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Items That Were Auctioned From Kaczynski Cabin

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Wonder if his brother bought any of the items or has an idea about the hood, the Z under his signature, the kinds of tv programs and comics Ted enjoyed growing up that could have influenced some of these cards, etc.

Posted : October 10, 2014 7:40 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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No his brother certainly did not buy any of the items. I don’t know who did. I had heard a rumor that a publishing company purchased the journals and letters, with an eye towards releasing a book, but I have not heard anything further.

David is not interested in discussing his brother in relation to the Zodiac case.

I personally asked David to submit a DNA sample and David refused. As Ted and David have the same mother, they have the same mtDNA, and a sample from David could include or exclude Ted from unsolved cases were mtDNA exists. I mentioned to David the Zodiac, EAR/ONS and Tylenol cases, saying that if reliable DNA exists in these cases, and Ted is innocent, then by giving DNA David could exclude Ted from further suspicion.

David refused to give DNA. He stated that while he did not believe Ted was guilty of any of these three cases, he did not want to do anything that might potentially expose his brother to the death penalty.


Posted : October 10, 2014 10:59 pm
Posts: 419
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Capricorn – intereting analysis, but Ted’s last name is Kaczynski. Starts with a K. It does have a ‘Z" in the middle, but normally I would think a person would write the first letter of their last name. That he picked a "Z" is odd and maybe telling in and of itself. In sessions with a government psychiatrist, he claimed that in college he had a relationship with a "Ms. Z". All of Ted’s family and friends and classmates have no memory of him even dating a girl, let alone a relationship, let alone a relationship with someone with a name starting with "Z". And at the campus of a Unabomber target, ted spraypainted the yggdrasil symbol, a Norse rune letter meaning "Z" in their alphabet.

may be the Z whoever he may be considers himself the "Omega"..not sure if TK considers himself to be "The end" but may be he refered to that concept at some point

yes we may be making way too much over "the hood"..but a hood was found in TK’s cabin..have to at least acknowledge that fact (at this time)

Posted : October 11, 2014 4:55 am
AK Wilks
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Snooter – Yes to me it is amazing that Ted had a flat top hand made hood with horizontal eye slits in his cabin. I don’t think we are making too much of it, I think others are not making enough of it maybe. But I have learned over the years all you can do is research and present evidence. people will either find it significant or not. many people find my work on TK interesting and important. others do not. I have spent less and less time on the case, because there have not been any recent major developments and I don’t want to feel like I am just repeating myself. People can either look and move on, or read and be inspired to do their own research. I think TK is the best suspect by far, but that is still a minority opinion. people really interested in TK should see http://www.unazod.com and join the message board there.

Gary Greenberg noted that Ted Kaczynski would often sign his letters with a large "Z" underneath the signature. He wondered if this was like a "Mark of Zorro". I have never seen anything to indicate Kaczynski would have been a fan of those old adventure films. Ted also told a psychiatrist he had an "obssession" with a "Ms. Z" during his graduate school years, though no evidence suggests he had a relationship with any woman, let alone one with a last name starting with a "Z". Was "Ms. Z" his codeword for Zodiac? Ted also spraypainted a Yggdrasil symbol, also known as the Algiz Rune, at the campus of a target. The Algiz Rune translates to English as the letter "Z". In a yearbook Ted indicated his "mark" was two crossed lines inside a circle, suggesting a rough early prototype of the Zodiac symbol. Is the large "Z" under his name meant to conjure up Zodiac?

Just like the zodiac, Kaczynski used crossed lines inside circles as a signature and drew crossed lines inside a circle at a crime scene.

Kaczynski had a life long interest in, almost obsession with, crossed lines inside circles.

1. He signed a yearbook with his "mark" – crossed lines inside a circle.

2. He spent several years of graduate study and his PHD dissertation on the boundary functions of circles, in particular dealing with the unit circle, which looks like the Zodiac symbol.

3. At the campus of a Unabomber target, he spraypainted the Yggdrasil symbol, also known as the Algiz Rune, along with the letters "FC" and "Anarchy". The Anglo-Saxon translation of the Algiz Rune is "Z"! It consists of, once again, crossed lines inside a circle. The Yggdrasil is the World Tree, but it also stands for "tree of terror; gallows", and the Algiz Rune also means to "wound severely; to mark with blood."

