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Poll for the Board- Zodiac Facts

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I see I’ve never replied to this thread. Don’t know how I forgot. Anyway…

1. Who is the Zodiac (your favorite/most likely suspect)? An unknown person. I don’t think we’ve ever picked up on the correct person.

2. Did Zodiac kill Cheri Jo Bates? I’m very doubtful he was the killer. He may very well have written the "Bates had to die" letters.

3. Did Zodiac send the Albany letters? Doubtful.

4. Is Donna Lass a Zodiac victim? Over the years I’ve become more doubtful about this. Just too different and no body ever found. Z made no effort to hide his victims. He wanted them found.

5. Was that really the Zodiac driving Kathleen Johns around? Maybe, but again doubtful. I do think Johns’ kidnapper did resemble the composite.

6. Can the 340 cipher be solved or is it just gibberish? I do think it can be solved. If the FBI is correct about only the central part containing a message, that makes it much, much tougher to solve.

– – – – – – – – – – – – –
Formerly Clovis.

Posted : June 23, 2018 5:03 pm
Posts: 353
Reputable Member

1. Who is the Zodiac (your favorite/most likely suspect)?
My knowledge of the case is far from perfect but if I had to decide what suspect is the most likely to be the Zodiac, I’d say Kaczynski. I know the police/FBI ruled him out but to me, TK wanted revenge over society at large and he wanted to exist in the eyes of it, even in the most chocking way, hence the murders, hence the letters. Then, he found a kind of niche with environmentalism and the dangers of technology and paired it with his love for explosive devices. But most certainly, the Zodiac is in the very long list of suspects for the case, but not at the top of it, far from it.

2. Did Zodiac kill Cheri Jo Bates?
I’d say no. But very likely he picked up the idea of taunting letters to accompany his murders. The Zodiac didn’t seem to have proximity with his victims for his first 2 attacks, just shot them and hurried to call the police to brag about it (Blue Spring Rocks). For Barryessa, he stabbed his victims because gunshots would have drawn attention but it looks like he did it in a hurry, reluctantly. If he didn’t go close to his victims in 1968, it’s hard for me to imagine he would have gone so close to CJB in the process of killing her in 1966. Also, his mentioning of his "Riverside business" or whatever in one of his letters was just a way to taunt Law Enforcement and cloud investigations.

3. Did Zodiac send the Albany letters?
I would be very surprised if it was the case.

4. Is Donna Lass a Zodiac victim?
To me, that’s a no. That’s just not like him at all to not let the body of a victim out in the open for everybody to see. And so, the "Peek through the pines" card must have a different signification. Somebody on this site suggested this was more or less a goodbye card, or a sort of transistion card from Zodiac to Unabomber, and I love that theory! But nothing to do with Donna Lass for me. Actually, the fact that her body was never found means it was hidden by her murderer, which means he knew her and was likely rather close to her. When someone kills a person they know, they make the body disappear in order to conceal their crime, which is not Zodiac-like at all.

5. Was that really the Zodiac driving Kathleen Johns around?
I think yes. At that point, he was growing stronger and more confident as a killer, and that semi-kidnapping shows that. It also shows the guys was mad. I mean, there’s a very little baby involved in that story, and the kidnapper didn’t seem to panic at all, to me it just means we have a real sociopath who was ready for anything. Also, the combination of murders and letters had become a game for him, and taking Kathleen Johns and her baby on that dark ride cannot be the work of a rapist, for example, because in my opinion a rapist wouldn’t have used such a complicated trick as to fooling his victim into believing there was a problem with her car wheel, etc. Rapists go get their victims, get what they want from them, kill them in most cases, then leave. Here, it looks like the guy wanted to take his time, enjoy the ride and his victim’s fear :/

6. Can the 340 cipher be solved or is it just gibberish?
Both. I think this is a message surrounded by gibberish series of characters, (all coded in a very very complicated fashion not unlike what Kaczynski has described in some letters to his prehistoric friends), yet another way to taunt everyone. But I don’t think that message is interesting or conveys any type of information that could be used to determine the Zodiac’s true identity, it must be more in the lines of "I’m a killer and I like that, you guys suck, I’m unpredictable and you’ll never catch me", some sh*t like that.

Posted : June 25, 2018 11:28 am
Posts: 11
Active Member

This layman will take a swing.
1. Who is the Zodiac (your favorite/most likely suspect)?
Team Z’s or Multiple Z’s. I’m not near as quick to dismiss Horan and others that believe in multiple Z’s.
2. Did Zodiac kill Cheri Jo Bates?
I think if he wrote the desktop poem or typed the letters than Z most likely murdered CJB.
3. Did Zodiac send the Albany letters?
4. Is Donna Lass a Zodiac victim?
Probably not
5. Was that really the Zodiac driving Kathleen Johns around?
I know it’s not exactly scientific but it sure does seem like a Zodiac thing to do. Despite KJ being wacky I would say yes.
6. Can the 340 cipher be solved or is it just gibberish?
I’m guessing jibberish.

