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Items That Were Auctioned From Kaczynski Cabin

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good stuff from DJ..gives insite into the mind of a morbid sadistic killer..not sure what is Z related here but good stuff none the less..

Posted : January 26, 2015 11:12 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Yes Darla Jones has done some terrific research and I appreciate all her posts here! Prompted by a very good discussion/debate on Ted K motivations vs. Zodiac motivations with great participation by snooter, masootz, norse, valleylife and others. And discussion about the hood found in Ted’s cabin. Wanted to post some of the evidence and ideas here. Please join in with comments, criticisms or questions.

Unfortunately I think a lot of people don’t "feel" like Ted is Z, in part because they think Ted was motivated primarily by politics and environmentalism. He was not. He records his urge to kill came from alienation, sexual frustration and a failed bid for a sex change operation in 1966, as I detail elsewhere. He records he will really kill the people he hates, and he states that he hates LOVE MAKING COUPLES, PROMISCUOUS WOMEN & ROWDY COLLEGE STUDENTS. Can it get more Zodiac like than that?

For others I think they want Z to be an unknown and the case to be solved in some dramatic way. Ted already being known and locked up is for most very anti-climatic.

Yes Snooter Ted is the only known serial killer, bomb designer, code creator who had a hand made hood in his cabin. To me incredible evidence that has not got enough attention. It frustrates me that a black flat top hood with rectangular eye slits, all like the Zodiac hood, was found in Ted K’s cabin, and yet most of the larger Z community does not seem to care. Most people don’t like Ted as Z. OK I accept it. I think it is wrong but all I can do is present the evidence. If most people ignore it, so be it. If it is not the dramatic solution people want, oh well. There is more to life and I am now finding much more success writing in non-crime areas, so I sorta feel like I am banging my head against the wall. And frustrated that they have Ted in custody yet we still don’t know if they have taken DNA as allowed and required by law! I do appreciate all those who have participated in the Ted threads! be it constructive criticisms, good questions, comments, posting evidence, doing research, or just giving an opinion.


Posted : February 14, 2015 1:02 am
Posts: 273
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I do want to start this off by saying I consider all the poi’s as a possible zodiac first. But Ted K. Is my second poi of choice for all the logical reasons pointed out in AK Wilks posts.

This may sound ridulous- but I have traveled in the area of Ted K. I found the weather to be insanely cold with blistering winds.I had to keep a hooded hat on during that whole trip. Could he have not just created the hood for protection against the elements. He did not appear to spend much money on frivolous items. Maybe he just made the hood out of nenecessity.

The Best Mystery Is An Unsolved Mystery….

Posted : February 14, 2015 4:51 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Thanks! As for hunting it is possible but I really don’t think so. He had regular ski masks for protection from the cold. The black hood looks like light material so no cold protection. And being black it would be the worst color possible for hunting in the snow!


Posted : February 14, 2015 5:00 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Inspired by some great research done by Darla Jones on possible connections the occult Process Church and Norse Runes may have had on Zodiac (see here viewtopic.php?f=96&t=2202 , please read and comment there on those topics generally), I note the following.

Also it seemed Zodiac had some interest and knowledge in Norse. He wrote the letter mentioning SLA means kill in Norse, in reference to the terrorist group SLA. He apparently used Norse Rune symbols on the Halloween letter (though they could mean something else too) and the Zodiac symbol of a cross in a circle is also a Norse symbol (and other types of symbols as well). Zodiac also mentioned that he used a German gun, a Luger, which was the gun of Nazi officers. I also think frequent Zodiac allusions to water, trees and nature may symbolize Nordic beliefs. In Norse culture the Yggdrasil Tree, or World Tree, was selected as a large and powerful tree by water. It was a place for community gatherings, weddings, tribal meetings of the village leaders and other official functions. It was a place for holding court, and even carrying executions of those found guilty. The Yggdrasil symbol, aka the Algiz Rune, stand for World Tree, and its 3 roots, 6 guardians and 9 branches. It has a beautiful meaning of the 9 worlds of Norse mythology and respect for nature. But because of its other function it was also known as "tree of terror; gallows". Death could be by hanging, or sword. The Rune for the Yggdrasil is called Algiz, and it is the terminal letter in most runic alphabets. In some cases the terminal letter is X, more often the last letter is Z, as seen in this chart. Ted K had a book of Norse myths, the prose Edda, in his cabin. He also spraypainted the Yggdrasil Symbol/Algiz Rune, which also means Z, at the campus of a target.

