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wow. !!!Code of Lan…
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wow. !!!Code of Langren

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Is there any link to any solution?

I see some English text, with reference to French cleartext as well as the cipher itself. What I DONT see is the French cleartext? THUS have not seen any cleartext yet, at least not on the link provided. Did you miss to send the correct link (‘wow’) or did you simply take the English text ‘for granted’ to be a solution without knowing the french one?

Because CERTAINLY the given English text is not a direct solution to the cipher, at least not according to what is written there:

"The code, enciphered in the French language (despite its introduction), decoded to "Michel Florencio van Langren says that one should make…"

Thanks (not sure what is going on at the moment but to claim a cipher to be solved is a difference to actually SOLVING it? It MIGHT be correct but wouldn’t it be useful to PROVIDE the solution itself?? Otherwise I could say KRYPTO4 is solved with the following text: A fox went over the butcher and cooked some chicken etc…but actually it was enciphered in Italian)..so yeah, have I solved it now’?

Jarlve thanks for clarifying



Posted : January 25, 2021 5:43 am
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Hi Mr Quicktrader :)
Actually, I didn’t see the solution itself, only the news, I was surprised by the fact itself, in short, he helped decipher (I know you don’t agree, yet, with the team’s solution) the 340 cipher and earlier this year also decipher that code of more than 300 years old. As I understand it, unless Jarvle posts something around, we will only have something in the next issue of "EOS Science".

This article in Frances says something about. https://www.7sur7.be/belgique/ce-mysterieux-belge-est-l-un-des-meilleurs-decrypteurs-au-monde-il-pourrait-facilement-travailler-pour-le-fbi~ab6b8abc/

Pour éviter que d’autres ne copient son idée, il l’a fait avec un code secret. Ce n’est qu’aujourd’hui, près de 400 ans plus tard, que Jarl Van Eycke a pu le déchiffrer. Par exemple, les deux premières lignes: “ImieV9 ap3Apa Ihrr5e tlSmeIf9 5lesEortEr 5e eadnu9c Rtl9e9T omgupea Nſnnd cAlveMa / dfneagL p9rIir5 rEant tdTeo9Imnc5T9t noqCtuN veroQn nnmEef alarRl 9kIe raIman” ont été traduites en un rien de temps en vieux français: “michel florencio uanlangren dictq von faira”. Cette dernière phrase se traduit aujourd’hui comme ceci: “Michel Florencio van Langren dit qu’il faut faire…”. Le reste du texte déchiffré explique “que l’heure et la position en mer peuvent être déterminées avec deux horloges à eau couplées ensemble”.

Pour en savoir plus sur le décryptage, consultez le dernier numéro de “EOS Science”.



Posted : January 25, 2021 8:06 am
Posts: 2598
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Ok, so in fact there is NO solution available here around in French (I do speak French), at least we do not know about it. But a math professor tells us how genius and that he should work for the FBI / Belgium secret service. Lol – did I miss something? The whole professor’s (teacher?) comments lacks of professionalism, imo.

Well, Jarle should be around here to clarify regarding his self-proclaimed (?) solution, if it is one, after all. Meanwhile I provide you some translation of the article. The only thing is (guess what): It does not contain any solution. Also, I checked the last three editions of EOS – nothing to be seen adhoc about such solution, either.

Next edition… :?: February edition is out but couldn’t find anything. Print version? Or did the editor simply not see any solution, yet? Also, when searching for ‘Langren’, there is no result (at all)..I will have a look in the March edition but that’s it. At Klaus’ Kryptokolumne – no solution. All we have seen, so far, is a (one out of a million) newspaper article.

I mean really, do I miss something? Does it take only one newspaper / magazine article to ‘solve’ a cipher? Guess I should call my professor…



This mysterious Belgian is one of the best crackers in the world: "He could easily work for the FBI"
One of the best cryptologists in the world, if not the best, turns out to be a Flemish logistician. After recently deciphering a secret coded message from the American serial killer “Zodiac Killer”, Jarl Van Eycke has deciphered the 400-year-old “Langren Code”. “In barely a week,” mathematics professor Dirk Huylebrouck expressed euphoria: “This man can easily work with the Belgian army or the FBI.”

Last December, three crypto enthusiasts announced that they had succeeded in deciphering one of the coded messages sent over 50 years ago by the mysterious “Zodiac Killer”, who had terrorized northern California in the late 1960s and remains unanswered. identified to date.

This message was sent in November 1969 to the daily San Francisco Chronicle by the alleged serial killer, who claimed at least 37 victims in the United States. Its code, consisting of a series of cryptic letters and symbols in tabular form, has held authorities and amateur investigators in check ever since.

