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Tom there’s nothing definitive either way.

That’s what I said.

Posted : April 4, 2019 6:20 am
Posts: 139
Estimable Member

If he did actually return, RG might have wanted to spend the holidays with friends and family. It could be he only had funds for one month of travel. And it could be that if he did return to the States on or near December 1, 1968, at sometime later in December – the 15th, or the 30th, who knows – he got the approval and funds for a trip to report on the Irish troubles.

Great work AK!

I was wondering since you have this Passport information. Can you use it to get additional information regarding his departures or returns? [ex. Return to America through customs]

OR do you think the FOIA you submitted would have captured any overseas departures and returns?

BTW…..How long did it take you to get Gaikowski’s passport once you filled out the FOIA?

Posted : April 5, 2019 12:28 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

If he did actually return, RG might have wanted to spend the holidays with friends and family. It could be he only had funds for one month of travel. And it could be that if he did return to the States on or near December 1, 1968, at sometime later in December – the 15th, or the 30th, who knows – he got the approval and funds for a trip to report on the Irish troubles.

Great work AK!

I was wondering since you have this Passport information. Can you use it to get additional information regarding his departures or returns? [ex. Return to America through customs]

OR do you think the FOIA you submitted would have captured any overseas departures and returns?

BTW…..How long did it take you to get Gaikowski’s passport once you filled out the FOIA?


I did my FOIA request to the US State Department in May of 2018.

Read this part of the letter the State Department sent to me which explains about exact travel info, dates of departure from the US, return to the US, all of which I asked them to send me.

Following their suggestion, I will do a FOIA to Dept of Homeland Security/Customs. Whether they will have records of the exact dates of RG’s departure from and return to the US, I don’t know, but I will give it a shot.

Several people contended that RG never had a passport, never went to Europe in 1968 and some doubted he was even in Europe in 1969. I think the documents I obtained prove that RG did have a passport, that he intended to go to Europe in November of 1968, and coupled with his newspaper reportage and statements from the newspaper, establishes that he was indeed in Europe in November 1968 and January 1969. So some contentions made by myself and other RG skeptics were proven correct.

But RG also indictated an intent to stay in Europe only one month, along with an intent to return overseas within the year. That gives some weight to the contention of RG proponents that RG could have been in Europe in November 1968, came back to the US in December (potentally putting him stateside on 12/20/68) and returned to Europe in late December/early January.

So on the question if RG was in Europe on 12/20/68, these documents provide no definite proof either way, but IMO give at least a little bit more credibility to the RG proponents argument that RG could in fact be in Europe in November 1968 and January 1969, and also be stateside December 1968.

Perhaps DHS/Customs can give me a definitive answer, perhaps not. I’ll give my more or less final thoughts on the documents and what I think they show, in conjunction with the RG reporting and other evidence, on where RG most likely was in December of 1968. But on that question we just don’t have definite proof one way or the other.


Posted : April 5, 2019 2:01 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

It’s good to make sure, but I’m 99.999% sure all that happened was a date was stamped in his passport. So no passport, no record. But I’d love to be wrong, because I believe Bob Loomis, that Gaikowski was in Benicia over Christmas 1968.

Posted : April 5, 2019 2:10 am
Posts: 139
Estimable Member

Following their suggestion, I will do a FOIA to Dept of Homeland Security/Customs. Whether they will have records of the exact dates of RG’s departure from and return to the US, I don’t know, but I will give it a shot.

You are doing true fact base non-bias investigation and not speculative twisting of scenarios to make a suspect fit into the Zodiac picture.

I commend you!

Posted : April 5, 2019 4:30 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

Following their suggestion, I will do a FOIA to Dept of Homeland Security/Customs. Whether they will have records of the exact dates of RG’s departure from and return to the US, I don’t know, but I will give it a shot.

You are doing true fact base non-bias investigation and not speculative twisting of scenarios to make a suspect fit into the Zodiac picture.

I commend you!

To be fair, Judith and I were attempting this as far back as 2008, with absolutely no success. I don’t know if anything has changed since then with FOIA, or if we just sucked. But we were trying as soon as we learned of his passport.