Again, it’s not very scientific but the Domingos-Edwards murders seems very Z like to me as well. May be an early Z murder.

Posted : June 26, 2018 4:44 am
Posts: 41
Eminent Member

1) Ross Sullivan, most likely for many reasons. Only thing that makes me think twice is an absence of recorded violence from him. Opportunity, though was absolutely there. He was located near ALL of the Z murders. Also, I feel Z had flair for drama and penchant for writing and publicized unlike most serial killers. RS was thespian in HS and English major @ RCC.
2) Probably, RS attended RCC and knew the campus grounds. He would have known the 2 houses surrounding the crime scene were used for library overflow and would be empty.
3) Likely, RS lived in Binghamton, NY until age 16 and at that point was resigned to only sending letters.
4) No, seems too far away and anticlimactic after Stine.
5) No, John’s story is muddled and she has questionable credibility. Doubt she was abducted by Z.
6) The last 18 letters would equal the amount in Ross Mercer Sullivan, but who knows?

Posted : January 14, 2019 11:23 pm
Posts: 193
Estimable Member

1. Zodiac is a suspect unknown to the general public at this time. I do not rule out a team Z.
2. Zodiac probably murdered CJB. I think it is likely his second murderish rampage after the Domingues/Edwards crimes in Gaviota.
3. I am ambivalent about the Albany letter. I think it is possible.
4. Yes. I believe Lass will be the key to understanding the whole series of events when/if it is concluded. Her body’s not being found means, to me, that she knew the killer. He never took full credit for her disappearance because he surely assumed her life would be investigated fully. Then he would be more under the microscope of law enforcement than he was comfortable with.
5. Zodiac almost certainly kidnapped Johns. The key to me is the fact that her vehicle was lit on fire. I doubt seriously that she did that herself. Thus, it likely third party engaged in a crime against her. Zodiac seems like a good candidate, assuming that he actually did not see the baby until Johns got in his vehicle. Z strikes me as the kid of person who would not murder a baby–it is not sporting.
6. I think that all of the ciphers other than the 408 are complete horseshit. He sent them to occupy and confuse law enforcement.

Posted : January 17, 2019 9:20 am
Posts: 55
Trusted Member

I have my reasons to believe the following

Zodiac is a w/m, first name Paul, of Norwegian descent, blonde brownish hair, brilliant, born between 1945 and 1949. athletic, runner, blue eyes, does not wear glasses. (like the composite part of a disguise) blue eyes. 5’9” muscular, steroid user, LSD history, dual personality. today, a wealthy person and US Army veteran that liked the 35th army division patch. He has an ejaculation problem with women. Likes men and into pain and leather. Resented his mother AND father. Seeks power control situations. Hates women and dumb people. A little tidbit here…I actually had a confrontation with him. With no starting conversation, He blurted out that I was trying to murder him, Shocked me that he would say something like that to a Police Officer! But after examining the incident, it was the Zodiac inside him that took over his mind and said it. Zodiac was right! I am trying to get him to justice and thus the death penalty. It all makes sense now… That monster creature inside him cowered when a lawman he knew was looking at him showed up in the same room. Zodiac is a coward and only strikes when is sure he wins. I strongly suspect he is on this site and will read this. LoL but screw him I coming regardless you son of a bitch!

1. Who is the Zodiac (your favorite/most likely suspect)?
A. Alive and known and under surveillance. I cannot reveal his full name
2. Did Zodiac kill Cheri Jo Bates?
A. No
3. Did Zodiac send the Albany letters?
A. No
4. Is Donna Lass a Zodiac victim?
A. Zodiac had been discharged from the US Army when he killed her. She was his nurse and girlfriend at the Presidio and I believe gave him drugs out of the ward drug
locker. Zodiac had a partner name George Jonnason that helped him take her.. George was a security guard at the Sahara hotel where she worked and was an actual suspect in her disappearance.
George and Zodiac moved to Texas and continued to kill girls in the Galveston County Texas area from 1973 until 2009 when George died. Coincidently When George died he lived on a zodiac named
street named Gemini in the clear lake area of Houston. It is in the shadows of Nasa. Zodiac’s wife worked at the post office across the street from NASA manned spacecraft center… Thus the reason
or the Nasa postage stamp clue. Also the number on PO box keys sent in 1990 match a box at this post office and the one in Webster Texas just 4 miles away

5. Was that really the Zodiac driving Kathleen Johns around?
A unk
6. Can the 340 cipher be solved or is it just gibberish?
A. No, gibberish

Posted : January 19, 2019 9:47 am
Posts: 419
Reputable Member

#7 i think z was a boy scout……at this point i think its safe to say z has gotten the last laugh…he knows we dont have a clue who he is

—–i do think KJ was with the Z—-

It might be easier at this point to list undisputed facts as we know….then may be we can build off that

Posted : February 2, 2019 7:59 am
Posts: 753
Prominent Member

1. Who is the Zodiac (your favorite/most likely suspect)? None.
2. Did Zodiac kill Cheri Jo Bates? Possible
3. Did Zodiac send the Albany letters? possible
4. Is Donna Lass a Zodiac victim? possible
5. Was that really the Zodiac driving Kathleen Johns around? possible
6. Can the 340 cipher be solved or is it just gibberish? Yes, can be solved.

