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Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jack

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Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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Welsh Chappie, Subject: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:14 am

The night Stine was shot, we know Officer Fouke saw a WMA on Jackson St. In his report of the incidence one Month later, Fouke said "Possible suspect seen going North on Maple Street into the Presidio". Julius Kahn playgrond and play fields was surrounded & searched that night within minutes of Fouke first spotting Zodiac on Jackson, and nothing and nobody was found. But, skip foreward 38 years and, in an interview for the documentary ‘This is the Zodiac Speaking’, Officer Fouke states the following…

"He (Suspect) was putting his head down when he spotted the police car, and turned into an entrance way of a house. By entrance way, i mean stairs leading up that are concrete to a path that leads to a front door. Never saw him get to the top of the stairs. You want the address of that residence? * (Bleeped out) Jackson Street. I never put it in the report because i assumed that he didn’t live there."

So, naturally the question has to be…. Has anyone got hold of the actual address thats bleeped out and, if so, who resided there/owned the property in 1969?

The purpose of this question and thread is not to argue the weather Zodiac even walked up steps toward a house or not, and why Fouke left it 38 years befor coming foreward with this info? The point is, Fouke has stated that Zodiac walked toward a front door, and that in itself, should be cause to at least try and discover who’s address it was.

The fact that Fouke left it 38 years to disclose this apparant insignificant piece of information does seem to suggest either his memory, with time and age, has altered the events of that night, or some other reason that only he know. But, Fouke’s claim about the man turning into a house on Jackson St becomes very significant when compared with the Oct 18, 1969 article that appeared in The Chronicle….

"The killer of five who calls himself "Zodiac" is a clumsy criminal, a liar and possibly a latent homosexual.

That’s the opinion of homicide detectives assigned to bring in the boastful mass murderer.

And, says Lee, he is a liar.

"His boast of being in the area we were searching while we were searching it is a lie," Lee said. "We had the whole area flooded with lights. We had seven police dogs and a large number of patrolmen searching the area tree by tree and bush by bush. The dogs are the best in the country.

"A mouse couldn’t have escaped our attention."

In a letter to The Chronicle, Zodiac chided police for not finding him during their search of Julius Kahn Park and a nearby wooded portion of the Presidio.

Lee said the fact that Zodiac failed to mention the dogs and floodlights proves "he wasn’t anywhere in the vicinity."

So, based on the fact Z wasn’t found in JK park, and that its the opinion of The Chief of Inspectors that Zodiac most certainly was not in the vicinity of JK playground and surrounding landscape, wouldn’t this alone give cause to look into Fouke’s claim?

Has anyone been given the address Fouke mentioned in the documentary, and if so, what is the history of the house and its prior occupants?

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:29 am

The person to check with would be Mike R.

It may be Fouke was talking about the "dog walker".

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:39 am

The person to check with would be Mike R.

It may be Fouke was talking about the "dog walker".

I’ve never heard Fouke refer to the dog walker, only Pelissetti. Pelissetti says he encountered a man with a dog in the area of Jackson & Maple, the same area where Fouke claims to have seen a WMA, so the locations would be consistant. But Fouke says nothing of the man he saw having a dog. I mean i suppose if the man Fouke saw did have a dog, he’d have no reason to have turned his car around and head to the Presidio when he was informed the suspect was white, because the suspect isn’t likely to have a dog and is more than likely a resident of the area.

Who is Mike R?

Thanks for the advice AK, appreciate it,

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:49 am

Sorry "Mike R" is Mike Rodelli.

Mike interviewed Fouke, and is very knowledgable about the Stine case.

Mike’s POI is "Mr. X", a very successful businessman who lived in the Presidio Heights area. IIRC Mike believes the "dog walker" was Mr. X.

Mike is a member of this site.

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:56 am

Sorry "Mike R" is Mike Rodelli.

Mike interviewed Fouke, and is very knowledgable about the Stine case.

Mike’s POI is "Mr. X", a very successful businessman who lived in the Presidio Heights area. IIRC Mike believes the "dog walker" was Mr. X.

Mike is a member of this site.

Ok i’ll message him to see if he has any details. Thanks again.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:23 am

At 1:17:50 Officer Pelisetti describes seeing a man walking his dog. Given the time frame I do not see how this man could possibily be Zodiac. He was also older and thinner than the description, with no blood on him. But more importantly, since Zodiac did not have a dog in the cab, how could this be Zodiac? Certainly it would be impossible for Zodiac to go home, clean up and get his dog within seconds.

[flash(425,350)] http://www.youtube.com/v/HI0jnsbZwys [/flash]

At 1:23:00 Fouke strongly denies stopping and talking to a man that night.

At 1:26:00 Pelisetti explains that area is very well lit and that if the man Fouke talked to or saw was Zodiac he would have been covered in visible blood, therefor, Pelisetti feels the man Fouke saw/talked to was NOT Zodiac.

At 1:28:00 Fouke does say the man he saw but did not talk to walked up to the pathway which led to a house on Jackson Street.

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:52 am

At 1:17:50 Officer Pelisetti describes seeing a man walking his dog. Given the time frame I do not see how this man could possibily be Zodiac. He was also older and thinner than the description, with no blood on him. But more importantly, since Zodiac did not have a dog in the cab, how could this be Zodiac? Certainly it would be impossible for Zodiac to go home, clean up and get his dog within seconds.

[flash(425,350)] http://www.youtube.com/v/HI0jnsbZwys [/flash]

At 1:23:00 Fouke strongly denies stopping and talking to a man that night.

At 1:26:00 Pelisetti explains that area is very well lit and that if the man Fouke talked to or saw was Zodiac he would have been covered in visible blood, therefor, Pelisetti feels the man Fouke saw/talked to was NOT Zodiac.

At 1:28:00 Fouke does say the man he saw but did not talk to walked up to the pathway which led to a house on Jackson Street.

Yeah i have watced that documentary countless times, especially the Stine incident segment because so much of what AP & DF say doesn’t seem to add up and, in some instances, outrite contradict each other. As i said in my original reply, i knew Pelissetti had mentioned seeing a man with a dog at Jackson & Maple, but not Fouke.
Another question is, if the man with a dog was at J & M and spoke to AP, then where had he gone when Fouke came up Jackson a minute or so later? The male with a dog wasn’t there, and instead it seems a man matching the suspects description was walking in the area. What’s your opinion AK, two seperate people, or the same man? I have always wondered how, if Pelissetti got down to the intersection of J & M and saw nobody other than a man with a dog, turned and went back up Jackson (not passing anyone on the way back up Jackson), then where did the WMA matching the suspect description come from for Fouke to encounter him, but Pelissetti not? It’s not logical for AP to walk to J & M, see nobody other than a man with a dog, turn and walk back up J street, then a minute or two later, Fouke come driving up Jackson and see a man fitting the suspect description at J & M intersection. Where did this man come from, considering he would have needed to pass Pelissetti as he went back up Jackson st if he came from that way?

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:02 am

But the most troubling aspect in their account in the documentary you have posted is, Pelissetti says that he was made aware of the suspect being White by the teen witness as soon as he arrived on scene, and he ‘couldln’t get to the radio fast enough to let everyone else know’, suggesting he gave out the updated broadcast straight away. After doing so, he then says he walked down Cherry, turned right onto Jackson, went down to Jackson and Maple, saw the dog walker, then decided to turn and head back up Jackson, and left onto Cherry and it was at this point, according to the documentary, that Fouke pulls up and is informed by AP that the suspect is white. But, he’d already broadcast an update before he went down to Jackson and Maple and back, so how could Fouke not have heard the update?

smithy, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:56 am

Pelisetti was in a hurry to tell his dispatcher that the suspect was white – he wasn’t radio’ing everyone else to let them know directly.
It’s quite possible that he told dispatch, went off walking, and saw officer Fouke before the "he’s a white guy" news was broadcast, I guess.
Well – that’s got to be possible, since it seems to be what happened.
Or Fouke missed the broadcast perhaps.

On the other thread you asked:

Just wondering if anyone could clarify something for me. In Fouke’s Nov 12 report, he states that "Possible suspect had been seen going North on Maple St into the Presidio." I’ll pretend it’s because i am not American that i don’t know the answer, and nothing to do with me just being completely clueless when it comes to Cardinal Directions, and ask….
Can you go North on Maple St and end up at Julius Kahn playground?

