon, in Barra da Tijuca, where the novel was written, went to his apartment on Avenida Atlantica in Copacabana, and sought his wife Paula Thomaz, 4 months pregnant. Armed with a blanket and a pillow, the couple left the building again toward Tycoon studios where Daniella kept recording. Arriving on the scene, Paula did not leave the car, but lay in the back seat of William Santana, covered with a sheet, while the actor returned to the studio to finish the recording of their scenes.

Around 21 hours recording ended. In the parking lot, William and Daniel took photos with fans and then the actress left the studio driving an Escort. Then William went out driving his Santana, which was followed by the driver of the children who had taken the photos. The driver saw when he stopped the car in a roadside next to the gas station where Daniella had stopped to fuel the car – which was confirmed by the station attendants, who worried about the possibility of assault, were attentive to ocupaste car, and reassured to recognize the actor. Upon exiting the station, Daniella had your car closed by Guilherme Santana, After closed, the two descended from their cars and Guilherme granted a punch in the face of the actress, who fell unconscious. This was witnessed by two attendants of the post. William then placed the unconscious in the back seat of his Santana actress, now directed by Paula, and took the direction of Escort Daniella From Avenue of the Americas, the cars entered the Rua Cândido Portinari, a deserted street of Barra da Tijuca, and stopped a vacant lot.

There, William and Paula began stabbing Daniella – first in the car after a nearby brush. The expertise showed that Daniella Perez was killed with 18 strokes that hit the lung, heart and neck. The lawyer Hugo da Silveira, who passed by the scene, found two strange cars parked in a wilderness location, thinking it is an assault, noted the plates. Santana saw in a man and a woman with a round face, which concluded that Paula Thomaz. Then he went to his house, where he called police.

When arrived at the scene, police found only the Escort Daniella. Rummaging through a thicket, they found the body.

At the police station, William and Paula arrived to comfort the mother and husband of actress, actor Raul Gazolla.

The police, knowing the license plate, went to the Tycoon studios and found that the owner was William of Padua, despite a letter be wrong. but the plate was noted and the OM1115 board of the actor in spreadsheet studio was LM1115, which later proved that the card has been tampered with electrical tape by the actor, the LM1115 to OM1115, which eliminated the claim of the defense to crime of passion .

On the morning of December 29, police arrived at the apartment of William and he was taken to the police station. Initially the actor denied the crime, but on the same day, cornered by the evidence, eventually admitted authorship. In a conversation with the police, Paula came to confess to involvement in the crime, but denied involvement in testimony. The delegate of the case came to listen to a call from Guilherme Paula, in which he said he would handle everything alone. So police also began to suspect Paula.

William and Paula were definitely arrested on December 31. Both claimed the right to speak only in court. Over the five years before the trial, Guilherme de Padua tested various versions through the press.

Neither convinced the jury, and both were convicted of murder doubly qualified: unworthy motive and impossibility of defending the victim.

Repercussion [edit | edit source code]
The crime was featured in all news programs in Brazil and even abroad, as in the American CNN and BBC London.

Popular Amendment [edit | edit source code]
The popular outrage that followed this episode, resulted in a change at the initiative of the author Gloria Perez, the Heinous Crimes Law, which managed more than 1 million signatures: from there, the murder (practiced by unworthy motive or futile or committed with cruelty) is now included in the Heinous Crimes Law, which does not allow payment of guarantees and requires a longer time is fulfilled pen for progression to the semi-open closed (regime in 2006, the Supreme Court held unconstitutional the prohibition of progression regime4).

Prison [edit | edit source code]
In prison, was born the son of Paula and William, Philip, in May 1993.

The couple divorced in prison even after changing the version of William to the crime, saying that Paula also participated.

Both came out of jail before fulfilling only 7-year sentence in 1999.

Motivation of the crime [edit | edit source code]
Proved in the court of motivation of the crime was the version presented by the prosecutor Maurice Assayag and the prosecution lawyer Arthur Lavigne. According to witness testimony, William harassed Daniella order to benefit from his friendship, because it was the "daughter of the author of the novel". He even admits this in testimony to the judge, the Court of Juri. In the week of the murder, was unsafe to receive the chapters of the novel and realize that her character would not be present in two chapters. Thought his character was diminishing the influence of Daniella. Assuming that Daniella had told the mother of his thrusts, the actor pitched his wife’s hand, known for being extremely jealous, and with a history of assaulting other women already.

The murder weapon [edit | edit source code]
Since the start of the investigation, experts have made clear that the murder weapon was not scissors: dagger was.

