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What happened to Lynn Luray? Aug. 17, 1964 – Long Beach,CA

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Ironically this ran in the newspaper a few days after Keith Gilbert’s arrest in Ottawa, the first week of December 1965.


Posted : May 28, 2016 7:50 pm
Keith D. Gilbert
Posts: 82
Trusted Member

Yep, that’s me…I’d post a more current picture but don’t know how. Some of the information on the poster was hand fed to the FBI by Dennis Patrick Mower, supra, and completely false. I have never had a ‘vial of explosive acid or knitting needle’ taped to my leg…I was later told by Mower that they wanted to make the police afraid of me and afraid to approach; which meant to me that he, Mower, wanted the police to kill me. Mower sent a copy of this poster to me when I was receiving my mail at the ‘British-Israel Association’ address on Granville St, in Vancouver, BC. The picture is from mug shot photographs taken after I was involved in a road rage incident on Sunset Blvd., in Hollywoood, CA. Per training I did little things to distort my appearance in photographs.

Thanks for posting this old wanted poster, I’ve been looking to find a copy of it for years. When I submitted a FOIA request to the FBI all I got was about 13 pages, most of which was redacted, even redacted my name.

I have a picture of Dennis Patrick Mower taken before his death, actually taken while he still lived in Spokane, WA…it is part of a ‘church’ flyer he created promoting himself…tell me how and I’ll be happy to FAX a copy to you. It was provided to me by Lisa Wogan, the Seattle Investigative Reporter that was investigating the Lynn Luray disappearance for Luray’s sister; I tried to help but her investigation is probably what spooked Mower into moving back to Southern California…where he died in 2013. Hearing he was dead was quite a relief to me, he was a real threat to me as long as he was alive…the old adage; "if you fear something, kill it" applies because he was scared to death that I would tell what I knew abut him. KDG, Esq.

No Shame, No Regrets, and No Apologies: Duty is Action; Fight or Die! Fight of I’ll Kill You Myself!

Posted : May 28, 2016 8:09 pm
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

Thanks for the offer of a more current picture of Mower but I don’t fax.

I did find a couple of more articles that mention you, one being the road rage incident. Maybe you have them, maybe you don’t.


Posted : May 28, 2016 8:54 pm
Keith D. Gilbert
Posts: 82
Trusted Member

Yep, that’s me, amazing what happens during a road rage incident and the offending party, Warren Stewart, got down first…he was last seen on the yard at San Quentin Prison, and never heard of again. No, I didn’t have copies of either though I have seen them a long time ago…most of my papers and personal documents were lost in police raids.

Juan Erquiga was a friend and customer of mine. He escaped Castro’s Cuba after serving as head of Ordnance for Castro while they were in the Sierra Maestri (sp) muntains…after they beat Batista, won, Castro told him to leave Cuba or suffer the same fate as Taylor…Juan was not a Cuban but rather a former Officer in the Peruvian Army…when he refused an order to slaughter jungle living Indians his superiors told him to leave Peru so he went to Cuba. A really nice guy and father of about 14 kids…’all’ of whom kept any visitor to his home very busy. I sold him thousands of M-14 magazines for his BM-59 clones made from cut up and de-milled M-1 Garand rifles.

Silly NSRP people and their ‘remembered’ uniforms; my MM team joined the ‘California National Guard Reserve’ and the state issued uniforms and bolt action Springfield 30/06 rifles to all of us…we showed up at meetings in NG Armories with our own M-16 civilian version (M-15) rifles and set the tone…after our actions were discovered, probably reported by a jealous Mower, the CNGR was ordered disbanded…though I understand that it was reactivated under the ‘leadership’ of the only known queer general ever so identified. ;-) KDG, Esq.

No Shame, No Regrets, and No Apologies: Duty is Action; Fight or Die! Fight of I’ll Kill You Myself!

Posted : May 28, 2016 10:54 pm
Keith D. Gilbert
Posts: 82
Trusted Member

"In Memoriam
The Reverend Dennis P. Mower
September 12, 1945 – January 20, 2013

The Rev. Dennis P. Mower was born September 12, 1945 and died January 20, 2013. He was 67 years old, Pastor Mower received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of San Francisco in 1986 and his Master of Divinity degree from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley, California, in 1990. He was ordained on July 21, 1990 at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Saratoga, Calif.

