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initials in same area in both 340/408

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Posted : May 21, 2020 7:09 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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As Spock would say, "Fascinating".

One could read the cryptic clue on the left as "DR. TJK", as he was in fact. Dr. Theodore J. Kaczynski, Phd. And the item on the right could be read as "TJK".

Looking at the 340 in its entirety, you can read "Theodor" on the first line, there is a "J" in the exact middle of code and you can read "KAC ZYN SKI" on the last two lines, or "KAZINSKI" on the last line alone.

In the 340 cipher, as it was printed in newspapers, the letters to form ‘THEODOR J KACZYNSKI" appear in a somewhat systematic and logical way. Given all the letters in the 340, I am sure you can get hundreds of names. What I note here is the following – IF, and I acknowledge it is a big "IF", Zodiac wanted to hide his real name in the cipher, there is an inherent logic in putting his first name in the first line (or two), his middle name or initial in the middle of the middle line, and his last name at the end, at the bottom on the last line or last two lines.

Allowing for backwards letters and filled in "O" ‘s to still stand for the letter, you can get "THEODOR" on the first line; (the middle initial J in the middle of the middle line), KAZINSKI on the last line and allowing for one backwards "K" to stand for a "K", you can get "KAC ZYN SKI" on the last two lines, in a 18 letter section. The name KAC-ZYN-SKI has three syllables of three letters each.

What are the odds that in an 18 character section at the end of the code, all 9 letters of the Kaczynski name would appear by chance?


Posted : May 23, 2020 3:11 pm
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Furthermore, when we align the two ciphers from the center instead of the top we get an intersection of Ted’s initials

and when they are overlaid they form a +

In the solved version of the 408 the only instance of the letter X is in the word "experience"
This happens to fall right in the middle of Ted’s initials.

There is even a few hints to this in the Chronicle letter.

If you split the Chronicle letter into thirds like the ciphers were split and how the letter strongly hints at you get even another hint.
The second line of the second part has 5 characters before the backwards J or X just like the word "super"

The Chronicle letter contained the second cipher piece which had Ted’s initials, and it was the only one of the three envelopes to have an exclamation point on it.
It was also the only envelope that had the stamps pointing to the left, while both of the other envelopes had the stamps going the opposite direction.

Posted : July 4, 2020 6:54 am
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And as AK has proved before, Ted has been signing his name next to an X since all the way back in high school

More use of X in Ted’s very own journals. He used X to mark where he hid or buried things.

Posted : July 5, 2020 6:33 am
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Look what happens when we overlay all the ciphers… The backward J (X) is always there…

Posted : July 11, 2020 8:23 pm
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Thanks to the awesome work of doranchak, Jarlve, and Sam we now know there was a real message in the Z340 and that the period 19 transposition was causing the weird bi-gram spike.

For those that have no idea what period 19 means, it’s where you read the cipher at a spot and then skip 18 spaces (19 total) and read the spot you land on. In the case of the Z340 which is 17 spaces wide you end up doing a move like the knight chess piece (1 down two over)

The Z340 is split into 3 sections just like the Z408.
Using the period 19 move on the second Z408 cipher piece lands on a familiar name ON THE FIRST MOVE!

mirror the J and rotate the K 90degrees
and you have DR TJK

The Chronicle letter was the only one marked with an exclamation point on the envelope and stamps facing the opposite direction of the other two letters. Also the exclamation point is the 19th character in "Please Rush to Editor!"

it was the only one of the three letters where zodiac said "in THIS cipher is my identity"

and it contained the 2nd Z408 cipher piece which contains DR TJK after the FIRST period 19 move!

As shown from the start of this thread this was hinted at a ton but in a way that is very obscure. If this was the level that hints were being suggested there are probably a lot more in the other ciphers and letters.

So maybe Zodiac didn’t lie when he said "in THIS cipher is my identity"


When the z340 and z408 are lined up from the middle and overlaid – the initials in both form a cross that happens to intersect with the word paradice in the untransposed z340 plain text…

And finally… the untransposed Z340 can be overlaid onto the Z408 and the J of DR TJK maps back to the X as shown in the previous posts.

Posted : December 21, 2020 3:03 pm
Posts: 162
Estimable Member

Is there a "like" button on this forum? We need a "like" button. I am increasingly convinced that there are wordgames overlain on the encryption of the 340, and possibly on the 408. Although perhaps in the 408 it is limited to the initials, and then the idea is expanded upon in the 340.

