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Rcc library

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I have recently began researching the Zodiac murders and have started with, at least what I believe to be, the first murder committed by the infamous unamed killer. I have a couple of questions pertaining to the morbid poem which was found etched on a desk in a storage closet in the Library months after the murder had taken place. In my opinion, the person who found this desk must have had his/her attention drawn to it in some way, shape or form. So my question is this, was this desk found amongst a bunch of other desk’s? Or, was it found stuffed in a closet where it shouldn’t have been? Could the person responsible for the murder of CJB have hidden this desk in an attempt to hide it from authorities? And if so, it begs the question who would have the access to do this?

I believe more often than not people want to over analyze the info which is available to them want to believe there is some far out there alternate explanation or reasoning for why this man did what he did. I believe sometimes we need to take what is presented to us at face value and trust the experts. How many people were in the RCC library where the FBI confirmed zodiac’s handwriting was found and that had habits of writing morib poetry, mental health issues and just just so happens to look identical to the PH sketch? The odds are astronomical, Ross Sullivan is the zodiac.

Posted : May 6, 2020 12:20 am