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Items That Were Auctioned From Kaczynski Cabin

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AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Its a good question and I don’t know the answer. He did have pictures taken for a passport and a gun license.

Those would likely just be head shots as well correct? At least that has been my experience with both….

I agree those would likely just be headshots, as far as I know. Maybe it was for a faculty or alumni bio or some other odd circumstance.

I agree with Vasa this does look like a casting call type full body picture, but Darla id right, Ted was so painfully shy and introverted I cannot see him ever trying to be in a play or film.

It’s weird.


Posted : November 18, 2014 10:15 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
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Mostly he used a closed 4 .. He ain’t the "Z"

Mostly is not always. People change some handwriting elements over time. Whoever Zodiac was he might have changed some elements. And with all due respect, it makes little sense to look at ONE single handwriting trait and dismiss a good suspect on that sole basis! If you don’t like Ted as a suspect that is fine. Many others do, many don’t. We have sections for all the major suspects here and many non-POI threads on other topics. I welcome intelligent and detailed criticisms, comments and questions.

Ted and Zodiac did share many, many handwriting quirks, including both usually doing 3 stroke "k" ‘s, 5 stroke "m" ‘s, checkmark "r" ‘s, overall similar precise style and spacing, PLUS many shared words and phrases.


From Doug Oswell, the Application Bio by Kaczynski to the U Cal Berkeley, December 1966.

The writing looks particularly Zodiac like to me, compare it to the Belli letter.


Z = Zodiac K = Kaczynski/Unabomber

Z = I hope you enjoy your selves when I have my Blast. Jolly Roger Card.

K = For these reasons, I want to get my revenge in one big blast. GX18-2003F, p. 11.

Z = At the moment the children are safe from the bomb because it is so massive to dig in & the triger mech requires much work to get it adjusted just right. Belli Letter, 1969.

K = Its no fun having to spend all your evenings and weekends preparing dangerous mixtures, filing trigger mechanisms out of scraps of metal …. New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = I gave the cops som bussy work to do to keep them happy. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = This seems to us a thoroughly contemptible way for the human race to end up, and we doubt that many people would find fulfilling lives in such pointless busy-work. Unabomber Manifesto, 1995.

Z = This is the murderer of the 2 teenagers last Christmass at Lake Herman & the girl on the 4th of July near the golf course in Vallejo. To prove I killed them I shall state some facts which only I & the police know. Three-Part Cipher, 1969.

K = To prove that we are the ones who planted the bomb at U. Of Cal. last May we will mention a few details that could be known only to us and the FBI who investigated the incident. S.F. Examiner Letter, 1985.

Z = The police shall never catch me, because I have been too clever for them. Seven-Page letter, 1969.

K = And it doesn’t appear that the FBI is going to catch us any time soon. New York Times letter, 1995.

Z = 2 cops pulled a goof. Seven-Page letter, 1969.

K = The FBI is a joke. New York Times letter, 1995.

Z = As of yet I have left no fingerprints behind me contrary to what the police say. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = Contrary to what the FBI has suggested, our bombing at the California Forestry Association was in no way inspired by the Oklahoma City bombing. New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = This is the murderer of the 2 teenagers last Christmass … July 31, 1969 Letter (Chronicle).
This is the Zodiac speaking. Numerous correspondences, 1969 through 1971.

K = This is a message from the terrorist group FC. New York Times Letter, April 24, 1995.
This is a message from FC. Tom Tyler Letter, June 30, 1995.

Z = I promised to punish them if they did not comply, by anilating a full School Buss. But now school is out for the summer, so I punished them in another way. Mt. Diablo Letter, 1970.

K = The people who are pushing all this growth and progress garbage deserve to be severely punished. New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = By the way it could be rather messy if you try to bluff me. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = A special case of Theorem (b) was proved (in effect) in [6, proof of Theorem 6] by means of a rather messy lemma. T.J. Kaczynski. Boundary Functions and Sets of Curvilinear Convergence for Continuous Functions. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 141 (Jul., 1969), 107-125, p. 124.

Z = [Called a violent movie] "deplorable".

K = [Called OKC bombing] "deplorable".

The ones above are some that I considered most compelling and a few of my own. The entire list and analysis by Doug Oswell is excellent and can be seen here:


I do think the shared word usage of Kaczynski and Zodiac is remarkable, and unlike what we see in any other Z suspect.

