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Schizophrenic gait "Shuffling lope, bent forward, head down"

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Because his mom bought them for him. Can’t compare it to Zodiac’s era, different time, different laws.

She left him checks to purchase but he did buy guns himself, he also went to the shooting range himself.

Now, Z did have some ammo sold mostly from military supply outlets, this is a loose end for our suspect.

Posted : December 21, 2017 9:51 am
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Interesting documentary on YouTube: Schizophrenia – Full documentary on how schizophrenia effects individuals and relationships ==>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnoUKWXTcBU

Posted : December 21, 2017 11:18 am
Posts: 475
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Zodiac gives us another clue to his schizophrenic mental illness in the Cheri Jo Bates confession letter: "I AM NOT SICK. I AM INSANE. BUT THAT WILL NOT STOP THE GAME."

I think it is ridiculous to suggest that zodiac was schizophrenic.

The gait issues of Zodiac suggest otherwise. They are consistent with the gait of a schizophrenic.

So just because he may have been "lumbering" or "shuffling" away from a crime scene means he was schizophrenic?

You can not diagnose schizophrenia just examining a person’s style of walking.

The walking may have fit a similar style of walking as a schizophrenic, but so many other pieces do not fit. …besides, at the stine scene he would have been covered in blood, adrenaline pumping, while trying to conceal a piece of the victims shirt and a gun, it wouldn’t be a normal situation.

I also know schizophrenics who walk completely normally.

…and suggesting he was "walking like a schizophrenic" is a bit of a reach, all you have to go on is brief descriptions on paper.

Posted : December 21, 2017 7:11 pm
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You can not diagnose schizophrenia just examining a person’s style of walking.

The walking may have fit a similar style of walking as a schizophrenic, but so many other pieces do not fit. …besides, at the stine scene he would have been covered in blood, adrenaline pumping, while trying to conceal a piece of the victims shirt and a gun, it wouldn’t be a normal situation.

Straw man fallacy. Saying something "is consistent with" is different than making a diagnosis.

Zodiac was wearing dark clothes, including a dark navy windbreaker. And it was night time. Any blood splatter droplets soaking into a dark cotton jacket may not be readily visible to Fouke who was driving by in a car and only viewed the subject for a matter of seconds (as he was looking for a black male).

Posted : December 21, 2017 7:25 pm
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…would make executing these crimes, and not slipping up or not getting caught, very very very difficult for a true schizophrenic. Also, as a result of their illness obtaining and owning a gun would be quite difficult. Also having the freedom and time to commit these crimes does not seem fitting for a schizophrenic.

In 2017, absolutely correct. In the mid-late 60s, not so much. PDs didn’t work together like now, wasn’t dna, guns could be purchased by mail, there wasn’t as many meds, oversight, etc. He was able to take advantage of the times.

I can not argue with you there, it was a different time and as a result a mentally ill person could have taken advantage.


…because of my sister’s husband’s brother (who is schizophrenic) and through knowing his friends who are affected by the same illness, I have a pretty good idea of how the illness affects people, there are varieties of the disorder, for example: paranoid schizophrenia, hebephrenic schizophrenia, catatonic schizophrenia, and schizoaffective disorder, and while in 2013 all these varieties were considered to be one illness, there definitely are varieties of the disorder, and I honestly can not see zodiac as being a true schizophrenic of any type.

Another issue the schizophrenic in my family has is other people holding this belief that schizophrenics are dangerous or murderous individuals, in all honestly, dealing with a schizophrenic is a lot like dealing with a person who has been given LSD with out their knowledge or consent, and most the time they come off as being more "silly" than "scary", regardless, it is a severely debilitating condition, and I can not see a person affected by schizophrenia being able to do what zodiac did.

Zodiac did not appear delusional, he did not appear confused or out of touch with reality, he appeared as a person who was calculating, organized, and who knew exactly what he was doing.

I do not mean to come off as rude in any way, but I feel the more people that you know who are actually schizophrenic, the harder it would be for you to accept that zodiac suffered from this same condition. They don’t seem fitting at all.

Posted : December 21, 2017 7:28 pm
Posts: 93
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I have worked with adults with mental disabilities for over 10 years now. They range from mild to very severe. There are some with schizophrenia and even multiple personality disorder. I understand your point and to a certain extent, agree. That said, I’m continually surprised by some of the schemes that can be conjured up by guys I wouldn’t have ever expected it from. I’m less likely to think his behavior was that of a schizophrenic, but his physical motions do add up. I wouldn’t say yes or no to someone just based on having this disease.

Posted : December 21, 2017 7:40 pm
Posts: 475
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You can not diagnose schizophrenia just examining a person’s style of walking.

The walking may have fit a similar style of walking as a schizophrenic, but so many other pieces do not fit. …besides, at the stine scene he would have been covered in blood, adrenaline pumping, while trying to conceal a piece of the victims shirt and a gun, it wouldn’t be a normal situation.

Straw man fallacy. Saying something "is consistent with" is different than making a diagnosis.

Zodiac was wearing dark clothes, including a dark navy windbreaker. And it was night time. Any blood splatter droplets soaking into a dark cotton jacket may not be readily visible to Fouke who was driving by in a car and only viewed the subject for a matter of seconds (as he was looking for a black male).

