Zodiac Discussion Forum

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Salt Point is where you go abalone diving. You typically get in the water at daybreak and are finished before noon. Plenty of time to travel to Berryessa.

However, Mike Rodelli’s excellent book points out that Lindsey Robbins and Foulke both laughed off Allen as the man they saw that night.

Posted : March 14, 2018 10:35 pm
Posts: 1588
Member Moderator

Salt Point is where you go abalone diving. You typically get in the water at daybreak and are finished before noon. Plenty of time to travel to Berryessa.

However, Mike Rodelli’s excellent book points out that Lindsey Robbins and Foulke both laughed off Allen as the man they saw that night.

Nice of you to point out Mike R’s Book & Excellent Research—hope you gave him a raving book review on Amazon!! Looks like he’s getting some great reviews!
Sincerely, Zam*

If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote

Posted : March 16, 2018 9:57 am
Posts: 475
Reputable Member

others had reported that allen had bloody knives in his car the day of the attack, and allen admitted to police that he did in fact have the bloody knives on that day, only allen claims he killed a chicken.

I’ve always found that very odd. I mean, where the hell did he get a chicken to kill? Did he find one running around? Did he bring one with him? I would think the police asked him about that but have never seen it explained.

Either way, ALA was one very strange dude. This is a very weird thing to say, IMO, from a TV interview he did shortly before his death…

I couldn’t murder anyone, it’s difficult as hell, and it can be terribly depressing….

How does he know how difficult it is and how it’s depressing? Sounds like the voice of experience speaking. Until we have irrefutable evidence someone else was the Zodiac, ALA will always be a prime suspect to me.

I have thought about that as well, I mean, is it common for people to transport live animals with them to slaughter for lunch? I have lived in northern California and I can’t say that there are many chickens just roaming around the bay area wild…what a strange story, and why not just deny possession of the bloody knives?

As I said, if allen was not zodiac, he really did not help the situation, it is almost as if he enjoyed being under suspicion, and he seemed to be intentionally hinting to the police that it was probably him, whether this was the case or not.

…even to this day it’s hard for me to let Arthur go as a suspect, and Arthur himself really did not help that.

As for that comment, its classic Arthur Leigh Allen, he always leaves you thinking "maybe he was zodiac", I’m not sure if it’s intentional, but it is frustrating.

In one interview a reporter asked "are you the zodiac killer" and Arthur replied "I am absolutely not the zodiac killer, putting heavy emphasis on the word killer, as if to say "I am not the zodiac killer, I don’t kill zodiacs, I am zodiac. Classic allen, what a jerk.

I still really think there is a strong possibility that either allen was zodiac or that he was somehow involved, though I try to keep these feelings and personal views out of my research and case building. Cheney and Allen have never Sat well with me.

Posted : March 16, 2018 5:31 pm
Posts: 475
Reputable Member

Salt Point is where you go abalone diving. You typically get in the water at daybreak and are finished before noon. Plenty of time to travel to Berryessa.

However, Mike Rodelli’s excellent book points out that Lindsey Robbins and Foulke both laughed off Allen as the man they saw that night.

Nice of you to point out Mike R’s Book & Excellent Research—hope you gave him a raving book review on Amazon!! Looks like he’s getting some great reviews!
Sincerely, Zam*


I’ve read the Mike Rodelli book, not bad.

"when George Bawart of the Vallejo Police Department showed Lindsey Robbins a photo of Arthur Leigh Allen, as discussed earlier, Lindsey said he completely laughed off the possibility that Allen was the man he has seen that night."

-The Hunt for Zodiac: The Inconceivable Double Life of a Notorious Serial Killer
Book by Mike Rodelli


A timeline that strongly suggests the person seen by the three teenagers is not the killer of Paul Stine, just an accomplice to the crime. This could possibly explain the disparity of hair color and age range given by the older teenagers and Officer Donald Fouke, which has a median age difference of almost 13 years and a maximum difference of 20 years.
https://www.zodiacciphers.com/zodiac-ne … eights-pt2

…as far as Donald Fouke’s account I have some issues. Zodiac should have been covered in blood, so, even though fouke was looking for a black male, surely he would have noticed if the man was covered in blood… he dod not see the blood yet he was able to get a good look at key facial features?

Fouke also gives several accounts, one of the "lumbering man" passing his car, one of a man spotted running into a stairwell at at 3712 Jackson, and one account of a man near Maple and Jackson.