This is the Futhark Runic Alphabet.


Posted : February 18, 2015 6:00 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

I find this picture fascinating. He looks older and he is very cleaned up and has his shirt tucked in and pants rolled up (50’s style) and tennis shoes on. When was this taken? Why was it taken?

I have a new guess as to what this picture is for. I think it is interesting to think about. Why else would he be taking a high quality studio picture? This is just my opinion.

Posted : March 9, 2015 11:27 pm
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

I find this picture fascinating. He looks older and he is very cleaned up and has his shirt tucked in and pants rolled up (50’s style) and tennis shoes on. When was this taken? Why was it taken?

I have a new guess as to what this picture is for. I think it is interesting to think about. Why else would he be taking a high quality studio picture? This is just my opinion.

Also, if you look at the bottom of the picture, the wall is directly behind Ted, like in the Wyllie photo.

Posted : March 10, 2015 12:59 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Ted is apparently standing in front of a standard portrait studio wall that has a rear screen. So is Wylie. It used to be department stores had photography sections were you could get your picture taken, kids pictures taken, etc.

I don’t think Ted would have joined the Process. He was painfully shy and a social recluse. He never joined anything in his life. The Process is an interesting group. They are an occult group and a cult. They professed a sort of unity of opposites, citing belief and worship of Jehovah and Lucifer, as well as Christ and Satan. They seem to fit into the wild fringes of the 1960’s west coast counter culture. Several of the magazines they published at the time focus on themes and images of sex, death, murder, ritualism and symbolism. Religion is a constant focus, the unity of opposites I mentioned, Christ and Satan.

None of this is stuff that Ted, as far as we know, was interested in. Ted was not religious. He avoided people in general and groups in particular. This is why after two years earning money as a professor at Berkeley he bought a cabin in the middle of the wilderness in Montana. If Ted had joined the Process, or any group, we would likely know about it from his brother, peers, witnesses, records, etc. Ted hated hippies, drugs and the counter culture movement. He believed in individualist primitivist anarchism. He loved living in the wilderness and hunting animals. I don’t see anything in the Process that would appeal to him, other than Ted had interest in Norse myths, and some aspects of Norse show up in the Process. But everything else they believed he would have had no interest in or even hated. He did not join groups. Even with the radical environmental group "Earth First!", Ted went to a few meetings but never joined. And that was a group he was mostly in agreement with, until in his mind Judi Bari "emasculated" it by turning it from violent actions to peaceful protest. But even when he was in agreement with them he did not join.

Yes Ted is dressed in black in the picture, though they appear to be ordinary clothes, not robes or a uniform. We don’t why Ted had this portrait studio picture taken. That is a mystery. There were some other pictures in his cabin stuff, and we know he had a picture taken for an Illinois gun permit and for a State Department passport. I just don’t know what these pictures were for. His brother mentioned once that Ted told him that he was thinking about joining some kind of personals section dating club, in an effort to overcome his shyness, loneliness and self described "acute sexual starvation". It is not clear if he ever went through with it and it seems he did not go on any dates. But maybe when he was thinking about doing it he got these pictures done. Maybe they were for a U Cal Berkeley ID or some other kind of ID. Maybe they were to be part of a ruse to get a false ID of some kind. Or for some other purpose we just don’t know.

You and all interested people should read some of the books about Ted. Robert Graysmith actually wrote a pretty good biography of Ted called "Unabomber: A desire to Kill". His neighbor wrote a book about his Montana life called "Unabomber: The Secret Life of Ted Kaczynski", and there is another book about his Harvard years. Also Doug Oswell has a ton of info on Ted at his site www.unazod.com and in his excellent book you can order at the site or at Amazon.


