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Four-Pi Movement

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I like it Norse.. now stick it on a map and run a line through it ..See what towns, mountain tops, cities, airfields etc it runs over, see if anything pops out.

Will do – just have to crack that pesky cipher first!

Posted : March 11, 2015 7:30 pm
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

One might also mention, FWIW, that Z’s hint, "radians and inches along the radians", is arguably not indicative of someone familiar with the exact nature of a radian.

What I mean is that "inches" isn’t really something you operate with "along" a radian, the latter being, well, angular. You can, of course, measure inches along one foot of a radian – but the hint taken at face value actually has no meaning, it’s a contradiction in terms, even.

Bear in mind that I’m a rank amateur when it comes to mathematical matters, so I’m more than happy to be corrected – but I do believe the above is more or less right.

Posted : March 12, 2015 1:17 pm
Posts: 1197
Noble Member

because Z used a map I have been assuming that he means inches or to be more precise (approx 1" = 21 miles) as the legend shows at the bottom of the large map and I think on that Diablo part of the map it was (approx 1" = 6? miles). So find your angle 57 degrees or whatever it is, find your inches and x it by the miles gets ya to where you need to be. I’m a spud at this to Norse so don’t beat me up.

Posted : March 12, 2015 1:38 pm
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

because Z used a map I have been assuming that he means inches or to be more precise (approx 1" = 21 miles) as the legend shows at the bottom of the large map and I think on that Diablo part of the map it was (approx 1" = 6? miles). So find your angle 57 degrees or whatever it is, find your inches and x it by the miles gets ya to where you need to be. I’m a spud at this to Norse so don’t beat me up.

Yes – like we discussed in the suspect thread, something like the following is conceivable:

The solved cipher reads: "X inches, X degrees." Now, the solver of the puzzle needs to be a little imaginative (but not much either): Draw a line, X inches long, at X degrees, starting from Mt Diablo. The end point of this line is one of three points in a triangle – the other two being Mt Diablo and magnetic north. Well, does your triangle form a radian? Bingo. If it does NOT, you try the same thing again, but starting from mag. north rather than from Mt Diablo. *

Possible? I’d say it is – sort of, kind of (like all these suggestions). We’ll have to crack the damn cipher, though – that’s the only way we’ll be sure.

* There’s a problem with this, on closer inspection. If you have points 1 and 2 (Mt Diablo and the location indicated by "X degrees and X inches", you can simply complete the triangle using mag. north as point 3. But starting from mag. north is a different kettle of fish, as it (mag. north) obviously isn’t a particular point on the map. Oh, well. For the sake of argument we can always say that Z intended for the solver to draw the line (degree/inches) from Mt Diablo – and that’s that. My "try this, if it fails, try that" scenario is actually needlessly complicated.

Posted : March 12, 2015 1:53 pm
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

This is page 6 of the bus bomb letter. This page is not posted here for some reason. It has a circle with marks on it. Could those be incorporated into this discussion?

Posted : March 14, 2015 7:37 am
Posts: 1197
Noble Member

Hi darla, there are a few threads on this topic the zodiacs emblem with the crosses on it. I started one called zodiac month clock I believe.. The. Crosses spell out the word JASON if you use the first letter of each month…..Using it as numbers it gives you 6891011 which is the same number as the Arlington mortuary (riverside) still in use today.. Just strange zynconiocity thing I suppose. I hope you can find other uses for it.

Posted : March 14, 2015 9:34 am
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

This is page 6 of the bus bomb letter. This page is not posted here for some reason. It has a circle with marks on it. Could those be incorporated into this discussion?

It has been theorized before that this could be some sort of "x marks the spot" thing, i.e. if you somehow superimpose the figure drawn by Z on a map, the crosses will turn out to represent locations of importance (victims, possibly).

If we stick to the Phillips 66 map (which seems most logical), we could speculate that Z’s cipher refers to positions on a clock face and inches (a variation on the theme that Z uses the term "radian" very loosely). The figure seen as a clock face has the positions 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 marked.

Solved cipher (just an example, the real solution obviously has to make sense in terms of how many symbols are used in the cipher, etc.): 6 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5

Meaning: Measure out one inch from "6" on the clock, two inches from "8" – and so forth. Possibly after having set "12" to magnetic north before starting the operation.

Pure speculation, of course – the possibilities are endless. But the above at least makes some sense, given the hints provided.

Posted : March 14, 2015 1:16 pm
Posts: 810
Prominent Member

On November 9, 1969, the Zodiac sent out a 6 page letter. In this letter the Zodiac speaks of the following:

1. His current victim count
2. His description
3. His method for avoiding capture
4. His killing tools
5. How clever he is and how inept the police are at catching him
6. An outline for his bomb and the fine details

The first half of this 6 page letter is basically about him and covers 5 of the 6 items listed. The last half is all about his bomb and the fine details. This is the same bonb that the Zodiacs uses as a tool to toy with the public when he sends out the Phillips 66 map and cipher. Why would it seem illogical to think that the crosshair with 5 x’s could have some bearing on the decryption of the Phillips 66 cipher? Really, i find it much harder to believe the x’s represent a tie to victims than i do the latter. I think Darla is right. I think the crosshair with 5 x’s needs to be included.


