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Reasoning out Ross Sullivan

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Posts: 1352
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He is only a Moderator on this forum.

That is news to me.

Posted : November 10, 2019 10:33 pm
Posts: 89
Trusted Member

He is only a Moderator on this forum.

That is news to me.

Actually you are moderator on other forums. You are not one here yet. I read your forum and podcasts and they are very good. Soon the Zodiac will be unmasked and the truth will be known to all.

Posted : November 10, 2019 11:55 pm
Posts: 419
Reputable Member

I never did hear if any dna was found on the pants of CJB????…any news?

All of the recovered DNA was in blood form, and it all belonged to Cheri.

Why am i not surprised…..

Posted : November 11, 2019 9:39 am
Posts: 35
Eminent Member

Are there any zodiac forums where Tom Voigt isn’t allowed to insult and make snarky comments about anybody who disagrees with him?

It seems impossible to have a conversation with him without the snarky responses.

And yes, I know his response. "Go back to Reddit where you belong, troll. I’ve never been rude to anybody who didn’t deserve it."

I’d just love to find a forum where people can share ideas, debate suspects, without the personal attacks and constant snarky comments. I thought this was the place, since Tom has his own forum. But I see he has taken over here as well. Too bad.

Yeah, this place was a lot better before he migrated over here but it’s still easy enough to ignore. The reddit I think has him permablocked for obvious reasons but there is often a lot of misinformation there. It’s still a decent place to chat though.

Posted : November 11, 2019 11:56 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Why don’t you guys come up with some Z facts (or at least some commonly accepted new theories)?

Instead of complaining and ‘chatting‘. Or would the Sirs like to expect TV to get you another two cups of coffee? Milk and sugar?

Reddit is indeed somewhere else, so is Snapchat..I’m asking just because you are here already :)



Posted : November 11, 2019 12:33 pm
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

Why don’t you guys come up with some Z facts (or at least some commonly accepted new theories)?

Instead of complaining and ‘chatting‘. Or would the Sirs like to expect TV to get you another two cups of coffee? Milk and sugar?

Reddit is indeed somewhere else, so is Snapchat..I’m asking just because you are here already :)


This ^^^ times 1000. The pissing matches and bizarre trolls are ruining this forum. Please stick to the case.

Posted : November 11, 2019 8:03 pm
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

Yeah, this place was a lot better before he migrated over here but it’s still easy enough to ignore.

You’re not ignoring me.

Posted : November 11, 2019 9:04 pm
Posts: 41
Eminent Member

Do we REALLY know for CERTAIN that Ross had an alibi ? After all it was a well established fact that Cheri Jo’s
VW Beetle was lime green, But it wasn’t, as it turns out it was WHITE.

The existence of the RS "alibi" was product of LE communication, specifically RPD. The same RPD that chased Bob Barnett solely for decades only to find he was innocent by DNA. If you believe them, you’ll go nowhere with your investigation.

Posted : November 12, 2019 2:08 am
Posts: 41
Eminent Member

I have to first say that Kane is my main POI. However, for many well documented reasons I can’t seem to reason away Sullivan. I am at 90 percent on him being the riverside killer. Facially, if we are all honest there is no one who looks closer to that famous sketch. In fact, IMO its dead on. Physically, body wise I guess he doesn’t fit, however non of the main POI’s fit the physical description if you read most of the posts here.

In 2013 I posted a question “why not Laurence Kane?” There were many good responses, but kinda what I was looking for was, “it can’t be him he was in this area at that time of this or that killing.” Or something similar.

I think my main point is this: Sometimes we become so strongly motivated concerning are own POI suspicions that we don’t look at another suspect Without our own prejudice fogging up our perspective.

So I have tried reasoning away Ross because I have been some what confident on my POI Kane. I have been unsuccessful.

I, too, have unsuccessfully tried to eliminate RS. There are many coincidences, from his presence at RCC to his connection to CJB to his residence near Palace Stationers in Santa Cruz to his interest in acting to his schizophrenia to his movements north coinciding with the killings to his Irish heritage, etc.