Posted : December 21, 2020 8:11 pm
Posts: 1266
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The ciphers overlaid look like Japanese or Chinese characters. Probably isn’t anything though.

Posted : December 21, 2020 8:49 pm
Posts: 608
Honorable Member

Where you highlighted Super X on the reverse side of the letter is probably a good candidate for what you are looking for.

www.zodiachalloweencard.com has a 400 paged book for free containing the super solution with an overarching explanation of the cards and more.

Posted : December 21, 2020 10:12 pm
Posts: 207
Estimable Member

As MONK would say … "HE’S THE GUY". END of story. I believe (in the "known" world of Zodiac) he began with Cheri Jo. As much as Ross fits for that one ….. TJK fits for ALL of them in all the ways that can be imagined. The writing … the style of writing … the spacing of the words … the same phrases …the cipher knowledge…the mathematical-ness of it all.

The other thing that really makes it all so clear to me is TJK killed what he hated. As he is about to speak to a psychiatrist/therapist about a possible sex change – he leaves and decides to KILL those that he hates. Cheri Jo is perhaps the ‘women’ that he was thinking of becoming. Then couples …. he hates them for what they have and what they represent that he is unable to have. Then Stine to prove a point that he can kill anyone he wants. Then … as he evolves …. into the Unabomber … he begins to hate the whole world and mainly the technological advances which are now not allowing him to have peace and quiet. Not allowing him to live the way he feels entitled to live.

I also believe that there are MANY more out there that are either loosely tied to Z (Domingos/Edwards for one) and the Good Hart Murders.

I’d go on and on about the FBI needs to do their job and at least have a forensic examiner compare the Z/ Unabomber writings as they did in the TJK/Unabomber case to catch TJK….but this falls on deaf ears. Perhaps with the solve of the 340 and the new information on this thread and the whole board really … they might budge and look at the "NEW EVIDENCE" that is coming to light.


Posted : December 22, 2020 5:44 am
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Proof TJK was Zodiac?

This will show a process that involves intricate clues hidden in plain sight, in the Chronicle letter from August 1, 1969
that directly show Ted Kaczynski putting his identity out for the world to see.

I know many of you refuse to believe that Ted could be Zodiac because of all the obfuscation it seems he successfully employed.
But here is something that leads directly to a UNIT CIRCLE which Ted was using every day in his math specialty and it points to similarities
in the ciphers (including his IDENTITY) which seem to be a calling card that have revealed another pattern in the killings.

First keep this in mind as you look at this evidence:

Theodore John Kaczynski
BORN May 22, 1942


23 is the closest prime number to 22
(23 is the 9th Prime)

If you number the alphabet starting A at 0 the letter X is then 23

So look for occurrences of the numbers 22 or 23 or the letter X


As I’ve shown earlier in this thread Ted’s initials are hinted at in the chronicle letter from August 1, 1969. But while looking at this letter
more closely, something has popped out that only strengthens the case for Ted as Zodiac.

Here is a hint that points to looking at a central period
or as it’s stated "eXam iner ."
With a V pointing to a period and an occurrence of the letter "X"
If you look at the letter there does seem to be an inner period about 2/3rds down the page.

Knowing that Circles were key to almost all of the math that Ted was working on lets use that period as the focus of a circle.
If we make the circle reach to the middle of the Zodiac symbol drawn below something happens.

As I’ve shown earlier in this thread the letter shows hints of the X under the word NAME in "super X" from the letter pointing at Ted’s initials.

But what happens when we draw a circle from that point hinted at to the zodiac symbol??? The "t" in "idenity" [sic] could be interpreted
as an x.

It is in the same area of the letters…
and they have the same formatting of five letters before it:

Also this just so happens to be where Zodiac wrote "In this cipher is my idenity"
remember I said to look out for the number 22 or 23?
"In this cipher is my idenity" is 23 letters long only when misspelled, and conveniently the missing letter is a T. (purposeful misdirection while hinting at first initial of name.)

"THIS IS THE ZODIAC SPEAKING" which Zodiac would start using later is also 23 long!

23 is also the same distance from the beginning of the second section of the z408cipher to the backwards J which maps to X
which is the only occurrence in the whole cipher.

Which just so happens to be the J of DRTJK cleverly hidden in the encrypted cipher text, AND at the FIRST Period 19 move as used in the Z340 cipher!

But can we get more out of this "eXam iner ." clue?
lets draw lines through the other parts of the zodiac symbol.

