I cannot load many items which I could to the old site why is that? It always says file too big? I can no longer just post from my scans which was so great on the other site please help! max allowed 256 KiB
You have to resize them if they are too big. I do all mine through photoshop now so I save them for web and size them usually between 600 and 800 pixels. 1024 I think is the max. That usually bring the file size down to an accepted size.
Other’s here host their images via online sites. That was done automatically on the old site and if you remember it resized the image for you. So you can either go through one of those site (some here can offer advice on that I’m sure) or you can resize the images yourself.
Sorry can’t be any more help.
You can resize them using "Paint". Just right click on your photo and click "open with" and choose paint. Edit, resize. I resize 50/50…sometimes more.
(Windows 8…basically the same, just have to look around more)
Awesome it worked! thanks Tahoe!
I’ve found that storing images on a site like photobucket.com is really helpful, Judith. I’ve gotten a little better about posting images over the years but it’s much easier to store them in one place and be able to resize, enhance or blur images, as needed.
You’re welcome OWK’s.
I too use Photobucket, but sometimes when I download a photo to my files, it’s huge. I find resizing with paint is easier. And sometimes PB changes things up when you change things there. Just my take anyway….