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Ross and the Yale Divinity School Logo

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Ross’s father attended the Yale Divinity School. He also died in 1968 right before the Northern CA Zodiac crimes began.

The school’s cross is the same as the symbol used by Zodiac
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ … School.png

There are many uses of the cross in the school’s flags, patches and other branding.
http://ydsadmissions.yale.edu/sites/def … 20Flag.jpg

http://cdn2.bigcommerce.com/server1600/ … 04.jpg?c=2

Could this explain the Zodiac hood with a "professional" looking cross symbol? Meaning Ross took an article from his dead father and removed the cross to make the hood…

We know Ross was involved in theater, so he might have picked up the hood from a play or costume shop.

Posted : February 9, 2016 10:53 pm
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

Well, it’s an obvious match as far as the symbols go.

No stretch there. Which is a bonus. And Ross is less of a stretch as a Z candidate than many others. * Which is also a bonus.

This is the connect-the-dots game again for me, though.

There’s a superficial connection, undoubtedly, but such are plenty in the Z case.

The symbol isn’t unique and Z could have picked it up from multiple sources.

* If we presuppose that Bates was a Z victim. Without that, Ross isn’t a more likely candidate than anyone else.

Posted : February 9, 2016 11:22 pm
Posts: 857
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BH states that the Zodiac cross on the hood was "made with a machine, or with some degree of care."

43:50 in

Posted : February 11, 2016 8:58 pm
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

BH states that the Zodiac cross on the hood was "made with a machine, or with some degree of care."

43:50 in

When my boyfriend came out in what I thought and he said was a Halloween costume he’d made, I asked him how he made it as the episode ended. He told me he’d gone to a fabric store and bought some of the materials and I think the bib part was made of black felt. There was mention of "Ritz" dye but I can’t remember the details. I think he said he’d bought some of that and used it for part of the costume but on this I can’t be sure now. I asked him about the cross and circle and as best I can remember, think he told me he’d drawn the circle using a protractor or drinking glasses of different diameters. He said he’d used "white-out" IIRC to fill in the lines (that was used to correct typing errors then when typewriters were used). Then I think he said he’d used black shoe polish or ink to color what I think was a paper bag for the hood (which was almost exactly as Sandy Betts describes) that had horizontal slits for the eyes and no opening for the nose and I don’t think there was one for the mouth.

I was just scared and trying not to show it by then and trying to keep him talking while trying to find out as much as I could. When he said it was a costume I thought that suspicious and asked if he’d been invited to a party (and wondering why he hadn’t mentioned one or anything about inviting me). He said no but that he’d "find one around here" and then I told him I didn’t think that would be wise and told him to remember that crazy guy he’d told me about who was going around killing people and that he’d been in enough trouble with his dui’s and that if he was walking around his beach apt. which was on a small private street just behind the beach someone might see him and think it was the guy they were looking for and call the police or he could get shot if the person had a gun. Then he agreed, saying he just wanted to get my opinion and that he knew I was right so he probably wouldn’t wear that costume if he got invited to a party.

Posted : February 11, 2016 10:26 pm