Yep looking forward to the rest of Breaking Bad but still like Walt somewhat. Looking forward to Walking Dead in the fall also and to me those are the two best shows on TV. As for Dexter I have season 3 I got off of Amazon months back and need to start watching them and seen the first two seasons. Some shows do get old after so many seasons and The Sopranos kinda did to me and specially 24. After the 5th season of 24 it just became the same old thing and I really loved that show but couldn’t watch no more.
Twin Peaks, now that takes me back… sometime in the haze that is my memory. Watching Teen Wolf (the series not the film).
Please don’t tell me who killed Laura. I know there maybe researchers out there that linker her murder to Zodiac.
Been keeping up with ABC Whodunnit and I think I know who the killer is lol. Anybody else watching ?
I like Covert Affairs which just started its new season this week. It’s on USA Network. I suppose it’s a bit of a night time soap opera but with plenty of action and intrigue.
One for the weird file.
Yesterday ,Sunday I was working outside in the field and shop, to take a break and because it was a drippy misty day I came in the house and went downstairs to rest and turned on the DVD of Zodiac . I’ll watch a few scenes mostly the first part of it. I watched the Stein killing /investigation
and turned it off and came upstairs . 3-5min later I turned on the TV and saw exactly what I just viewed on the DVD. Fox decided to run Zodiac because it was a dreary day and most people were home. cool beause it was the wide screne version and looked totaly different on a newer HD screen upstairs I watched the rest of it ,but pissed me off I missed the start though.
The Mentalist , SpongeBob SquarePants with my son ,Brazilian soccer championship second division, my team is Parana Clube
Shark Week on Discovery Channel…so awesome..I’m NEVER surfing again btw
Dexter seems to have lost it’s sense of humour lately I think, and I miss Yvonne Strahovski.
Still, I just gotta know what happens.
Will they marry him off to his ex-wife / sister? Will she swear at the wedding if they do? Will they live happily ever after? Gripping stuff.
I watched "Southcliffe" last night – a drama about a shooting in a town in the UK. A bit like the dreadful shooting spree in Hungerford.
Here’s a wiki link, for people who like wiki links:
It was depressing rubbish. I recommend Sponge Bob instead.
Go Parana Clube!
saw Old Dex And His Code along with Ray D This Last Sunday.It’s gettin…good. Sept.10.13 on FX is The Sons Of A
Ride Hard Or die Trying. Another… day stay alive on Desert Moon Drive.
CSI NY now , and then sleep, it will be a long week of many retirements and medical licenses to INSS pensioners during the week
but I can not complain, I love what I do!
Breaking Bad
At this moment…. American Picker’s
I ordered "Django Unchained" from Love films (on DVD), and last night I ended up watching "Django" instead – the original 1966 movie directed by Sergio Corbucci, with Franco Nero in the title role. Very much not what I’d hoped for, but I must say, it was a good laugh.
Breaking Bad
The last two eps have been a little dull but expect it to heat up soon.