The report reveals that the expertise of the injuries that have hit Daniella were made ​​by sharp instruments with two edges. (Pardellas Raphael, director of IML and included expert opinion in criminal proceedings)

The perforations found in knitted blouse that Daniella wore, show that the instrument has not entered fraying, enter as a pair of scissors, but cutting like a double-edged blade can do. The scissors, to be considered sharps have to be thrown open, which undoubtedly would entail, as well as a varied number of very superficial lesions, other than be confined to the epidermis, which did not happen. The blows were accurate and reached 8 times the heart of Daniella.

Another evidence that belies the maneuver: stab someone with an open scissors inevitably causes injuries whose hand stabs, because the person would have to grab the edge to make the blows -neither Paula Thomaz Guilherme de Padua nor had any wounds on hands.

The scissors were invented to conceal premeditation. Would be in the car so Paula Thomaz open bags of milk. According to this version, Paula Thomaz was always drinking milk, even in the car, in everyday paths. So always needed to have scissors handy. But people who knew her, never saw her drinking milk after the crime and there are no records of who has done what.

Premeditation [edit | edit source code]
Premeditation was proven by the presence of Paula Thomaz hidden in a sheet, perfect tampering with the couple’s car plate, and the ambush at the gas station, witnessed by the attendants. Was supplemented with concealment: the couple of criminals going to pay condolences to the family of the victim. 5


Posted : September 11, 2014 12:12 am
Posts: 764
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Finally caught serial killer of Goias (state in western Brazil center) that killed 39 people. Following part of the story, translated. Who are curious can enter the globo.com site and use the mechanisms of translation related to your language.

Tiago Henrique Gomes da Rocha is named as the author of 39 deaths in Goiânia, Goiás (Photo: Luisa Gomes / G1)
Tiago Henrique Gomes da Rocha is identified as
author of 39 deaths (Photo: Luisa Gomes / G1)
Coworkers vigilante Tiago Henrique Gomes da Rocha, 26, identified as the author of 39 deaths in Goiânia, report being surprised by the case. "Whenever I saw him here, but I never imagined he was capable of committing crimes like this and still confess. He was very quiet, did not talk much, but never suspected anything, "a vigilante, who declined to be identified, told the G1.
James worked since August this year at security firm Fortesul Group, which is headquartered in Aparecida de Goiânia, in the metropolitan area. He paid security officers in the Mother-Child Hospital (HMI), the West Sector, at nighttime.
"He was always exemplary, arrived early for work, for it was the turn of 19h at 7am, and stayed in it. I gave in on one of the posts, but he barely answered me a good day, maybe because I’m a woman. I can not believe that we were next to a possible serial killer the whole time, "reported a vigilante, who also did not identify.
read more
Watchdog calls for ‘forgiveness’ for 39 deaths and says he wants medical treatment
Police releases new video evidence of alleged serial killer
Police say vigilante uses numbers to refer to the 39 victims; video
Police say alleged serial killer killed by anger ‘in Goiânia
Alleged serial killer says police he was sexually abused in childhood
Arrest of alleged serial killer is featured in the international press
Evidence suggest that vigilant arrested in Goiania is the serial killer, police say
For families of victims, arrest of 39 suspected deaths brought ‘relief’
Serial murder victims are young, but have similar profile
Colleagues said they never saw James followed and he showed be shy. "As it was in him, caladão, we did not chat much pulling. I thought it was because of shyness, but now after all this, he confessed to the killings, since I suspect that he was not even very normal, "said the colleague.

In an interview late on Friday (17), James said he wanted to apologize to his mother and to the families of the victims for the crimes he committed. He did not answer is believed to be mentally ill, but spoke of "regret" and said he wanted medical treatment to get rid of what he defines as "feeling of anger."
The Fortesul Group said in a statement that the company was "surprised" by the press reports and that will wait for the progress of the investigation. According to the company, the vigilante "presented faultless conduct in the workplace."
The company also said that James was under contract of experience and worked in the area of ​​unarmed surveillance. He went through a process of selection, which presented all the required documents, including the certificate of formation of vigilant "in school authorized by the Ministry of Justice, with registration certificate from the Federal Police", and was also approved in the psychometric exam and admission.
Already spokesperson for the HMI confirmed the G1, also by note, that James began its activities in the unit last August 1 and he provided services during the night, during night shifts.
James paid service as vigilant in Maternal and Child Hospital (Photo: Fernanda Borges / G1)
James paid service as vigilant in Hospital
Maternal and Child (Photo: Fernanda Borges / G1)
strange behavior
James lived with his mother in a house in Sector Set Vera Cruz II in Goiania. In the neighborhood, everybody says he was introspective and not talking to anyone. "He came in, went helmet. He had intimacy with anyone. Never saw him arrive with someone on the back of the bike, or woman, or colleague, just came alone. It’s amazing we live next to the person we do not know when, "said one neighbor, who declined to be identified.
A young woman who lived with James since childhood said that before getting the job as a watchdog, he was doing much drinking. "He did not talk to anyone and just walked the streets with his head bowed."

