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RCC Library-the night of CJB murder

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Which librarians were working at the RCC library on the night that CJB entered that facility? Were they interviewed by the police and the press? If so, are those interviews available to the public? Were any of the students in the library quizzed about CJB’s exit from the library that night? Is there any clear statement if she left alone or with a male? How many students were in the library that night? Who were they? Is there any photographicfilm evidence of the library that night? Are there existent records of all books checked outreturned that night?

Posted : April 27, 2018 4:23 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

The librarians would have been interviewed along with friends and family. A library reconstruction was performed on November 13th 1966, with fingerprints and hair samples taken from the 65 attendees to compare to crime scene evidence. "The participants in the reenactment at the detectives’ request, wore the same clothing and sat in the same seats that they had occupied the Sunday night of the murder. They were also asked to park their cars in the same places they had on the night of October 30. It had been determined that Cheri Jo (or a girl resembling her and in similar clothes) had arrived at the library about 5.40 pm and waited for about 20 minutes for the doors to be opened. The girl apparently entered the library as soon as the doors were opened at 6.00 pm, and checked out the books she had come for."
Nobody is entirely sure what time she left the library, or whether she was with anybody- but it’s likely she left prior to 6.30 pm.
[1] The ‘Inside Detective’ magazine recalled that a Mexican-American student noticed Cheri Jo Bates close to opening time and shortly after- who stated "he knew Cheri Jo Bates and had noticed her in the library the night in question. He said he saw the girl "writing something with a ball point pen" in her blue spiral school notebook." The boy told us he was outside about 5.30 pm, waiting for the library to open at 6, and it was then he saw the girl."
[2] The article continued "However, other students who were acquainted with Cheri Jo said they were in the library between 6.30 and 6.40 pm- and did not see the girl during that time." Neither did Walter Siebert, who stated that "he and a few friends were in the library from 7.15 pm until 9, but did not see Miss Bates, whom they all knew. They said they saw four men dressed in work clothes sitting on a fence across from the spot where Miss Bates’ car was found, but they did not know them."

What we can gather by this information, is that Cheri Jo Bates likely arrived around opening time, stayed for a brief period to locate and discharge her books, then left before the library filled up with the majority of the attendees that evening.

Posted : April 28, 2018 5:37 pm
Posts: 97
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This is the Inside Detective Article: http://zodiackillerfacts.com/uncategori … spiration/

Posted : May 6, 2018 5:07 am
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There is another possibility that has been circulating for some time. All the times stated herein are correct, but she left early after the library opened because she realized she had left her Poli Sci term paper on the Electoral College at home. She returned to her residence, picked up the paper, and returned later to the RCC library, possibly picking up a tail on the way back. Whether she did or she didn’t, she stayed until closing time, 9 p.m, and left the library, and, by some accounts, she left with a tall, male student. Again, she could have left with her murderer although it seems highly unlikely for the obvious reasons, or ran into someone outside on the way to her car, or the killer approached her at the car. All sorts of scenarios can be considered, and whether she knew her executioner or not, but the salient point here is the time of the murder does fit this time period, Remember, this was the weekend where the clocks were turned back an hour at 2:00 a.m. on Saturday night. We all know, many people, including ourselves, forget to do it, so the 10:15-10;45 timeline given by the neighbor near the location of the murder may have in fact been 9:15-9:45 p.m. The library is the key to it all, somebody saw something important, but, for a plethora of reasons, this vital link has vaporized through the years.

Posted : May 7, 2018 4:26 am
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

by some accounts, she left with a tall, male student.

Wait, who said she left with a tall male student? First I’ve heard of this.

Posted : May 7, 2018 10:21 am
Posts: 1772
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Except nobody can place her in the library from 6.30 pm to 9.00 pm- not a single attendee of the library . She certainly wasn’t spotted leaving the library with anybody. Even if both earwitnesses were both mistaken about the time, which isn’t very likely, and even if Cheri avoided being seen inside the library all evening, which is even more unlikely, she certainly wasn’t murdered between 9.00 and 9.30 pm, because a female student walked through the alleyway at 9.30 pm and saw nothing. So we’d still have over half an hour to explain away. Our most credible link in 2018 to events in 1966 are eyewitnesses- and if several who attended the library that night, who knew CJB, said they didn’t see her, then it’s likely she wasn’t there subsequent to 6.30 pm.

Posted : May 7, 2018 2:31 pm
Posts: 5315
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Seems like a lot of he said she said when it came to that night. A "Mexican-American" did see her at the library that evening. He mentioned her writing in her blue notebook with a blue ball-point pen. (Inside Detective). If that isn’t a keen observation, I don’t know what is. lol

Where did your read about someone walking through that alley Richard? Same article? Perhaps I missed it?

