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Terry Childs

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Claims to having killed Linda Ann Jozovich and 10 others, some of them in Santa Cruz (Elaine Davis?), some of them in Tracy, some of them in San Diego. He put her body at Lexington Reservoir, which actually is on the Hwy 17 towards Santa Cruz.


Anybody an idea which victims that could be? Got none e.g. in Tracy..also got none in 1985 in Santa Cruz..

http://officialcoldcaseinvestigations.c … hp?p=12551

Nice family..

From Santa Cruz sentinel May 16, 2005
headline fleeing driver identified
A man arrested after fleeing from police and crashing into a car near Mission and bay streets Saturday evening was identified as Stacey Childs, 42.
Deputies Stephen Fish and Nate Murray spotted Childs in a stolen on a Sonata and Ben and he sped away, sheriff’s Lt. Phil Wowak said, leading police on a chase into Santa Cruz. Childs struck another car with two people inside, but they were uninjured. He remained uncooperative, so police dog Bosco was sent in to get him.
Childs had a knife and tried to choke the dog Bosco, but the dog eventually subdued him.
Childs is known to deputies from numerous arrests. Sentinel files show he stole a car in the 1980s and gave the police a wild chase when he was 18 living in Aptos.
The hyundai was stolen on Friday.
Childs was treated for his injuries and arrested on suspicion of auto theft, evading authorities,for a warrant and he was on parole hold too.
Childs brother, Terry, 48 is serving a 41 year sentence for the murder 1985 murder of a teenager, Lois Sigala, in Scotts Valley. Another brother was killed in prison.
The boy’s father was a local bails on bail bondsman named Gary "Tiny" Childs.




Posted : January 17, 2014 2:18 pm