I’m pleased you asked mate!
I’m not used to these streets laid out in squares (blocks!) either – and nor can I figure out Google maps well enough to suss out where North is.

Which means I’ve another question. If Fouke saw a possible subject going North on Maple, where was he when he says he saw that (same?) subject go up the steps toward the entrance of a house on Jackson. Hmmmm?
Was he on the corner of Maple and Jackson, looking in his rear view mirror, driving South toward the cab down Maple? (On the wrong street!)
Driving West on Jackson, ready to turn South onto Cherry Street?
And did the radio instructions give the correct location, rather than "Over by Washington and Maple?"

It’s all highly confusing.

I think a map with a cab on, and a little graphic of a police car too, would be nice.
I vote for Trav to help out here. ;)

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 6:52 am

It’s in the pipeline believe it or not.

I’ve been reading Z’s and the police destructions and taking measurements and stuff.

Regarding the topic of this thread. I’ve never seen any mention of it having been checked out which either means it wasn’t but more likely it was and proved to be nothing other than confirming that there was no access to the rear from the front of that address anyway. I think if there had been any significance to it we MIGHT have heard.

I also suspect that Fouke and Zelms missed the broadcast because they were having coffee n’ donuts with Z at the time. :suspect:

Welsh Chappie wrote:

Just wondering if anyone could clarify something for me. In Fouke’s Nov 12 report, he states that "Possible suspect had been seen going North on Maple St into the Presidio." I’ll pretend it’s because i am not American that i don’t know the answer, and nothing to do with me just being completely clueless when it comes to Cardinal Directions, and ask….
Can you go North on Maple St and end up at Julius Kahn playground?

NO is the short answer. It will take you to the Presidio but then the playground is one block east or to your right.

OOPS highlighting the murder scene made some street names vanish. Here they are back in.

morf13, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:16 am

I dont even believe that ever happened. I dont believe Fouke when he states this happened.

smithy, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:33 am

I dont even believe that ever happened. I dont believe Fouke when he states this happened.

Watching the guy walk up a set of steps to a house on Jackson, Morf? Neither do I. I think that’s baloney. I wonder why he said it?

Trav – is that yellow pin in the wrong place? What’s it – the cab location? On Spruce? Eh?
I hate geography.
Not to put upon you – much – but would a Google view in "map" mode be easier to see do you think? The satellite view’s horrible.
And if you’d like me to go and get stuffed just say, and I’ll give it a go myself. :P

Drew, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:14 am

Wondering if this could be some attempt on his part to cover for not stopping/apprehending the guy — like saying, it was just a normal-looking guy walking up the steps to his house. What was I supposed to do?

Quicktrader, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:15 am

Hm..I don’t see any reason why Fouke should have lied..he even had described the stairs, the concrete pathway and the number of the house – not to forget also that the Bloch family was in criminal youth supportive activities..had posted it before.


morf13, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:51 am

Hm..I don’t see any reason why Fouke should have lied..he even had described the stairs, the concrete pathway and the number of the house – not to forget also that the Bloch family was in criminal youth supportive activities..had posted it before.


Why did he never mention it before that documentary? Why is it not in his report?

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:26 pm

Red dot crime scene

Green dot – roughly where he was spotted

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:30 pm

Hm..I don’t see any reason why Fouke should have lied..he even had described the stairs, the concrete pathway and the number of the house – not to forget also that the Bloch family was in criminal youth supportive activities..had posted it before.


Why did he never mention it before that documentary? Why is it not in his report?

Exactly. For someone who seems to have a good memory and is so thorough in his reports ("Welsh ancestry", "pleated pants"), it makes no sense at all for him to leave out the house the suspect approached! Drew may have hit on a motive. This became the most famous murder in SF history and eventually became the most famous unsolved serial murder case in America. Fouke may wrestle with feelings of guilt, blame, saving face. Maybe the suspect did walk by the house, but decades later he embellishes, or misremembers, the suspect approaching the house as if to say "Hey the guy lived in the neighborhood, why would I think he was Zodiac, I was looking for a black male."

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:36 pm

Welsh Chappie wrote:

Just wondering if anyone could clarify something for me. In Fouke’s Nov 12 report, he states that "Possible suspect had been seen going North on Maple St into the Presidio." I’ll pretend it’s because i am not American that i don’t know the answer, and nothing to do with me just being completely clueless when it comes to Cardinal Directions, and ask….
Can you go North on Maple St and end up at Julius Kahn playground?

NO is the short answer. It will take you to the Presidio but then the playground is one block east or to your right.

Maple takes you straight to the park There is even a pathway for easy access. Zodiac doesn’t say "playground" and neither does Fouke. Fouke only states "into the Presidio"…..in the area of the playground. Which Maple St. is.

Maple St. entrance:

smithy—regarding google maps. North is ALWAYS at the top. ;)

sandy betts, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:42 pm

I believe that if that was the Zodiac they saw go up those stairs, it was to make them think he lived there when he didn’t. If he was the Zodiac he wouldn’t go towards a house that he knew officers could see him go into , that would be stupid. He had to pretend he lived there, so he wouldn’t be caught is how I see it.
Not noticing any blood on dark clothes would be easy to miss. What if he had on two pairs of pants like Mike M did ? He could slip out of the blood soaked pair, fold them up put them under his jacket couldn’t he ?

I don’t think Mr. X had enough time to clean up ,change his clothes ,get the dog put on a leash and start walking down Jackson st to see what was going on, before the police who were very close at that time got the APB.

I thought I read that the police saw the possible suspect walking north on Jackson walking towards Maple, not him walking north on Maple ? Please correct me if that is wrong, I don’t want to read that police report again after I just re read both reports on the Lake B case. Thanks

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:47 pm

Sandy–Fouke states here is saw the subject "TURN NORTH ON MAPLE":


I don’t think Zodiac had to have hardly too much blood on his pants at all. Especially if he WAS in the back seat.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:51 pm

Lets keep discussion on the Maple street/park entrance question on that thread, and leave this for the Jackson street hosue question. Otherwise it is confusing. Its all confusing enough anyway!

Sandy I agree with you that Mr.X would not have enough time to change clothes and get a dog.

I don’t agree that blood would not be seen. If Zodiac was wearing a blue windbreaker and rust colored pants, if the area was well lit, or even moderately lit, you would see blood. Look at the crime scene pictures. You see blood and light and dark surfaces. I suppose it is possible Zodiac came prepared with an extra jacket or pants.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:52 pm

Sandy–Fouke states here is saw the subject "TURN NORTH ON MAPLE":


I don’t think Zodiac had to have hardly too much blood on his pants at all. Especially if he WAS in the back seat.

That is a good point about Z being in the back seat. But at that close a range blood will spatter. But also he then cut part of Stine’s shirt, it seems he would get some blood on him.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:01 pm

Sandy–Fouke states here is saw the subject "TURN NORTH ON MAPLE":


I don’t think Zodiac had to have hardly too much blood on his pants at all. Especially if he WAS in the back seat.

That is a good point about Z being in the back seat. But at that close a range blood will spatter. But also he then cut part of Stine’s shirt, it seems he would get some blood on him.

It wouldn’t splatter on your pants if you were in the back seat. There might have been blood on the back of his pants from sitting down on some of it. I would think Zodiac smarter than letting a pool of blood soak up his pants when he would be walking out of the area.

I tend to go by what reports say at the time. What Fouke says years later I just don’t have confidence in. Zodiac absolutely could not have been seen by Fouke going up to a house on Jackson AND turning North on Maple.

There could have been clues at that house. Maybe bloody foot prints, a dropped piece of evidence….something. To not say anything would be in very bad practice. Then later say he assumed he went North on Maple and into the park? Nah.

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:11 pm

It could possibly worse than that T. He could have been in the grounds of that property throughout the search.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:13 pm

TAHOE: "I tend to go by what reports say at the time. What Fouke says years later I just don’t have confidence in. Zodiac absolutely could not have been seen by Fouke going up to a house on Jackson AND turning North on Maple."

AK Wilks: Right. Generally speaking, absent an exceptional circumstance, FIRST reports are usually more accurate. They are closer in time and thus memory is likely better. And they have much less chance of contamination, influence from others, influence from media reports, self influence or self protection, or change in statement because of new events or perceptions.