Posted : March 10, 2015 6:26 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

This is an excellent article about Ted Kaczynski’s state of mind as well.

http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/arc … er/378239/

Posted : March 10, 2015 10:04 am
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

I don’t think Ted would have joined the Process.

Based on what we know about him, this seems like a safe assumption.

To put it bluntly, I think Kaczynski would have found the Process laughable on all sorts of levels.

Posted : March 10, 2015 11:31 pm
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

I’m starting to think that The Process would have been very appealing to Kaczynski. I got a copy of the Mindbender issue of the Process Church. I think it’s from 1970; when they were in England again. This article is very interesting because it sounds like the opening parts of the Unabomber Manifesto. I googled the author, and he’s a Neo-Nazish British Politician.

Posted : March 11, 2015 12:54 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Yes Ted would have agreed with that one article. But nothing in his life that we know of shows interest in religion, the occult, the sixties counter culture. Even if there was interest he would not join any group IMO. He strongly agreed with everything the radical environmental group "Earth First! " stood for in their militant period. He even went to a few meetings, sent them an article for their magazine and set up secret code messages to them in the classified ads (you found those! Thanks). But he never joined them. He never joined any group. He was the classic lone wolf.

You should read the very good Robert Graysmith book "Unabomber:A Desire To Kill" and/or the book on his Harvard years including the CIA experiments by Alston Chase called "A Mind For Murder". I know you have a serious interest in Ted as a Z suspect and a serious interest in possible occult groups as Z suspects. One of these theories could be right but probably not both. Only possible exception IMO is Arlis Perry murder which one trail leads to occult and one trail leads to anti – behavioral scientist killer living near N Dakota. Keep in mind evidence shows Ted would do attacks leaving fake clues to point blame at other people and groups – Iranian Students Assoc, anti lawyer groups, racist groups, Christian fundamentalists, Berkeley professors Wu and R.V.


Posted : March 12, 2015 5:37 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

Here is a close up of that photo. He looks fairly young.

Posted : March 15, 2015 9:30 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Here is a close up of that photo. He looks fairly young.

…and not having any round face at all..



Posted : May 15, 2015 2:29 pm
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

This photo is from the auction. I found it on google image search. It looks to be the actual packaging of the recovered bomb. I’m not sure if the bomb is a recreation or the actual one found. The letter reads:

New York Times:
This is a message from FC
If the enclosed manuscript is published feasibly printed and receives wide public exposure, we will permanently desist from terrorism in __ with the agreement that we proposed in our last letter to you.
In that letter we stated that whoever agreed to publish the manuscript was to have exclusive rights to it for six months, after which the material was to become public property. We are willing to be flexible about the six month limit. The reason we offered exclusive rights (temporarily) was to provide an incentive for publication of the manuscript. Presumably, whoever published it would hope to profit by doing so. We assume that the six month limit should be ample if the material is published in a periodical, but if it is published in book form ___ __ don’t know how long the publisher would need exclusive rights in order to have a reasonable expectation of making a profit. So if the New York Times arranges for publication in book form, we leave the period of exclusive rights to your discretion. But it should be no longer than necessary and in any case must not exceed one year, unless you publish in the Times as good and convincing reasons for making it longer than that. We don’t want our material to remain locked up by a copyright, especially if it is published in the form of a book and the book doesn’t sell.
Contrary to what the FBI has suggested, our bombing at the California Forestry Association was in no way inspired by the Oklahoma City bombing. We strongly deplore the kind of indiscriminate slaughter that occurred in the Oklahoma City event. We have no regret about the fact that our bomb blew up the “wrong” man, Gilbert Murray, instead of William M. Dennison, to whom it was addressed. Though Murray did not have Dennison’s inflammatory style he was pursuing the same goals, and he probably pursuing them more effectively because of the very fact that he was not inflammatory.

Posted : July 23, 2015 9:49 am
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