I think the zodiac is going to be discovered soon and I think a lot of people are going to be very sad because they have the wrong person of interest. Some people may have nervous breakdowns over it. Oh yes many people are going to have to take psychotic medication when they find out the zodiac is not the one they thought he was.
I think the zodiac is going to be discovered soon and I think a lot of people are going to be very sad because they have the wrong person of interest. Some people may have nervous breakdowns over it. Oh yes many people are going to have to take psychotic medication when they find out the zodiac is not the one they thought he was.
Bbbut I thought he got "whacked out?" Or was a team? But now Zodiac is back to being a lone person?
Have patience Cowboy it is a virtue. We will get to the bottom of this caper before too long. Then what will you do with yourself?
The idea here is that this is a question. Did zodiac get whacked out? Please refrain from jumping the gun in stating that Zodiac was in fact whacked out. We do not know this for sure. This matter is still conjecture at this time merely speculation. To come to this conclusion will require more proof. And we are still digging are we not?
The idea here is that this is a question. Did zodiac get whacked out? Please refrain from jumping the gun in stating that Zodiac was in fact whacked out. We do not know this for sure.
by Holmes201 » Fri Oct 04, 2019 9:40 pm
He was killed by one of potential victims. There is no other answer.
Question: Do they let you out on weekends?
Taken out of context MC. If Zodiac continued his modus operendi he would most certainly meet his fate through violence. He would be killed if he kept at it in such a fashion. Its early and you are about.The Midnight Cowboy is a midnight rambler I thought.
You should have played Ratzo Rizzo.
You should have played Ratzo Rizzo.
So what do you do in your spare time, when you aren’t trying to destroy morf’s forum with stupid nonsense?
Taken out of context.
I directly quoted you.
Quote take-out of context. Happens all the time in communications. We must live with this inherent shortcoming else we would become like computers ourselves.
Many believe Fred Manelli was referenced in the 1976 classified Zodiac deep RE ad. He was killed the day before the ad was placed for the next days newspaper edition. Many believe The Zodiac, was a small group of killers. Who’s to say. No matter what theories you hold we must press on to solve this case if possible.
You should have played Ratzo Rizzo.
So what do you do in your spare time, when you aren’t trying to destroy morf’s forum with stupid nonsense?
I enjoy this forum Cowboy. Why would I want to destroy it? I understand you are a very animated character who gets worked up over the slightest challenge to your far out theories. Your ideas have been debunked numerous times, more times than I would care to count. Now you must find a whipping boy for yourself. Well I certainly understand your constant frustration stemming from your loose theories on this case.
Momma don’t let your babies grow up to be Cowboy.
Holmes201, you bring up some interesting theories and thoughts about this case. I also like your music references. Over the years, many of us have gone down hundreds , if not thousands of rabbit holes researching suspects. It seems that we are no closer than LE was back in’69. I am at the point that maybe the way to take another look at the whole case is thinking that there is no box and have an open mind. One of your points about The Zodiac possibly taking LSD is intriguing. Back in the day, some people had revelations. Some had the feeling of being able to understand the universe and mankind. So, what if he did take LSD? Could it relate as to how and why he devised his ciphers? It may have made perfect sense to him. Go ask Alice…I think she’ll know.
"Holmes201" didn’t introduce the idea that Zodiac might have used drugs, it’s been a topic of discussion for 50 years.