The identity of the killer was not in the letter
An American, an Australian and a Belgian, Jarl Van Eycke, therefore managed to decipher all the strange symbols in understandable language and in sentences such as: “I am not afraid of the gas chamber, because it will send me to paradise even faster ”.

"Zodiac Killer" enthusiasts, who received a thank you letter from the FBI, hoped this coded message contained the identity of the criminal. But according to the trio of enthusiasts who “broke” the code, these are just a few sentences in which the killer brags about, defies authorities and seems to be raving without actually shedding light on his motives or revealing who he is.

The “Langren Code” deciphered, 400 years later
A month after this feat, Jarl Van Eycke deciphered the “Langren Code” … 400 years old. So he solved a gigantic new enigma which was the secret handwriting of Brussels astronomer Michiel van Langren.

“Jarl Van Eycke is just a genius,” famous math professor Dirk Huylebrouck told Het Laatste Nieuws. “For at least ten years I have been peddling this ‘Langren code’ everywhere. I have posted it on countless internet forums. Always in vain. And then, after hearing of a message from the "Zodiac Killer" deciphered, I went looking for Jarl. This is not an easy task, as it avoids all attention on its own and is very difficult to find. But when I managed to send him an email, he managed to solve the riddle within a week. "

A (very) discreet genius
“What no one has been able to do in 400 years he solved in seven days. With a colleague, I just had to ‘clean up’ Michiel van Langren’s script, but Jarl did 99.9% of the job. After this new achievement, I am convinced that the deciphering of the Z Zodiac Slayer ’message is also due mainly to Jarl, and less to the other two”.

While the other two crypto enthusiasts were widely celebrated by the world press, there was hardly any trace of Jarl Van Eycke. “He is very reluctant to contact and even less to the media,” says Dirk Huylebroeck. “Even I never spoke to him directly. In recent weeks, all of our contacts have been made by e-mail and SMS. He was always very friendly and distinguished. But he just hates being in the limelight, let alone being called a genius. He even asked that his name not be mentioned in the article on the decoded Langren code which is now in “EOS Science”. But luckily, we didn’t, because Jarl really deserves this praise. To me, he’s one of the best decipherers in the world, if not the best. "

“Jarl Van Eycke should be a world famous name”
“Have you ever seen the movie“ Rain Man ”with Dustin Hofmann? For me, Jarl is like that. In a tangle of numbers or symbols, he sees patterns and connections in no time at all others will never see. In all modesty, he himself refers to special computer programs, but all these puzzles would have long since been solved by others, right? After all, they can have the same software at their disposal. Again, Jarl Van Eycke should be a world famous name ”, explains Dirk Huylebroeck.

“I have been told that he regularly participates in running competitions in the Waasland region and that he works as an assistant in a pharmaceutical logistics company in Antwerp. But in fact, this man should at least have to work as a teacher. Or better yet: with the intelligence service of the Belgian army or the American FBI. There he would be completely at home, ”concludes the math teacher.


Posted : January 26, 2021 12:37 am
Posts: 764
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Well ,Mr Quicktrader , I imagine, Mr Jarvle is retired from the board.
Let’s wait for publications.
I take my leap of faith, because he, imo, is actually brilliant.
Time is Lord of Reason


Posted : January 26, 2021 1:02 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Well ,Mr Quicktrader , I imagine, Mr Jarvle is retired from the board.
Let’s wait for publications.
I take my leap of faith, because he, imo, is actually brilliant.
Time is Lord of Reason

I’m sure he is..hope his find is brilliant, too.



Posted : January 26, 2021 7:31 pm
Posts: 84
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Why not wait for the publication before you get cynical? Have a little faith :)

Posted : January 27, 2021 3:18 am
Posts: 2598
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Why not wait for the publication before you get cynical? Have a little faith :)

Unsure what you refer to when mentioning ‘getting cynical’? You talk about the March edition, correct? Because February is already out (article was from January). Faith is one thing, cipher is another.

To be honest: Never ever would I refer to any solution before providing such. Way, it’s fully ok to deliver it one month later, of course.

Meanwhile: The professor seems to be focussed on Africa, Mathematics and Architecture. Yes, from Leuven or Löwen some US presidents had come from – and my generation comes from Löwenherz / Lionheart – ok. The town has ~101,000 inhabitants.


OK I will wait one month to see if that professor was ‘right’. One month in 386 years is ok to me.



Posted : January 27, 2021 3:41 am
Posts: 2547
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For now the details of the decryption have remained exclusive to the EOS magazine of February pages 74 to 77.