His first call was to Christ Lutheran Church, El Cerrito, California, where he served as pastor from 1990 to 1992. He went on to serve as a part time volunteer visitation pastor at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Lafayette, California from 1996 to 2001. During those years he was also enrolled in a Master’s program at Holy Names College, Oakland, California, and was awarded a Master of Arts degree in Pastoral Counselig in May, 2002. He had a private counseling practice until his retirement in 2001.

Pastor Mower died at his home in Oxnard, California, a Memorial Service will be held:

Saturday, Feburary 2, 2013
2:00 PM
Christ Lutheran Church
780 Ashbury Avenue
El Cerrito, California
(510) 524-1050

I had to just type it in…don’t know how to copy to this site yet…maybe some of those dates, supra, will prove helpful in Z research.

Note; Morehouse Institute of Human Abilities is also in Lafayette, CA…it’s a free love and sex outfit, I have to wonder what Mower’s connection there might have been. KDG, Esq.

No Shame, No Regrets, and No Apologies: Duty is Action; Fight or Die! Fight of I’ll Kill You Myself!

Posted : May 29, 2016 12:35 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Keith, always good to hear from you! I read somewhere that Houghton testified against you. It may have been a newspaper article, but I think it was an FBI file. I will see if I can locate it again, not that it’s a big deal. Also, that alias I posted earlier that I thought you used was something I found in FBI files. I guess those folks don’t always have accurate information.

I’m guessing you got my email about Mower being dead? I have some info on Mower at my site here: http://zodiackiller.forumotion.com/t445 … is-p-mower

He died of bone cancer. As I read through the FBI files on Mower, I kept thinking to myself "what a load of crap." And that is just my opinion, for what it’s worth. I don’t think he was really trying to be a "good citizen." I think he was just trying to hide the things he was doing. I could be wrong. Again, just an opinion. But I did find in the files that he was a close personal friend of KKK Imperial Wizard Sam Bowers. Seagull, that may interest you due to that Xmas card you found that was sent by Bowers. I could find no link for Mower being in the bay area during the Zodiac crimes. Turns out he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in January 1982. You can tell…

Here is his signature from the early 70’s…

And his signature in the early-mid 80’s…

The 80’s signature reminds me of this…

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : May 29, 2016 7:06 am
Keith D. Gilbert
Posts: 82
Trusted Member

Houghgton may have given a statement to the FBI about me but he never appeared in court against me, I hardly knew the man and usually only ran into him at Mower’s house…About 1964 he and a couple of wimps were pretending to be a commie and giving a speech on a sidewalk construction platform at the Hollywood Junior College…stopped the car, got out and ripped the red banner down that was behind him, heard shouting behind me and it was a couple of big Cubans cheering me on, we cut the banner in half in the middle of the street and I left, went to ‘Poor Richard’s Book Store’ and returned to the scene with Phillip Earl Scheib, their clerk…drove through a mob of police…just kept going. Found out later that he was out on one of his practice runs at black propaganda.

I got the information about Mower’s obituary…MS indeed…couldn’t happen to a more deserving analpore. But then I’m being kind.

The alias was correct as I stated…it is also the name of a real person…that I haven’t seen since 1971…could be alive, don’t know.

Yep, those are Mower’s signatures. KDG, Esq.

No Shame, No Regrets, and No Apologies: Duty is Action; Fight or Die! Fight of I’ll Kill You Myself!

Posted : May 29, 2016 7:38 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Thanks for clearing these things up. I haven’t been researching the Minutemen much lately so these things have become a little cloudy in the ol’ brain. Hope you are doing well.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : May 29, 2016 7:43 am
Keith D. Gilbert
Posts: 82
Trusted Member

Probably doing better than I have any right to…spent most of December and January in the ICU at the hospital and released to rehabilitation, came home on January 17 to home nursing care…back to being my old mean self again; caught the worst case of pneumonia the hospital ICU had seen last year…kids all though I was a goner for sure this time…it’s been an interesting and exciting life to be sure. When they told me I had cancer back about 2003 I decided to make a political statement, thus the machine gun charges, instead of going under the knife; ended up at FCI Sheridan where two years later (that’s 4 years after I was arrested) the medics called me in to tell me that the cancer had just gone away; but, (but says no!) now I have Type 2 diabetes…to make a long story longer I’ll just add that I cured the diabetes with cinnamon capsules…having lived about as exciting and dangerous a life as a man could want I’ve just become this creaky old man that loves his children, grandchildren and many memories. Topping it all off was getting a seventh row center seat at the Johnny Cash Show at San Quentin…love that man for coming and doing a show for us. Made some life long friends in all of it, some living, some not…life is good. The options aren’t so hot. KDG, Esq.

