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increasing risk in the attack sequence

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So the first one is in a lovers lane nook off a dark, mostly deserted back road, late at night, in the dark. The next is in a park car park, still late at night, but slightly more chance of being caught. Berryessa is in daylight, in a park, with other people sorta around, and then in SF near the bridge. It looks like Z was increasing the risk with each attack, and I wondered if this had been discussed and what people made of it?

Posted : December 29, 2017 3:58 am
Posts: 26
Eminent Member

I agree. He was getting bolder with each murder or murder scene. Why? That’s a very good question. Was he using drugs or alcohol to give him courage or lessen his inhibitions? Were any of the currently known suspects known to hang out at a particular bar? For drugs, Haight/Asbury would be a good place. How about legal medical medications, I. E. anxiety drugs? Certain suspects did have mental problems. Wish I had a better answer for you. Feather :shock:

Posted : December 29, 2017 2:56 pm
Posts: 475
Reputable Member

I agree. He was getting bolder with each murder or murder scene. Why? That’s a very good question. Was he using drugs or alcohol to give him courage or lessen his inhibitions? Were any of the currently known suspects known to hang out at a particular bar? For drugs, Haight/Asbury would be a good place. How about legal medical medications, I. E. anxiety drugs? Certain suspects did have mental problems. Wish I had a better answer for you. Feather :shock:

I think it’s some what ridiculous to assume that drugs or alcohol played a role with zodiac. zodiac had a very calm, intentional, methodical and sober demeanor, and is described as being military or police like in his speech and gestures.

Everything zodiac did suggests that his actions were very intentional, well planed, and carried out by an individual who was thinking very clearly. Zodiac is described as having a military or police like demeanor and he speaks in a very clear and sober manner, again, including vivid detail regarding the locations, the dates, the times, and details of the crimes

I mean it’s possible that the guy would have a beer now and then, but I do not see drug abuse or intoxication being a common element or theme throughout my analysis of the zodiac case.

Posted : December 29, 2017 6:53 pm
Posts: 475
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As for zodiac becoming more "bold" with his crimes, this is actually fairly common for any type of criminal, the more you get away with something, the more you think you can get away with it and the more comfortable you become, plus, you gain New skills with each crime, so it makes perfect sense to see this type of escalation, at least to me it does.

…and then, after the Paul stine murder, zodiac became way less bold, or maybe even quit. He lost his comfort. He was almost caught several times while fleeing the stine murder scene, and it seemed to have restored some of his natural fear.

Posted : December 29, 2017 6:58 pm
Posts: 1328
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He might have started to have trouble finding couples out parking, what with the other murders. Might be why LB was in the day time.

I also wonder if he lost his car or driving privileges which is why he chose Stine, couldn’t drive around and find anyone, though I suspect he had his car parked nearby and simply got in and drove away.

Posted : December 29, 2017 10:16 pm
Posts: 5315
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I think there is almost nothing less bold than shooting a cab driver in the head, at night, in a rich part of town where there isn’t a lot of police activity.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : December 30, 2017 1:37 am
Posts: 97
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I think there is almost nothing less bold than shooting a cab driver in the head, at night, in a rich part of town where there isn’t a lot of police activity.

But there are houses around and anyone could be watching and see him (and did), whereas in the earlier attacks they are in out of the way places. I understand your point though.

Posted : December 30, 2017 3:42 am
Posts: 92
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I think there is almost nothing less bold than shooting a cab driver in the head, at night, in a rich part of town where there isn’t a lot of police activity.

But there are houses around and anyone could be watching and see him (and did), whereas in the earlier attacks they are in out of the way places. I understand your point though.

"Nothing less bold" = bold. Tahoe is agreeing with you.

Posted : December 30, 2017 7:16 pm
Posts: 475
Reputable Member

I think there is almost nothing less bold than shooting a cab driver in the head, at night, in a rich part of town where there isn’t a lot of police activity.

But there are houses around and anyone could be watching and see him (and did), whereas in the earlier attacks they are in out of the way places. I understand your point though.