Using the zodiac symbol at the bottom and drawing straight lines through the intersections.

And rotating that by 30degrees (360/12=30)
yields this.

remember this is just from the hint to "examin" the inner period and using the zodiac symbol as a size reference…

The clues lead to being able to draw a perfect unit circle and also point to TJK’s name directly.

Also note that there is exactly 60 degrees between the X and the V from the hint. Exactly two hours on a clock face.

So all the alignments with the dots of i’s and t’s and X’s are one thing,
but a whole unit circle that has exactly 60degrees outlining a clue to the drawing of said circle
which also intersects with the exact same "x/t" that points to Ted’s initials!

This is in no way a coincidence! It’s simply astronomically improbable that it would appear on accident.

Still not convinced? There’s more…

So we know Ted was born on the 22nd of May. And seemed to be really fond of primes:
e.g. 3, 7, 13, 17, 19, 23, 37 (cipher dimensions, victim count, etc.)

Here are similarities through out the ciphers:

More 23 stuff:
If you look at the other ciphers the backward J is 23 spaces into the Z32

and it is also 23 spaces from the end of the first section of the Z340 if going in a backward/reverse direction

Ted was born on 5-22-1942
which is 142nd day of year
142/365 =
38.9% of the way through the year

The backwards J that maps to the only X in the 408
is at position 159
159/408 =
38.9% of the way through the cipher
the backwards J also shows up as the middle initial
of DR TJK in the cipher symbols

So not only was this a hint to his NAME but it
also is a hint to his BIRTHDAY!!!

The backwards J/X is 23 into the second part of the Z408 but it is also 159/408

Which simplifies to 53/136
136 is exactly 1/3 of 408
3 sections of 8 lines 17 characters long

If you were to fold the letter in half
you would notice that the inner period the hint suggested
is exactly in the middle of the letter, and
the right intersection of the zodiac symbol also lines up.

Also notice that a circle from the inner period hint to
the right intersection of the zodiac symbol is 1/3 of the way to
the top. So the period was exactly 2/3 down from the top and 1/3 to the right intersection of zodiac symbol. The z408 cipher was also in 3 parts like this.

So lets treat the right intersection
of the zodiac symbol as 0 degrees.

Remember Ted was born on 5/22/1942
which is the 142nd day of the year.

142/365 = 38.9%

142/365 =

what happens when we rotate 38.9% of the way
around the circle using the right intersection
of the zodiac symbol as 0 degrees?

38.9% of 360 degrees

0.3890410958904109589041095890411 * 360
= 140.05479452054794520547945205479

= 140.05 degrees

We land DIRECTLY on the t/x of "idenity"!!!!!!

There is absolutely NO WAY that this is not intentional!

So not only was:
The ONLY x of the z408 cipher 38.9% of the total 408 length.
The plain text X was a backward J which was in the middle of DRTJK in the cipher symbols.
Ted’s birthday is 38.9% of the year (142/365)
AND using the letter & rotating 38.9% or 140.05 degrees
from the zodiac symbol lands exactly at the t/x of "idenity"

But if that is not enough evidence lets look at more than just the ciphers and letters.
Lets look at the crimes keeping in mind the significance of 22 and 23 to Ted.

Killed 3
Injured 23
Both Prime Numbers and (23!!!)

Ted as UNABOMB was known for mailing letters on exact anniversaries of crimes or
hinting to specific numbers/dates.

A person with his math background and mentality wouldn’t be able to avoid it.

But is there a link to something in Zodiac’s crimes?


Confirmed murders
NOTE: the killer shot them repeatedly in the back and chest with a
.22-caliber weapon ( #22 showing up!)

From the chronicle letter: 22 letters then a number 23rd spot


Although the Zodiac claimed to have committed 37(PRIME#) murders in letters to the newspapers,
investigators agree on only seven(PRIME#) confirmed victims, two of whom survived. They are:

David Arthur Faraday, 17, (PRIME#)
and Betty Lou Jensen, 16:
shot and killed on December 20, 1968,
on Lake Herman Road, within the city limits of Benicia.

Michael Renault Mageau, 19 (PRIME#), and
Darlene Elizabeth Ferrin, 22: ( #22 showing up!)
shot on July 4, 1969, in the parking lot of Blue Rock Springs Park in Vallejo.
While Mageau survived the attack,
Ferrin was pronounced dead on arrival at Kaiser Foundation Hospital.

