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Bombings of Judge Vance and Judi Bari

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Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

Here is an online copy of the 1971 Anarchist Cookbook.

http://www.scribd.com/doc/11251441/The- … owell-1971

Posted : November 28, 2014 10:14 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Incredibly both the Vance bomber and Unabomber used a fake return address of RAVENSWOOD.

Vance bomber and Unabomber used secret number to ID their letters and both had victims with the last name WOOD who lived on streets with HILL in the name and streets and towns named for mountains and water. Both Vance bomber and Unabomber used red and white labels, brown paper with white string and flag over monument stamps from the same series.

The 89 Vance bombs, 89 LA bombs and 93 & 94 Unabomber bombs had the ultra rare threaded bolts through endcaps seen on only 3 out of 17, 700 bombs as the FOIA FBI documents prove.

Notice none of the articles mention the 89 LA bombs. That info was withheld from Moody and the media.

Moody built the 72 bomb but never mailed it. It was so incompetently made it exploded accidently when his wife moved it. It only caused minor injuries.

Not one grain of explosive powder was found at Moody’s house despite multiple searches including a vacuum of walls, ceilings, clothes, garbage.

And Moody was not in the KKK. He was not a racist. At various times in his life he employed a black secretary, a black accountant and a black lawyer. His prior crimes were con man schemes all designed to make money. Even the mail bomb he never sent was designed to extort money out of a person he felt had wronged him.

Read "Tainting Evidence" a book about the FBI Lab scandals and Moody case. It also has a chapter on the Unabomber. It reveals huge mistakes in lab procedures and even outright falsification of evidence.

Individual pretending to be ——————————–Individual pretending to be
from group with FC in title———————————-from group with FC in title
Prof. SMITH—————————————————–Henry G SMITH; Robert SMITH Vance

Percy WOOD; Leroy WOOD Bearnson————————————Brenda WOOD

3414 RAVENSWOOD——————————————————-100 RAVENWOOD


Prof. HILL; Forest HILL—————————————————Shook HILL

LAKE FOREST (water + land)———————————-MOUNTAIN BROOK (land + water)

Over 12 to TREES and WATER——————–PeachTREE; Brenda WOOD; RavenWOOD

9 digit main secret ID number—————————————————6 digit secret ID number
5 digit secret number for LWOD————————————————-6 digit secret Number
82771 ———————————————————————————–010187

Kaczynski 5 digit Number Reversed
Vance Bomber Number
1 7 7 2 8
0 1 0 1 8 7


Thanks to work by DARLA JONES we have obtained new documents in the VANPAC Judge Vance mailbomb murder case. Specifically documents on the march 1989 LA pipe bombs attached to power lines case. Roy Moody lived in Georgia and there are no records of any ties or trips to the LA area. Nor did Moody have any grudge against LA power companies or technology in general. These documents were withheld from the Moody defense team. The prosecution did not find a single grain of explosive in Moody’s house, but convicted him largely on the basis that his crude ineffective 1972 bomb had some of the same elements of threaded rods through endcaps which the Vance bombs had – and they lied and said only those 3 bombs out of 17,000 in the database had that characteristic. They did NOT mention the 3/89 LA power line bombs. This seems to be a clear Brady violation – the prosecution refusing to disclose major exculpatory evidence to the defense. Also the last three Kaczynski bombs from 1993 to 1996 had threaded rods through endcaps.

I am sending this material to Mr. Moody, who is on Alabama’s death row, for him and his lawyers to use.




I do not think that "Up the IRS, Inc." is a very viable suspect for having done the LA power line bombs.

Within a year of that memo, Dean Harvey Hicks would be arrested for the bombings done by "Up the IRS, Inc." There WAS an attempt by Hicks to bomb the IRS office in Laguna Niguel in March 1987, and in July 1987 it was alledgedly he put a pipe bomb on a power pole nearby that same IRS office. So I can see why the FBI, in 1990, considered Up the IRS, Inc. to be a suspect. But Hicks ended up pleading guilty to several charges, and from what I can tell, he did not plead guilty to the LA power line bombs, nor was he even ever charged with them.

From what I can tell, ALL of the Up the IRS, Inc./Hicks bombs targeted IRS buildings, with the one exception of the one power pole incident which would have cut power to the nearby IRS building. Hicks also released letters claiming credit for his bombs. Here, while the FBI suspected Up the IRS, there was no letter claiming credit, no nearby IRS building and Hicks was apparently never charged with the crime.