LINDA: In addition to yours above, some others that I find quite compelling from Doug’s list are:

1. Both use the word "So" to begin several of their thoughts.
2. Both use the phrase "By the Way" to begin several of their thoughts.
3. Use of "is is" in sentences.
4. Both use the words "To prove" at the beginning of sentences followed by information
they felt provided proof of authenticity
5. Both draw a full line across the page to separate thoughts.

Interestingly, it was his writings that lead to the downfall and capture of the Unabomber. His cleverness of hiding his true identity and remaining obscure for 18 years began to unravel once his demand for publication of his Manifesto was agreed upon by authorities. Once published in the papers, his brother recognized what he thought could be his brother’s thoughts and certain phrases and finally, through legal counsel, notified authorities that he felt there was a great possibility that his brother was, in fact, the elusive Unabomber. Since TK was a prolific writer, authorities were provided with numerous known samples of his writings (letters, documents, papers, etc.). Comparisons were made of known Unabomber writings with known Kaczynski writings in a manner similar to the one Doug has presented on his site when comparing the Zodiac and TK.

Z – misspells words, probably intentionally in most cases. Examples of last consonant in word changed to a vowel in the Z408.
TK – encodes "yesterday" as YESTERDAE.


Zodiac 408 Code: DANGEROUE
Unabomber Code: YESTERDAE

Both Zodiac and Kaczynski have a code in which in order to increase difficulty of solution they change the last consonant in a word to the vowel "E".

DANIEL GILLOTTI: I don’t have anything to add to this at this time. I wanted to say nice job…. this is very good work here. Jem, Linda, AK…awesome… :D


Thanks Dan and Cimm! And thanks to Jem and Linda!

Picking up on a discussion started by WRENCH at zkf, it was noted that the lines in the bus bomb diagram are LONG – SHORT – LONG, and that this is Morse Code for the letter "K".

Hmm, any Zodiac suspect last name start with the letter "K"? :roll:

Look at a Ted Kaczynski bomb design and a Zodiac bomb design.

Also, look at the part of the bus bomb diagram where it says "BUS GOES BANG."

Compare to Ted Kaczynski saying "RIFLE GOES BANG."

Identical construction…saying an object "goes bang."

And remember both Kaczynski and Zodiac used many of the same odd words and phrases, like "AROUND IN THE SNOW".



By Ted Kaczynski

It’s the autumn of 2025 AD. The technoindustrial system fell apart a year ago, but you and your friends are doing alright. Your garden has flourished this past summer and in your cabin you have a good supply of dried vegetables, dried beans and other foodstuffs to get you through the coming winter. Just now you’re harvesting your potatoes. With your spades, you and your friends uproot one potato after another and pick the plump tubers out of the soil.

Suddenly the friend at your elbow nudges you and you look up. Uh-oh. A gang of mean-looking men is coming up your trail. They have guns. They look like trouble, but you stand firm. The leader of the gang walks up to you and says,

"Nice looking potatoes you got there."

"Yeah," you reply. "They’re nice-looking potatoes."

"We’re going to take them" says the gang leader.

"The hell you are!" you answer. "We spent a long summer of hard work growing those potatoes…"

The gang leader points his rifle at your face and says, "—— you, punk." To his men he adds, "Dick, Ziggy, check the cabin and see what kind of food they got. We might just move in and spend the winter here. Mick, grab that bitch over there before she gets away. She got a nice ass. We’ll all screw her tonight."

You get angry and start shouting, "You bastard! You can’t…"

The RIFLE GOES BANG. You’re dead.


In the Bates confession letter, it says "This letter should be published for all to read it. It just might save that girl in the alley. BUT THAT WILL BE UP TO YOU. IT WILL BE ON YOUR CONSCIENCE, NOT MINE".

In the Kaczynski Utah letter it says "When I contact my new friend summer of 1988 and he tells me you have kept your nose clean you will have nothing to fear. IN OTHER WORDS, YOUR FATE IS IN YOUR OWN HANDS."

In both letters, the criminal puts the responsibility to the reader "That will be up to you" and "Your fate is in your own hands". The criminal tells the reader what to do "publish this letter" and "keep your nose clean". If they don’t the threat is there for more murders, but it is up to the reader.