Neighbors reported that weirded behavior of James, since he used to take the bike to the garage already helmet and stood still for a while, accelerating the vehicle, staring at women passing by. "I had a girlfriend who was scared. And then, of course, I wanted to take satisfaction with him, but she did not leave because he said [James] was weird, "said a neighbor, who also requested anonymity.
‘Anger of society’
Delegates who are part of a task force of the Civil Police, which investigates a series of murders against women in the capital, gathered testimonies of the suspect. In addition to confessing crimes and say they acted after consuming alcoholic beverages, James also claimed he was sexually abused by a neighbor as he was 11 years, which would have left "traumatized".
The testimony occurred at the State Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement (Denarc), where the vigilante has been detained since Tuesday (14). Besides the alleged abuse, James told delegates who suffered bullying at school, was the victim of several betrayals and heartbreak. According to him, it would have made ​​sense a "rage of society." To vent this feeling, he began to kill. "He was distressed, looking for a way to solve the problem and discovered that killing he felt better," he told G1 the delegate Mauricio Massanobo Kai.
Barbara, Wanessa, Juliana, Janaina, Taynara and Isadora were some of the victims of alleged serial killer in Goiânia, Goiás (Photo: Personal archive)
Barbara, Wanessa, Juliana, Janaina, Taynara and Isadora were some of the victims (Photo: Personal archive)
The aversion to women also scored the testimony of the suspect. "It hangs when you have a woman in the room.’s Agent takes a man to talk to him he collaborate and continue giving the information," said the delegate Silvana Nunes. During testimony to delegate Alécio Moreira, the clerk it had to leave the site for the interrogation continued. "He just stopped talking, looked at her and said, ‘has too many people here,’" said the delegate.
The lawyer representing the watchful said on Friday (17), who was impressed with the wealth of detail in the reports of his client on the 39 homicides undertaken by him in Goiania. "I was really puzzled. Never seen anything like it," said Thiago Huascar. For him, the young man is "insane" and need treatment.
The previous day, the lawyer went on to say that the suspect had been coerced into confessing crimes, but now says huascar convinced that his client is actually the author of the murders.

According to the superintendent of police of Goiás, delegate Deusny Appeared before being caught, police had the suspect’s name, but I knew all their physical characteristics. So, on Friday (10), a temporary arrest warrant for a "white man, aged approximately 25 years, about 1.87 meters tall, athletic physical complication, without beard or mustache, was issued with the chest, thin face, black, short, straight hair and thick eyebrows, who usually dresses well. "
The warrant also describes that the suspect was wearing a helmet and motorcycle color black with plate adulterated.

The guard was arrested in White Castle Avenue, on Tuesday (14). Then he was sent to the State Bureau of Investigation Homicide (IHL), which testified, and according to the officer, confessed to the crimes.
Map of murders in Goiás (Photo: Art / G1)
Although early investigations have claimed to have conviction it is not a single author of the deaths of women, police have said that there is now about a month had enough elements that pointed to as the vigilante killer in crimes investigated by force -tarefa.

On Thursday, the Technical and Scientific Police said the results of ballistics tests of the gun seized with Thiago coincided with shots fired in six homicides in the capital.

Deaths of women
The first crime of the series of murders against women in Goiânia occurred on January 18 this year when Bárbara Luiza Ribeiro Costa, 14, was executed by a motorcyclist in Sector Lorraine Park. The most recent death was that of Ana Lidia Gomes, shot at a bus stop in Sector Set Morada Nova, on August 2. A biker came along and shot the girl, who succumbed to his injuries.

According to the police, among other crimes committed by man, are deaths of homeless people and homosexuals. The other murders of women not made ​​by man, according to the Civil Police, will continue to be investigated.

Last year, the State Prosecutor filed a complaint against vigilante for stealing a plate of a motorcycle in the parking lot of a supermarket in Goiania. Images from security cameras show him committing the crime. Also last year, he was arrested at the scene on a motorcycle with stolen card, but was released. The case was registered on the 5th Police District.

According to the Civil Police, the young man was identified in recorded by security cameras on Sunday (12) images near the cafeteria where a woman was assaulted by a biker. The case was included in the task force. Witnesses said the motorcyclist red helmet shot the young, but the gun failed. Then he kicked in her mouth.


Posted : October 18, 2014 8:44 pm
Posts: 764
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As it is not enough that idiot get up to 30 years in prison under Brazilian law, I still see pathetic comments on the matter.
the world is sick


Posted : February 14, 2015 10:28 pm