The Zodiac Killer turns out of view from Lindsey Robbins and Armond Pelissetti, and heads down the hill towards 3758 Jackson Street, where he observes the patrol car of Donald Fouke approaching. He makes a snap decision to turn into the stairs of a residence and is spotted by the patrol car. Because he is white (and police are searching for a NMA), they ask him has he seen anything suspicious. He gratefully directs them south on Cherry and east on Washington Street, before continuing his journey down the hill. https://www.zodiacciphers.com/zodiac-ne … s%20murder

Seems like there is a mess of misinformation to sort through…

Posted : March 16, 2018 6:08 pm
Posts: 653
Honorable Member

Nice of you to point out Mike R’s Book & Excellent Research—hope you gave him a raving book review on Amazon!! Looks like he’s getting some great reviews!

I haven’t finished the book yet, but it’s clear Mike Rodelli put his blood, sweat and tears into it. Well worth reading.

I went from giving Qvale as a suspect zero credibility to scratching my head on a number of fronts.

It would be nice to track down the DMV letter.

Posted : March 16, 2018 8:17 pm
Posts: 798
Prominent Member

Not to sound like I am shooting down your ideas, because they are interesting, but personally I would need some better evidence. A good deal of your points could have been coincidence, or could have other reasonable explanations…

Yeah, it’s a load of crap. Gonna need better evidence than that to bring DH into the suspect lineup.

What the poster should have brought up about the Harden’s. Is about Betty writing in Graysmith’s Zodiac book in the library. I stared the Zodiac and will finish it. I will shock the world. Something close to that and makes you wonder and some of her writing looks like Zodiac. Reads to me almost like a confession.

Posted : March 18, 2018 10:30 am
Posts: 475
Reputable Member

Not to sound like I am shooting down your ideas, because they are interesting, but personally I would need some better evidence. A good deal of your points could have been coincidence, or could have other reasonable explanations…

Yeah, it’s a load of crap. Gonna need better evidence than that to bring DH into the suspect lineup.

It’s not convincing, but it is interesting.

…and yes, I agree, better evidence is needed.

But, Regardless, it is important to be respectful.

Also, we do not want people to be afraid to share their ideas because they think they will receive negative response, all ideas are worth being shared.

I know I can seem like a jerk, but I always try to maintain a key level of respect.

I feel you should be honest even if it will potentially upset someone, but that you should always be respectful.

Posted : March 19, 2018 5:34 pm
Posts: 798
Prominent Member

Not to sound like I am shooting down your ideas, because they are interesting, but personally I would need some better evidence. A good deal of your points could have been coincidence, or could have other reasonable explanations…

Yeah, it’s a load of crap. Gonna need better evidence than that to bring DH into the suspect lineup.

It’s not convincing, but it is interesting.

…and yes, I agree, better evidence is needed.

But, Regardless, it is important to be respectful.

Also, we do not want people to be afraid to share their ideas because they think they will receive negative response, all ideas are worth being shared.

I know I can seem like a jerk, but I always try to maintain a key level of respect.

I feel you should be honest even if it will potentially upset someone, but that you should always be respectful.

Did you actually take time and see what I wrote ? Betty Harden kinda gave a confession letter.

Posted : March 19, 2018 6:46 pm
Posts: 798
Prominent Member

I’m trying to educate you Zresearch what you may not know. I’m done though and you seem to like reading your own typing and nothing else.

Posted : March 19, 2018 7:32 pm
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

I’m trying to educate you Zresearch what you may not know. I’m done though and you seem to like reading your own typing and nothing else.

I’m interested, got a link to this stuff?

Posted : March 19, 2018 7:45 pm
Posts: 798
Prominent Member

I’m trying to educate you Zresearch what you may not know. I’m done though and you seem to like reading your own typing and nothing else.

I’m interested, got a link to this stuff?

Should be on here and type Betty Harden on search. I spelled her first name wrong lol.

Posted : March 19, 2018 7:52 pm
Posts: 798
Prominent Member

Here ya go viewtopic.php?f=25&t=805&hilit=Bettye+Harden

Posted : March 19, 2018 8:00 pm
Posts: 475
Reputable Member

Did you actually take time and see what I wrote ? Betty Harden kinda gave a confession letter.

I did see what you wrote. Not convincing.

I was telling curiouscat to be respectful and not call your ideas garbage, but if you want to be a dick about it then screw respecting your ideas.

Posted : March 19, 2018 8:24 pm
Posts: 475
Reputable Member

I’m trying to educate you Zresearch what you may not know. I’m done though and you seem to like reading your own typing and nothing else.


That’s the last time I tell others to respect your nonsense ideas. Jerk.

Posted : March 19, 2018 8:25 pm
Posts: 798
Prominent Member

I’m trying to educate you Zresearch what you may not know. I’m done though and you seem to like reading your own typing and nothing else.


That’s the last time I tell others to respect your nonsense ideas. Jerk.

Who gives a crap. check out the link I posted and be cool on your thoughts of it!

Posted : March 19, 2018 8:31 pm
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