Very unusual, very specific and very similar.

We all know that Ted Kaczynski eluded capture as the Unabomber for 18 years, and that the FBI had a 25,000 name suspect list that did not include his name. But Ted Kaczynski’s downfall, what led to his capture, was that he used certain very specific and odd words and phrases that virtually no one else used. David Kaczynski recognized these words and phrases used by the Unabomber as ones that his brother Ted had used. This included the phrase "cool headed logician." It also included Ted’s unique phrasing of the old cliche "You can’t have your cake and eat it too" as "You can’t eat your cake and have it too."

Similarly, when we look at the words and phrases of the Zodiac, many very specific and unusual, we see that Ted Kaczynski often used these exact same odd words and phrases. This first example was discussed first by Doug Oswell, Linda and Kite, but I don’t think it has been examined in depth.

Six months after the abduction and presumed murder of Nevada resident Donna Lass, the Zodiac sent in a card thought to hint at her murder. The card included the very odd phrase "AROUND IN THE SNOW". The card seems to imply that the dead body of Donna Lass can be found AROUND IN THE SNOW.

The phrase is odd. Normally we might expect to hear that a body is "IN THE SNOW", or "ON THE SNOW", or "OUT IN THE SNOW".

Thus the term "AROUND IN THE SNOW" is very unusual. [Patinky and others have said this term is used in Kentucky].

In his new book Technological Slavery, on page 400, Ted Kaczynski discusses hunting rabbits and states that after shooting a rabbit it can be found bouncing "AROUND IN THE SNOW."

Both the Zodiac and Ted Kaczynski use the odd term "AROUND IN THE SNOW" to refer to where a body may be found.

There are many, many other examples.

Zodiac: Police should have "sat there quietly waiting for me to come out of cover." Zodiac Stine Letter, October 13, 1969, to SF Chronicle.

Kaczynski: "I went down there and watched, from cover, a guy with a bulldozer…". Unabomber: The Secret Life of Ted Kaczynski, by Chris Waits and Dave Shors, p. 278.

Analysis: Both Zodiac and Kaczynski descibe hiding from and watching enemies behind forestry as from "cover", a military term.

Zodiac: "was a negro about 40 -45 rather shabbly dressed." Zodiac Letter of August 4, 1969, to SF Examiner.

Kaczynski: "their homes looked shabby". Technological Slavery, p. 397.

Zodiac: BE SURE TO PRINT the part I marked out on page 3 or I shall do my thing.

Kaczynski: BE SURE TO tell us where and how our material will be published and how long it will take to appear in PRINT once we have sent in the manuscript.

Z = 2 cops pulled a goof. Seven-Page letter, 1969.

K = The FBI is a joke. New York Times letter, 1995.

Z = As of yet I have left no fingerprints behind me contrary to what the police say. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = Contrary to what the FBI has suggested, our bombing at the California Forestry Association was in no way inspired by the Oklahoma City bombing. New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = By the way it could be rather messy if you try to bluff me. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = A special case of Theorem (b) was proved (in effect) in [6, proof of Theorem 6] by means of a rather messy lemma. T.J. Kaczynski. Boundary Functions and Sets of Curvilinear Convergence for Continuous Functions. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 141 (Jul., 1969), 107-125, p. 124.

Z = [Called a violent movie] "deplorable".

K = [Called OKC bombing] "deplorable".

Both commented on their bounties.

Zodiac: ‘I am mildly cerous as to how much money you have on my head now?’ and ‘What is the price tag now?’.

Kaczynski: ‘25,000 dollar reward offered. Rather flattering.’

People will tell me sometimes "Oh here is a person who said "rather messy", and sometimes I say "no longer", and someone else said "around in the snow". What is interesting is that both Zodiac and Ted Kaczynski used dozens and dozens of the same words and phrases, and some are not very common, like "rather messy", "around in the snow", "contrary to what police say", "evidence only I and police know", etc.

Some new finds by KITE:

I don’t know if this has been brought up before or not but Kaczynski wrote, concerning the price of a Christmas card:

(I bet it doesn’t cost them a nickel to print the damn thing.)

Zodiac wrote:
(When I hung the phone up the dam thing began to ring and that drew his attention to me and my car.)