No Shame, No Regrets, and No Apologies: Duty is Action; Fight or Die! Fight of I’ll Kill You Myself!

Posted : May 29, 2016 7:53 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Probably doing better than I have any right to…spent most of December and January in the ICU at the hospital and released to rehabilitation, came home on January 17 to home nursing care…back to being my old mean self again; caught the worst case of pneumonia the hospital ICU had seen last year…kids all though I was a goner for sure this time…it’s been an interesting and exciting life to be sure. When they told me I had cancer back about 2003 I decided to make a political statement, thus the machine gun charges, instead of going under the knife; ended up at FCI Sheridan where two years later (that’s 4 years after I was arrested) the medics called me in to tell me that the cancer had just gone away; but, (but says no!) now I have Type 2 diabetes…to make a long story longer I’ll just add that I cured the diabetes with cinnamon capsules…having lived about as exciting and dangerous a life as a man could want I’ve just become this creaky old man that loves his children, grandchildren and many memories. Topping it all off was getting a seventh row center seat at the Johnny Cash Show at San Quentin…love that man for coming and doing a show for us. Made some life long friends in all of it, some living, some not…life is good. The options aren’t so hot. KDG, Esq.

Sorry for your health problems. I’m glad I got to spend some time talking with you and learning of all these interesting experiences you have been through. If I was alive back then, our paths most likely would have crossed. Cinnamon capsules to cure diabeetus? Wow. I have never heard of that before. Thanks for the tip, just in case I need that one day. I might be mistaken, but aren’t you visible in the crowd on that Johnny Cash album cover? I hope I don’t sound like an a-hole, not meaning to, but I am looking forward to reading your obit when you die… hopefully in the very distant future.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : May 29, 2016 8:14 am
Keith D. Gilbert
Posts: 82
Trusted Member

Yeah, I used to be able to pick myself out in the old 33-!/3 album cover; seventh row back, center front…slightly to the left facing JC. I’ve been to two concerts in my life, the other was to hear Johnny Lee Hooker in San Rafael, CA, about 1970-71. If mower and Houghton hadn’t killed MLK I would have stayed a full 20 years in San Quentin…poor old James Earl Ray went for the sucker bait, probably the same way Oswald did. Mower indicated to me that Troy Houghton was dead, implied that he had shot him with a P-38 pistol I had that had been mounted with an old Maximum silencer, Mower’s comment was that he didn’t think the silencer was any good because the gun made noise…well hell, it was intended for subsonic rounds…something Mower probably didn’t know about.

Common Costco cheap cinnamon cures diabetes…well, most of the time. Using #00 gell caps stuffed with cinnamon power, one in the morning and one at night…and just continue with whatever your doctor has prescribed but if your glucose numbers are low then no insulin is required…and that is in fact a cure. I have no idea why it works, it does, and all the symptoms of diabetes disappear too.

Someday when it’s not my bed time I’ll tell you about Wesley ‘Buck’ Walker; from the book: "And The Sea Will Tell" fame, the founding of the Aryan Brotherhood in San Quentin to protect the white prisoners; our underground prison news paper called "The Outlaw" as reprinted by Herb Cain in the SF Chronicle/Examiner, I forget which…San Quentin Prison is a very bad place that should have been torn down or made into a museum long ago…considered asking Gov. Brown for a pardon since I actually thought I deserved one but at 76 it almost doesn’t matter…at least this and other sites have given me a forum to say my peace for the record. Mower was a killer…whether he was the Zodiac or not I’ll never know…since I hardly knew Houghton…well, with their connection it’s certainly possible…but not if Mower killed him as he lead me to believe. KDG, Esq.

No Shame, No Regrets, and No Apologies: Duty is Action; Fight or Die! Fight of I’ll Kill You Myself!