"Nothing less bold" = bold. Tahoe is agreeing with you.

I took that comment the opposite way as well…

I Guess that is an issue with reading text.

Posted : December 30, 2017 7:23 pm
Posts: 5315
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I am saying killing a cab driver is the least bold thing there is.

I agree with there being houses, and that was a step up, but imo, that is why he picked the location he did. It was probably dark, no one around.

What I think is bold is, if there was a concern about getting caught (even after with the cops coming so quickly) is claiming the crime. We’d never know it was him if he didn’t.

Since he knew he was seen, acknowledging the murder is the only thing bold about what he did, imo. Which makes me wonder about "fake clews" and the composite. He apparently wasn’t worried about it or why claim it?

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : December 30, 2017 10:05 pm
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

I agree with there being houses, and that was a step up, but imo, that is why he picked the location he did. It was probably dark, no one around.

Which brings the question, why did he pick that area? If it is true Stine wrote down the destination in his book, then Zodiac specified that area. I’m guessing Zodiac gave a specific destination when he got into the cab, as someone doesn’t just get into a cab and say "drive me around until I say stop". It wasn’t random.

I’d say that means he knew the area well, knew it was usually quiet without many people out roaming around.

That might be a "clew".

Posted : December 30, 2017 10:43 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Ritzy area, not a lot of cops lurking, easy out…but I do agree there would be some familiarity, especially if he ditched in to the Presidio park area. Quick to the GG Bridge.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : December 31, 2017 12:04 am
Posts: 62
Trusted Member

I think it’s possible he never even intended to kill on the night of the Stine murder. Maybe the taxi ride conversation went south and he just snapped. It would explain the sudden change in MO, all previous attacks were of couples.

He did take the torn bloody shirt to mail in with a letter which hints at pre planning. But doing something similar to this could have been in his mind for some time anyway and he just took the opportunity.

Or maybe he knew he had blundered this one badly with there being forensic evidence left behind. So this is why he takes the shirt sample. This way he puts it straight out there that this was a Zodiac crime. But then proceeds to try and cover up his blunder by saying he glues his fingertips, leaves fake clues, uses disguises, etc. "It was me, but all your evidence will lead to the wrong guy!". Almost trying to give himself an alibi if the cops come knockin on his door.

After this huge screw up and also nearly being caught by Officer Fouke he quits killing. At least in that area and as the ‘Zodiac’ anyway.

Posted : December 31, 2017 12:39 am
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

Ritzy area, not a lot of cops lurking, easy out…but I do agree there would be some familiarity, especially if he ditched in to the Presidio park area. Quick to the GG Bridge.

And that brings a few more questions, like how familiar with the area was he and how was he familiar with it? I’d say he would have had to of spent some amount of time there observing the area that time of night on specific days to know it’s basically empty.

I doubt he would have spent much time there just loitering about or parked in a car observing, that could bring police to check on a suspicious person report. I’d say if he spent much time there it was because he lived there or was staying with someone there. Years later Fouke claimed he last saw the person walking up some steps to a home, even gave the address. Not sure how much I believe him though.

I’ve always had serious doubts that Zodiac ran into the Presido park and hid in the woods. He seemed to indicate some knowledge of the police actions in the area right after the murder, not sure how much of that he could have got from the news though. It’s possible he was in the area, but inside a home watching. I’d think that more likely if he indeed was still around.

Rampant speculation on my part, I know, but I don’t think this guy just chose his spots at random. Even if he walked to his car and drove away, I think he knew the area well enough to feel comfortable there and there is a reason he knew the area.

Posted : December 31, 2017 12:43 am
Posts: 97
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Years later Fouke claimed he last saw the person walking up some steps to a home, even gave the address. Not sure how much I believe him though.

The sound is cut in the video of this, but there must exist a tape with the actual house number on it. Did the documentary crew the house number to the police? Or did Fouke tell the police this at some point? I wonder whose house it was.

Posted : January 4, 2018 3:55 am
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