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The Doodler

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The Doodler was active in San Francisco in 1974 and 1975 and killed gay men. He was called The Doodler because it was learned that he sketched his victims before killing them. Although LE learned who the Doodler was, he was never brought to trial because the stigma attached to being gay at that time prevented witnesses from agreeing to testify.

This killer was discussed at Tom’s way back. First introduce by Kimbo Sept. 18, 2008 in this thread-

http://zodiackiller.fr.yuku.com/reply/5 … eply-56632

And then in a thread of its own-

http://zodiackiller.fr.yuku.com/topic/5 … er2Oknn-M8

I found that there is a recently published book about The Doodler. Here’s a link to the Kindle version but it is also sold in a paperback version.

http://www.amazon.com/Young-Queer-Dead- … nd+Dead%22

I’ve ordered the paperback so will have to wait a few days before I can do a book report.


Posted : July 21, 2013 12:58 am
Posts: 150
Estimable Member

Here’s some clippings I have on the Doodler. I assume the coverage in the SF Chron/Examiner was better, but this is what I have ;)

The San Mateo Times article you’ve transcribed in one your links.

EDIT: Sorry, I didn’t realize the content of the 3 articles was nearly identical, so I’ve just kept the SMT article

Posted : July 21, 2013 5:54 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Yeah. the Doodler. You know what is really creepy? None of his 14 victims is in the Zodiachronology list yet.

Robert Turchin could be a victim of the Doodler as he was found naked as well as stabbed in the SF area. Robert Turchin was found naked and stabbed to death in the trunk of his car. A California Highway Patrolman made the discovery when blood was found on the vehicle, which was parked near Second and Juarez in Napa. Maybe i am wrong because he was found in Napa, but it could be that the Doodler drove Turchin in his trunk to Napa to get him out of his way. Overall time, MO and region is a match, also was Robert Turchin found nude.

Guess the Doodler still has his sketch hanging on the wall..



Posted : July 21, 2013 10:23 am
Posts: 556
Honorable Member

Seagull, did you ever finish the book? Any interesting info/tidbits?????

interesting info about a theory that Kraft had a killing partner that maybe was the Doodler here at WS
http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showth … *UNSOLVED*

What interests me is that the Doodler was an artist (or wanted to be seen as such) and Kraft had those incriminating photos that someone had to develop for him. perhaps an artist like the Doodler would know how to use a dark room?

Also, as far as the Doodler having a connection to Z, I think it’s interesting that 1. Avery surmised the Zodiac might be a latent homosexual (which Zodiac likely noticed evidenced in his Halloween card) when we now find the Doodler was homosexual and likely felt Shame for it (his motiv to kill after sex) and also that 2. Zodiac started sending letters again in 74 around the time the Doodler starts to kill. I gather from my reading that many here on the forum are beginning to think the Zodiac had more fine arts experience/interest than originally surmised. Also, if the Doodler was Z, could possibly getting caught as the Doodler make him cool his jets and stop killing/sending letters after 74 – could it be why we never heard from him again? We also are told the doodler had undergone mental health treatment, another thing coinciding with the profile/theory of Zodiac Having possibly been mentally ill or undergone treatment for mental illness. If Zodiac was the doodler maybe the motiv for the lovers lane murders was about his homosexuality and anger that he was not heterosexual like his peers? Something that made him feel left out Bc he could not practice his sexuality out in the open without fear of being bullied/marginalized?

Also find it interesting the POI that was likely the Doodler Was arrested for questioning along with another man, both from Rondondo Beach. Why was the other man also arrested for questioning? Was he a potential victim or an accomplice? What could he know that RPD would want to know about the Doodler?

they were arrested in Riverside, where we begin our Zodiac journey with the CJB case. Why were they in Riverside? Why would this guy, the doodler from Rondondo Beach, travel to SF to murder and why travel to Riverside also? I suppose SF had a large gay community what with Harvey Milk and a bit of a sexual/social revolution going on and all. Might have been the best place to hunt victims. But Riverside? Beats me.

Posted : July 22, 2015 11:52 pm
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The book was terrible. Mainly stuff copied and pasted from the internet. It sounds like what is at Websleuths was taken from the book or visa versa!

There was a fairly comprehensive article written last year by The Awl on these murders. I learned more from the article than from the book.

http://www.theawl.com/2014/12/the-untol … er-murders


Posted : July 23, 2015 12:14 am
Posts: 556
Honorable Member

Seagull thanks for letting me know. Was about to waste my money to buy it. Will get to the article now. Thank you kindly.

Posted : July 23, 2015 12:17 am
Posts: 556
Honorable Member

Hmmm so he was supposedly an African American fellow? After the Stine incident I’m a bit weary of people’s ability to know the difference between a Caucasian or African American male ;) I guess the Doodler can’t be Z for obvious reasons lol UNLESS for some reason the victims/witnesses lied about his race Bc they were so scared as homosexuals of getting too involved in the bias investigation – pawning it off on the easiest scapegoat of those times, the black man (slim chance of this though). I question how well the investigation was handled in general.