Yes, dyslexia is probably my first undiagnosed language.

Posted : February 2, 2019 8:09 am
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

1. Who is the Zodiac (your favorite/most likely suspect)? None. It’s important to go wherever the evidence leads you and not get fixed on any one suspect. Could be one of the famous suspects or an anonymous who will be captured GSK-style.

2. Did Zodiac kill Cheri Jo Bates? Possibly.

3. Did Zodiac send the Albany letters? Possibly, but handwriting doesn’t look like his.

4. Is Donna Lass a Zodiac victim? I think so, "Peek Through the Pines" postcard is true to his style.

5. Was that really the Zodiac driving Kathleen Johns around? Strange coincidence if it wasn’t him.

6. Can the 340 cipher be solved or is it just gibberish? Hopefully, looks like the tech people on this forum are getting there.

Posted : February 2, 2019 6:01 pm
Posts: 1210
Moderator Admin

Who is the Zodiac (your favorite/most likely suspect)?
None. Everything and everyone needs to be looked at objectively without zeroing in on one particular person.

2. Did Zodiac kill Cheri Jo Bates?
I don’t think so. Neither does the Riverside PD. Neither (as far as been publicly revealed) do other law enforcement agencies. I think Zodiac got a kick out of being connected to crimes that he didn’t do. He let the media do his publicity for him.

3. Did Zodiac send the Albany letters?

4. Is Donna Lass a Zodiac victim?
Possibly, but I don’t think so.

5. Was that really the Zodiac driving Kathleen Johns around?
LOL. Not a chance.

6. Can the 340 cipher be solved or is it just gibberish?
No. Otherwise it would have been by now. With the technology and computing and publicity surrounding the code, someone should have cracked it. I think it’s gibberish, but not by design. I think the Zodiac was an unsophisticated codemaker. He demonstrated this by making a relatively simple substitution code that was cracked in less than a day. In that code, he made multiple errors. I think he screwed up his code and unwittingly made it nonsense.

“Murder will out, this my conclusion.”
– Geoffrey Chaucer

Posted : July 25, 2019 9:20 pm
Posts: 794
Prominent Member

I believe Zodiac began his bloody career by killing CJB. My Poi attended Ramona High while Cheri was a freshman and lived in Riverside at the time of her death. He moved to San Jose in ’68, ad attended the university which would have given him lots of free time.
The Albany letter? I’m unfamiliar with it.
I think there is a good possibility Z could have driven Johns around.
I’m no graphologist, but believe the 380 or whatever is gibberish. Too many knowledgeable people have wrestled with it unsuccessfully for too long.

Posted : July 26, 2019 7:07 pm
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

1. Who is the Zodiac (your favorite/most likely suspect)?
The Zodiac is a serial letter writer UNSUB. There was no serial killer and the four canonical crimes were committed by separate individuals who did not write the letters.

2. Did Zodiac kill Cheri Jo Bates?
No. Unfortunately, there’s no shortage of killers and there is no convincing reason to believe that any of the people who committed the four canonical crimes killed CJB.

3. Did Zodiac send the Albany letters?

4. Is Donna Lass a Zodiac victim?
No. Unfortunately, there’s no shortage of killers. There is no convincing reason to believe that any of the people who committed the four canonical crimes was involved in the Donna Lass case.

5. Was that really the Zodiac driving Kathleen Johns around?
No. Unfortunately, there’s no shortage of crazy people. There is no convincing reason to believe that any of the people who committed the four canonical crimes kidnapped Kathleen Johns.

6. Can the 340 cipher be solved or is it just gibberish?
A big no. An enormous amount of time is wasted on these gibberish "ciphers."

Posted : November 21, 2019 9:19 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

2. Did Zodiac kill Cheri Jo Bates?
No. Unfortunately, there’s no shortage of killers and there is no convincing reason to believe that any of the people who committed the four canonical crimes killed CJB.

Well, those who knew more than all of us combined had a different opinion.

Posted : November 21, 2019 9:23 am
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

No arrest, no conviction, no certainty. Had the DOJ solved any of the four canonical crimes I’d be inclined to take their opinion more seriously regarding CJB. They haven’t and I don’t.

Posted : November 21, 2019 9:58 am
Posts: 419
Reputable Member

If z did kill cjb then he loved her…with severity of that homicide it was crime of passion and if he could not have her than nobody could….surely the former boyfriend would have some information regarding who that person may have been and yet it seems he does not…..

Posted : November 21, 2019 3:18 pm
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