Here’s an interesting comparison between a Unabomber letter(4/24/95) and a Zodiac letter(11/9/69, 7 pages).
Zodiac: (I shall NO LONGER ANNOUNCE to anyone when I comitt my murders)
FC: Why do we ANNOUNCE our goals only now…
FC: Since we NO LONGER have to confine the explosive…

Zodiac: the system checks out from one end to the other in my TESTS.
Zodiac:I think you do not have the man power to stop this one by continually SEARCHING THE road sides looking FOR this thing.
Zodiac: Have FUN!! By the way, it could be rather messy if you try to bluff me.

FC: It’s no FUN having to spend all your evenings and weekends preparing dangerous mixtures, filing trigger mechanisms out of scraps of metal or SEARCHING THE Sierras FOR a place isolated enough to TEST a bomb. So we offer a bargain.

Zodiac: BE SURE TO PRINT the part I marked out on page 3 or I shall do my thing.
FC: BE SURE TO tell us where and how our material will be published and how long it will take to appear in PRINT once we have sent in the manuscript.

I am curious to know if there is any possibility that TK was actually influenced by Zodiac, or if there is good evidence to show that his use of similar words and phrases predates the Zodiac case.

That is an excellent question. I will give more info later this weekend, here are my first thoughts:

1. Was TK the Zodiac, or was he influenced by the Zodiac? In the thousands of pages of Ted’s notes and journals that we have seen, he never mentions the Zodiac. He does mention Charles Whitman, and the OKC bomber, but not Zodiac. Despite the fact that Ted lived in the SF Bay area when Z was active, and despite Ted and Z having a shared interest in bombs, codes and killing people. The FBI will not release Ted’s journals for the most active Zodiac years of of 1968 and 1969. But from what we know, Ted was not influenced by the Zodiac, he never acknowledges being influenced by the Zodiac. Just like the diary of Bruce Wayne would not mention Batman…

2. In some cases, the words of Z predate the words of Ted. Like the use of "contrary to what police say..". But in most of these instances, the words by Zodiac would not be the type that someone like Ted or anyone would copy. It just seems like Ted uses the same words or identical or near identical phrases like "contrary to what police say", "known only by police/FBI and I/us", "trigger mech", etc. I do not see any other suspect having used these words and phrases. To patinky/stitch’s point, while someone else may use "around in the snow" or other words, I have not found an individual other than Ted who uses 30 or more words and phrases that Zodiac used.

3. In many cases, Ted used the words, phrases or images FIRST, before Zodiac did. This is the case with "rather messy" and many others. And Ted used crossed lines in a circle as a signature BEFORE Zodiac did.


Just like the zodiac, Kaczynski used crossed lines inside circles as a signature and drew crossed lines inside a circle at a crime scene.

Kaczynski had a life long interest in, almost obsession with, crossed lines inside circles.

1. He signed a yearbook with his "mark" – crossed lines inside a circle.

2. He spent several years of graduate study and his PHD dissertation on the boundary functions of circles, in particular dealing with the unit circle, which looks like the Zodiac symbol.

3. At the campus of a Unabomber target, he spraypainted the Yggdrasil symbol, also known as the Algiz Rune, along with the letters "FC" and "Anarchy". The Anglo-Saxon translation of the Algiz Rune is "Z"! It consists of, once again, crossed lines inside a circle. The Yggdrasil is the World Tree, but it also stands for "tree of terror; gallows", and the Algiz Rune also means to "wound severely; to mark with blood."

And a close up on his signature with the crossed lines inside a circle.

Close up on Unit Circle, Zodiac Symbol and Unabomber Symbols


Posted : November 18, 2014 11:50 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

This is described as a list of names. I think it is what Ted called his "Hit List". This may have been made fuzzy intentionally by US Marshall’s or FBI, for reasons of privacy for the people on the list. Can anyone get a blow up of this, or clarify image, so we can read the names? One name is reputed to be Kary Mullis, the Nobel Prize winning inventor of the PCR DNA method.


Posted : November 22, 2014 12:53 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

This is described as a list of names. I think it is what Ted called his "Hit List". This may have been made fuzzy intentionally by US Marshall’s or FBI, for reasons of privacy for the people on the list. Can anyone get a blow up of this, or clarify image, so we can read the names? One name is reputed to be Kary Mullis, the Nobel Prize winning inventor of the PCR DNA method.