And a close up on his signature with the crossed lines inside a circle.

Close up on Unit Circle, Zodiac Symbol and Unabomber Symbols


Posted : October 11, 2014 7:24 pm
Posts: 419
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so germanic/norweigian (X was norwegian and I am not convinced he was not into at least some aspects of the occult) runes appear with T–imagine that

-hood found inside TK’s cabin (one must acknowledge at least this fact-and this is a fact a hood was in TK’s possession)-

id like to see some research into X’s family back in norway during the 30’s time period.,,could be Nazi coloborators

you know I do not like multiple Z’s but damn can you think of a better code writer than TK and money behind the brains being provided by X (any link between the 2 is as of now UNKNOWN)

if you like multiple Z’s consider TK, X and his brother..all brilliant people with high IQ’s..all were smarter than the cops and could have developed the perfect murder game..personally I do not think Z was anything but sane and brilliant with high IQ

is there an explicit link to any of the known POI’s at AT THIS TIME-NO

all that garbage above being said TK has to be mentioned as possible Z in my view..just too many crazy ass coincidences not to at least put TK as a POI (where TK would be on the POI list is your call)

Posted : October 11, 2014 11:23 pm
Posts: 567
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Does anyone know if Ted was ever asked to help solve the Zodiac case?

I started reading about him a little and so far, have not come across anything about this other than the letter someone wrote asking him to provide alibis for the dates of the murders. With his mathematical genius, his take on the codes and ciphers would be most interesting.

He is so smart. I read some of the letters he wrote and love the ones he wrote about the mail delivery problems in the prison. He explained it perfectly. I thought he presented four brilliant solutions and actually could see myself doing the same if I were in there in his situation. He also drew a very professional looking diagram of the way mail was to be woven behind the bars of the cell for collection.

It would be wonderful if Ted’s brilliance could be used for some useful purposes such as solving the many problems in the penal system. Since he is an inmate, he has a unique perspective. He would also have tremendous insight into the security problems in the world we live in and could be most helpful in solving some of them, I would think.

Posted : October 12, 2014 2:48 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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there is no doubt ted is a genius, beyond genius in fact. He has an IQ over 160, which is Einstein range. As a PHD student he solved some previously unsolved complex math problems. One class he seldom attended, but the paper he turned in at the end won a national prize.

Yes he could probably help solve crimes and terrorism issues but he would not based on his beliefs. Read his Manifesto. He is for the complete overthrow of the modern techno industrial system. He would not cooperate with police, FBI or the state in any way. He wrote that crime, rape, street gangs and vandalism all help contribute to undermining the state.

He might be the one person who could solve the Zodiac code, but he will not. Even if he is not Zodiac, he would view the Zodiac as an anarchic force who by doing crimes showed the ineffectiveness of the police and thus foiled the state.

And if he is Zodiac, he would know how to solve the code because he created it! But he is not going to solve it and incriminate himself.

In the 340 code unsolved as it appeared in the newspapers, the 9 letters that spell the name KAC ZYN SKI appear in the last 18 symbols of the code. Coincidence? Maybe but I doubt it. :)


Posted : October 12, 2014 7:44 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

The translation to this passage is essentially the same as the last one posted. There are a couple of changes…

"…proved that my ego was (s/r,e,a/e ing) in (unreadable) over sex. But this was a bitter and painful pride, because I wanted very badly to have a girlfriend. Thus, I regretted afterward having been cold to a pretty girl. The very strength of my desire for girls made it much hard for me: I didn’t find it hard to be friendly with a girl whom I found only mildly attractive. But in any case, I didn’t know when or how to (cross out) ask for a date. In high school, my social situation was such that I learned (cross out) nothing about dating situations, and being largely isolated socially at Harvard, I never absorbed any such information there, either. Also, the fact that I had no interest in most of the common (cross out) entertainments meant that it was hard for me to think of any place where I could ask a girl to go with me. Dancing I regarded with utmost contempt**. Movies bored me. I might add that, while some men seem proud of their sexual activities with women and regard it as proof of their virility, I have never looked on sex (cross out or about) or the "conquest" of women as something to be proud of. To me it is nothing to take pride in any more than eating (cross out) candy, watching television, or any other soft pleasure. On the contrary, I’ve always considered sex as a weakness. Thus, while pride and ego helped me to steel my will to overcome, say, a mathematical problem, pride and ego did not steel my will to overcome my shyness with girls.
Let me illustrate all this with a few examples. When I first got to Harvard, there was a good-looking Miss Beer who used to
[Footnote continued from last page] (Cross out) To take just one example, from Wagner’s opera Das Rheingold, Scene One: "He who should shape, from the Rheingold, the ring that would give him measureless power, would win for his own the world inheritance (or, would inherit the world for his own?)… [But] only he who forswears the power of (sexual) love, only he who drives out the joy of (sexual) love, only he attains the magic to overcome the gold so as to make it a ring."