Hicks still SHOULD be looked at as a VANPAC suspect anyway, in my opinion.

So where does that leave us?

It appears virtually impossible that Roy Moody did the 1989/90 LA power pole bombs, and no evidence suggests that Hicks did them.

They DO fit the motive of Ted Kaczynski, and mirror the 1968 and 1970 incidents for which Kaczynski must be regarded as the leading suspect. And the 1989 and 1990 period fits a time frame when there were no "UNABOMBER" – "FC" credited incidents (1988 – 1992) but records show Kaczynski was on the move and headed out of state in the 1988, 1989 and 1990 time frames. What was he doing?

And we have the incredible statement in the newly released FBI documents that from 1976 to 1990 out of 17,700 bombs in the ATF database only the VANPAC bombs and the LA power line bombs have threaded rods through an end cap secured by a nut. And we know that Ted Kaczynski started using this very unique method, apparently in the 1993 and later bombs.

The NEW good newsthanks to the efforts of Darla Jones, who has worked with Morf-Andy Dufresne from Shawshank style determination on FOIA requests I assisted her on, the FBI has now said they will turn over the entire LA power line bomb & INCBOMB files to us! Great job Darla!

Thanks to all who have helped with this case and my other TK investigations. David Kaczynski has agreed to give DNA to Moody’s lawyers.

I don’t know what all the documents will show, but I know if they made Moody look bad the government would have used them. The fact that they violated the Brady rule and government regulations and hid them is telling. I don’t know how and where this will lead, but nobody at risk of a death sentence should be deprived of documents that show they may well be innocent because SOMEBODY ELSE was doing threaded rods through endcap bombs. I think these efforts will reflect well on the much derided amateur sleuth community and true crime message boards. And may well lead to enough publicity, pressure and credibility to get other documents and DNA in the Kaczynski, Zodiac and Tylenol cases.



Posted : May 5, 2015 7:56 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

"David Kaczynski has agreed to give DNA to Moody’s lawyers."
This is huge news.

Thank you David.

Posted : May 5, 2015 9:46 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Actually the smoking gun documents you got have a bigger chance of potentially saving Mr Moody"s life than the DNA!

David declined to give DNA for Zodiac, ONS or Tylenol because he "did not want to risk exposing my brother to the death penalty". David is an anti death penalty advocate. But he told me Mr Moody facing execution for a crime he may not have done "changes the equation" and he would give DNA.

(DNA was recovered from a stamp in the Vance case but it did NOT match Moody’s DNA).


Posted : May 5, 2015 11:05 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Great job, both of you. Hope David sticks to his word and actually does provide his DNA.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : May 5, 2015 1:32 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Thanks Ophion. Yes I have no doubt David will follow through. He is a passionate advocate against the death penalty so he would not pass up an opportunity to perhaps help prevent an innocent man from being executed. And I believe he is a man of his word.

And yes Darla when this comes about we should all thank David.

Once again thanks to Darla for her great work on this and thanks to all who contributed research, ideas, evidence, discussion and even constructive criticism to the TK threads.


Posted : May 6, 2015 1:15 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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See the article below Morf found about a bomb taking down a Berkeley power line tower 4/14/70.

There was a lull in Zodiac activity from the Belli letter 12/20/69, then we have possible crime of the Judith Hakari murder 3/7/70, Berkeley bombing 4/14/70 then the Zodiac "My Name Is" letter 4/20/70. These three events coincide with when it seems Ted Kaczynski returns to California after visiting Chicago (and perhaps PA) during the holidays. Ted kaczynski certainly looks like the bearded suspect in the Hakari murder and drove the same vehicle as the suspect – a 1952 Chevy Pick Up Truck.

December 1986 Hugh Scrutton killed near a freeway by Unabomber bomb in Sacramento. Unabomber send letters in 1985 with US Flag over Capitol stamp.

March (or May) 1986 "Zodiac" sends a letter saying he collected slaves in Sacramento by a freeway, envelope has US Flag over Capitol stamp. October 1987 "Zodiac" sends a letter with a wide US Flag over Capitol stamp.

December 1989 Judge Robert Vance is killed by a mail bomb with a US Flag over Yosemite stamp. Bomb has unique threaded bolt double capped design.

March 1989. Just a year and a month short of the 20 year anniversary of the Berkeley power line tower bomb. We have bombs with a unique threaded bolt double capped design placed on three LA power line towers. In 15 years the FBI says they have never seen this design except very roughly, crudely and ineffectively on the 1972 Moody bomb and on expertly and lethal on the Judge Vance/Attorney Robinson bombs (though it WILL later appear expertly and lethal on 1993 & 1994 Kaczynski bombs).