No, I mention that he was covered in blood, adrenalin pumping, while trying to conceal his weapon and the murder victims shirt after just shooting the man because it could have been enough to induce an altered gait. It was not a normal situation, so he may not have been walking normally.

To judge a person’s mental health by a description of how they may have been walking which was written on paper, is a reach, and in the stine case the officers are said to have just passed by him not getting a good look. (Though other sources say they actually talked with the man) so the officers who wrote the report only glimpsed the man.)

And while you could say "his walking is consistent with that of a schizophrenic"*, everything else is absolutely inconsistent with a person affected by schizophrenia. Besides, reading a report of how a person was walking, and watching a person walk are two totally different things.

*I know plenty of schizophrenic individuals who walk completely normal, and I also know mentally healthy individuals that have a "gait consistent with that of a scizophrenic"

Posted : December 21, 2017 7:42 pm
Posts: 92
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Well done documentary, tragic fragmentation of intelligent minds, the twins, one with and one without, were amazing. Does bring up questions, as Morf said earlier after P.I. notes. With each person reacting uniquely to disease, certainly it is feasible Z had this condition. The question posed half way through to the twin as to what he might do if he did not take medication…elicited an answer ‘I might try to kill someone.’

Looking for more handwriting from our suspect, knowing Z had some form of psychosis, knowing the ciphers would be an undertaking of some hardship for a patient with this disorder, but knowing our POI Ross’ affinity for cryptography….and seeing the art student still able to achieve results in the documentary, difficult as it was….can the pieces fit together, with mental health in background, at all times, for Ross?….types of medication (the documentary quoted 1950’s as first time when a certain anti-psychotic drug of choice began) and the need for solid in and out-patient treatment timeline(s) others here have mentioned, to put him into population circa 1969?

Posted : December 21, 2017 7:55 pm
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I know plenty of schizophrenic individuals who walk completely normal, and I also know mentally healthy individuals that have a "gait consistent with that of a scizophrenic"

Let’s deal with data and statistics, instead of the imprecision of "who you know."

Prevalence rates of motor symptoms in schizophrenia patients

Source: https://www.karger.com/Article/Fulltext/339456

Posted : December 21, 2017 7:59 pm
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Looking for more handwriting from our suspect, knowing Z had some form of psychosis…

Here’s an interesting 1969 news article in which William F. Baker, a handwriting analyst who held a masters in psychology and abnormal psychology, concluded that Zodiac: "is unquestionably paranoid and schizophrenic."

Posted : December 21, 2017 8:03 pm
Posts: 92
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"Zodiac did not appear delusional, he did not appear confused or out of touch with reality, he appeared as a person who was calculating, organized, and who knew exactly what he was doing."

I do not mean to come off as rude in any way, but I feel the more people that you know who are actually schizophrenic, the harder it would be for you to accept that zodiac suffered from this same condition. They don’t seem fitting at all.

I submit Zodiac was quite delusional as his writings of grandure show us. Zodiac profile includes psychosis.

Did the above posted documentary clash with any of your knowledge and direct experience?

Posted : December 21, 2017 8:06 pm
Posts: 92
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Looking for more handwriting from our suspect, knowing Z had some form of psychosis…

Here’s an interesting 1969 news article in which William F. Baker, a handwriting analyst who held a masters in psychology and abnormal psychology concluded that Zodiac: "is unquestionably paranoid and schizophrenic."

Yes, and relevant to discussion of psychosis.

Posted : December 21, 2017 8:13 pm
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We assume no medical diagnosis in commentary herein, that said, it has been openly speculated throughout the forum, with supporting factoids, this suspect was indeed treated as a patient with onset schizophrenic behaviors.

It is at the top of many lists to lock this.

Ross = fact. He was treated as a schizophrenic.

Zodiac = assumptions. By some. Until they catch the guy, it’s all a guess and many assumptions are based off of what may be writing based off of Zodiac’s smoke and mirrors.

Is this from P.I. notes elsewhere in forum, I was not sure that was ultimately conclusive based on some members questioning…?

Morf13 posted the following in 2015: viewtopic.php?f=109&t=2300

"We verified that Ross was a paranoid schizophrenic who had been in mental institutions at various times. In 1973, a mental conservatorship was put in place for Ross in Santa Cruz. This meant that due to his mental illness, Ross could no longer take care of himself. Ross died of natural causes in 1977 in Santa Cruz, CA."

Posted : December 21, 2017 8:32 pm
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Yes, skyward. His brother confirmed it with me, calling him a "paranoid schizophrenic".

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : December 21, 2017 10:06 pm
Posts: 43
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For what it’s worth, I have always walked with a shuffling, bent over gait and my head down. People have taken the piss out of me all my life over it. I’m not schizophrenic. I do have mild aspergers. One of my grown up sons has always had hand tremors since child hood.he also is not schizophrenic, but does have adhd and aspergers traits. No one is disputing Ross was schizophrenic, but was zodiac? Finding a suspect that had mental health issues doesn’t guarantee we’ve got our man, we need a lot more than that. Also, if I thought people assumed I was schizophrenic just because of the way I walked I’d be well pissed off

Posted : December 22, 2017 1:41 am
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