Bryan Calvin Hartnell, 20, and
Cecelia Ann Shepard, 22: ( #22 showing up!)
stabbed on September 27, 1969, at Lake Berryessa in Napa County.
Hartnell survived eight stab wounds to the back,
but Shepard died as a result of her injuries on September 29, 1969.

Paul Lee Stine, 29(PRIME#): shot and killed on October 11(PRIME#) (half of #22 showing up!), 1969,
in the Presidio Heights neighborhood in San Francisco.

Kathleen Johns, 22: ( #22 showing up!)
allegedly abducted on March 22, 1970 ( #22 showing up!)
on Highway 132 near I-580, in an area west of Modesto.
Johns escaped from the car of a man who drove her and her infant daughter
around the area between Stockton and Patterson for approximately 1½ hours
2 months to the DAY before Ted’s birthday!

Donna Lass, 25: last seen September 6, 1970 in Stateline, Nevada.
A postcard bearing an advertisement for Forest Pines condominiums
(near Incline Village at Lake Tahoe) pasted on the back
was received at the Chronicle on
March 22, 1971.
2 months to the DAY before Ted’s birthday!

So there is an obvious pattern of killing girls 22 years old.
Remember Ted’s birthday is the 22nd.

Zodiac shot multiple victims with a .22 pistol.
and letters and foiled abductions happened on anniversaries of the date of Ted’s birthday!?!

This shows that these were meditated crimes, even if they looked like random rage killings.
Don’t let Ted fool you. These people were absolutely targeted and most likely surveilled at length
and chosen for the specific numerical significance of their age/date
and what the females represented (unattainable) to Ted.

I believe all of this is overwhelming proof that Ted was Zodiac,
and there is probably much more hidden in the letters
that will only confirm it further.

If you care to help in analyzing the letters,
somebody please take a deeper look at the Z340 card that came with the cipher
and also the Count Marco card.
A theme of something to do with a Column #7
or something 7 across and 7 down with Zodiac’s "thing"
and the number 37 is popping up (there were 37 letters on the back of the Halloween card as well.)
multiple references to 37 in the letters and its also a PRIME number!


Posted : June 21, 2021 5:30 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

You note the many interesting facts surrounding prime numbers in the Zodiac codes and letters.Aside from 0-3-6-9 Caesar Coding to Theodore J Kaczynski, In the unsolved 18 in the Z 408, there are 9 letters. They are: B E H I M O P R T

If you take the 9 letters used they can spell:


Intentional? Coincidence? A clue? Who knows. As Doranchak would remind us, they can literally spell hundreds if not thousands of other words.


Posted : June 22, 2021 6:38 am
Posts: 63
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You note the many interesting facts surrounding prime numbers in the Zodiac codes and letters.Aside from 0-3-6-9 Caesar Coding to Theodore J Kaczynski, In the unsolved 18 in the Z 408, there are 9 letters. They are: B E H I M O P R T

If you take the 9 letters used they can spell:


Intentional? Coincidence? A clue? Who knows. As Doranchak would remind us, they can literally spell hundreds if not thousands of other words.

I just noticed this and if this isn’t proof I don’t know what is!!!
more updates added to above.

Ted was born on 5-22-1942
which is 142nd day of year
142/365 =
38.9% of the way through the year

The backwards J that maps to the only X in the 408
is at position 159
159/408 =
38.9% of the way through the cipher!
the backwards J also shows up as the middle initial
of DR TJK in the cipher symbols!

AND using the Chronicle letter from August 1, 1969 & rotating 38.9% or 140.05 degrees
from the zodiac symbol lands exactly at the t/x of "idenity"

So not only was this a hint to his NAME but it
also is a hint to his BIRTHDAY!!!

Figured this out Wed Jun 23, 2021 (1 month and 1 day after Ted’s birthday.)
51 years 10 months and 22 days since August 1, 1969

:shock: :lol: simulation confirmed


Same thing in the letter that came with the Z340
When you draw a circle to the right
side of the zodiac symbol centered
on the i of "thing" you get a circle
that perfectly lines up with the
weird ^y clue
and the "I" follows the curve of the circle
And the tip of the tallest "!" marks the exact center of the radius of the circle!

and what happens when you rotate Ted’s birthday %?
38.9% or 140.05 degrees
from the zodiac symbol?

It lands on directly on the intersection of "I"

Same circle through "i" in both letters

Posted : June 23, 2021 10:57 am
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Posted : June 25, 2021 7:54 am