Klaus will make a post somewhere next month.


Posted : January 27, 2021 7:31 pm
Posts: 608
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For now the details of the decryption have remained exclusive to the EOS magazine of February pages 74 to 77.

Klaus will make a post somewhere next month.

That’s fair enough. At least they are being published by a reputable source.

I think your work on everything has been fantastic. You are actually the one standing out in all of this for various reasons but mainly you’re open-minded enough to realize there are no hard and fast rules about how to tackle this stuff for customized ciphers but not so open-minded that your brains plop out.

I wish you the best of luck. You have a powerful set of tools and hopefully, they stay out of the wrong hands. Namely your brain for starters.


www.zodiachalloweencard.com has a 400 paged book for free containing the super solution with an overarching explanation of the cards and more.

Posted : January 27, 2021 10:52 pm
Posts: 2598
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One needs to be a Watson to understand..the EOS Science Magazine, February 2021 edition, has 52 pages.

Thus, I guess you refer to the Netherlands "EOS Wetenschap" magazine instead? Is there any possibility to see the self- or better teacher-proclaimed ‘solution’ without paying 6 bucks for some online magazine? Not even knowing which one you guys refer to, friendly?

Jarl you know I appreciate what you do (and all comments related to it). You may want to provide your findings, if you want to. Let’s see what / if Klaus will comment on it, too.

At the moment it’s like "Hurray a solution is found, let’s praise it – but if you want to see either wait or pay 6 bucks for some NL magazine.."



Posted : January 27, 2021 11:06 pm
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but mainly you’re open-minded enough to realize there are no hard and fast rules about how to tackle this stuff for customized ciphers but not so open-minded that your brains plop out.

Very well placed Mr BDHOLLAND
I mean, out of that topic, for example, the last two lines of the deciphered 340, transposed in a mirror, would dislike a lot of codebreakers, being that, justly, the transposition in mirror is that of a kind of game, which was in that characteristic period of Z (idiosyncratic).
These two lines look like newspaper collages made by a madman, which, imo, reinforces the validity even more. Expecting the decoding to follow all the manuals would be strange. As far as I know, Zodiaco has never signed a term of commitment with the American Crypto Association, and as far as I know, there is no international association of zodiac killers.

Well, let’s wait for the topic to be published.


Posted : January 28, 2021 12:07 am
Posts: 608
Honorable Member

but mainly you’re open-minded enough to realize there are no hard and fast rules about how to tackle this stuff for customized ciphers but not so open-minded that your brains plop out.

These two lines look like newspaper collages made by a madman, which, imo, reinforces the validity even more. Expecting the decoding to follow all the manuals would be strange. As far as I know, Zodiaco has never signed a term of commitment with the American Crypto Association, and as far as I know, there is no international association of zodiac killers.

This is it. The topic isn’t just cryptology. It is cryptology + forensic psychology.

In fact even the Z340 solve introduces forensic psychology (just like the Harden’s used it with the Z408 solve).

The term Gas Chamber is why one down, two across was selected for checking out. Harden’s used the word Kill.

The peer review articles for cryptology is vast. The peer review articles for forensic psychology is vast. However the peer review articles for cryptology + forensic psychology is minuscule. It is so specialized and virtually non-existent that anyone laying rules down omitting forensic psychology aspects of the Zodiac couldn’t produce the Z340 solve. You have to hack your way through the middle part, apply different methodology for the two lines and then fix what the Zodiac got wrong. As a cipher if you sent that to someone to decode they would be contacting your supervisor to tell them that they have an amateur coder who messed it up and was also messing around deliberately. The argument the Z340 isn’t a valid cipher is probably true because of all the conditions imposed on it to tease out a result.

I am puzzled why the Zodiac didn’t just send a communication out explaining how to solve it. It doesn’t seemingly contain anything that can point back at him. He explained the Z408 in the concerned citizen communication but maybe that is because someone solved it first. Maybe he realized he messed it up so badly that he decided to leave it alone because it looked bad.

Goes to show that whatever standards being levied around evaporate when faced with a series of multiple coincidences pointing at the same thing.

www.zodiachalloweencard.com has a 400 paged book for free containing the super solution with an overarching explanation of the cards and more.

Posted : January 28, 2021 6:45 am
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formidable thoughts.

The argument the Z340 isn’t a valid cipher is probably true because of all the conditions imposed on it to tease out a result.


Better definition of what I wanted to say does not exist


Posted : January 28, 2021 7:36 am
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Here is the decoding process on a Klaus Schmeh site

Once again, congratulations Jarvle


Posted : February 19, 2021 3:06 am
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