**I mean dancing as a social ritual. Dancing as a sp(ort)…

Posted : October 21, 2014 8:48 pm
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

http://www.frank151.com/news/a-look-ins … goods.html

Queens native Alec Reinstein, known to most as Despot, is a rapper, co-owner of Santos Party House, Smart Crew affiliate, and proud proprietor of a rather impressive collection of the Unabomber’s personal effects. Though he’s currently working on his first full-length album with Ratatat due out next year, he put some time aside to invite FRANK to his house and show us the assortment of Ted Kaczynski’s infamous goods first-hand.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Unabomber (shock!), here comes a little mind trip for y’all. Between 1978 and 1996 when he was arrested, Theodore Kaczynski aka the Unabomber, sent a series of mail bombs to several universities and airports, hence his FBI-appointed title. He lived in the middle of nowhere in a cabin in Montana with no running water or electricity. His mission was essentially to stop humans from corrupting innate human nature by using technology to replace human methods of thinking and interaction. His biggest fear? That computers would begin to think for us, take over how we interact with each other, and how we live. Hmmm, kinda makes you think…

He made many of his tools himself over open flames and forged a majority of things by hand—mingling with technology was really of no interest to Kaczynski.

For Despot, the whole obsession started in college. “I read his manifesto which was pretty extensive and I read some of the letters that had been published. I agreed with him sort of—I was a computer science major and one of his bombs was to a computer science professor, he was totally against that and didn’t want people progressing in that field the way they were. I read all his stuff and I thought he was interesting. I agree with a lot of the points he made. I absolutely don’t agree with the way he got his point across. Although I do see, he was able to get his message across to a large scale of people by killing others. If he didn’t kill anybody, no one would have really known or read his stuff.”

“After college I didn’t really think too much about him, but I went to a museum called the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis. This photographer did a project called The Broken Manual, and it was about people who lived in solitude, about hermits, why there are hermits, how to become a hermit, how to get your self off the grid, stuff like that. He talked about Kaczynski and that kind of revived the interest. Pretty soon after that, the auction popped up.”

(During the interview, Despot also mentions how “Owning these items hasn’t effected or influenced me at all, but learning about his ideas and seeing his perspective has informed some of the ways I think about how we use technology and whether I feel like it’s a good or a bad thing. I just think becoming aware of his writing was an interesting shift and perspective for me, because when I was really young I was in the Times for building a computer out of salvage electronics.”)

Posted : October 23, 2014 9:35 pm
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

http://www.frank151.com/news/a-look-ins … goods.html

Queens native Alec Reinstein, known to most as Despot, is a rapper, co-owner of Santos Party House, Smart Crew affiliate, and proud proprietor of a rather impressive collection of the Unabomber’s personal effects. Though he’s currently working on his first full-length album with Ratatat due out next year, he put some time aside to invite FRANK to his house and show us the assortment of Ted Kaczynski’s infamous goods first-hand.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Unabomber (shock!), here comes a little mind trip for y’all. Between 1978 and 1996 when he was arrested, Theodore Kaczynski aka the Unabomber, sent a series of mail bombs to several universities and airports, hence his FBI-appointed title. He lived in the middle of nowhere in a cabin in Montana with no running water or electricity. His mission was essentially to stop humans from corrupting innate human nature by using technology to replace human methods of thinking and interaction. His biggest fear? That computers would begin to think for us, take over how we interact with each other, and how we live. Hmmm, kinda makes you think…

He made many of his tools himself over open flames and forged a majority of things by hand—mingling with technology was really of no interest to Kaczynski.