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : May 7, 2018 9:02 pm
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

Seems like a lot of he said she said when it came to that night. A "Mexican-American" did see her at the library that evening. He mentioned her writing in her blue notebook with a blue ball-point pen. (Inside Detective). If that isn’t a keen observation, I don’t know what is. lol

Yeah, I’ve always thought it was a bit odd the guy was so descriptive.

Where did your read about someone walking through that alley Richard? Same article? Perhaps I missed it?

I think he meant the girl who walked past the alley and said she saw some guy standing there?

Posted : May 7, 2018 10:10 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

Seems like a lot of he said she said when it came to that night. A "Mexican-American" did see her at the library that evening. He mentioned her writing in her blue notebook with a blue ball-point pen. (Inside Detective). If that isn’t a keen observation, I don’t know what is. lol

Where did your read about someone walking through that alley Richard? Same article? Perhaps I missed it?

Yes, the girl who saw the man smoking, hence the retrieval of the cigarette butt for DNA testing. You can find it on Tom’s site.
"At about 9:30 o’clock the night of the murder, a female student passed a man standing in the alley where Cheri would be attacked just minutes later. Although they didn’t know each other, the female student and unknown male said "hi" to each other. The stranger was standing in the shadows. It was later determined that from his vantage point he could have easily watched Cheri’s VW Bug while she was in the library. Several years later, RPD showed the female student a photo lineup which contained Barnett’s picture. Although she could not identify anyone in the lineup, she initially had described clothing on the unknown male that matched what Barnett was wearing the night of the murder."

Posted : May 8, 2018 1:08 am
Posts: 794
Prominent Member

In ’91, I talked to Bud Kelly of RPD, and mentioned the time change. "He said: "I didn’t think about that," which inclines me to believe RPD hadn’t taken the time change into consideration.

Posted : May 8, 2018 1:13 am
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

Seems like a lot of he said she said when it came to that night. A "Mexican-American" did see her at the library that evening. He mentioned her writing in her blue notebook with a blue ball-point pen. (Inside Detective). If that isn’t a keen observation, I don’t know what is. lol

Where did your read about someone walking through that alley Richard? Same article? Perhaps I missed it?

Yes, the girl who saw the man smoking, hence the retrieval of the cigarette butt for DNA testing. You can find it on Tom’s site.
"At about 9:30 o’clock the night of the murder, a female student passed a man standing in the alley where Cheri would be attacked just minutes later. Although they didn’t know each other, the female student and unknown male said "hi" to each other. The stranger was standing in the shadows. It was later determined that from his vantage point he could have easily watched Cheri’s VW Bug while she was in the library. Several years later, RPD showed the female student a photo lineup which contained Barnett’s picture. Although she could not identify anyone in the lineup, she initially had described clothing on the unknown male that matched what Barnett was wearing the night of the murder."

Hmm, I’ve always thought that meant she saw him in the alley as she walked down the sidewalk on the street, but maybe not.

Why would she be walking in the alley? Was it a shortcut? I though it sort of ended at the vacant buildings.

Posted : May 8, 2018 1:40 am
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These are the two view points on the time of the murder. I think the later time is correct. Just because no one stated they saw anything does not mean they are telling the truth. In fact, that NOBODY admits to seeing her seems to me a matter of not wanting any involvement in the murder. Remember, these students needed to return to the same place day after day, and, at that time, nobody knew who the killer was and he could certainly be among them and strike again. Collective memory loss is quite common in these situations, and the fact the murderer has never been apprehended would hardly prompt someone to come forward now. The killer may still be alive and people murder at all ages, so that wouldn’t be an explanation for someome not coming forward at the present time. The standard perspective has not been fruitful coming on a half a century.

Posted : May 8, 2018 2:49 am
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From Zodiac Cyphers: ”Placing the murder at 9.15 pm sounds more plausible, based upon the fact that the library closed at 9.00 pm….It(the estimated high end liver temperature)places the murder at 9.31 pm or slightly earlier.” I would encourage those interested to go to the source and read the entire article-”Cheri Jo Bates-The Autopsy Findings.” It is balanced in nature and admits the possibility of all other scenarios presented in the general discussion. The plain fact is none of these theories can be discarded on the testimony, or lack of, from the time of the murder to the present. Eye witness testimony is notoriously inaccurate.

Posted : May 8, 2018 3:20 am
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https://www.pe.com/2013/11/30/riverside … a-mystery/

Posted : May 8, 2018 6:06 pm
Posts: 19
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This was mentioned on the Criminology podcast that the coroner found food in her stomach that was determined to place a meal shortly before or in between the time she might have been at the library. No one is certain if she left to eat or ate before going inside. That screws with the entire timeline. Also you have to take into account Daylight Savings. Did anyone confirm what time the clocks where people questioned where referring too? Did they change the time? It could be possible the 10pm people say they heard a scream was actually 9pm.

Posted : February 27, 2019 10:59 am
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