May 24, 1990 Judi Bari, on way to protest near Eureka, is car bombed in Oakland. Ted Kaczynski is a suspect and is apparently seen and photographed in rallies that Judi Bari is at. A threat letter to Bari is sent, probably from the bomber – letter is sent with US Flag over Yosemite stamp.

Also in 1990 we have "Zodiac" celebrity cipher card postmarked Oakland September 25 and "Zodiac" secret pal Xmas card postmarked Eureka December.

See the possible pattern?

1. TK returns to California (Winter 1970, Winter 1985-86, Spring/Summer 1990).

2. Criminal acts (Hakari murder March 7 1970/Berkley power line bomb April 14 1970, Unabomber kills Scrutton by bomb December 1985, LA power line bombs March 1989/Bari car bomb May 1990).

3. Zodiac letter (April 20 1970, May 1986, September and December 1990).

Thanks to Bentley (Wrench) for help on blowing up (photo computer wise, not with a bomb!) the postmark here. Thanks!

The postmark and stamp scene on top is an envelope that contained a death threat to Judi Bari, probably from the same person who car bombed her on May 24, 1990, in Oakland, CA.

Below it is the stamp – US Flag over Yosemite – placed on the fatal mail bomb sent in December 1989 to Judge Robert Vance and used on other mail bombs by the Vance bomber.

Consensus is it is the same stamp.

Stamp Used By Judi Bari Bomber

Stamp used By Judge Vance Bomber

Part of the same series of "US Flags over American Monuments" as the Flag over Capitol stamp used twice by Ted Kaczynski as "FC" aka the Unabomber in 1985 and also by the "Zodiac" in a letter in 1986.

There was an ongoing series of stamps of the US flag over monuments, which includes the Flag over Capitol (regular and wide, both issued March 1985, regular used by Zodiac in 1986 and TK in 1985, wide used by Zodiac in 1987) and Flag over Yosemite stamp issued May 1988 (used by Judge Vance bomber December 1989 and Bari bomber April 1990).

So the official story is four people known to make bomb threats – Zodiac, Unabomber, Judge Vance bomber and Judi Bari bomber – all just happened to buy the same stamp or set of stamps, out of the 50 or so stamps that you can use at any time? Did they have a convention and all decide to be patriotic together? Or is this one person, who is well known to be very frugal?

xxxxxxxxxx US Flag Over Capitol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx US Flag Over Yosemite
xxxxxxxxxx Used by Unabomber 1985 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Used by Vance Bomber 1989
xxxxxxxxxx Used by Zodiac 1986 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Used by Bari Bomber 1990


Posted : May 12, 2015 11:26 pm
vasa croe
Posts: 493
Honorable Member

"David Kaczynski has agreed to give DNA to Moody’s lawyers."
This is huge news.

Thank you David.

Anything ever come of this? Did he do it and did it get Moody off the hook?

Posted : December 14, 2015 11:59 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

This is in progress now. Hopefully in a few months I can give a public update.


Posted : December 15, 2015 6:24 am
Posts: 166
Estimable Member

From the Wiki; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Moody
"On February 23, 2018, an execution date for Moody was set for April 19, 2018.
He was subsequently executed on this date, at 8:42pm."

Posted : December 15, 2018 8:44 am
Posts: 12
Eminent Member

not sure if this will be helpful to anyone—
link: https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/di … 3/2338211/

regarding O’Ferrell v. United States, 32 F. Supp. 2d 1293 (M.D. Ala. 1998) – Robert Wayne O’FERRELL a suspect in the VANPAC

there are details about the typewriter used to write the threatening letters and the mail labels to address the VANPAC packages.
not sure how accurate the info is as they were apparently wrong about Robert Wayne O’ferrell being the one who wrote the letters/sent the packages but
the idea that there is a distinct quality to the the Brother typewriter used could be helpful. The document states that numerical components were not original
to the 2.35 spacing and therefore I would assume drop lower or not be in the same alignment as the rest of the writing- especially noted was the number 1.

The example of the Percy Wood label which is earlier in this thread shows a UNABOM label as an example. Not sure if there are any images of the VANPAC typeface–letters or
package labels for comparison?

I know two typewriters were found in Ted’s cabin- one being a 1968 Montgomery Ward Signature 440T and the other an older model smith corona

Posted : June 26, 2019 7:32 pm
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