Posted : April 5, 2019 4:41 am
Posts: 139
Estimable Member

Following their suggestion, I will do a FOIA to Dept of Homeland Security/Customs. Whether they will have records of the exact dates of RG’s departure from and return to the US, I don’t know, but I will give it a shot.

I hope this will settle the dispute….

Currently there are three Passport scenarios that have been documented at Mike Butterfield’s website….

http://www.zodiackillerfacts.com/Richar … 0Story.htm

1) Blaine said that Narlow saw the passport with a December London stamp on it which satisfied Narlow that Gaikowski was in Europe during LHR. Blaine claimed the counter-culture people Gaikowski lived with produced a fake passport for Gaikwoski.

"Blaine wrote: "What happened next was that Ken Narlow rushed over to Gaikowski’s house, confronting him, taking fingerprints, and hand writing samples, and then cleared him!" According to Blaine’s own account, Narlow reportedly stated that Gaikowski had produced a passport with a stamp for London, England in December, 1968, the time of the first suspected Zodiac murders on Lake Herman Road. Gaikowski himself stated in another account that he had been overseas at the time in question. Blaine theorized that Gaikowski’s connections to the counter-culture undergound in the Bay Area had somehow provided him with a fake passport used to hide his true travel history."

2) Then there is the FBI document where Gaikowski said he lost his passport and Narlow did not see it.

3) The third scenario is that Blaine recanted his claims that Narlow saw the Passport.

Posted : April 5, 2019 10:50 pm
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

Narlow never saw the passport. If he told Blaine that he saw it, it was to get rid of him.

Posted : April 6, 2019 1:25 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

Following their suggestion, I will do a FOIA to Dept of Homeland Security/Customs. Whether they will have records of the exact dates of RG’s departure from and return to the US, I don’t know, but I will give it a shot.

You are doing true fact base non-bias investigation and not speculative twisting of scenarios to make a suspect fit into the Zodiac picture.

I commend you!

Thanks. As far as the different passport scenarios you mentioned, including the ones outlined by Butterfield, I have a few thoughts on that subject. For reasons I’ll explain maybe tonight, in spite of the fact of RG’s stated intent to leave Europe on or near December 1st, 1968, considering the first-hand newspaper reportage of events in December,the high expense and futility of traveling out of Europe and then back again within a month and other factors, I still think the balance of the evidence points towards RG being in Europe continuously from November 1st 1968 through January 1969.

I’ll outline the facts and evidence supporting that hypothesis, as well as mention the facts and evidence on the other side, maybe this weekend.

So I believe it’s possible that RG did show Narlow his passport with an entrance stamp for London for December 1968. The contrary view would be that RG lost his passport. Now we don’t know when RG lost his passport, or if it was before or after the time Narlow came to visit him.

But one thing that has not been mentioned yet is that on RG’s 1999 passport application he checks the box marked "Lost" for what happened to his 1968 passport.

I don’t know if this can be easily seen in the image I uploaded. But I can verify that he did mark the box "Lost" for why he needs a new passport. A State Department employee marked in red the letters "EXP" next to it, which I think means expired, noting I guess that while the passport may be lost it was not currently valid, so the thief or person who found it could not easily use it.

Nobody has mentioned this fact about the 1999 passport application, or anything else about it. I thought I should point this out because I think it adds something to the debate, even though it goes more towards possibly giiving a little bit of weight to Tom’s scenario, more so than mine.

On the other hand, the fact that RG did not seek a new passport until 1999, could mean that he was likely to still have his original passport in 1986, to be able to show it to Narlow.


Posted : April 6, 2019 2:30 am
Posts: 419
Reputable Member

Yea….i agree with tom here…this does not prove shit one way or another and i think gaik as z is nonsense….hell yea he could have come back in december….you have 60 or 90 days if you think he stayed in euro thru january to try and come up with gaiks whereabouts which is not going to be easy to accomplish or truthfully even possible…..blaine is a whack job….id pay to see blain cross examination on the stand…be dam comical…but tom has a valid point….this proves nothing….there was never any doubt gaik had a passport..he was in europe and thats just a fact….dam awesome work AK!!!!…..