Did our rapper friend buy this lot? Maybe he will tell us what it says. I was not able to contact him. Maybe someone else can try.

Posted : November 27, 2014 1:55 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

I found three pictures on the internet that show TJK’s cabin when they captured him. What is the port hole piece of wood on the side of the desk. It looks like we are seeing two different angles of the desk side of the cabin.

Posted : November 27, 2014 2:24 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

This has all the contents of his house, including books listed in the case.

http://writ.lp.findlaw.com/ramasastry/u … 006ord.pdf

Posted : December 9, 2014 1:46 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

Poisonous Plants of the United States is an interesting book for him to have.

Posted : December 9, 2014 1:52 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member




To: The United States Marshal and any Authorized United States Officer



YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to arrest Theodore John Kaczynski and bring him or her forthwith to the nearest magistrate to answer a

( ) Indictment ( ) Information (X) Complaint ( ) Order of Court ( ) Violation Notice ( )Probation Violation Petition

charging him with knowingly possessing a firearm – specifically, components from which a destructive device such as a bomb can be readily assembled – which is not registered to him in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record In violation of Title 26 United States Code, Section 5861(d)


Name of Judicial Officer




CASE NUMBER:_____________

I, Donald J. Sachtleben, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation, the undersigned complainant being duly sworn state the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

On or about April 3, 1996, and before, in Lewis and Clark county, in the State and District of Montana defendant did, knowingly possess a firearm -specifically, components from which a destructive device such as a bomb can be readily assembled – which is not registered to him in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record in violation of Title 26 United States Code, Section 5861(d). I further state that this complaint is based on the following facts:

See attached affidavit incorporated herein by reference

Signature of Complainant

______________________ at _________________________
Date City and State

______________________ _________________________
Name and Title of Signature of Judicial Judicial Officer


County of Lewis and Clark )

Your affiant, Special Agent (SA) Donald J. Sachtleben, Federal Bureau of Investigation, states as follows:

1. I, SA Donald J. Sachtleben, have been a Special Agent for 12 years. I graduated from the FBI Hazardous Devices School and the FBI Post Blast School. I have investigated bombing cases for 10 years and taught classes on the investigation of improvised explosive devices (IED). I have participated in the on scene investigation of bombing cases.

2. On April 3, 1996 your affiant and other agents of the FBI, ATF and United States Postal Service began the execution of a search warrant on the residence of Theodore John Kaczynski, located in Lewis and Clark County. The premises is a one-room cabin, approximately 10 feet by 12 feet with a loft and without electricity or running water. I am informed by other agents that records of Lewis and Clark County indicate that this property was purchased by Theodore John Kaczynski and another person in 1971. I am also informed by other agents that interview of neighbors revealed that Kaczynski has lived at this residence by himself since that date.

3. When agents knocked on the door, Theodore John Kaczynski answered and was removed so that the search could begin. The initial entry was to ascertain the presence or any explosive devices. The search of the premises continues at the time of this application for an arrest warrant. The items described herein are based only on a preliminary search and there remains a considerable amount of items to be located and reviewed.

4. I personally participated in the search. As set forth in more detail below, during the search I observed chemicals and other materials that, in my opinion, are designed and intended for use in manufacturing a destructive device, namely a pipe bomb, and from which a destructive device could be readily assembled, including what appears to be a partially completed pipe bomb. I also observed notebooks that contain what I recognize to be diagrams and notes that are consistent with the manufacture of destructive devices such as pipe bombs.

5. In order to construct a pipe bomb, one needs either a commercially manufactured explosive or an improvised explosive, a casing, a device to detonate the explosive, and a power source for the detonating device. During the search I observed materials from which all of these could be made. In particular, during the search I observed the following:

1. Ten three-ring binders, which have been partially reviewed. These binders contain page after page of meticulous writings and sketches which I recognize to be diagrams of explosive devices. These diagrams depict cross-sections of pipes and electrical circuitry commonly used in the construction of such devices. In addition, they contain sketches of boxes which could be used to contain, conceal and transport explosive devices. The notebooks also contain hand-written notes in Spanish and English which describe, in part, chemical compounds which can be used in various combinations to create explosive charges for use in explosive devices. After consultation with an FBI chemist, it appears that the notes reflect the proper proportions for such mixtures. From investigation from other FBI agents I am aware that Theodore John Kaczynski is able to write Spanish.

