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MK-ULTRA, Phoenix program and related parallels in the UNABOMBER case

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The Ted K as the ZODIAC is in an interesting hypothesis with wide implications. Dig and you will see… I would like to start with the most simple Unabomber implication. As far as I know, no one was able to fully determine the logistics of this perp throughout the 78-97 period with some notable exceptions. The Federal case has severe shortcomings that if challenged would be imply an alibi on some of the mailing trips. Plus all the manufacturing and testing locations for the devices were never found out. Finally, the personage that was used to fool the fine folks in Helena would be easily spotted in a more urban polite setting. Meaning he had to have some location for a makeshift. So please correct me if I am wrong. Besides the frequent travelling and staying in a Hotel in Lincoln what else is known of his whereabouts doing many of the possible murder trips. I do not doubt that Ted would have arranged for secret hideouts. All seems to suggest that he was trained and or evolved to operate behind enemy lines. Phoenix program killers in Vietnam were prepared to do exactly the same. There is even a famous perp from the military that achieved the highest killing rate in Nam and come back to hunt ladies and other insane stuff. He had been soaked in LSD, as a MK-ULTRA experiment. Now Ted links to MK-ULTRA in Harvard to one of the program heavies. He also links to NAM in Michigan, where CIA literally recruited and employed the University as major base of operations to run south NAM in the build up for the war. So please feel free to add something to this or ask any question on this topic. WARNING… This can get weird… LOL!!!

Posted : May 27, 2023 3:26 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Well Ted pled guilty to the Unabomber crimes and the Unabomber manifesto in its original typed version was found in his cabin.  His coded journals, deciphered by the FBI by means of the key found in his cabin,  detail all the Unabomber crimes, so I do not think there can be any serious doubt as to his guilt.

Yes TK did have very good skills in bomb making,  evading detection, also good skills as a hunter,  survivalist and hiker. But I don’t see him as being a conscious agent for any government agency.  He hated the government,  what he called the “police state” and considered (sometimes rationally and sometimes irrationally) that the technocratic state and what he called the modern techno – industrial society practiced “mind control” over the masses.


If anything Ted was a victim of abusive practices of the probable CIA “studies” program at Harvard University.  It very likely contributed to his sense of isolation and his developing mental illness.





Posted : May 30, 2023 7:03 am
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@ak-wilks I do not doubt by any means his guilt. However, as it is widely known, he never had to confess, neither the state investigated in its full capacity the logistics involved in committing a specific bombing. By that I mean the following. First he had to get materials. He seems to have both social skills and knowledge of sites were to get for example cyanide, thus allowing him to be a credible suspect for the Tylenol murders. Then he would have to make and maybe test the devices. Where? For what I read, this was never determined. Finally he had to mail/transport it in a way that would confuse investigators. Meaning that he had probably to put a disguise, so that he could go around without being noticed. One thing more, in his travelings he had to stay somewhere. It is acceptable to believe that he could play the hobo easily. The state however does not want to investigate. The only reason I find is that someone stops this from happening because the revelations would be, well, insane. 

Now having stated that I want to propose that this man is trained extensively in fighting behind enemy lines. He is also building up a terror campaign that concludes in a logical statement which impacts perceptions and even creates a sort of a sub culture. It is also possible that he was the Zodiac, and likely, that he is one of the best suspects for the Tylenol murderer. The killings evolved and he become more effective and found ways to avoid exposure, however the evolution towards a terror campaign only happens as the unabomber. Maybe the tylenol murders were the result of frustration with the initial inefficacy of the bombing devices, but he quickly understood that the public reaction would backfire if he played the terror game.

Now for the sake of the discussion I conclude with the basics of fighting behind enemy lines. Live in the forest and approach farms mainly to get food and other supplies. Limit your interaction with local folks to the extent that you are sure not to be exposed by them. Looks like what Ted was practicing in Montana. Michigan state university was building up the intelligence system to feed the phoenix program operation in NAM. Northern Michigan with all those lakes looks great to train some folks during summer. What I am looking for is more information on these possibilities.

Now a bone. The Harvard operation led by Murray is obviously running a Rape of the Mind kind of thing. Think book. He is an interrogation expert, wrote the manual and trained agents to withstand it. Think Nazi SS during Netherlands occupation. Population demoralisation to release the military personnel for war business.  Trained assassins programs seems to gravitate on these techniques but most of the subjects required, that we know of, some sort of programming, either hypnotism or drugs. What I propose is that maybe Murray is doing recruiting. After all Ted had a code name, like and asset or agent, couldn’t be bothered by the trials, and like is brother is initiated at the early age of 16. Both are able to leave totally off grid and are obviously individuals that are able to form an opinion out of their own minds. Sounds awfully like he was trained to have no fear. Maybe he went rough. Maybe that was the plan. Maybe… and now I will propose something trully insane.

As the Messiah in Frank Herbet Dune once he realized the future he only saw one solution. Kill, Kill , Kill. Motif – save the humankind. Teds proposals are airtight in logical terms but they lead to a collapse in civilization. I understand this better than most but rather dwell on it progressively. Does Ted answer the old age question what if the prescient one was raised outside the halls of power… Then he was shut down by his sister in law… LOL, and his brother sold us somewhat of half baked narrative. He kept is cool while at Supermax… Got used to it like he said…

Posted : May 31, 2023 2:54 am
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@ak-wilks Ted is right on that. The state systematically operates mind control on the population. It is likely that the industrialization after WW2 would not be possible without creating hallucinations in the mind of most of the populace. This has implications and can and will backfire, however the evolution has been remarkable. The system however requires the constant production of narrative content for the sake of dopamine feeds. Ted was probably choosing his victims based on his perceptions of mind controlled subjects, what he calls leftists, he knows better but wants to communicate in a fashion that is prescient and reaches the reader, and later focused on wider terror objectives with the purpose of demolishing the industrial system.

Posted : May 31, 2023 3:13 am