Posted : May 29, 2016 9:23 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Yeah, I used to be able to pick myself out in the old 33-!/3 album cover; seventh row back, center front…slightly to the left facing JC. I’ve been to two concerts in my life, the other was to hear Johnny Lee Hooker in San Rafael, CA, about 1970-71. If mower and Houghton hadn’t killed MLK I would have stayed a full 20 years in San Quentin…poor old James Earl Ray went for the sucker bait, probably the same way Oswald did. Mower indicated to me that Troy Houghton was dead, implied that he had shot him with a P-38 pistol I had that had been mounted with an old Maximum silencer, Mower’s comment was that he didn’t think the silencer was any good because the gun made noise…well hell, it was intended for subsonic rounds…something Mower probably didn’t know about.

Common Costco cheap cinnamon cures diabetes…well, most of the time. Using #00 gell caps stuffed with cinnamon power, one in the morning and one at night…and just continue with whatever your doctor has prescribed but if your glucose numbers are low then no insulin is required…and that is in fact a cure. I have no idea why it works, it does, and all the symptoms of diabetes disappear too.

Someday when it’s not my bed time I’ll tell you about Wesley ‘Buck’ Walker; from the book: "And The Sea Will Tell" fame, the founding of the Aryan Brotherhood in San Quentin to protect the white prisoners; our underground prison news paper called "The Outlaw" as reprinted by Herb Cain in the SF Chronicle/Examiner, I forget which…San Quentin Prison is a very bad place that should have been torn down or made into a museum long ago…considered asking Gov. Brown for a pardon since I actually thought I deserved one but at 76 it almost doesn’t matter…at least this and other sites have given me a forum to say my peace for the record. Mower was a killer…whether he was the Zodiac or not I’ll never know…since I hardly knew Houghton…well, with their connection it’s certainly possible…but not if Mower killed him as he lead me to believe. KDG, Esq.

Gotta love Johnny Cash!! Thanks for the cinnamon tip. I don’t have the beetus, but with the way I eat it is bound to happen sooner or later.

For some reason I cannot find a photo of Mower anywhere, but not for lack of trying. Houghton makes for a damn good Zodiac suspect, but there is the matter of proving that he was killed or went underground. I wish I could say Mower was a good suspect, but I just can’t find a damn photo of him or place him in the bay area at the right times. I will keep digging, though. Can’t wait to hear about Wesley Walker.

I ran across that interview you did recently for the Lone Gunman Podcast and posted it in the Minutemen section of my site. Hope you don’t mind.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : May 29, 2016 11:59 am
Keith D. Gilbert
Posts: 82
Trusted Member

I have a photograph of Mower on a religious tract…can FAX it to you if you want. He was arrested in LA years ago for some sort of sex offense in a park or bathroom…if CA arrested him there was a mugshot, maybe a FOIA request to LA County would produce it. Walker was a state raised kid that they used to give electro shock treatments to, hook him up and forget he was on the machine. Very intelligent, very dangerous psychopath…I have his picture but don’t know how to post it here. He wrote a book about the Palmira experience, hard to get, mostly his cleanup of two murders…which I’m sure he committed and was smart enough to keep Stephanie Sterns, his girlfriend, from knowing about. Very high IQ…very dangerous, and just the kind of friend it’s good to have in a prison setting as dangerous as San Quentin was and is. Walker died in May, 2010, before I got out of FCI TI…in Willits, CA, and abut two years after the feds had let him free from USP Victorville…he was directly responsible for getting us arrested in Hilo, HI, back in 1973…by insisting that he was smart enough to detect a setup or a fed…"…no man, none that skuzzy looking couldn’t be a fed!" He was…I thought it was a rip of and was about to shoot the fed when cops popped out from everywhere…a VW bug full of big Hawaiian cops came roaring up (yes, sounds/looked like the Keystonen Cops) with shotguns pointed at me; hell yes I surrendered, only problem was I was holding a loaded pistol and they wanted me to throw it down…finally convinced them to just take it out of my hand because it could have gone off if dropped; US issue Colt Woodsman .22 with a silencer built on to look like a bull pup barrel…they never realized that it was silenced. They threw me to the ground and a cop had a .357 revolver named into my head and had cocked it…in the calmest voice I could muster I just said: "You don’t want to do that man, look at all those people up on the mall (walkway/steps) watching." He looked and changed his mind…that was a close life threading event…nine days later we were out on bail, yes, its been fun being me. But then I’m a people person.

