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The extortion classification is because Zodiac said in his letters to the newspapers that if specific portions of his letters not were printed in the paper that he would kill people. That qualifies as extortion.


Posted : April 1, 2014 4:26 am
Posts: 5315
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The extortion classification is because Zodiac said in his letters to the newspapers that if specific portions of his letters not were printed in the paper that he would kill people. That qualifies as extortion.

I asked this same question at zk.com’s mb and received some interesting replies. U.S. Mail being one: http://zodiackiller.fr.yuku.com/topic/1 … zor5KhdWSo

(might be worthy of another thread)

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : April 1, 2014 7:03 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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The extortion classification is because Zodiac said in his letters to the newspapers that if specific portions of his letters not were printed in the paper that he would kill people. That qualifies as extortion.

That’s not extortion, that’s blackmail. Some have even labelled Zodiac a domestic terrorist. I suppose he is in a way. But I cannot see how it could be classed as extortion because extortion defined in Law is: "The crime of obtaining money or some other thing of value by the abuse of ones office or authority."

In order for Zodiac’s crimes to be classified as extortion, he’d have to have tried to blackmail the city of San Francisco by demanding he be paid $x x x or there will be more deaths.

Saying "If you do not print this cipher on your front page I will go on a kill rampage" is just blackmail. Blackmail to get the Chronicle to do what he asks by using threats and intimidation.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 1, 2014 8:21 am
Posts: 2309
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WC, Tahoe started a thread for the discussion of the extortion classification by the FBI. Lets take over there so we don’t derail this thread.

http://www.zodiackillersite.com/viewtop … 103&t=1523


Posted : April 1, 2014 8:38 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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WC, Tahoe started a thread for the discussion of the extortion classification by the FBI. Lets take over there so we don’t derail this thread.

http://www.zodiackillersite.com/viewtop … 103&t=1523

Ok no problem, probably deserves it’s own thread as a point of discussion.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 1, 2014 9:03 am
Posts: 53
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The extortion classification is because Zodiac said in his letters to the newspapers that if specific portions of his letters not were printed in the paper that he would kill people. That qualifies as extortion.

That’s not extortion, that’s blackmail. Some have even labelled Zodiac a domestic terrorist. I suppose he is in a way. But I cannot see how it could be classed as extortion because extortion defined in Law is: "The crime of obtaining money or some other thing of value by the abuse of ones office or authority."

In order for Zodiac’s crimes to be classified as extortion, he’d have to have tried to blackmail the city of San Francisco by demanding he be paid $x x x or there will be more deaths.

Saying "If you do not print this cipher on your front page I will go on a kill rampage" is just blackmail. Blackmail to get the Chronicle to do what he asks by using threats and intimidation.

Tomahtoes, tomatoes: CA Penal Code Sections 518-523. Extortion.

13-Zebra-5, John Frank William eight nine nine.
11-Mary-6, call the station.

Posted : April 1, 2014 9:48 am
Welsh Chappie
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And if Z had a car waiting on W. Pacific, then the question to DF would be, "did you see any car driving out of W. Pacific towards Presidio Blvd"? I would think if DF saw tail lights he would have given chase.

Just a minor point which struck me: DF and AP didn’t know they were chasing the Zodiac. They were after a cabbie killer. So, I would think the idea of him having a getaway car parked nearby wouldn’t have occurred to them – at least not as an obvious possibility. I think they were primarily – perhaps exclusively – looking for a man on foot.

That’s a very good point Norse, hadn’t thought of it from that angle. Armond arrives at Wash & Cherry St and see’s Stine slumped over the passenger side with his clothing torn and dishevelled and Armond probably instantly thought, as would we all confronted with such a scene, ‘Robbery gone wrong’ as the driver seems to have been involved in a struggle. Also, this type of crime is not one that police would assume is pre-meditated murder, it appears to all intent and purpose to be an attempted robbery by passenger, driver has tried to fight assailant off and driver ends up shot dead. The motive would appear robbery, not homicide with the homicide being a result of a scuffle.

And as you say, if your a cop and your suspect has taken a cab from downtown to here, then the last thing on a cops mind is a getaway car because he’s had to get a taxi to this spot as it is.