I apply the first is usually best rule to the descriptions from Mageau and Johns as well. And I certainly think it fits here with Fouke.

sandy betts, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:20 pm

Thanks Tahoe, It was thought that blood would have gotten on him, while he was seen in the front seat going through Stine’s pockets and wiping down the front of the cab, is what most think, before it was learned that Z was in the front seat when he shot Stine. I thought it had been proven that Zodiac was seen in the front seat, not the back seat as first thought? That there wasn’t any blood where Zodiac had been sitting when Stine was shot is how that was proven? That had been hashed over at Zkiller some time ago.
If you have the link showing that Zodiac was in the back seat please post it, that would be very significant !

The brother of Victor Shanterelli ( not sure if that is the correct spelling? ) lived on Maple , The house on Washington and Cherry was occupied by the other brother Shanterelli and his family. Not Robt Hunter as told by Harry Martin. Interesting coincidence that both areas had that family connection ?

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:26 pm

Thanks Tahoe, It was thought that blood would have gotten on him, while he was seen in the front seat going through Stine’s pockets and wiping down the front of the cab, is what most think, before it was learned that Z was in the front seat when he shot Stine. I thought it had been proven that Zodiac was seen in the front seat, not the back seat as first thought? That there wasn’t any blood where Zodiac had been sitting when Stine was shot is how that was proven? That had been hashed over at Zkiller some time ago.
If you have the link showing that Zodiac was in the back seat please post it, that would be very significant !

Paul was slumped over the entire front seat. I don’t know how there couldn’t have been blood found there when they slid Paul’s body out of the cab.

IMO, there is no way to prove Zodiac did not sit in the backseat, unless someone saw him get it in….which I have yet to read.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:31 pm

It could possibly worse than that T. He could have been in the grounds of that property throughout the search.

If he was REALLY seen by Fouke going there, I don’t think he would have stuck around.

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:55 pm

Pelisetti was in a hurry to tell his dispatcher that the suspect was white – he wasn’t radio’ing everyone else to let them know directly.
It’s quite possible that he told dispatch, went off walking, and saw officer Fouke before the "he’s a white guy" news was broadcast, I guess.
Well – that’s got to be possible, since it seems to be what happened.
Or Fouke missed the broadcast perhaps.

On the other thread you asked:

Just wondering if anyone could clarify something for me. In Fouke’s Nov 12 report, he states that "Possible suspect had been seen going North on Maple St into the Presidio." I’ll pretend it’s because i am not American that i don’t know the answer, and nothing to do with me just being completely clueless when it comes to Cardinal Directions, and ask….
Can you go North on Maple St and end up at Julius Kahn playground?

I’m pleased you asked mate!
I’m not used to these streets laid out in squares (blocks!) either – and nor can I figure out Google maps well enough to suss out where North is.

Which means I’ve another question. If Fouke saw a possible subject going North on Maple, where was he when he says he saw that (same?) subject go up the steps toward the entrance of a house on Jackson. Hmmmm? Was he on the corner of Maple and Jackson, looking in his rear view mirror, driving South toward the cab down Maple? (On the wrong street!)
Driving West on Jackson, ready to turn South onto Cherry Street?
And did the radio instructions give the correct location, rather than "Over by Washington and Maple?"

It’s all highly confusing.

I think a map with a cab on, and a little graphic of a police car too, would be nice.
I vote for Trav to help out here. ;)

Smithy, i don’t think Fouke is claiming he saw a man walk up steps to a house, aswel as a man going North on Maple. I think, and it’s just my opinion, that Fouke is changing his story from ‘Last seen heading North on Maple’ to ‘Last seen heading up steps to a house’. I could, of course, be completely wrong in this assumption and Fouke may very well be describing two separate incidents he observed that night, but i just assumed Fouke was changing his account. But the key word there is….Assumed

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:14 pm

My first reaction when i heard Fouke’s claim that the man he had seen had actually turned into a house was that he was saying this because he was fed up of the same question being asked over & over, that being "Did Fouke really stop and speak to the man on Jackson St?" I thought this latest ‘version’ was an attempt by him to try and show that not only did he not stop and speak to the man, but that actually, he couldn’t have anyway because as they were driving up Jackson toward Maple, the man turned and ascended some concrete steps and toward a front door. A kind of ‘He had gone into a drive way by the time we had got to where he was, so we did not, and in fact, could not, have questioned this gentleman’.

Again, this is simply just my own theory of why Fouke makes this claim 38 years after the fact.

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:37 pm

Anyway, that issue aside, i would like to get users opinions on the second question in the post.

Weather Fouke last saw the suspect go up some steps toward a house, heading North on Maple toward the Presidio, or both, doesn’t really affect the fact that a search effort, involving seven dogs, a small army of officers, search lights with the area surrounded, failed to flush out a hidden suspect
My own personal opinion, even before Fouke’s claim that the man went up some steps, was that Zodiac was not in the JK area of the Presidio that night. Having seen what search & rescue, bloodhounds & sinffer/tracker dogs can locate, i have to agree with Chief Marvin that to escape being detected by one dog in that fairly small sized area would be difficult, but seven!! Not a chance. I agree with Marvin’s claim ""His boast of being in the area we were searching while we were searching it is a lie," Lee said. "We had the whole area flooded with lights. We had seven police dogs and a large number of patrolmen searching the area tree by tree and bush by bush. The dogs are the best in the country. A mouse couldn’t have escaped our attention."

Now i’m not suggesting this adds validity to Fouke’s ‘He went up some steps to a house’ report. If we disregard Fouke’s claim, the question is still one that needs to be answered. So, i have two questions i’d like to ask/discuss.

1. How many of the users believe, as i do, that Z wasn’t in the JK park area? (Just curious to see if theres a majority either way). If you don’t, then second question is fairly obvious.

2. Where would users guess he may possibly have been? Z seemed to offer info to ‘prove’ he was in the area and at the very least, could see certain aspects of the search effort by taunting "Hey blue pig I was in the park — you were useing fire trucks to mask the sound of your cruzeing prowl cars. The dogs never came with in 2 blocks of me + they were to the west + there was only 2 groups of parking about 10 min apart then the motor cicles went by about 150 ft away going from south to north west"

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:24 pm

I think he could have very well been on the outskirts of that park. It’s quite large actually.

Zodiac was on the east side of the park.

"The dogs never came within 2 blocks of me…they were to the west". Apparently, they only came into the east vicinity twice in a 10 minute period.

Then you have motorcycles going by about 150ft. away, south to northwest.

I think Zodiac was near the yellow X. The yellow arrows are near where the motorcycles were traveling:

How more descriptive could Zodiac be? And they still thought he was full of it.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:37 pm

If Zodiac DID go up to a house on Jackson, I think he would have mentioned that. Something like "I fooled them and walked up to a house".

I think Zodiac offered everything he could to prove where he was and what he saw. The cops just didn’t want the public to think Zodiac had the upper-hand. He obviously did.

StitchMallone, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:48 pm

Didn’t Robert Hunter live close by in the area ?

In Bonus Fides, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:51 pm

The house in question was 3712 Jackson, IIRC.
It was listed in 1968 & 1969 Polks Directory as owned and resided in by Mr and Mrs Frederich G Bloch.

She sat on a Juvenile Probation Board and he was in Textiles/Fabrication and " Investments".

His possible relatives in the area included a Nobel Prize winning UC Berkeley & Stanford University Physicist.

That is all I have been able to dig up on the address in question as stated by Pellisetti.


Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:56 pm

I think he could have very well been on the outskirts of that park. It’s quite large actually.

Zodiac was on the east side of the park.

"The dogs never came within 2 blocks of me…they were to the west". Apparently, they only came into the east vicinity twice in a 10 minute period.

Then you have motorcycles going by about 150ft. away, south to northwest.

I think Zodiac was near the yellow X. The yellow arrows are near where the motorcycles were traveling:

How more descriptive could Zodiac be? And they still thought he was full of it.

I know the park area is fairly large, but have you seen what one dog can do if it picks up a scent to follow? These dogs i have seen find missing children in forrested areas 15 times the size of the Presidio. But i have to wonder, did any of the K9 Officers take the dogs to the taxi first to allow them to pick up on the scent. If one of thoes dogs picked up the scent of Zodiac going into the Presidio and he was in there, that dog would have tracked it all the way to him. The only way a dog will lose a trail if it is tracking one, is if the suspect has gone through a bed of water (River, Canal, Lake etc), or if the suspect got into a car and drove off. I’ve seen these dogs in action, first hand, and Chief of Inspectors Marvin Lee is not exaggerating when he says "A mouse couldn’t have escaped our attention".