Posted : March 14, 2015 7:13 pm
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

Why would it seem illogical to think that the crosshair with 5 x’s could have some bearing on the decryption of the Phillips 66 cipher?

Doesn’t seem illogical as such – not to me. The problem is, of course, that it doesn’t seem anywhere near definite either. If we presuppose that Z is not simply jerking his readers around and that there is an actual puzzle to be solved here, I definitely agree that it’s more likely the solution has to do with bombs rather than victims.

He left his victims to be (easily) found, there was never any doubt as to where they were, that is consistent throughout the whole series. I see no reason whatsoever why he would announce either found or unfound victims in this fashion. The former were already known – the latter are no good * to a publicity seeker like Z. My guess that is when he killed someone, he made very sure the fact was known.

Anyway, it’s not easy to see what can be done with this figure unless we combine it with something we do not possess, namely the content of the unsolved cipher. It’s possible that these x-marks signify something, but if we’re playing the game on the premise that Z was actually giving us legitimate clues, we can’t ignore his own statement: What we’re dealing with is a bomb, buried somewhere. The solution concerns magnetic north, Mt Diablo, radians (whatever he meant by this) and inches (along the radians).

Without the key (inches, degrees, positions on the clock, actual radians, who knows what), however, it seems impossible to verify ANY solution here. And the key appears to be in the unsolved cipher. And there we are – stuck.

* By which I mean: It wouldn’t do him him any good to leave cryptic clues as to their whereabouts. This is not in, er, zynch with his known practices: He always leaves the victims in the open, never makes any attempt to hide them. Presumably because he wanted them found quickly, so that he could read about his exploits in the papers as soon as possible.

Posted : March 14, 2015 10:07 pm
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member

I noticed on the cross hair picture that there are two dotts in each quarter of the circle. This seems to indicate some kind of symmetry or math. Five of the dotts are X’ed out.

Posted : March 15, 2015 12:56 am
Posts: 810
Prominent Member

They are 30 degree tic marks.

Norse, i read your post and am trying to figurevout how best to answer it without breaking down vesa’s excellent thread.


Posted : March 15, 2015 1:02 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

Hi darla, there are a few threads on this topic the zodiacs emblem with the crosses on it. I started one called zodiac month clock I believe.. The. Crosses spell out the word JASON if you use the first letter of each month…..Using it as numbers it gives you 6891011 which is the same number as the Arlington mortuary (riverside) still in use today.. Just strange zynconiocity thing I suppose. I hope you can find other uses for it.

Mr Lowe, I do find the telephone number quite interesting. Acheson and Graham Arlington were the funeral directors named on Cheri Jo’s death certificate.


Could the crosshair with the X’s be a reference to Cheri Jo’s murder? The Bus Bomb letter was postmarked Nov. 9, 1969 but any connection between Zodiac and Cheri Jo’s murder was not in the newspaper until Nov. 16, 1970 in an article by Paul Avery.

Law enforcement however had made a connection in Oct. 1969 but it was not made public.


It’s something to think about.


Posted : March 15, 2015 1:22 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Hi darla, there are a few threads on this topic the zodiacs emblem with the crosses on it. I started one called zodiac month clock I believe.. The. Crosses spell out the word JASON if you use the first letter of each month…..Using it as numbers it gives you 6891011 which is the same number as the Arlington mortuary (riverside) still in use today.. Just strange zynconiocity thing I suppose. I hope you can find other uses for it.

Mr Lowe, I do find the telephone number quite interesting. Acheson and Graham Arlington were the funeral directors named on Cheri Jo’s death certificate.


Could the crosshair with the X’s be a reference to Cheri Jo’s murder? The Bus Bomb letter was postmarked Nov. 9, 1969 but any connection between Zodiac and Cheri Jo’s murder was not in the newspaper until Nov. 16, 1970 in an article by Paul Avery.

Law enforcement however had made a connection in Oct. 1969 but it was not made public.


It’s something to think about.

689-XXXX also has ties to Concord, CA (next to Clayton)….and also (707) which is Solano County (Vacaville)

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : March 15, 2015 2:03 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

What kind of ties, Tahoe. Yeah, I’m sure that phone number with different area codes is everywhere. Are the ties as specific as a victim’s mortuary?


Posted : March 15, 2015 2:06 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

What kind of ties, Tahoe. Yeah, I’m sure that phone number with different area codes is everywhere. Are the ties as specific as a victim’s mortuary?

No. I just don’t know if that phone number is specific or coincidental with slight manipulation, but it is interesting.

Here is the link to mr lowe’s thread about it. I will reserve any questions for that thread: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=2075

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : March 15, 2015 2:17 am
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