Quite clever on Zodiac’s part when you think about it. The crime and it’s motive, just like his letters and ciphers, appear one way at first glance, but nothing is as it appears at face value when Zodiac is involved.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 1, 2014 7:51 pm
Welsh Chappie
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Another point of discussion that has no shortage of theories is the whole ‘Why or how did Z end up at Wash & Chry streets when he’d asked to be taken to Wash & Maple?’ After thinking about the event as a whole, I have come up with a theory (Yes, another one! :-)

Zodiac gave Paul Washington & Maple Streets in Pacific Heights as his ‘final destination.’ But, for reasons unknown, the cab ends up a block further at Wash and Cherry streets. Many theories have been proposed but here’s one that I have yet to hear, and one which to me would make sense…

When Don saw Zodiac he said he was "Stumbling along, like a semi-limp" down the sidewalk. Now assuming this isn’t a regular medical problem that Z has to cause this, what if the following happens:

Zodiac is seen at the cab with Paul already slumped and non responsive by the three witnesses across the street. However, all three specifically state that at no point did any of them hear a shot fired. So, what if Paul did stop at his passengers intended intersection, and as he does, Zodiac shoots him in the head from behind which causes Paul to spasm, slump forward and his foot, at the time the bullet impact, tenses in a spasm and hits the gas and Zodiac doesn’t get control of the pedals and is able to stop until one bock further down the road.

In the unexpected jolt forward that happens as Paul’s foot automatically tenses up and hits the accelerator, Zodiac is jerked instantly and injures himself, most likely his back area. Then, as Don sees him, he’s struggling to walk due to a pulled muscle in his back.

Or, who knows, Maybe Paul carried his own protection in the side door compartment and managed to look up into his rear-view mirrior just in time to see a gun raised toward his head and grabs for the gun. In the ensuing struggle, Paul reaches the knife and introduces it to the thigh of his passenger before Zodiac pulls the trigger delivering the Fatal piece of led to Paul’s skull?

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 1, 2014 8:08 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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Don Fouke with his Eagle Eye spotted that the colour of Stumbling Shuffling White Guy’s Trousers were rust red, the colour that you might expect trousers to appear if the leg inside them was bleeding quite badly.

But if that was the case, there would probably have been a trail of blood leading along Cherry and Down Jackson.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 1, 2014 8:17 pm
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

Thanks, guys (and gals) – that’s what I thought. The "armed and dangerous" refers to the suspect as such and not any particular person of interest in the investigation.

Does anyone have more info regarding my second point (above), i.e. the guy who was picked up to be identified by one of the kids across the street? I can’t find anything substantial on this at all – and now I can’t even remember where I came across the reference to this in the first place.

Posted : April 1, 2014 9:36 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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Thanks, guys (and gals) – that’s what I thought. The "armed and dangerous" refers to the suspect as such and not any particular person of interest in the investigation.

Does anyone have more info regarding my second point (above), i.e. the guy who was picked up to be identified by one of the kids across the street? I can’t find anything substantial on this at all – and now I can’t even remember where I came across the reference to this in the first place.

Norse is this what you referring too….

? ? ?

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 1, 2014 10:43 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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It’s unknown at present who the eight year old was, and who he/she identified as Zodiac.

I would love this person to come forward if they are still alive and are aware of such boards as this but I fully respect that individual’s right to remain anonymous and not wish to get involved.

But anyway, the speculation is that this eight year old saw Zodiac at the cab and thought "Hang on, I know him, that’s…..S0-and-so and told police that he recognised the man that walked away from the cab after wiping it down as Mr. So-and-so.

That cant be what happened and they left it at that, because the kid has only given a name to them at this point, the cops need to get the kid to look at a line up of suspects with ‘so-and-so’ in amongst the faces and see if he can pick the man out that hes given them the name of….Putting the face to the name basically.

It seems whether he did it that way or was asked to view someone on or around Jackson St on Oct 11 itself after police detained someone suspecting he may be responsible and the kid was driven past suspect on the street and confirmed by pointing "There he is, that’s the man who was just at the yellow cab", it doesn’t really matter. The key word in the FBI Doc relating to the eight year old and a suspect is simply one telling word: IDENTIFIED.
He had to have physically seen the man in a line up, or on the street and identified ‘that guy there’ as the same man that was at the cab 6 or 7 minutes ago.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 1, 2014 10:55 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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Kjell was certainly a member of Bohemian Grove, a secret Society of elite men that seem to dance around and pay homage to a 20 ft Owl. (See Alex Jones undercover footage on youtube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtSVBTne-KY A)

Skull and Bones is another high profile secret society…..

‘Secret’ Pal, skull and bones?

I know the instinctive reaction to this kinda this is to scoff, but before people do and claim Alex Jones is not credible, maybe this man is….


"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 2, 2014 2:57 am
Posts: 1764
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Welsh: No – I’m referring to a guy who was apparently picked up and brought to the crime scene so that one of the kids across the street could take a closer look at him.

I can’t remember where I came across this – but I do remember that it was in connection with Mr X (as he was known then). I also remember that A. Pelissetti stated that this man was NOT Kjell Q. Did Butterfield interview Pelissetii? If so, it could have been during this interview that the incident was mentioned.

Posted : April 2, 2014 1:39 pm
Posts: 1764
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:D Also – anyone who’s in the habit of dancing around a 20ft owl should be considered a suspect in my book!

Posted : April 2, 2014 1:41 pm
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