And yes, Zodiac did seem to offer proof he was there by describing the location of the police cars, the motorcycles going by, the fire trucks using their sirens to mask the sound of the Police cars etc. But that doesn’t mean that he must have been telling the truth when he said "Hey blue pig I was in the park". I cannot see how if he was anywhere out there, the dogs wouldn’t have found him. Where ever he was, he could view the activities that were going on, but i don’t think he was in the park, or any surrounding fields. It brings to mind something FBI profiler John Douglas said in an interview i watched him give recently. He spoke about Gary Ridgway returning to the scene of the crime and to the body. Son of Sam David Berkowitz saying he visited the graves of every one of his victims. And in the very famous British case of ten year old girls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, who vanished without a trace, Ian Huntley gave an interview to the live news team recounting that he was the last man to have seen them alive, and how he saw them walk off down the street after they had called at his home looking for their school teacher (Huntleys Girlfriend). Huntley described how the whole town was affected by the girls apparant abduction. Then of course, it turns out he had killed them. So, could Zodiac have picked that location in Presidio Heights because he could go somewhere safe to watch the aftermath of his crime unfold? Did he no longer feel satisfied seeing the reaction in the newspapers, and wanted to get a look at the response he got first hand? That seems lie something that Zodiac’s ego would relish.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:06 pm

Any relation to ‘Psycho’ author Robert Bloch? What is the name of the Nobel Prize winner? And ear/ons escaped detection from bloodhounds on his trail as have some prison breakouts. And they had no clothes from Z to get a scent. I think Z was in the park and SFPD did not want to look even worse than they already did.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:06 pm

….But i have to wonder, did any of the K9 Officers take the dogs to the taxi first to allow them to pick up on the scent.

No, they did not. I have asked that question before, and was told no. The dogs were not allowed near the crime scene or offerened any scent. I think if they were they would have at least followed Zodiac’s trail.

I think Zodiac was probably just sitting in his parked car up on that hill to the east, just waiting to drive right on out of there, watching it all unfold off in the distance.

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:19 pm

….But i have to wonder, did any of the K9 Officers take the dogs to the taxi first to allow them to pick up on the scent.

No, they did not. I have asked that question before, and was told no. The dogs were not allowed near the crime scene or offerened any scent. I think if they were they would have at least followed Zodiac’s trail.

I think Zodiac was probably just sitting in his parked car up on that hill to the east, just waiting to drive right on out of there, watching it all unfold off in the distance.

AK, i can’t agree that Z was some sort of ‘Hide and go seek’ World Champion.

I agree Tahoe with that being a more likely scenario that Zodiac being surrounded and become a sort of stealth ninja that could avoid being detected by a truckload of SFPD officers, especially with the whole area flooded with search lights.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:33 pm

Criminals escape canine detection every day. He may have been in a car a backyard or a park tree.

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:36 pm

Criminals escape canine detection every day. He may have been in a car a backyard or a park tree.

Yes, i said they often do….if the suspect has A, ran through a bed of water, or B, got into a vehicle and left the scene or driven even a short distance.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:41 pm

They never followed a trail at all though….so they had nothing to begin with. If dogs had a scent, they would have at least followed it somewhere. Instead, they started in the park just looking for anyone. :roll:

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:42 pm

But the image Zodiac being up a tree clinging to some branch did make me laugh though. Not laughing at your suggestion so much as the image of The Zodiac sat on the branch of a tree up in the air. And is that really the most sensible decision to for Zodiac to make if the whole area is lit with very powerful search lights?

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:43 pm

They never followed a trail at all though….so they had nothing to begin with. If dogs had a scent, they would have at least followed it somewhere. Instead, they started in the park just looking for anyone. :roll:

That isn’t going to do much good is it, with 30 plus (i’m guessing at the number) Officers all rushing round searching.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 6:00 pm

WC hiding in cover could mean bushes or trees. Have you ever chased suspects? Sometimes they climb trees or houses. Zodiac said he hid from ‘cover’ and based on the little we know I think he could be telling the truth. TK recorded he hid in ‘cover’. Lots of criminals and escaped prisoners elude canine even without water or a car. I agree with tahoe if these dogs did not even have a scent in more like keysone cops not super tv cops who always get their man.

StitchMallone, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 6:02 pm

They never followed a trail at all though….so they had nothing to begin with. If dogs had a scent, they would have at least followed it somewhere. Instead, they started in the park just looking for anyone. :roll:

Agree had the dogs had the scent we would know what route Z took and if he left in a vehicle at some point in my opinion. Dogs are that good

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 6:12 pm

I have been thinking recently about the ‘Fouke spoke to Z vs Fouke just drove past’ debate. While i have always believed Fouke did speak to Zodiac, one things doesn’t quite fit. At the time Stine was shot, and the next day, this was simply a routine Cab robbery gone wrong and ended up a homicide. Then, two days after the murder, Zodiac lets the World know this is by no means a simple, routine cab driver robbery/homicide, and that he was responsible, even enclosing a blood soaked piece of Paul’s shirt to leave no room for doubt.

Is it really likely, even plausable, that Zodiac would be so eager to inform the World it was he who was behind this event, if "this cop car pulled up + one of them called me over + asked if I saw anyone acting suspicious or strange in the last 5 to 10 min?"

I don’t know. I know that if i had been ‘Called over to speak with Officers’ who had therefor clearly seen my face and heard my voice, i would not want to write a letter within 2 days of that encounter saying i was actually the elusive serial killer and most wanted man in SF. While on the one hand it does make the Police look incompetent, yes. But on the other, your admitting to being the murderer who spoke with two Police Officers on the night, who you know have seen your face to create a composite, but more importantly, will probably recognise you should you see them again and will certainlly be on the lookout for you now.

Nachtsider, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 6:39 pm

1. How many of the users believe, as i do, that Z wasn’t in the JK park area? (Just curious to see if theres a majority either way). If you don’t, then second question is fairly obvious.

2. Where would users guess he may possibly have been? Z seemed to offer info to ‘prove’ he was in the area and at the very least, could see certain aspects of the search effort by taunting "Hey blue pig I was in the park — you were useing fire trucks to mask the sound of your cruzeing prowl cars. The dogs never came with in 2 blocks of me + they were to the west + there was only 2 groups of parking about 10 min apart then the motor cicles went by about 150 ft away going from south to north west"

I believe he was watching the search unfold from the safety of his car.

I don’t know. I know that if i had been ‘Called over to speak with Officers’ who had therefor clearly seen my face and heard my voice, i would not want to write a letter within 2 days of that encounter saying i was actually the elusive serial killer and most wanted man in SF. While on the one hand it does make the Police look incompetent, yes. But on the other, your admitting to being the murderer who spoke with two Police Officers on the night, who you know have seen your face to create a composite, but more importantly, will probably recognise you should you see them again and will certainlly be on the lookout for you now.

I guess the need to rub it in SFPD’s collective face outweighed the need for Zodiac to stay on the down low. His conduct may also reflect him being supremely confident that despite having a physical description, prints and ballistics, the police would never catch him. This strengthens my theory that his identity has yet to be revealed, with not even a whiff of him ever showing up on the cops’ radar to date.

If Zodiac did speak to Fouke and Zelms, I very much doubt he approached within ten feet. The likeliest scenario is them slowing down and speaking with a Zodiac who was standing twenty feet or more away from the car.

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 6:55 pm

1. How many of the users believe, as i do, that Z wasn’t in the JK park area? (Just curious to see if theres a majority either way). If you don’t, then second question is fairly obvious.

2. Where would users guess he may possibly have been? Z seemed to offer info to ‘prove’ he was in the area and at the very least, could see certain aspects of the search effort by taunting "Hey blue pig I was in the park — you were useing fire trucks to mask the sound of your cruzeing prowl cars. The dogs never came with in 2 blocks of me + they were to the west + there was only 2 groups of parking about 10 min apart then the motor cicles went by about 150 ft away going from south to north west"

I believe he was watching the search unfold from the safety of his car.