2. Pipes that appear to be galvanized metal, copper and plastic. Four of the copper pipes had plates affixed to one end, which is one of the first steps in the construction of a pipe bomb. I did not observe any indoor plumbing or any other apparent structural need for such piping on the premises.

3. Containers containing powders labeled as "KC103" (potassium chlorate), "NaC103" (sodium chlorate), "Sugar", "Zinc", "Aluminum", "Lead" and "Silver Oxide". Necessary ingredients in the preparation of explosives include an oxidizer and a fuel. Sugar, zinc, aluminum, lead and silver oxide all can serve as fuels, and potassium chlorate or sodium chlorate can be oxidizers. For example, potassium chlorate can be combined with either aluminum or sugar to create an explosive material. Similarly, sodium chlorate can be combined with aluminum to create an explosive.

4. Solid cast ingots, one of which is labelled aluminum. I observed on the floor shiny metal filings consistent with aluminum. Aluminum can be used as an additional fuel and a catalyst in an explosive mixture.

5. C cell batteries and electrical wire. From my experience I am aware that these materials can be used to provide the power for a device used to detonate explosive material such as the mixtures described above.

6. Three rolled-up pieces of paper attached to one another, containing what appear to be logs of experiments to determine the optimum pipe dimension and combination of explosive materials in various weather conditions.

7. During a preliminary search of the loft, a package was located. Visual examination determined that it was a cylindrical package wrapped in paper and secured with tape. An X-ray of the package revealed what appears to me to be a partially completed pipe bomb, including threaded pipe, wire and other electrical components.

8. Several books including ones on the construction of electrical circuitry and chemistry.

9. Numerous tools, including mechanical drills, drill bits, hack saw blades, wire cutters, and a roll of solder, all of which would be necessary to convert the materials I have described above into a pipe bomb.

6. Based upon my experience in the investigation of the use of destructive devices, my examination of the above-described materials, and my review of the writings and sketches in the binders, it is my opinion that these components were designed to be, could be, and were intended to be readily assembled into a destructive device such as a pipe bomb. In my opinion, the premises contained all of the necessary ingredients and materials to manufacture such a destructive device.

7. A search was conducted by ATF on April 4, 1996 of the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record. That search failed to locate any record of Theodore John Kaczynski having authorization for the possession or manufacture of a destructive device.

S/A Donald J. Sachtleben

Posted : December 9, 2014 2:12 am
Posts: 419
Reputable Member

I bet ol TK could have made some hellish kewl fireworks..prolly would have rivaled the conehead display Beldar built

Posted : December 10, 2014 4:30 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

This has all the contents of his house, including books listed in the case.

http://writ.lp.findlaw.com/ramasastry/u … 006ord.pdf

Yes interesting books. Includes several on Caesar and ancient Rome. These would have mentioned the code used by Caesar, which shifted letters 3 spaces. I think Z may have used a Caesar code with 3-6-9 shift values as I explain elsewhere.

And Ted had the Prose Edda, the main book of Norse myths, and several books on German language and history.

Also it seemed Z had some interest and knowledge in Norse. He wrote the letter mentioning SLA means kill in Norse, in reference to the terrorist group SLA. He apparently used Norse Rune symbols on the Halloween letter (though they could mean something else too) and the Cross in a circle is also a Norse symbol (and other types of symbols as well).

Ted spraypainted a Norse symbol, the Yggdrasil Rune, which is also a Norse/Proto-Germanic Rune Algiz, stands for Z, consists of crossed lines like a tree in a circle, at the campus of a target.

3 and 9 are important numbers in Norse myths. Nine Worlds of Norse mythology, the Yggdrasil World Tree has 3 roots, 9 branches, etc.

Yes Snooter, but Ted had "fireworks" of a different kind in mind!


Posted : December 10, 2014 11:55 pm
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

I found pictures of some items that were auctioned that have since been removed from the Fliker account. One is of a trigger mechanism.

Posted : January 24, 2015 9:07 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
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Posted : January 24, 2015 9:08 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
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Posted : January 24, 2015 9:08 am
Darla Jones
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Posted : January 24, 2015 9:09 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
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Posted : January 24, 2015 9:09 am
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