BUT you can have legitimate doubts because he has no confirmed residences near the Vallejo/Benicia area, which seems a must. The LHR murder locale was remote and likely only known to locals.

As for size and facial descriptions, they seem too varied to be of any use.

Posted : November 12, 2019 2:18 am
Posts: 133
Estimable Member
Topic starter

. BUT you can have legitimate doubts because he has no confirmed residences near the Vallejo/Benicia area, which seems a must. The LHR murder locale was remote and likely only known to locals.

As for size and facial descriptions, they seem too varied to be of any use.

Shrapnel – thank you for getting us back on target.

First, not everyone agrees that zodiac had connections to Vallejo/Benecia. I do. As for the LB attack, I think there maybe a possibility That it was not a random selection for Zodiac but targeted – outside possibility with Cecilia’s connection to Riverside.

As for the sketch – it was not made from a passing glimpse of one individual but a sustained visual. Maybe lighting did not help.
So, I give more credence to police sketch then Some.

Posted : November 12, 2019 5:14 am
Posts: 41
Eminent Member

. BUT you can have legitimate doubts because he has no confirmed residences near the Vallejo/Benicia area, which seems a must. The LHR murder locale was remote and likely only known to locals.

As for size and facial descriptions, they seem too varied to be of any use.

Shrapnel – thank you for getting us back on target.

First, not everyone agrees that zodiac had connections to Vallejo/Benecia. I do. As for the LB attack, I think there maybe a possibility That it was not a random selection for Zodiac but targeted – outside possibility with Cecilia’s connection to Riverside.

As for the sketch – it was not made from a passing glimpse of one individual but a sustained visual. Maybe lighting did not help.
So, I give more credence to police sketch then Some.

I tend to think the sketch is accurate as itwas modified through the teenagers and police descriptions. I see it as fairly generic, though, other than the widow’s peak and shape of the jaw.

Posted : November 12, 2019 6:08 am
Posts: 433
Reputable Member

Do we REALLY know for CERTAIN that Ross had an alibi ? After all it was a well established fact that Cheri Jo’s
VW Beetle was lime green, But it wasn’t, as it turns out it was WHITE.

The existence of the RS "alibi" was product of LE communication, specifically RPD. The same RPD that chased Bob Barnett solely for decades only to find he was innocent by DNA. If you believe them, you’ll go nowhere with your investigation.

Exactly! I think Ross is the best suspect I’ve seen so far.

Posted : November 12, 2019 7:18 am
Posts: 334
Reputable Member

Why don’t you guys come up with some Z facts (or at least some commonly accepted new theories)?

Instead of complaining and ‘chatting‘. Or would the Sirs like to expect TV to get you another two cups of coffee? Milk and sugar?

Reddit is indeed somewhere else, so is Snapchat..I’m asking just because you are here already :)


This is laughable. YOU are trolling others on fact vs. theory? Hey, so how’s that 340 homophonic substitution cipher working out? Time well spent.

EDIT: And what the hell is a "commonly accepted new theory"? How can it be commonly accepted if it’s new?

Posted : November 12, 2019 4:07 pm
Posts: 89
Trusted Member

Because I march to the beat of a different drummer I too have been accused of being a troll. I tell people the only thing I know about trolling is catching fish on Lake Winnipesaukee. Its very deep and the big lake trout are down deep and we trolled for them. Thats all I know. We went back in the late 1960s.

Posted : November 12, 2019 6:43 pm
Posts: 52
Trusted Member

According to CNN’s "Very Scary People" episode Zodiac – 2019, Mike Butterfield said Ross Sullivan’s prints did NOT match the Paul Stine bloody cab print.

I thought RS was a likely suspect, too, which is why I’ve always questioned whether or not the cab print is legit.

Posted : September 14, 2020 8:17 pm
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