I don’t know. I know that if i had been ‘Called over to speak with Officers’ who had therefor clearly seen my face and heard my voice, i would not want to write a letter within 2 days of that encounter saying i was actually the elusive serial killer and most wanted man in SF. While on the one hand it does make the Police look incompetent, yes. But on the other, your admitting to being the murderer who spoke with two Police Officers on the night, who you know have seen your face to create a composite, but more importantly, will probably recognise you should you see them again and will certainlly be on the lookout for you now.

I guess the need to rub it in SFPD’s collective face outweighed the need for Zodiac to stay on the down low. His conduct may also reflect him being supremely confident that despite having a physical description, prints and ballistics, the police would never catch him. This strengthens my theory that his identity has yet to be revealed, with not even a whiff of him ever showing up on the cops’ radar to date.

If Zodiac did speak to Fouke and Zelms, I very much doubt he approached within ten feet. The likeliest scenario is them slowing down and speaking with a Zodiac who was standing twenty feet or more away from the car.

I agree with the comments you make, all except the highlighted section. Presidio Heights was, and is, an upper middle class, ‘safe’ are affluent area. I don’t think that police would be quite so enclined to shout across the street "Excuse me Sir, have you seem a man with a gun in the area with possible blood soaked clothes?" If they did that, it would cause panic and fear in such a well-to-do neighbourhood. Thats why i think it is more likely that, if they did speak to Zodiac, they either called him over, or motioned him over. If they called him over and he took two steps toward them, and remained twenty feet away, that could appear ‘suspicious’. I think if they called him over, he probably strolled over, appearing cool and calm on the exterior (heart beating so fast he can probably hear it). And this whole issue of ‘Fouke would have seen the blood on him’ etc, i don’t buy that. At night, wearing dark colored trousers, it really would have to be something you were looking for to see it, and this man is a White Male, they have no reason to suspect him of anything. (Point of interest: Fouke did describe the Man as wearing ‘Pleated Pants, RUST in color". That is the color that pants/trousers would likely appear at night if soaked in blood)

Drew, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:23 pm

Chappie, Zodiac did not actually announce that he was the guy the 2 cops spoke with until the November 9th letter. Z would probably want a period of time to find out through the press if the cops had anything more substantial on him and take some time to alter his appearance if he felt it necessary.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 19, 2013 10:56 pm
Posts: 3583
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Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:44 pm

Chappie, Zodiac did not actually announce that he was the guy the 2 cops spoke with until the November 9th letter. Z would probably want a period of time to find out through the press if the cops had anything more substantial on him and take some time to alter his appearance if he felt it necessary.

No i know but he announced he was the murderer of the cab driver over by Washington & Maple. So, just the fact he may have been seen in the area by police would be enough to tell and sane, normal person to keep your mouth shut about it. I mean for me, just having an encounter with police would be enough for me to think ‘I am not now going to announce this as a ‘Zodiac’ crime, i’d better play it safe and let them treat it as just a routine cab robbery’

Then again, thats thinking from a sane, cautious mind. Theres no knowing how Zodiac viewd the situation.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:47 pm

…I don’t think that police would be quite so enclined to shout across the street "Excuse me Sir, have you seem a man with a gun in the area with possible blood soaked clothes?"

If Zodiac was walking down the side of the street the park was on, Zodiac would have already been on their side of the street. Zelms side of the car. No need to shout…just a quick "have you seen anything" with Zodiac taking a step or two their way.

The officers would not have known anything about blood soaked clothes at that point. I think even at that point had their been blotchy dark stains, the officers wouldn’t have thought anything about it….they were looking for black man. I still don’t think Zodiac had a pool of bloodstains in his lap.

In Bonus Fides, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:55 pm

AK Wilks,

That would be Emil Bloch who was involved with Oppenheimer as a young scientist after WW2.

He later taught(my favorite POI!) at Stanford University and was Emeritus Professor of Physics in the early to mid 60’s.


sandy betts, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:49 pm

…I don’t think that police would be quite so enclined to shout across the street "Excuse me Sir, have you seem a man with a gun in the area with possible blood soaked clothes?"

If Zodiac was walking down the side of the street the park was on, Zodiac would have already been on their side of the street. Zelms side of the car. No need to shout…just a quick "have you seen anything" with Zodiac taking a step or two their way.

The officers would not have known anything about blood soaked clothes at that point. I think even at that point had their been blotchy dark stains, the officers wouldn’t have thought anything about it….they were looking for black man. I still don’t think Zodiac had a pool of bloodstains in his lap.

I agree , they were in a hurry to find the killer, so they wouldn’t have spent more than a few seconds asking if he had seen anyone. Zelm’s told his wife that they did talk to a man believed to be Zodiac. Fouke’s had to stick with his own story I guess ? I find anything that he has said questionable.

Most of the blood would have been on the head shoulders and front chest area , very little would be on his back, because he was seated at the time of the shooting. The picture of his shirt tells the story about where most of the blood was. So even lifting and pulling his body across the front seat , there would have been very little on his back.
The wanted poster mentions that the perp sat in the front seat , Dave Toschi said the Zodiac sat in the front seat.
One report said the Zodiac was last seen walking east on Jackson. Pelissitti’s report tells that Zodiac was last seen walking north on Cherry. I haven’t found the police report that states he was seen on Maple.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:11 pm

One report said the Zodiac was last seen walking east on Jackson. Pelissitti’s report tells that Zodiac was last seen walking north on Cherry. I haven’t found the police report that states he was seen on Maple.

The kids said they saw Zodiac walking north on Cherry towards the Presidio.

Fouke’s memo/scratch stated the man he saw was "going north on Maple Street into the Presidio".


Of course Fouke’s account is not mentioned in the early police reports, only in an inter-office memo dated 11/12/69.

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:25 pm

The one hypothetical question i sometimes ask myself that i can’t decide on an answer is "If that description had been broadcast correctly and Fouke & Zelms would have rolled to a stop on Jackson, and exited the vehicle, or at least made an effort to, what would have been the result?"

I think there’s three possibilities.

1. Zodiac, knowing he has the murder weapon on him, aswel as a big chunck of Stines blood stained shirt, instantly draws his gun and fires.
2. He sticks his hands up and surrenders.
3. Tries to make a run for the Presidio. (This is unlikely based on Foukes claim the man seemed to have a stumbling motion, semi limp.)

I guess we’ll never know. Maybe Don Fouke owes his life today to the dispatcher’s mistake?

Nachtsider, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:53 pm

Presidio Heights was, and is, an upper middle class, ‘safe’ are affluent area. I don’t think that police would be quite so enclined to shout across the street "Excuse me Sir, have you seem a man with a gun in the area with possible blood soaked clothes?" If they did that, it would cause panic and fear in such a well-to-do neighbourhood. Thats why i think it is more likely that, if they did speak to Zodiac, they either called him over, or motioned him over.

Sorry, Chappie – I’m finding this a bit silly.

Fouke and Zelms were conducting an urgent search for an armed suspect. I very much doubt they would have worried about such niceties. Besides, who would there have been to scare? The street was deserted apart from them and Zodiac.

The one hypothetical question i sometimes ask myself that i can’t decide on an answer is "If that description had been broadcast correctly and Fouke & Zelms would have rolled to a stop on Jackson, and exited the vehicle, or at least made an effort to, what would have been the result?"

I think there’s three possibilities.

1. Zodiac, knowing he has the murder weapon on him, aswel as a big chunck of Stines blood stained shirt, instantly draws his gun and fires.
2. He sticks his hands up and surrenders.
3. Tries to make a run for the Presidio. (This is unlikely based on Foukes claim the man seemed to have a stumbling motion, semi limp.)

I guess we’ll never know. Maybe Don Fouke owes his life today to the dispatcher’s mistake?

It’s just as likely that Zodiac owes his life to the dispatcher. Again, I wonder what became of that guy. Wouldn’t be surprised if he drank himself to death, knowing he blew the Zodiac case.

Fouke never claimed that Zodiac walked with a limp.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:02 pm

Agree with most of what you said Nacht, except "Fouke never claimed that Zodiac walked with a limp."

At 1:27:17 on the video he says the man had a "stumbling gait, a semi-limp".

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:09 pm

Agree with most of what you said Nacht, except "Fouke never claimed that Zodiac walked with a limp."

At 1:27:17 on the video he says the man had a "stumbling gait, a semi-limp".

Which is EXACTLY what Graysmith said about a thousand times in ‘Zodiac Unmasked’. I almost wanted to give RG a limp. ;)

Nachtsider, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:16 pm

Shuffling lope, stumbling limp… I don’t even know what’s accurate anymore.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:22 pm

Shuffling lope, stumbling limp… I don’t even know what’s accurate anymore.

