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So I had an idea for something and wanted to throw it out there.

It occurs to me that a free podcast series devoted ONLY to the Zodiac case would be an amazing and useful thing to do. I am always downloading podcasts and always search out all the ones about the Zodiac and I am really weary of the shallow treatment given to the case- its always framed in a "greatest unsolved mysteries" format or worse, Aphrodite-Jones hackery. I have thought of having a podcast for a long while and I have lots of recording experience and am really adept at all sorts of media. I also have lots of great music to throw in there- lots of music that would be contemporary to Zodiac, and of course "the Mikado". I am a student and work as an artist but I do have time to make these. But I would need participants. Otherwise it would be me endlessly pontificating and I don’t want that. I want sparks, people who are actually intelligent and well-read on the case. There are SO many twists and turns about this case that it boggles the mind. And honestly to even begin to cover this case you would need a tv series or at least a miniseries if it were televised. TV is out, but a podcast is easy and free. Maybe it would only appeal to the converted, but if it wasn’t too laborious in its handling it could be very fascinating. I figure each program could be entirely devoted to one piece of the evidence- confirmed letters, unconfirmed letters-each suspect presented one by one and in depth- each crime presented in depth- a two or even three hour thing on each of those. When you start thinking about topics I can think of at least fifty right off the top of my head. Honestly I would want to LISTEN to something like that and it really doesn’t exist.

I know i could devote a enough time to it to make at least a couple of episodes right off the bat. I would really like people who have a certain favorite theory or an expertise on a particular angle of the case to consider perhaps being on the show. We could Skype or speakerphone it. I am a very quick editor and can handle that end. All I really need is a few people who would be willing to hold forth on the topic in an in-depth way, and from an informed and even opposing standpoint. Debate is good. I like a good civil debate.

If anyone is interested please PM me. Thank you.

Posted : August 19, 2014 1:00 pm