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I’m totally alone.

5,532 members – but only one ‘online’. This must be me. Logically this means I am alone.

Also, it shows two things very clearly:

1) That 5,531 members are not online.
2.) That this forum is almost ‘dead’.

This is very sad but imo has one very good reason: The last time the url was changed – we had a vivid forum in the past – it was not very clearly published/visible TO WHERE the forum had actually moved to.

So now the forum is way better – but imo 95% of all members have never seen it. In fact, it took me a while, too, to find it when the url was changed (a few years ago?). Or was it ‘forwarded’ too late?

WHATSOEVER THEREFORE THUS AND BECAUSE OF ALL OF THIS – what about the idea to send out a newsletter to all 5,532 members’ mail adresses (everybody had confirmed in the past somehow, hadn’t we), including the link to this forum?

I am sure plenty of ol’ girls and gals would be happy to join back to the group.

Admins, what do you think? ###echo of the universe…


This topic was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Quicktrader


Posted : September 7, 2022 2:46 pm
Posts: 3
Active Member

Unfortunately a lot of websites and message boards have “Morfed” to make their interfaces more smart phone friendly, because as smart phones evolve to copy functions that used to be restricted to laptops, and before that to desktop computers, people have less reason to sit down at a laptop for things they can now do on their phones. I’m revising my novel, and I can now do that on my phone while I’m doing laundry, where a decade ago my ability to write creatively on my phone was very limited. There are still advantages to using a laptop—I’d rather type than text with an index finger—but phones are getting better and better at replacing laptop functions.

I personally prefer Tom’s and Morf’s old board formats, mostly because I file long posts and I think those boards were more conducive to big walls of text.

As far as people leaving a board when it changes, we all saw what happened to Butterfield’s forum just as a result of him changing servers. I’m actually sorry about that because it took away a Zodiac forum that did have a lot of interesting content. I think what Morf might do is offer the option of going back to the previous interface, which you can do on Tom’s site. The first thing I do when I click on Tom’s URL is hit that “Feeling nostalgic? The original site is still available HERE.”

Posted : September 8, 2022 1:00 pm
Posts: 2598
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Yes the content is mostly still there. What you mentioned, btw, is called responsive webdesign (also works a smartphone, I guess). 

Reviewing the case over the last few years, I’d say there is few points to seriously get it solved:


– Cipher

– Darlene’s connection to other victims, especially CJB

– Cars involved af the crime scenes / time line at Lake Herman road.


Too many leads with even more questions. For example, did Z actually attend the party nearby the LH crime scene? Or was he there with the white car? He had been seen walking around..maybe I will read the police report another time.. 



Posted : September 9, 2022 8:37 am