In 1969 Fouke said "shuffling lope". In the video he says "lumbering gait, semi-limp". I think he is saying essentially the same thing – the man had an unusual walk, a partial limp.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:41 pm

Shuffling lope, stumbling limp… I don’t even know what’s accurate anymore.

Funny thing, almost every POI is now described with some sort of foot, knee or hip issue.

Hey–could be he had some sort of phyical issue. I just think he walked funny because he was walking down hill while crapping his pants. :lol!: (sorry–being gross)

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Wed Mar 13, 2013 12:20 am

Presidio Heights was, and is, an upper middle class, ‘safe’ are affluent area. I don’t think that police would be quite so enclined to shout across the street "Excuse me Sir, have you seem a man with a gun in the area with possible blood soaked clothes?" If they did that, it would cause panic and fear in such a well-to-do neighbourhood. Thats why i think it is more likely that, if they did speak to Zodiac, they either called him over, or motioned him over.

Sorry, Chappie – I’m finding this a bit silly.

Fouke and Zelms were conducting an urgent search for an armed suspect. I very much doubt they would have worried about such niceties. Besides, who would there have been to scare? The street was deserted apart from them and Zodiac.

The one hypothetical question i sometimes ask myself that i can’t decide on an answer is "If that description had been broadcast correctly and Fouke & Zelms would have rolled to a stop on Jackson, and exited the vehicle, or at least made an effort to, what would have been the result?"

I think there’s three possibilities.

1. Zodiac, knowing he has the murder weapon on him, aswel as a big chunck of Stines blood stained shirt, instantly draws his gun and fires.
2. He sticks his hands up and surrenders.
3. Tries to make a run for the Presidio. (This is unlikely based on Foukes claim the man seemed to have a stumbling motion, semi limp.)

I guess we’ll never know. Maybe Don Fouke owes his life today to the dispatcher’s mistake?

It’s just as likely that Zodiac owes his life to the dispatcher. Again, I wonder what became of that guy. Wouldn’t be surprised if he drank himself to death, knowing he blew the Zodiac case.

Fouke never claimed that Zodiac walked with a limp.

I think you will find Nach, that officer Fouke DID state the man walked with ‘Semi Limp’ You will find, if you care to watch the link below (1:27.00 to 1:27.20) , that he does in fact, say Zodiac walked with a lumbering Gait, Stumbling along Semi limp.


Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Wed Mar 13, 2013 12:43 am

Nach, as for…

"Fouke and Zelms were conducting an urgent search for an armed suspect. I very much doubt they would have worried about such niceties. Besides, who would there have been to scare? The street was deserted apart from them and Zodiac."

First of all, the streets were not ‘Deserted apart from Zodiac, Pelissetti saw a man walking his dog a matter of minutes, if not seconds, before Fouke encountered the suspect. Pelissetti said he encountered this man walking a dog at Jackson & Maple intersection, the exact location where Fouke also claims to have minutes later saw the suspect. So that assumption you make, is incorrct. No offence Nach, but it seems to me you are trolling a lot of comments on post i submit. You claim i am wrong about this, you don’t agree with that etc, and having a differing opinion is fine. But i would appreciate it in future if, before you claim on a forum "Fouke Never said he walked with a Limp" (As if i had just made it up on the spot), you check and look into it first instead of just coming to the conclusion i am wrong. The same as ‘Streets were deserted apart from Zodiac’. I didn’t realize you were on Jackson street to know this? But then again, couldn’t have been because if you were, you’d know Pelissetti said there was a Citizen right in the area where fouke and Zelms would see Zodiac a minute or two later. I don’t appreciate my post being labled ‘incorrect, false, or wrong’ when you have no idea what your talking about, if you did, you’d know i was correct. And finally, if you think police, being in an upper middle class neighbourhood would not take steps to ensure they did not panic the people living there by deciding to shout across the streets "HAVE YOU SEEN A MAN WITH A GUN COVERED IN BLOOD", when they have the option of, as Zodiac claimed ‘Called me over and asked had i seen anyting" that up to you, i personally do not think its ‘silly’ to assume the SFPD would be sensible enough to have a quiet word with someone they may think may be a potential witness to avoid a panic. And as for ‘Who would there have been to scare’, ummm, the residence living alongisde the street. If Fouke, as you say, wouldn’t care about what anyone else heard and shouted there was a man loose in the area running round with a gun with blood on his clothes, you think that the occupants of houses several feet away will be unable to hear this? Anyway, that last issue is open to speculation, what isn’t, is Fouke DID say the man had a Semi Limp, and there WAS at least one other Citizen in the area, on the steets, in the very location actually, that Zodiac was seen.

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:22 am

I have now been given info as to which steps and house Don Fouke refers to in the documentary with the address bleeped out. Weather Zodiac really did walk up the steps toward the house is open to question. But, the one thing that knowing this address does help with, is knowing exactly where Zodiac was when Fouke saw him.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:56 am

Yah…I know Fouke actually gave the address. Just don’t have a lot of confidence in it.

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:17 pm

Yah…I know Fouke actually gave the address. Just don’t have a lot of confidence in it.

Yeah but the address was bleeped out in the documentary, which was very frustrating. I tried for about 20 mins to lip read what Numbers he was saying but just got more frustrated at not being able to lol.

Tahoe, do you know which house is it then? If so, can i message you the address i was told that it was and see if it is the same one you know?

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:24 pm

The house in question was 3712 Jackson, IIRC.
It was listed in 1968 & 1969 Polks Directory as owned and resided in by Mr and Mrs Frederich G Bloch.

She sat on a Juvenile Probation Board and he was in Textiles/Fabrication and " Investments".

His possible relatives in the area included a Nobel Prize winning UC Berkeley & Stanford University Physicist.

That is all I have been able to dig up on the address in question as stated by Pellisetti.


morf13, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:26 pm

BENTLEY knows for sure what address it was,but he has not been on here in a few months

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:33 pm

The house in question was 3712 Jackson, IIRC.
It was listed in 1968 & 1969 Polks Directory as owned and resided in by Mr and Mrs Frederich G Bloch.

She sat on a Juvenile Probation Board and he was in Textiles/Fabrication and " Investments".

His possible relatives in the area included a Nobel Prize winning UC Berkeley & Stanford University Physicist.

That is all I have been able to dig up on the address in question as stated by Pellisetti.


The info i was given was ‘It was either the second or third house from the NW corner of Maple and Jackson. He was not sure which.’ Would that be consistant with it being 3712 Jackson?

Interesting. Bryan Hartnell’s statement came to mind instantly as i read the hightlighted comment. "And on the front (of Z’s ‘costume’) was about a 4 inch crossed circle, with cross hairs and it looked like it was made with a machine or some degree of care…It wasnt just scrawled on"

Probably just another of the seemingly endless coincidences this case seems to throw up.

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:39 pm

Just checked the address on google maps and yeah t the same one i thought it was.

Seagull, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Wed Mar 13, 2013 9:58 pm

WC you might want to look at this page of the Yes or No Confirmed Evidence thread.

http://zodiackillersite.forummotion.com … d-evidence

I copied and pasted most of the streets in the area of the Stine crime scene from the Polk’s Directory. It tells everyone’s name that lived in all the homes there as well as the vacant houses and businesses. It’s about halfway down the page.

Jem, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:54 am

Yeah but the address was bleeped out in the documentary, which was very frustrating. I tried for about 20 mins to lip read what Numbers he was saying but just got more frustrated at not being able to lol.

I think we could probably figure it out if someone would make a repeating clip of Fouke giving the address. About 5 seconds long would be good, just to allow time for thinking.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Thu Mar 14, 2013 1:04 pm

Might be a big waste of time.

In Fouke’s memo dated 11/12/69 he states TWICE he saw the guy turn "north on Maple".

morf13, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:00 pm

Might be a big waste of time.

In Fouke’s memo dated 11/12/69 he states TWICE he saw the guy turn "north on Maple".

Thats interesting… ‘NORTH ON MAPLE’. Is that towards the presidio, or back towards Washington & Maple intersection?
I have always wondered if Z was housesitting for somebody,etc at Washington & Maple, and instructed Stine to go to Wash & Maple (which is what appears in his logbook),but then realized,he didnt want to be too close to the house he was planning to head into for safety,and decided to have Stine go up one block further,knowing he could walk around the corner up Jackson,and back over to Wash & Maple. OR, maybe he was simply going to walk back up Washington towards Maple,but saw the kids looking out the window,and decided to sneak around the block?