While at SQP I had occasion to meet and/or see some interesting and notable folks…Hell’s Angels Sonny Barger and his buddy Marvin Gilbert(deceased) were two of them…honorable prisoners, can’t claim them as friends, just talked to them a few times on the upper yard near the hot water spigot (for prisoners coffee), folks that knew each other would gather during movements or breaks and have plastic tumblers of instant coffee while sharing the latest news, gossip or just keeping each other company. One of the books I had smuggled into the prison was titled "Total Resistance" by Maj. Von dak Bern…Reprinted by Robert Kenneth Brown, SOF Magazine, and when I left it stayed there…have always suspected that Barger may have used some of the information in it for the Hells Angels but can’t say it’s a fact…I had a lot of ‘subversive’ literature smuggled into the prison, rebound in the library with an innocent sounding title and the forming and newly established Aryan Brotherhood read and used all of it. (I named, well caused the name to be used, the AB.) It was a more inclusive name than some of the nazi sounding names that were being put out; and there were four Jews, myself being one of them, involved in creating the AB’s…yes, I was pissed at what the government was doing to me. Of a certainty, the California Department of Corrections, CDC, does infinitely more harm than any one can imagine…details to follow.

After witnessing more mayhem and murder I finally started loosing count after about 50…we had a major event a week, I was in every riot the prison had in a five year period and they were all race riots. More later, must have breakfast. KDG, Esq.

No Shame, No Regrets, and No Apologies: Duty is Action; Fight or Die! Fight of I’ll Kill You Myself!

Posted : May 29, 2016 5:40 pm
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

I wrote a post involving And the Sea Will Tell a couple of years ago over at the Mansonblog. The crux of the post was that Muff Graham’s remains have never been allowed to be claimed by her relatives. Her skull has been used as a teaching tool by the FBI at their Hawaiian headquarters.

Both links in the article still work! The first link is the story about Muff Graham’s remains and the second is a fairly comprehensive account of Buck Walker.

http://www.mansonblog.com/2014/04/and-s … -tell.html


Posted : May 29, 2016 6:17 pm
Keith D. Gilbert
Posts: 82
Trusted Member

I was surprised to learn from your post that Stephanie Sterns still lives in Hawaii…she had a rich aunt that looked after her…fairly intelligent little Jewish girl that loved sex & drugs…and for a certainty, Walker never admitted anything to her about killing those two people…Walker was dangerous, did some ‘dumb’ things but was anything but stupid. He wanted to go to Palmira Island and grow Marijuana…for sale and personal use; only to discover the whole atoll was infested with Norwegian wharf rats and they would tear the plants up for the seeds, even dig up the seed sprouts when they were planted. Poor planning, poor logistics…really dumb idea. He jumped bail to the US District Court, Honolulu, HI, leaving me ‘holding the bag’ and went off to do this. I remember well the day they were sailing into Honolulu and seeing US Marshals/Honolulu Police waiting, he dove off the boats leaving Stephanie in control, and was able to escape, caught about 11 days later over on the big island of Hawaii while reading a newspaper at South Point, an article about his escape (500 miles from Honolulu). I visited Walker in the Honolulu Jail once and he shared a few things with me, would have gone back buy my attorney, Brook Heart, told me not to. US Judge Samuel P. King had released us on $10k signature bonds…Buck left me holding the bag so to speak…so I followed my attorney’s instructions.

About public defenders; some folks think that they are there to protect criminals…they aren’t, they are there to insure that ‘due process’ is followed and that the prisoner’s rights aren’t violated. I have known some really good people that were PD’s but please remember, a PD does not take up the cause of his client, or get involved with them outside the courtroom setting. As for US Judge Samuel P. King, he was a fine and decent man, perhaps one of the greats to sit on the federal bench…sometimes folks before his court disappointed him. (Samuel P. King was the US Judge that sat on the USA vs. Walker & Gilbert case.) KDG, Esq.

No Shame, No Regrets, and No Apologies: Duty is Action; Fight or Die! Fight of I’ll Kill You Myself!

Posted : May 29, 2016 6:45 pm
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