For Despot, the whole obsession started in college. “I read his manifesto which was pretty extensive and I read some of the letters that had been published. I agreed with him sort of—I was a computer science major and one of his bombs was to a computer science professor, he was totally against that and didn’t want people progressing in that field the way they were. I read all his stuff and I thought he was interesting. I agree with a lot of the points he made. I absolutely don’t agree with the way he got his point across. Although I do see, he was able to get his message across to a large scale of people by killing others. If he didn’t kill anybody, no one would have really known or read his stuff.”

“After college I didn’t really think too much about him, but I went to a museum called the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis. This photographer did a project called The Broken Manual, and it was about people who lived in solitude, about hermits, why there are hermits, how to become a hermit, how to get your self off the grid, stuff like that. He talked about Kaczynski and that kind of revived the interest. Pretty soon after that, the auction popped up.”

(During the interview, Despot also mentions how “Owning these items hasn’t effected or influenced me at all, but learning about his ideas and seeing his perspective has informed some of the ways I think about how we use technology and whether I feel like it’s a good or a bad thing. I just think becoming aware of his writing was an interesting shift and perspective for me, because when I was really young I was in the Times for building a computer out of salvage electronics.”)

Posted : October 23, 2014 9:35 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

Wow! Great work by Darla Jones finding this stuff. Thanks.

This is the first time I (or probably anyone) has seen both the inner and outer hood. It looks very much like the Zodiac hood, as the article notes.


http://www.frank151.com/news/a-look-ins … goods.html

Queens native Alec Reinstein, known to most as Despot, is a rapper, co-owner of Santos Party House, Smart Crew affiliate, and proud proprietor of a rather impressive collection of the Unabomber’s personal effects. Though he’s currently working on his first full-length album with Ratatat due out next year, he put some time aside to invite FRANK to his house and show us the assortment of Ted Kaczynski’s infamous goods first-hand.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Unabomber (shock!), here comes a little mind trip for y’all. Between 1978 and 1996 when he was arrested, Theodore Kaczynski aka the Unabomber, sent a series of mail bombs to several universities and airports, hence his FBI-appointed title. He lived in the middle of nowhere in a cabin in Montana with no running water or electricity. His mission was essentially to stop humans from corrupting innate human nature by using technology to replace human methods of thinking and interaction. His biggest fear? That computers would begin to think for us, take over how we interact with each other, and how we live. Hmmm, kinda makes you think…

He made many of his tools himself over open flames and forged a majority of things by hand—mingling with technology was really of no interest to Kaczynski.

For Despot, the whole obsession started in college. “I read his manifesto which was pretty extensive and I read some of the letters that had been published. I agreed with him sort of—I was a computer science major and one of his bombs was to a computer science professor, he was totally against that and didn’t want people progressing in that field the way they were. I read all his stuff and I thought he was interesting. I agree with a lot of the points he made. I absolutely don’t agree with the way he got his point across. Although I do see, he was able to get his message across to a large scale of people by killing others. If he didn’t kill anybody, no one would have really known or read his stuff.”

“After college I didn’t really think too much about him, but I went to a museum called the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis. This photographer did a project called The Broken Manual, and it was about people who lived in solitude, about hermits, why there are hermits, how to become a hermit, how to get your self off the grid, stuff like that. He talked about Kaczynski and that kind of revived the interest. Pretty soon after that, the auction popped up.”

(During the interview, Despot also mentions how “Owning these items hasn’t effected or influenced me at all, but learning about his ideas and seeing his perspective has informed some of the ways I think about how we use technology and whether I feel like it’s a good or a bad thing. I just think becoming aware of his writing was an interesting shift and perspective for me, because when I was really young I was in the Times for building a computer out of salvage electronics.”)