I also wonder if Z saw the kids, if he used the school bus threat as a thinnly veiled threat against them.

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:32 pm

I think there were some houses under construction on maple according to the Polk directory that Seagull posted. I think now, I only glanced through it. Also doesn’t Maple run east to west? how do you turn North on Maple?

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:59 pm

Might be a big waste of time.

In Fouke’s memo dated 11/12/69 he states TWICE he saw the guy turn "north on Maple".

Thats interesting… ‘NORTH ON MAPLE’. Is that towards the presidio, or back towards Washington & Maple intersection?
I have always wondered if Z was housesitting for somebody,etc at Washington & Maple, and instructed Stine to go to Wash & Maple (which is what appears in his logbook),but then realized,he didnt want to be too close to the house he was planning to head into for safety,and decided to have Stine go up one block further,knowing he could walk around the corner up Jackson,and back over to Wash & Maple. OR, maybe he was simply going to walk back up Washington towards Maple,but saw the kids looking out the window,and decided to sneak around the block?

I also wonder if Z saw the kids, if he used the school bus threat as a thinnly veiled threat against them.

The 2nd time Fouke wrote "north on Maple" he also wrote "into the Presidio".

There is no doubt in my mind Zodiac’s threat against school kids was a jab at the kids that saw him. Zodiac didn’t need to see them–it was written in the paper the next day that youngsters saw him. Could be he knew someone was watching though.

Trav. Maple is north/south. Jackson is east/west

morf13, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:07 pm

As I recall, if you were to cut across the presidio, it would be a short cut over towards a less affluent section if San Fran, and in that area, were one or two people listed in Darlene’s address book

Seagull, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:27 pm

I do not know if this will help at all but it’s worth a try. I have a 1970 street map of SF. I scanned and magnified the section that shows Pacific Heights and the dealy where the year of the map shows. It’s in Roman numerals and I’ve circled it in red. The other red mark, the X under Sacramento, was on the map when I got it. The map is worn but the area of Pacific Heights is in pretty good shape.

North is at the top of the map.

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:39 pm

Sorry T your right,

I was looking down Maple from Washington on GE the other night and still had that in my head thinking I was facing north, I was facing east Duh! S’funny the X is at Sacramento as that’s where the construction was intersection of Maple and Sacramento.

sandy betts, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:51 am

I think there were some houses under construction on maple according to the Polk directory that Seagull posted. I think now, I only glanced through it. Also doesn’t Maple run east to west? how do you turn North on Maple?

Traveller, I see you have your answer about which direction was Maple. I can tell you that there were homes under construction in the area of Jackson where the Zodiac was supposedly last seen. I am not sure if I found that information at the recorders office where I did a lot of my investigating, or in the city directories ? I may have posted about it when I realized that there had been construction right next to just about every Zodiac crime scene, including Riverside 1966 and Santa Barbara 1963.

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:23 am

I have heard it said before that Homes in the Bay area typically did not have basements. I have no idea if the number/Percntage of homes in S.F with a basement is significantlly less than the homes with one, (I did hear at one point that the number of homes with a basement is such a small No. that the SFPD were going to go to the City’s planners and the blueprints etc, and go to every home with a basement to ask could they search it.

This idea to me sound very far fetched not because of the ratio of homes with basements to the himes without, but because there was no evidence that Zodiac could build a devide to blow up anything, let alone a school bus. All he did was list about 7 ingredients needed to make a bomb, and that he could have read in any number of books.

But anyway, i just looked at the layout of 3712 Jackson, and have found the description page. 3712 Jackson has Four stories, which include…

Additional Rooms

•Office, Recreation Room, Laundry Room, Storage, Wine Cellar

morf13, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:18 am

I have heard it said before that Homes in the Bay area typically did not have basements. I have no idea if the number/Percntage of homes in S.F with a basement is significantlly less than the homes with one, (I did hear at one point that the number of homes with a basement is such a small No. that the SFPD were going to go to the City’s planners and the blueprints etc, and go to every home with a basement to ask could they search it.

This idea to me sound very far fetched not because of the ratio of homes with basements to the himes without, but because there was no evidence that Zodiac could build a devide to blow up anything, let alone a school bus. All he did was list about 7 ingredients needed to make a bomb, and that he could have read in any number of books.

But anyway, i just looked at the layout of 3712 Jackson, and have found the description page. 3712 Jackson has Four stories, which include…

Additional Rooms

•Office, Recreation Room, Laundry Room, Storage, Wine Cellar

People on that street & in that area were pretty rich and could afford wine cellars. Those homes sell today for $1,000,000 if I am not mistaken,at least the ones on Washington & Cherry I think.

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:38 am

I have heard it said before that Homes in the Bay area typically did not have basements. I have no idea if the number/Percntage of homes in S.F with a basement is significantlly less than the homes with one, (I did hear at one point that the number of homes with a basement is such a small No. that the SFPD were going to go to the City’s planners and the blueprints etc, and go to every home with a basement to ask could they search it.

This idea to me sound very far fetched not because of the ratio of homes with basements to the himes without, but because there was no evidence that Zodiac could build a devide to blow up anything, let alone a school bus. All he did was list about 7 ingredients needed to make a bomb, and that he could have read in any number of books.

But anyway, i just looked at the layout of 3712 Jackson, and have found the description page. 3712 Jackson has Four stories, which include…

Additional Rooms

•Office, Recreation Room, Laundry Room, Storage, Wine Cellar

People on that street & in that area were pretty rich and could afford wine cellars. Those homes sell today for $1,000,000 if I am not mistaken,at least the ones on Washington & Cherry I think.

Your mistaken lol. "Listing Information for 3712 Jackson Street.
•Original Price: $7,995,000

Sep 09, 2009 Sold (MLS) (Sold) $7,995,000 — San Francisco MLS

morf13, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:39 am

Sorry,I was off by $6 million :D

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:45 am

Sorry,I was off by $6 million :D

If you were bidding for the property Morph you’d have missed out on the house by a fraction by another bidder. Had you every so slightly increased the offer, just a bit, by around Six Million Dollars, you may have won that hypothetical bidding war hehe.


Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:09 am

But just because Zodiac was an anti-social psychopathic doesn’t mean he wasn’t a very rich anti-social psychopath lol. But no, seriously i wouldn’t have thought he lived in that area. But he may very well have had a friend or relative who did.
I mean lets say, for the sake of argument, Kane was Zodiac. Kane was an associate of Organized Crime king-pin Allen Dorfman who, in one fraudulent ‘loan’ alone loaned $160.000.000. One loan of One-Hundred and Sixty Million Dollars! He made hundreds and hundreds, if not, thousands of multi million loans, albeit fraudulenty.

So if we take Kane as the example here being an associate of Dorfman’s, who, if he wished, could probably purchase Presidio Heights itslef, could very easily know dodgy people living in that affluent area.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:38 am

Those teamsters loans went to the mob to build Vegas casino’s. Watch the movie Casino.

Dorfman was a lawyer and teamsters official with mob ties.


I have no idea how close Kane was to Dorfman, I think they were linked on a real estate deal. I have no idea how close their association was or was not. They may have done many deals or just one. Dorfman had a legit side as well as a criminal side. I advised you to mention the Teamsters, Dorfman and organized crime ties in your letter to the FBI, because IF Kane had close ties to those people or groups, he might show up in those specific files. But I have not yet seen evidence that Kane had such close ties. He seems more of a low level guy at best. Sandy might know more. But I would not impute the wealth of Dorfman to Kane. A guy like Dorfman would know everyone from very rich to lawyers to bankers to low level hoods and gamblers and nobodies.

onewhoknows, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:16 pm

Why would Zodiac kill someone in his own neighborhood where he lived? A better bet is to
get a map and mark out all the known and suspected crimes, and then pick a center point.

morf13, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:38 pm

Because they are comfortable and feel safe, then they start to branch out. I think its likely that Z lived in Vallejo

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 19, 2013 1:48 pm

Kane….big time organized crime links and lived with his Mother. :D

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:01 pm

Kane….big time organized crime links and lived with his Mother. :D

Didn’t you see Goodfellas? A lot of Italian and Jewish mob guys love their moms. And they go to church or temple.