Btw, forgot that homosexuality was once considered a mental illness. How shitty. It would be so neat if someone really delved back into the Doodler case and tried to solve it now.

Posted : July 23, 2015 12:25 am
Posts: 556
Honorable Member

Ah I found 2 serial killers (well one was a lover/accomplice to a serial killer) who lived in Redondo Beach – they were homosexual partners and active during the time of the Doodler murders. Note from Redondo like the 2 men arrested in Riverside

Patrick Wayne Kearney 28+ 1968 to 1977 Redondo Beach, Calif. gay cruising areas of Hollywood

David D. Hill 28? 1968 to 1977 Redondo Beach, Calif. Hollywood.

Hill was Kearney’s lover and possible accomplice. Hill claimed involvement, but was never convicted.



here’s article about Kearney and Hill being arrested by the RPD and confessing to the trash bag murders of 15 victims in 5 different counties. I suspect they are the two Redondo Beach men referenced in the article on this thread obtained by TruthandSoul ;) it is hard to follow that article as it talks about a young suspect in question for at least a year and then
Kearney and Hill. The way it is written I’m not sure if the young man or the Redondo beach men were suspected of being the doodler. Almost seems like they settled on their POI being this young artistic black man with mental/sexual issues, but ended up also suspecting Kearney and Hill. I guess they stuck with their initial suspect then Bc we know Kearney/Hill were never charged with the Doodler murders.

http://www.crimezzz.net/serialkillers/K … _wayne.php

"Warrants were issued for Hill and his roommate, but the lovers remained at large until July 1, when they entered the Riverside County sheriff’s office, pointed to their posters on the wall, and smilingly announced, "That’s us."

They both look Caucasian to me in the warrant pic I found of them. Although Hill could pass for being Mixed Hispanic/middle eastern with his dark looks. Not sure of his heritage. And Kearney – his face looks very Z like to me what with his widows peak, heart shaped face, need for glasses. Kearney worked as an engineer for Hughes Aircraft and supposedly his IQ is 180. He was only 5’5". Have also included a photo of Kearney’s "Big Bang theory" and his parsec explanation as well. More info on Kearney http://maamodt.asp.radford.edu/Psyc%204 … _2012_.pdf

Posted : July 23, 2015 1:11 am
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

Could the Doodler have been connected to the Zebra murder cult? They were a San Francisco group of black serial killers who, like the Doodler, targeted mostly white victims around the same time period. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zebra_murders

Four of the Zebra killers were convicted but several other suspects were set free.

Posted : February 27, 2020 2:06 am
Posts: 67
Trusted Member

According to Mr. Gaspar, this person’s name is known and an easy thing to get…

Has anyone heard his name before? I’ve heard that he continues to be frequent clubs and draw pictures.

Posted : May 19, 2021 10:27 pm
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Kevin Fagan recently did an excellent seven chapter series on The Doodler. It’s the culmination of three years of investigative research. Here’s the link to chapter 1, the remaining chapters can be linked at the top of the page.

https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/do … hapter-one


Posted : May 19, 2021 10:39 pm
Posts: 112
Estimable Member

An employee of the San Francisco Chronicle, Kevin Fagan, also has a Podcast out about the Doodler. Or maybe it’s by the Chronicle, I don’t know, but it was totally worth the listen. I don’t smell any type of Zodiac connection, though.

Mah-na Mah-na

Posted : May 19, 2021 10:42 pm
Posts: 112
Estimable Member

Kevin Fagan recently did an excellent seven chapter series on The Doodler. It’s the culmination of three years of investigative research. Here’s the link to chapter 1, the remaining chapters can be linked at the top of the page.

https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/do … hapter-one

Lol, I was typing as you were posting.

Mah-na Mah-na

Posted : May 19, 2021 10:43 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Could the Doodler have been connected to the Zebra murder cult? They were a San Francisco group of black serial killers who, like the Doodler, targeted mostly white victims around the same time period. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zebra_murders

Four of the Zebra killers were convicted but several other suspects were set free.

Zebra killings started around October 1973, arrests were made on May 1, 1974. The doodler was active until autumn 1975. Thus, most likely unrelated. Also, the Zebra killings were unrelated to transvestites / sado maso. Earliest Zebra victims could have been Richard Hague (survived), Quita Hague; then Frances Rose. The Hagues were attacked in October 1973:

On October 19, 1973, Richard Hague, 30, and his wife, Quita, 28, were kidnapped by a group of men and forced into a white van as they took an after-dinner stroll near their home on Telegraph Hill. Quita was fondled by two men and then nearly decapitated by a third with a machete. One of the men who had fondled Quita then similarly hacked Richard and left him for dead, but he survived.

https://abcnews.go.com/US/details-relea … d=60882384



Posted : May 23, 2021 10:10 am