Posted : April 12, 2019 3:11 pm
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

Yea….i agree with tom here…this does not prove shit one way or another and i think gaik as z is nonsense….hell yea he could have come back in december….you have 60 or 90 days if you think he stayed in euro thru january to try and come up with gaiks whereabouts which is not going to be easy to accomplish or truthfully even possible…..blaine is a whack job….id pay to see blain cross examination on the stand…be dam comical…but tom has a valid point….this proves nothing….there was never any doubt gaik had a passport..he was in europe and thats just a fact….dam awesome work AK!!!!…..

I don’t understand why Blaine is constantly dragged into these discussions. The case for Gaikowski being the Zodiac relies nothing on uncorroborated info from Blaine. Nothing.

Posted : April 12, 2019 9:20 pm
Posts: 139
Estimable Member

Yesterday I finally got the Gaikowski passport application I asked for via FOIA request a long time ago.

RG did in fact apply for a passport in October of 1968, and his application was approved. He indicated intention to travel to the United Kingdom (which Northern Ireland is a part of), France and Spain. He listed a proposed departure date of November 1, 1968, via ship and return by plane."

Currently it takes 6 to 7 days and sometimes longer to cross in a ship to England. Most likely longer back in 1968.

Did you receive a RG Passport Number for the application that was approved?

I looked and did not see a Passport Number on the images you supplied. I think the passport number is written on the front cover of the Passport.

Posted : April 13, 2019 7:41 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

Yesterday I finally got the Gaikowski passport application I asked for via FOIA request a long time ago.

RG did in fact apply for a passport in October of 1968, and his application was approved. He indicated intention to travel to the United Kingdom (which Northern Ireland is a part of), France and Spain. He listed a proposed departure date of November 1, 1968, via ship and return by plane."

Currently it takes 6 to 7 days and sometimes longer to cross in a ship to England. Most likely longer back in 1968.

Did you receive a RG Passport Number for the application that was approved?

I looked and did not see a Passport Number on the images you supplied. I think the passport number is written on the front cover of the Passport.

I posted all the docyments I received from my FOIA request to the US State Department.

They informed me I must do a new and seperate FOIA to Homeland Security/Customs Border Patrol for more info, such as actual dates of departure from and return to the United States, which may or may not be available. I intend to do such a request when my schedule permits. It is not a high priority for me, but I will do it. Anybody is welcome to do it on their own if they wish, but I will do it, probably sometime in the next few weeks. I will also try to enlarge the picture of RG when I can.


Posted : April 19, 2019 2:18 am
Richard Grinell
Posts: 717
Prominent Member

Yesterday I finally got the Gaikowski passport application I asked for via FOIA request a long time ago.

RG did in fact apply for a passport in October of 1968, and his application was approved. He indicated intention to travel to the United Kingdom (which Northern Ireland is a part of), France and Spain. He listed a proposed departure date of November 1, 1968, via ship and return by plane."

Currently it takes 6 to 7 days and sometimes longer to cross in a ship to England. Most likely longer back in 1968.

Did you receive a RG Passport Number for the application that was approved?

I looked and did not see a Passport Number on the images you supplied. I think the passport number is written on the front cover of the Passport.

I posted all the docyments I received from my FOIA request to the US State Department.

They informed me I must do a new and seperate FOIA to Homeland Security/Customs Border Patrol for more info, such as actual dates of departure from and return to the United States, which may or may not be available. I intend to do such a request when my schedule permits. It is not a high priority for me, but I will do it. Anybody is welcome to do it on their own if they wish, but I will do it, probably sometime in the next few weeks. I will also try to enlarge the picture of RG when I can.


“I simply cannot accept that there are, on every story, two equal and logical sides to an argument.” Edward R. Murrow.

Posted : April 19, 2019 2:33 am
Richard Grinell
Posts: 717
Prominent Member


“I simply cannot accept that there are, on every story, two equal and logical sides to an argument.” Edward R. Murrow.

Posted : April 19, 2019 2:45 am
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