But Kane was not a high roller, he had convictions for shoplifting and low level crimes. Seems like a guy on the fringes of the gambling and crime worlds. Lower fringes.

Kane apparently did have an association with Allen Dorfman in selling Arizona real estate. Hines claims Kane had an office in the Sahara casino. Dorfman was a big time Teamster with major mob links. He is the character "Andy Stone" played by Alan King in "Casino". Dorfman died in a gun accident. As in he was shot 8 times in the head. Now if Kane just had a casual legit business association with Dorfman, or a close criminal connection, I have no idea.

As for Kane being Z, if the mob found out, he would have been killed. The mob would not tolerate a psycho, its bad for business.

The house in question was said to belong to the BLOCH family. Perhaps connected to the Nobel Prize winner associated with U Cal Berkeley?

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:06 pm

I was just messin’ around. :)

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:08 pm

I was just messin’ around. :)

He was no Hyman Roth, that’s for sure!

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:22 pm

:lol: gun accident

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:27 pm

:lol: gun accident

Off topic forgive me.

Bobby Kennedy was questioning a mobster about a guy and he said "He died of electrocution"

RFK: Oh I see. An accident?

Mobster: He was electrocuted.

RFK: I see. And was he sitting in the electric chair at Sing Sing prison when this happened?

Mobster: Yes


The house in question was owned by the BLOCH family. Perhaps connected to the Nobel Prize winning scientist connected to U Cal Berkeley?

Welsh Chappie, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:46 pm

Why would Zodiac kill someone in his own neighborhood where he lived? A better bet is to
get a map and mark out all the known and suspected crimes, and then pick a center point.

The answer to that is clearly seen in his letters. Zodiac thrived on the attention he got in the papers, most of which he himself had sent to the papers to make sure it made the pages. Many speculate the killings were secondary to the publicity, and that murder was simply the tool he used to get it. Ultimately, his maximum pleasure seemed to be achived by provoking, insulting, and outwitting or ‘Geting one over; on the ‘Blue Pigs.’ Theres so many examples from so many letters he wrote that clearly show a hatred for Law Enforcement, and a determination to pprove himself superior to them. Why sit back and wait for the reaction to your wonderful work to appear in a paper anymore? The euphoric estacy and self gratifying pleasure a personality like this would get from actually watching the reaction first hand by the police would be the pinnacle of pleasure. Zodiac get’s to see both the reaction to HIS actions, all the attention focused on that park because of him, his would be seen as an extreme ego trip for him, that he has the power to cause such mayhem. He also gets to watch the very thing he loves, the idiotic, incompetent and pathetic ‘Pigs’ run all over the park searching frantically for him, and he will know this effort is completely pointless and will only result in them wasting their time because he has outsmarted them yet again. I can almost see Zodiac watching them from the back house window and laughing at these tens of officers all running around like headless chickens chasing ghosts.
One month after that night, Zodiac writes and opens with "The police shall never catch me, because I have been too clever for them."

As we know, in that letter he continues by giving the police evidence he was in the area, and what he saw and who was parked where etc, then attempts to completely humiliate the police by claiming that he was in JK playground area, and the reason they failed to find him he portrays as two-fold. The first is made clear with the opening of his letter "Police shall never catch me, because i have been too clever for them." Secondly, the police and LE in general are far to stupid to catch a clever person like him! Of course, Zodiac is going to say he was in the park no matter what because it serves his aggenda, that being, "I was in the park and trapped in hiding and, despite being outnumbered 30 to one and surrounded, despite the 7 police dogs and search lights, you were still too stupid to flush me out because i am crack-proof." He also wouldn’t want to draw the attention away from him being hidden in a bush somewhere, and have it diverted back to Jackson Street where the 4 storey house overlooking the Presidio that jus so happens to have a wonderful large window upstairs on the top floor is located.

smithy, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:52 am

Because they are comfortable and feel safe, then they start to branch out. I think its likely that Z lived in Vallejo

Morf – moved up there from Riverside?

morf13, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:17 am

Because they are comfortable and feel safe, then they start to branch out. I think its likely that Z lived in Vallejo

Morf – moved up there from Riverside?

in my opinion, yes

smithy, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:21 am

Yes, that’s feasible, indeed.

sandy betts, Subject: Re: Has there been any investigation regarding the house on Jackson? Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:33 pm

It is likely that he did start in southern Calif., LE were only able to connect him to the so called "Easy Ones". I would like to find out who all of his other victims were ?
It has been stated that most serial killers start out close to where they live, because it is a comfort zone for them. Then as they become more brave, they branch out to other areas. I think that that was exactly what Zodiac did.
After moving up to northern Calif. he became comfortable once again with the Vallejo / Napa area. San Francisco I think was to throw LE off of his trail from Vallejo /Napa, where I do think he lived and worked.
He could have rented or stayed a short while in San Francisco. There were plenty of rooms for rent in P.H., even some on Pacific ave that over looked the playground.
I was told by a person who lived there back then, that you could rent a room a few days at a time if you wanted to. That night the police were looking for someone who needed money badly enough that he would kill for it, not someone who perhaps lived in that very affluent area. Zodiac knew this and knew that he would be safe inside one of those homes is what I think.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : April 19, 2013 10:56 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member
Topic starter

The question is often asked ‘Why did Zodiac stop killing/disappear after Paul Stine?’ I’ve always though it was his encounter with police that night, whether verbal or just passing isn’t really relevant in this context, was the reason he stopped…. In San Francisco anyway. I readily admit that theres nothing to support this theory. Put it this way, if i’d had an encounter with police, be it verbal exchange or simply eye contact (face to face), I wouldn’t so much be scared and shocked into wanting to do anything in response because I am no longer in danger having escaped easily that night. The cause, or concern, that would almost certainlly give me reason to leave S.F would be "Did those Officers see me clearly enough to recognize me again should the pull me over for something trivial, such as a tail light out?"

Zodiac Doesn’t know how good a look Fouke got, or how clearly he saw his face, and that would likely be something that gave him cause for concern. As stated above, if Zodiac stays in S.F now, he risks having a situation arise that would see him have to come into contact with one of two Officers, or both, that saw him that night. The saying ‘Better safe than sorry’ comes to mind and I think he left S.F and dropped the Zodiac moniker but more than likely continued killing.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : May 29, 2013 3:40 pm
Posts: 3583
Member Moderator

Another saying comes to mind "Time will tell".

Time did and he wasn’t recognised so maybe his disguise did work. He did say that the rest of the time he looked entirely different. He may well have left the area but what if he didn’t, what if his boasts were true?

Just another possibility.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : June 4, 2013 12:39 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member
Topic starter

Another saying comes to mind "Time will tell".

Time did and he wasn’t recognised so maybe his disguise did work. He did say that the rest of the time he looked entirely different. He may well have left the area but what if he didn’t, what if his boasts were true?

Just another possibility.

That is very possible also. I’ve long been quite skeptical in regards to the composite that was circulated and how accurate it was. Don Fouke said of the now famous composite "When the composite came out at Richmond Station and was posted on the wall, he looked similar to the man that I had seen on Oct. 11." He then said that the man he saw was "Older and Heavier".

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : June 4, 2013 5:43 pm
Posts: 101
Estimable Member

If we are brief, is it against the rules to post replies on an old thread, but you’re working your way through it and don’t yet know if someone else has mentioned what you point out? I’ll take a crack at it.

AK, Officer Fouke specifically stated that he thought the man did not live in the area.

WC, You’re right – had Officer Fouke seen a dog, he would have assumed the man lived there, but he assumed otherwise. So, no doggy.

Posted : June 1, 2015 7:08 am
Posts: 101
Estimable Member

I know you’re not going to believe me, but the stuff I tracked down on Bloch has been removed from Google. Since I know what it was, I should be able to find it again elsewhere. (I suspect he may have been an informant as well as doing what he did.)

If you know what I’m referring to, I suppose it will be on this thread. And I know we’re not allowed to say something that was already on another thread, so I’ll check. I sent the link to LE. Sociology? Yes, in a way. But not the man mentioned.

I’ll see if there’s anything on this over on the other thread. I feel more at home there. Scared to open my mouth here.

But meantime I’ve just thought of something I don’t think was mentioned, on another thread. It may be important. I’ll be back.

Posted : June 1, 2015 7:57 am