Posted : October 23, 2014 10:52 pm
vasa croe
Posts: 493
Honorable Member


Queens native Alec Reinstein, known to most as Despot, is a rapper, co-owner of Santos Party House, Smart Crew affiliate, and proud proprietor of a rather impressive collection of the Unabomber’s personal effects. Though he’s currently working on his first full-length album with Ratatat due out next year, he put some time aside to invite FRANK to his house and show us the assortment of Ted Kaczynski’s infamous goods first-hand.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Unabomber (shock!), here comes a little mind trip for y’all. Between 1978 and 1996 when he was arrested, Theodore Kaczynski aka the Unabomber, sent a series of mail bombs to several universities and airports, hence his FBI-appointed title. He lived in the middle of nowhere in a cabin in Montana with no running water or electricity. His mission was essentially to stop humans from corrupting innate human nature by using technology to replace human methods of thinking and interaction. His biggest fear? That computers would begin to think for us, take over how we interact with each other, and how we live. Hmmm, kinda makes you think…

He made many of his tools himself over open flames and forged a majority of things by hand—mingling with technology was really of no interest to Kaczynski.

For Despot, the whole obsession started in college. “I read his manifesto which was pretty extensive and I read some of the letters that had been published. I agreed with him sort of—I was a computer science major and one of his bombs was to a computer science professor, he was totally against that and didn’t want people progressing in that field the way they were. I read all his stuff and I thought he was interesting. I agree with a lot of the points he made. I absolutely don’t agree with the way he got his point across. Although I do see, he was able to get his message across to a large scale of people by killing others. If he didn’t kill anybody, no one would have really known or read his stuff.”

“After college I didn’t really think too much about him, but I went to a museum called the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis. This photographer did a project called The Broken Manual, and it was about people who lived in solitude, about hermits, why there are hermits, how to become a hermit, how to get your self off the grid, stuff like that. He talked about Kaczynski and that kind of revived the interest. Pretty soon after that, the auction popped up.”

(During the interview, Despot also mentions how “Owning these items hasn’t effected or influenced me at all, but learning about his ideas and seeing his perspective has informed some of the ways I think about how we use technology and whether I feel like it’s a good or a bad thing. I just think becoming aware of his writing was an interesting shift and perspective for me, because when I was really young I was in the Times for building a computer out of salvage electronics.”)

Seeing the actual size of that mask laid out on his floor I am REALLY intrigued. That is a lot bigger than it looks from him holding it or the other picture. While it is not black and doesn’t have the cross-hair symbol, the construction of that is almost exactly what I would picture the Zodiac hood looking like.

He has quite an assortment of items from TK, and the other one I found really interesting were the larger shoes with the smaller shoe sole screwed on to make his footprint look smaller….that is a bit mind blowing for me….very interesting stuff there. I would LOVE to pick through this guys collection.

Posted : October 23, 2014 11:17 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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VASA CROE: "Seeing the actual size of that mask laid out on his floor I am REALLY intrigued. That is a lot bigger than it looks from him holding it or the other picture. While it is not black and doesn’t have the cross-hair symbol, the construction of that is almost exactly what I would picture the Zodiac hood looking like."

AK WILKS: Good eye. Yes on the floor it looks even larger. And aside from the crosshair symbol, this does look remarkably like what the Zodiac hood would look like. This hood system would have no use in the urban setting of the Unabomber crimes and no use for hunting in Montana.


Posted : October 24, 2014 2:02 am
vasa croe
Posts: 493
Honorable Member

I wonder iF anyone could contact this guy to ask if there happened to be 6ft pieces of hollow thin tubing in the mix somewhere….also would like to know if there happened to be a hand forged hunting knife such as the one Z used in there. There appears to be two VERY thin bladed hand forged knives to the left of the mask…one with a black handle laying on top of an army green sheath and one dark red short handle.

Posted : October 24, 2014 3:47 am
vasa croe
Posts: 493
Honorable Member

You know, come to think of it, I believe it was reported that black/brown curly hair was seen through the hood or something of that sort? That first layer mask kind of appears like it would look like black/brown curly hair under another hood….and I believe it was said to be kind of shiny or greasy and that black hood is kind of shiny or greasy in appearance.

It could even be that Z had 3 hoods on with the one with the symbol on over both of these to make him appear even heavier. The brown hood appears a bit greasy as well.

And let’s not forget the dark blue zippered windbreaker to the left of the dudes chair….odd how all of these pieces of clothing look way oversioversized for TK….such as something he could put under them to look a lot bulkier.

Posted : October 24, 2014 4:03 am
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